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Author: lealaurielle


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Post time 30-4-2007 01:58 PM | Show all posts


for me, beauty is really important. brain? juz read the book then u got it.

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Post time 30-4-2007 03:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CosmoCrimson at 30-4-2007 01:58 PM
for me, beauty is really important. brain? juz read the book then u got it.

the speech of the narrow minded person........
beauty erodes and degrades with age.....................

EVERYONE gets old......

I`ve seen many girl or guy trying to charm the opposite sex with sexy; beauty etc....

they don`t last long as they love the outer layer.... the shell.........

book can give you knowledge but no wisdom and brain.........

[ Last edited by  wei_loon5063 at 30-4-2007 03:52 PM ]

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Post time 30-4-2007 07:38 PM | Show all posts
beauty can be so abstract that what some consider as beautiful may seen as aerghhh :kant:  to others   

brain can be so obscured that what some consider as true may seen as false :ketuk:  to others

[ Last edited by  free2rhyme at 30-4-2007 07:40 PM ]

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Post time 3-5-2007 12:03 PM | Show all posts
beauty...I have a friend who was supposed to be married this July to the most beautiful woman in his town. Her beauty is so mesmerizing even the most beautiful woman in Kl will stop in awe to stare at her. But alas she screams raise her voice towards him and his family. Choose her or his family she said. He had too much said she had to change. She dropped him. Go away! I am too beautiful for u.

Now he is sad crying over what he had lost...I lost the most beautiful woman he said...I am a loser he said...

But beauty to him may be ugly to another.

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Post time 4-5-2007 07:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by free2rhyme at 26-4-2007 06:56 PM
the beauty of knowledge is non physical. it is beyond form. timeless borderless and formless

If we talk about knowledge acquired by human, then how can it be timeless, borderless and fo ...

what is human knowledge? and what is inhuman knowledge?  whether inhuman is GOD or an alien, i dont care .

u mentioned Pharoah civilisation and the knowledge buried with his ppl.

i ask u, what about those 'Islam civilisation'?  i wonder why muslems keep longing for their past achievements , were not those know how buried with them?

look around you, all those sophisticated things , all those modern tools in life, are they not have some influenced from 'past knowledge' or the 'death knowledge'?

do u think knowledge 'died' together with a person..or it is simply a dust return to dust cases?

some ATTRIBUTES of knowledge are non physical, borderless, timeless, an enlightenment experience

knowledge itself is beautiful, itself is a beauty 'item', u seek knowledge meaning u gain beauty, u r beautiful, u r beautiful in what ever u do or merely standing like patung.

how do u really 'convinced' that Pharoah civilisation knowledge were buried with the ppl?

if any knowledge makes u wiser , it is a civilisation

if any knowledge makes u merely a robot then it is a machinisation

u have 2 minds or one mind? u have 2 memory or one memory?

we have conscious and unconcious mind and we have short term memory and long term memory.

do we have two human or one human being?

i think ur belief is human acquired knowledge and died with it

my proposition is human acquired knowledge and then the bodies died but the knowledge is freed. This knowledge can be picked up by anyone who has 'mind vibration' to some extent, by way of meditation, in form of prayer, in deep faith and etc. What is being written as 'miracle' is simply supernatural event that is very hard to decipher in daily human language.

I believe there is no death in knowledge. As u said, timeless, that is true, then why making a proposition that human acquiring knowledge when they died the knowledge will die with ur logic, the sunna or prophet tradition should be shunned out so the world of islam just follow the GOD's revelation, the quran because some of the knowledge about islam and the islam ways have died when Mohammad s.a.w. died. Rely purely on quran then, but why HADITH have become the second source of Syariah in Islamic World?

look at what the prophet mentioned, as they said some of his words, 'when a man died, his salvation depending on 3 things, his soleh son, his asset on what he had done with it while alive, and his knowledge, on what he has spreaded or taught  during his life.

Please remember that the 'revelation knowledge' as in quran, can be accepted without accepting the oneness of GOD.

A short term memory is just like a short term knowledge, u acquired today, maybe tommorrow it's gone. But does it really gone just the case in memory, does it really 'not there' or u simply do not know HOW to access? So u need long term memory, the foundation, the akidah, the iman principle, the faith. The same like conscious and unconscious mind. It is ONE MIND but we split it to understand better. We u asleep..are u really unconscious or u actually conscious? The subconscious is the foundation of conscious thinking or the rational mind.

When u died, ur knowledge of anything 'is freed', it goes back to the ocean of knowledge, hanging somewhere in some 'energy drive or vibes', some other living man or woman when their mind is being 'whipped' to certain frequency, they can access  'your' knowledge and bringing it back to realm of reality or modern life in the form of any innovation.

If you cannot find it doesnt mean it is not there, if the Pharoah civilisation cannot be revived in term of the ppl knowledge, doesnt mean it is not 'around' us, it is a matter of 'seek and find'. That what i meant u must seek knowledge then u will be beautiful. Only beautiful can recognised any beauty in all HIS creations.



