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James Patterson

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Post time 13-9-2007 11:02 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
I have just discovered this writer.. berzaman dah dia menulis, tapi baru sibuk nak baca. Sebab one of my colleagues pinjam buku dia kat CM.. then I started reading, and I am hooked..

James Patterson ni tulis buku thriller.. ala-ala CSI pun ada.. rasa macam tengok movie pun ada kalau baca buku dia.

I have read only 3 books by James Patterson, currently:
(1) Cradle & All
(2) The 5th Horsemen - The Women's Murder Club series
(3) Judge & Jury

I noticed,as of current, banyak buku-buku baru dia.. dia collaborate with other writers e.g: Andrew Gross & Maxine Pietro.. bila dia engage dengan other writers, the novel seemed much fresher.. memang different idea ni.. 2 penulis untuk satu buku

And currently I am aiming to buy his 'Maximum Ride' series.. novel pasal budak2 yang ada syaap (wings) melarikan diri dari lab. Budak-budak ni dikejar oleh another clan, Erasers (human+wolf feature)

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2007 11:02 AM | Show all posts
James Patterson, the subject of a recent Time magazine feature called, "The Man Who Can't Miss," is
  • The bestselling author of the past year, bar none, with more than 12 million books sold in North America alone. In total, James's books have sold an estimated 130 million copies worldwide.
  • The creator of the #1 new detective series of the past dozen years, featuring Alex Cross and including the Hollywood-adapted Along Came a Spider and Kiss the Girls, starring Morgan Freeman.
  • The creator of the #1 new detective series of the past 5 years, featuring Lindsay Boxer and the other members of the Women's Murder Club. The most recent bestseller in that series is the record-breaking The 5th Horseman.
  • The first author to have #1 new titles simultaneously on New York Times adult and children's lists. James's first foray into kid-accessible fiction, the critically acclaimed Maximum Ride series, debuted on the list at #1 and remained there for 12 straight weeks. The series has so far been on the New York Times bestsellers lists for more than 54 weeks, proving that kids love pageturners, too!
  • One of a handful of authors whose sales have been growing over the past two years, even as bestselling fiction sales have been sluggish.
  • The author of novels--from The Thomas Berryman Number (1976) to Honeymoon (2005)--that have won awards including the Edgar, the BCA Mystery Guild's Thriller of the Year, and the International Thriller of the Year award.
  • One of Forbes magazine's top 100 celebrities.
  • The creator of the books behind six movies on the Hollywood fast-track, including the young adult series Maximum Ride, an adaptation of the celebrated illustrated children's book, santaKid, the thrillers Honeymoon and Lifeguard, the Alex Cross series, and a stunning horror novel to be published later on in '07, You've Been Warned. His Women's Murder Club series has also been green-lighted as a pilot for ABC television, and could be on the air as soon as fall, 2007



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 Author| Post time 13-9-2007 11:04 AM | Show all posts
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment

Do not put this book down. I'm dead serious - your life could depend on it. I'm risking everything by telling you - but you need to know.

STRAP YOURSELF IN for the thrill ride you'll want to take again and again! From Death Valley, California, to the bowels of the New York City subway system, you're about to take off on a heart-stopping adventure that will blow you away...

YOUR FAITHFUL COMPANIONS: Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, and Angel. Six kids who are pretty normal in most ways - except that they're 98 percent human, 2 percent bird. They grew up in a lab, living like rats in cages, but now they're free. Aside, of course, from the fact that they're prime prey for Erasers - wicked wolflike creatures with a taste for flying humans.

THE MISSIONS: Rescue Angel from malicious mutants. Infiltrate a secret facility to track down the flock's missing parents. Scavenge for sustenance. Get revenge on an evil traitor. And save the world. If there's time.
Thriller-writing sensation James Patterson, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller When the Wind Blows, invites you on a quest full of nonstop action, adrenaline, mystery, and suspense. Want to come along for the ride?

