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Sabbath: Question to Truth.8

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Post time 2-10-2006 11:00 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
I create this thread because I want to know about Sabbath that is roamed by Truth.8...

I want Truth.8 to give Verse that say Sabbath day is Saturday.

Just a simple asking.

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 Author| Post time 2-10-2006 04:37 PM | Show all posts
to Truth.8

Where the verse please.......

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Post time 2-10-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by i212 at 2-10-2006 11:00 AM
I create this thread because I want to know about Sabbath that is roamed by Truth.8...

I want Truth.8 to give Verse that say Sabbath day is Saturday.

Just a simple asking.

Leviticus 23 lists all of God's commanded festivals in order. The first of God's festivals is to be observed every week?he weekly Sabbath day (Leviticus 23:3).

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we find that God created man on the sixth day (Genesis 1:24-31). "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made" (Genesis 2:2-3).

The Hebrew word for "rested" is shabath and is related to the word Sabbath. Literally, God sabbathed, or rested; He ceased from the work of creating (Exodus 20:8-11).

In resting, God also blessed and sanctified the seventh day as a gift for mankind (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 16:29). To sanctify something means to make it holy. Since God made the Sabbath holy (Exodus 16:23; 20:11; Nehemiah 9:14), He instructed those who follow Him to remember to keep it holy by also resting (Exodus 20:8-11; Deuteronomy 5:12-15).

Keeping the Sabbath, then, reminds us that God is our Creator.

Besides making the Sabbath for rest, God also revealed that the Sabbath is a day of worship. In Leviticus 23 He told Moses: "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'The feasts of the Lord, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are My feasts. Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings'" (verses 1-3). Holy convocations are sacred assemblies for worship.

When Jesus Christ came to earth, He did not come to abolish or weaken God's commands (Matthew 5:17). He came to "exalt the law and make it honorable" (Isaiah 42:21). Jesus kept the Sabbath (Mark 1:21; 6:2; Luke 4:16; 6:6), as did the apostles and other members of the early Church (Acts 13:14; 17:2). Gentile believers met with them on the Sabbath (Acts 13:42, 44; 18:4).

This blessing from God, enshrined as one of the Ten Commandments, did not change. The seventh day of the week?bserved from Friday evening to Saturday evening?ontinued as God's commanded holy day for rest and worship. Even though people later initiated a change to worshiping on Sunday, God's command was never rescinded, nor was there biblical authorization for a change to the first day of the week

coming next : Is Sabbath Saturday?

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 2-10-2006 05:07 PM ]

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:54 AM | Show all posts

Is Sabbath Saturday?

Silly and cunning arguments

There are some arguments which some people make for
not keeping the Sabbath. Some say, how can we keep the
Sabbath when the days are different all over the earth

Isn't this so silly?

When the Lord made the Sabbath, didn't He know the
earth was round, didn't He make a rotating earth ? We simply
keep the Sabbath when the seventh day comes to us, the earth
spin on its axis to make a day and when the sunset of the 7th
day begins, we enter Sabbath time - wherever we are.

Some ask, how do we know that Saturday is the real
7th day of the week ?
Throughout history, men have changed
the dates of the calendar but not the succession of the days of
the week. For instance, in 1582, the Catholic church reformed
the calendar ; Thursday, October 4th was followed by Friday,
15th October. The Catholics themselves admit the order of the
days in the week has never been interrupted
Encyclopedia, Vol.3, p. 740).

The 7-day week has never been broken since the
creation ! About 100 hundred ancient and modem languages
still retain Saturday by its God-given name : SABBATH.

There is also a cunning argument that Joshua's long day
added one more day to the week and this shifted the seventh-
day to Sunday (Jos.l0:12-14). The truth is Joshua's long day
still consisted of one day because God measures a day from
sunset to sunset (Lev.23:32). Joshua's long day had 12-hours of
darkness and (12 + 24) hours of daylight but it was still was
one day - sunset to sunset - although it had a total of 48 hours !

Furthermore, if Joshua's long day had shifted the 7th
day to Sunday, Jesus kept the wrong day because He always
kept a Saturday-Sabbath (Mat.28:1)


The Gregorian Calendar Reform

Sometimes people will say the calendar reform in the Middle Ages must have altered the weekdays as we know them, so we cannot be sure which day is the seventh day. Again people that think this have not researched the issue.

