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The USA's M4 Carbine Controversy
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Readers may recall "2006 Carbine Competition: What Happened, Revealed" back in February 2007. It discussed an Army solicitation for competitive procurement of 5.56mm carbines, which was withdrawn once the primary manufacturer Colt dropped its prices. The DoD's Inspector General got involved, and the Army dissented, defending its practices as a sound negotiating approach that saved the taxpayer a lot of money on the contract. As it turns out, there's a sequel. A major sequel.
It seemed like a routine request. Order more M4 carbines for US forces in the pending FY 2007 supplemental, FY 2008 budget, and FY 2008 supplemental funding bills. It has turned into anything but a routine exercise, however |
Apa masalah M4 carbine ni...betul ke senang jam bila digunakan di kawasan gurun berpasir mcm di Timur Tengah??
Malaysia pulak baru je nak decommission Steyr dan ganti dgn M4 carbine ni.Alasannya ialah boleh dipasang dengan pelbagai kits, mudah dikendali serta tepat utk engagement dalam jarak 300 meter manakala Steyr mudah jam dan panas bila ditembak full auto. |
Reply #2 areguard's post
Mcm tu ler lebih kurang, walaupun aku nie tak berapa arif sangat tapi M4 nie sensitif sikit. Masa us dari perang teluk yg 1st lagi dah ada masalah nie so us ader serahkan kepada 1 syarikat jerman bt modifikasi M4 dan terhasilah H&K 416. model nie diorang siap test tanam dlm lupur la n mcm lagi masih lagi ok ..tembak ngan mod ful auto pun masih okey. Dlm tahun nie H&K ader bt demo kat mesia .. Kalau aku ader silap info sesiaper tolong betoi kan aku eik .... |
Reply #2 areguard's post
masa DSA dulu, M'sia membeli 20,000 pucuk rifle M4 nih katanya utk menggantikan Styer, dah buat delivery ke lum.....? or memang confirm ker nak tukar semuanya ke M4 atau berkenan kat XM-8 lak............? |
Originally posted by jofizo at 31-7-2007 04:36 PM 
HK XM-8 kan........?
XM-8 ni bukan PDRM ke yg dah test drive? Ada terbaca dalam Tempur pasal XM-8 diujinilai oleh PDRM bukan Army. Army dah setuju nak angkat 20k pucuk M4. (pucuk??) Anyway..nanti aku check balik Tempur... |
m'sia patut guna SS2 dr bangsa serumpun beb... |
Reply #7 laksmana_tldm's post
Forget it with the SS2, why should we support them. They have never supported us. Choose weapons based on needs and performance. For instance, not every abu, atan and ali needs to be carrying a brand spanking new M4 type carbine with laser illuminator. A Vehicle mechanic can get by with the old M-16, or Styer. It seems to me logic and rationale acquisition is beyond us. |
Reply #6 areguard's post
sebenarnya XM-8 telah diujinilai oleh ATM dan PDRM. bab pucuk tu, wa selalu cakap laras je. senang org nk paham. tapi tepat ke idak, tak tau le. |
Reply #7 laksmana_tldm's post
yang langgar kapal peronda kita dan bakar bendera kita tak lama dulu. yeah rite.... |
Reply #9 tin's post
betul tu penggunaan penjodoh bilangan ; laras bukannya pucuk  |
Originally posted by tin at 1-8-2007 08:27 AM 
yang langgar kapal peronda kita dan bakar bendera kita tak lama dulu. yeah rite....
Agreed. I also agree with what CW had said earlier. |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #14 mat_toro's post
Editted so as not to make MT cross hehehe
[ Last edited by taiaha at 1-8-2007 11:06 AM ] |
Reply #16 taiaha's post
Nice pic but please note these Army Rifle Shooting Team of AARM is wearing Singaporean webbing, snicker!, a lot of confidence that tells us. |
Originally posted by capable_warrior at 1-8-2007 10:43 AM 
Nice pic but please note these Army Rifle Shooting Team of AARM is wearing Singaporean webbing, snicker!, a lot of confidence that tells us.
No it's not Sg webbing CW, i know it looks like the Ephod copy they had used earlier before the intro of the new vest. The badge gave it away huh? (AARM) hehehe |
mat_toro This user has been deleted
Reply #16 taiaha's post
Aiyaaa... berapa kali mau paste the same pic laa... |
Originally posted by mat_toro at 1-8-2007 10:56 AM 
Aiyaaa... berapa kali mau paste the same pic laa...
Ok fine, i will obey thee hehe |
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