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2007 11:05 AM | Show all posts
James B. Patterson (born March 22, 1947) is an award-winning American author. Formerly the chairman of advertising company J. W. Thompson in the early 1990s, Patterson came up with the slogan "Toys R Us Kid". Shortly after his success with Along Came A Spider, he retired from the firm and devoted his time to writing. The novels



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Post time 13-9-2007 11:10 AM | Show all posts
one of my favourite authors ni.... suka alex cross series.....

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2007 11:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 chempaka_ku's post

chempaka_ku.. i belum baca alex cross series.. care to share some tots on the series?

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Post time 13-9-2007 02:12 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the review... definitely going to look for his books... dh ada receommendation kat sini nih... boleh baca weekend....

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Post time 13-9-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
TQ puan limau for introducing me to him

excellent writer!

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Post time 13-9-2007 08:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 limau_nipis's post

...tak benar-benar ingat, have to refer buku-buku tu.....tapi basically series ni ada ok ada so so.....

sama macam series yang lain..... ada cerita family dr alex, his life, marriage dan career dia as psychologist, agent...... sudah baca mary mary.....very fast, banyak bunuh-bunuh, buat kita teka-teka connections semua ni, perasan jadi dr alex ......cross belum lagi beli......

i think ada new series starting with step on a crack, kinda interesting sebab the main character banyak adopted kids, dan wife dia mati sebab cancer dalam the 1st book tu kalau tak silap..... boleh nangis baca, sangat sedih



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 Author| Post time 14-9-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 chempaka_ku's post

cross ada kat kedai CM.. hari tu teruja nak angkat.. tapi sebab buku baru, biar lunyai dulu, baru harga sewa buku murah sikit

maximum ride pun ada buku baru kat CM.. biar dulu orang lain pinjam, kang nak dekat hancur baru aku baca.. selamat duit

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2007 10:24 AM | Show all posts
in case sape2 taktahu lagi..
maximum ride series ada blog, updated by the kids with the wings.. seronok baca blog depa, cam betul2 hidup je budak2 angels ni

6 Kids, 12 Wings, and 1 Blog!
Welcome to Fang's Blog. My blog. Well, OUR blog.
(Max, Nudge & Ig post from time to time, too.)

Read through old entries to see where we've been, and keep on reading to see where we'll go.
Maybe YOU can guess, cause when you're a kid with wings, ANYTHING is possible.

Blogging rules!




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Post time 14-9-2007 09:10 PM | Show all posts
I love him. suka baca psl alex cross & his close knit family. tapi tak semua cases akan dpt di solve at the end of the book, sometimes the murderer/s got away and will appear in the next book, becoming worse.

yg stand alone novel pun ok. I like 'judge and jury'. the twist and turn tu memang shocking.

the maximum ride series tu I belum teruja nak baca. nak juga habiskan series alex cross dgn women murder club dulu.



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 Author| Post time 16-9-2007 12:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 smeetasmitten's post

where did you find the women's murder club series?
aku nak baca the 1st till 3rd novel? tapi tak jumpe laaa

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Post time 16-9-2007 10:42 PM | Show all posts
normally I rent from the bookshop in Central Market. But of course you cant get them in the chronological order. apa yg ada di kedai itu le yg ku sewa.



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Post time 17-9-2007 11:02 AM | Show all posts
The 5th Horsemen - The Women's Murder Club series <---- my personal favourite

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 Author| Post time 21-9-2007 02:20 PM | Show all posts
huhuh.. baru pergi CM dan sewa 2 buku ni

(1) Lifeguard

The danger isn't in the water.
Working as a lifeguard at a Florida resort, Ned Kelly meets a woman he is wild about, the woman of his dreams. It feels perfect in every way - except that she is used to caviar and Manolo Blahniks, and he is used to burgers and flip-flops. She is a guest at the luxurious hotel - he lives above a garage.
So when Ned's cousin offers to cut him in on a rich deal he's been commissioned to execute, Ned can't turn him down. The plan is simple, just a fast break-and-enter. The risk is high, and the reward is even greater - $5 million. But on the night of the heist, something goes devastatingly wrong. Who will save the lifeguard?
Ned walks away from his job, his town, and the woman he's fallen in love with. Runs away, actually, knowing that only velocity and secrecy can save his life. But who is pursuing him? The FBI? Whoever sabotaged the heist? Or is it all somehow tied into his new love - and his oldest enemies?

