pagi tadi ada lagi...tetiba je mlm ni dh ilang.
dh 2 pages kalo tak silap.
topik baru utk stardust...

A young man named Tristan (Charlie Cox) tries to win the heart of Victoria (Sienna Miller), the beautiful but cold object of his desire, by going on a quest to retrieve a fallen star. His journey takes him to a mysterious and forbidden land beyond the walls of his village. On his odyssey, Tristan finds the star, which has transformed into a striking girl named Yvaine (Claire Danes). However, Tristan is not the only one seeking the star. A king's (Peter O'Toole) four living sons - not to mention the ghosts of their three dead brothers - all need the star as they vie for the throne. Tristan must also overcome the evil witch, Lamia (Michelle Pfeiffer), who needs the star to make her young again. As Tristan battles to survive these threats, encountering a pirate named Captain Shakespeare (Robert De Niro) and a shady trader named Ferdy the Fence (Ricky Gervais) along the way, his quest changes. He must now win the heart of the star for himself as he discovers the meaning of true love.
Starring: Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sienna Miller, Charlie Cox
Directed by: Matthew Vaughn
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Adaptation

*(info dr yahoo movie)
reviews (dr movie.com)

[ Last edited by sayangidaku at 28-10-2007 09:52 AM ] |
fly mintak maaf byk2 .........
nak kata fly tak selalu wat, tp da selalu sgt wat
wat delete thread / posting spam
faham2 jer la sejak ada anti darsita n anti dexa nie
so siang tadi ..... fly ada delete 4-6 posting kat 5 thread berlainan
kat main board movies n tv ........
n masa delete tuh ... server problem
fly tekan button refresh ..
nie br 5-10 min td .....
fly dpt msg dr sayangidaku
dia trima msg n so dia pm kat fly
ada maksud yg dia trima .......
fly ckp ... tak tau coz tak pnah trima sebelum nie
so fly cek kat admin cp .........
cek2 n fly recall ..... teringat yg fly ada delete posting
fly_in_d_sky Moderator -...* 27-10-07 18:49 Movies & TV ANAK HALAL deleted
fly_in_d_sky Moderator -...* 27-10-07 18:49 Movies & TV KUNTILANAK ... deleted
fly_in_d_sky Moderator -...* 27-10-07 18:48 Movies & TV FilemBaru: ... deleted
fly_in_d_sky Moderator -...* 27-10-07 18:46 Movies & TV FILEM YG P ... deleted
fly_in_d_sky Moderator -...* 27-10-07 18:44 Movies & TV ✰ S ... deleted Advertisement / SPAM
so 5 thread nie ..... fly cek ada 4-6 posting spam
fly delete la cam biasa plus server bengong
so fly tak tau jd cam nie
nak retrieve thread tu balik
da tak boleh coz da delete
so kalau ramai nak salahkan fly pun takleh gak
coz masa tu server mmg mengong
serius fly tak tipu ...... kalau tipu pun dpt ape
kalau fly nak delete thread korang2 sume ape fly dpt
stardust tu citer pe ek?
kawan cecco ajak tgk wayang sbtu depan.tapi citer pasal pe tatau. |
Reply #2 fly_in_d_sky's post
ok, tq fly sbb bg penjelasan. |
aku kasi 8.5/10 utk citer ni. surprisingly citer ni bagus n menghiburkan.
awal2 agak boring. aku ingtkan citer ni ala2 cheesy, rupanya tak.
robert deniro n michelle pfeiffer mmg penyeri filem ni. claire danes pun not bad. |
kat start kat wayang ke belum????? |
Reply #7 Eddlisa_uyuk's post
dah. preview screening dh start hari khamis/jumaat aritu.
tygan sebenar 1 nov. |
aku dah tengok dvd.memang best gak citer die ni
die memula cam best pastu boring sket pastu best balik.bile tengah2 cerita bosan gile.pastu dah hujung2 tu best balik
movie ala2 harry potter versi laju,memang jenis fantasy and romance.well overall aku bagi 5 out of 10 |
film ni teruk jugak kutipan kat US.. aku ingta cite ni macam bakal box officegegile.. aku akan tengok cite ni.. sebab ade michelle ngan robert de niro..btw, abang robert nampak ensem dalam cite ni |
filem yg wajib aku tonton.............tp kenaper aku rase claire danes cam tak sesuai.....but...sapa2 yg dah tgk tu boleh kasik review sket tak? tp apa2 pun memang aku nak tgk citer ni.....lagi pun dah lama tak tgk wayang.......... |
citer ne ade adegan 18sx x?... |
preview dia nampak best tu...... |
Originally posted by philipinoe2 at 29-10-2007 12:59 PM 
citer ne ade adegan 18sx x?...
takde sangat.cume secara literally.macam masa ade bapak kpd hero tu buat projek ngan ade slave tu and dapat anak.anak tu nanti jadi hero cite nih.ade arr
nak best korang kene tengok sendrik.sbb kalo aku cite.walau sikit je pon tapi memang spoil abis.sebab rasanya cam satu part tu berkait ngan sume babak kot.rasanya le |
kiter baca review ramai write as so and so movie...
Tgh pikir2 ni nak tgk either 1408 or stardust.. wat do u suggest ek |
Originally posted by sayang_mulut at 29-10-2007 03:19 AM 
film ni teruk jugak kutipan kat US.. aku ingta cite ni macam bakal box officegegile.. aku akan tengok cite ni.. sebab ade michelle ngan robert de niro..btw, abang robert nampak ensem dalam cite ni
De Niro drag dalam citer nie.... |
Reply #9 MetalFire's post
aik.. dh kuar dvd ke?? |
wah..1 lagi citer besttt..fantasiii..i laikkk |
Di Adaptasi Dari Komik
best.. 7/10
mule2 nmpk cam boring+serius je sampaila part perebutan kuasa for the next ruler of stormhold.. hati kering btol raja stormhold dah nazak pon boleh gelak tgk kebodohan anak2 die kekeke. hero die tristan pon cute  |
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