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Post time 4-5-2007 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 30-4-2007 03:51 PM

the speech of the narrow minded person........
beauty erodes and degrades with age.....................

EVERYONE gets old......

I`ve seen many girl or guy trying to charm the opp ...

any knowledge MUST BE DISCERNED , in order to enter kingdom of wise

but aint for this discernment , u need BRAIN ?

what is philosophy? the love of wisdom

what do u stuff ur brain with? u stuffed it up with knowledge , are u not?

then what? it just stays there? that is why i believed the human MIND (brains as the generator of its power) is an OPEN ENDED system. so we can conclude that beauty and brain is always in circular motion simply because of this open ended system, beauty makes brainy and brainy makes u beautiful, and this circle is timeless in term of knowledge but time constraint in term of a dead brain(no oxigen).



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Post time 5-5-2007 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 30-4-2007 03:51 PM

the speech of the narrow minded person........
beauty erodes and degrades with age.....................

EVERYONE gets old......

I`ve seen many girl or guy trying to charm the opp ...

they are not narrow minded, just that some people, prefer to be blinded by all the superficial stuff

for me its their lost, in trying to find what is needed in their life, to compliment them

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Post time 6-5-2007 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dutchy at 5-5-2007 02:32 PM
they are not narrow minded, just that some people, prefer to be blinded by all the superficial stuff

for me its their lost, in trying to find what is needed in their life, to compliment them

Okie........ take back my word then it its not appropriate.......

But to me still the same

they are lost because they are narrow minded.........

it is ok to compliment your self once in a while with material stuff.. just don`t too obssess with it till try to satisfy with any material stufff......

btw dutchy.... ko melayu ke belanda???

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Post time 6-5-2007 01:59 AM | Show all posts
knowledge is everlasting,beauty is not..



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Post time 6-5-2007 02:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Atomic_Omnikid at 6-5-2007 01:59 AM
knowledge is everlasting,beauty is not..

Look at Ichigo`s father.....

He tries to maintain his wife`s beauty in the poster in his house......

Back to topic......


trying to make his lover`s beauty eternal with his knowledge  

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Post time 6-5-2007 12:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 6-5-2007 02:49

Look at Ichigo`s father.....

He tries to maintain his wife`s beauty in the poster in his house......

Back to topic......


trying to make his lover ...

sonnet 18 rite?

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Post time 12-5-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts
beauty is subjective word... is how u define beauty coz is wary depending on the viewer eyes and mind... but brain u can nurture it with books, trivia and etc... it's all depending on our will to make it happen.

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Post time 15-5-2007 08:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 6-5-2007 01:52 AM

Okie........ take back my word then it its not appropriate.......

But to me still the same

they are lost because they are narrow minded.........

it is ok to complimen ...

me~~ melayu lah

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Post time 15-5-2007 08:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #66 ajinomotonosuga's post

so with brains, you r saying that, it can masked an ugly exterior? Or does the person becomes beautiful in ur eyes, because he/she got brains

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Post time 16-5-2007 11:56 AM | Show all posts
wow, still talking about this matter? well take a break and have a look at this lady; Zara Salin Davidson? she in fact has both. hmm... interesting...

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Post time 16-5-2007 06:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 16-5-2007 11:56 AM
wow, still talking about this matter? well take a break and have a look at this lady; Zara Salin Davidson? she in fact has both. hmm... interesting...

Who the heck is she?

Is she really good?

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Post time 17-5-2007 11:01 AM | Show all posts
she is about now to be married to Raja Dr Nazrin shah.. .. is she really good well  CV wise she is cognitively interesting and socially appealing .

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Post time 17-5-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts
excessive expenditure of Rakyat's tax money is the order of the day when talking about such royal wedding, extravagant preparation with senseless rituals and rites that got nothing to do with Islam whatsoever but more to do with parameswara culture   . And some of the Rakyat can still feel proud to have their tax money wasted on such event all the while poor people in the country are struggling like no other to fulfill the most basic needs in their life. The existence of monarchy presents a system of caste where humans are segregated based on their social status which is totally unislamic .

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 17-5-2007 12:37 PM ]

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Post time 17-5-2007 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 17-5-2007 11:01 AM
she is about now to be married to Raja Dr Nazrin shah.. .. is she really good well牋CV wise she is cognitively interesting and socially appealing .

Oo.. dia punya long time friend masa study dulu tu...

Aku terbaca tapi tak ingat namanya. Lambat kahwin memang menunggu yang satu nampaknya...

CV memang hebat.

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Post time 17-5-2007 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blastoff at 17-5-2007 12:22 PM
excessive expenditure of Rakyat's tax money is the order of the day when talking about such royal wedding, extravagant preparation with senseless rituals and rites that got nothing to do with Isl ...

If not for our unique heteregenous society, probably the monarchy system will be dissolved or become much weaker爐han爐oday.燭hey爓ill燼lso爃ave爈esser爌erks than today.

It's still necessary as a symbol and political stabilizer, I think.

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