(2) Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever

If you've already devoured James Patterson's #1 bestselling blockbuster MAXIMUM RIDE: THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT, stop right here



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 Author| Post time 21-9-2007 02:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 naz_bella's post

no 1-4 tak best sgt ke compared to no 5?

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Post time 22-9-2007 10:15 PM | Show all posts

a very good author  and his books are very enjoyable to read -
i read his first book - along came the spider whereby patterson
introduced alex cross   
and since then i've been reading most his books ( i missed few and
will try to rent them  as soon as i can)  -

his book - kiss the girl  was made into movie quite some time ago
starring ashley judd   and it was not bad movie at all
i think morgan freeman played alex cross -

i havent read his 4 latest books but i will try to make a time for that -

patterson used very simple english and easy language to understand
i recommend this even for late teenagers whom can appreciate  fiction --



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 Author| Post time 25-9-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts
i love the maximum ride book... best best best banget!
rasa macam remaja semula..

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2007 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Book review: Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever
'These kids don't need broomsticks to fly'

That's the motto for the Maximum Ride series.

Since I am currently obsessed with reading all James Patterson's books, it was a simple matter to pick this up eventhough this is the first venture by James Patterson for teen adult market.

Maximum Ride series is a spin off from his previous adult novels, When The Wind Blows and The Lake House.

And as I wrote earlier, I prefer this than Harry Potter. Yes you, who have not known what to read after HP, I have found the perfect replacement to fill your time.

I have searched high and low for the first installment of Maximum Ride (Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment), but since I could not find it, I started with this second book; Maximum Ride: School's Out Forever.

Meet Max (14), Fang (14), Iggy (14, he's blind), Gasman (8), Nudge (11) and Angel (6) (oh, don't forget about the talking dog -Total-). They are reengineered kids with wings to fly (human-bird hybrid). They were being hunted by the Erasers (another pack of kids with the ability of turning into wolves; human-wolf hybrid) since they escaped from the lab.

This book is funny! It is sharp, had street slangs and all the right punches from what you expected from James Patterson's books. It also proves girls can be tough (oh yeah, Max is the leader of the pack, and she's a girl!).

I was laughing along the way with the book, with a lot of scary moments when they were being hunted by the Erasers. Fang even had the time to blog ( eventhough the pack were always on the run. Along the way, they try to search for their own identity and long-lost parents.

A few scenes that makes me smirk and LOL:

When an FBI agent asked Gasman his name;
'And how do you spell that?' the agent asked.
'Captain, like the captain of a ship,' the Gasman explained. And then Terror, you know, T-E-R-R-O-R.'
'Your name is Captain Terror.'

Angel, who had the ability to read and manipulate minds, while fighting with an Eraser:
'You're getting scray, you know that?' I said to Angel, not really kidding. I mean, making an Eraser drop right out of the sky by just telling him to - jeez.

Angel even manipulate the mind of the President of USA! (no kidding)

And this one tops the cake, when they were trying to break codes and said maybe a book can be matched with the code series.
'Not yet' Nudge said. 'There're still a couple of things we haven't tried. Like if the numbers all relate back to a book.'
'Which book?' asked Iggy.
'A big book, with lots of words. A book that wouldn't be hard for you to find,' said Nudge. 'Something all over the place, that a lot of people have.'
'The Da Vinci Code?' the Gasman suggested.

By the end of the book, the kids were still on the run. I would expect that since this book is the second from the trilogy. But it ends on high notes, all ends well

Yes, the third, and last book (Maximum Ride: Saving The World and Other Extreme Sports) is out already, eventhough it hasn't reach our shores yet.

I am keeping my fingers crossed since I aready read rave reviews for the last installment.

Bring it on, James Patterson!

'The man is the master of his genre. We fans will have one wish for him: write even faster' -USA Today



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