The calendar reform of 1582 was initiated by Pope Gregory XIII because the calendar established by Julius Caesar, was not accurate and stable. This was due to the fact that the Julian calendar added a leap day every 4 years, without exception, and this resulted in adding too many days than required for an accurate solar calendar. The Julian calendar had commenced the 1st of January of the 46th year before the birth of Christ (the 708th from the foundation of Rome). At that time the Spring equinox fell on March 25th, but because of the Julian calendar's inaccuracy, it had gradually drifted earlier over the years to March 10th or 11th by 1582. This error was important to the Catholic church, because under the solar Julian calendar, the date of Easter (the most important date to the church), was gradually creeping farther and farther (earlier and earlier) away from the time of year set by the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., when the equinox fell about March 21st. Easter was then to be observed by Roman Catholics on the first Sunday after the full moon occurring after the Spring equinox, except when that coincided with the Jewish Passover, in which case Easter was delayed to the following Sunday.

To correct this perceived Easter problem, Pope Gregory XIII (Inter Gravissimas) returned the Spring equinox to March 21st by decreeing that Thursday, October 4th, 1582, would be followed not by the 5th, but by Friday, October 15th. He jumped the calendar 10 days numerically, but did not change the weekly cycle of days.

So that this correction would be maintained, the Pope then decreed that leap years would occur only when the year was divisible by four, and only the centennial years that were divisible by 400 would be leap years. During a leap year, one day is added to the month of February (the 29th), as a correction. This method of calendar keeping was gradually adopted across Europe, and the world, and is nearly universal today.

England did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until 1752. By that time, eleven days had been gained so Wednesday, September 2, was followed by Thursday, September 14. The eleven days were skipped, but the weekly cycle of days, Sunday through Saturday, remained unchanged throughout the Middle Ages. (The French Revolution was a notable exception, when for a period of 14 years (1792-1806) a ten day week was adopted, the tenth day being the day of rest).

Inquiries made in 1932 to the  United States Naval Observatory, in Washington D.C., and the  Royal Greenwich Observatory in London, England, have also confirmed that the weekly cycle of 7 days as observed today has not been altered, and remains as it has been since before the time of Christ.

So both history and the Bible make it quite clear that Sunday is the first day of the week and Saturday is indeed the seventh day, which has been kept by the Jews for millennia, even to the present day. The true seventh-day sabbath of God has not been lost. Our Saturday is the same day of the week today as the seventh-day sabbath of creation.

coming next :  How to Observe the Sabbath??

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 3-10-2006 03:03 AM ]

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Post time 3-10-2006 01:12 AM | Show all posts
1.) I'm a new Christian and I'm wondering which day of the week is the true Sabbath day of the Bible?

2.) Was the Sabbath day ever changed?

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Post time 3-10-2006 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Adam and the Lunar Sabbath

        When YEHOVAH God "HALLOWED" the seventh day of the week (Exodus 20:11) He made it HOLY. It is, as the scriptures show, HOLY to YEHOVAH God. Now the Sabbath is a day -- it is the particular seventh day of the week YEHOVAH God brought into being in Genesis 1 and 2 (Matthew 28:1). Therefore what YEHOVAH God did -- AND YEHOVAH DID IT FOR THE MESSIAH AND MANKIND -- was to make future TIME holy!

        The Sabbath is a space of time that YEHOVAH God set apart from the sixth day of the week at sunset to the seventh day of the week at sunset. Whenever that time comes to us -- and this is the topic of this article -- we are in holy time! It is YEHOVAH's time, not ours! YEHOVAH God made it holy and the Ten Commandments back this up; and He commanded us to keep it holy!

        It is a fact that since the very inception of the world -- from the dawn of man's history -- there has never been even one Sabbath which was not kept to some extent. This world has never been without these "righteous pillars," the Sabbath observers, and every generation has, to at least some degree, seen each Sabbath observed.

        This was so from the begining of time -- since the very first Sabbath. The first man, Adam, was considered a righteous man who kept the Sabbath according to Bereshit Rabbah 22. He is also credited with the authorship of Psalm 92 -- "A Song for the Sabbath Day." After Adam, the Sabbath was observed by his son Seth, whom YEHOVAH God considered to be a righteous man also. He was followed in turn by another righteous man -- Methuselah.

        In the article Ages of Adam, by Clark K. Nelson, we read that

Luni-solar calendar foundations of the Jewish calendar extend from the earliest verses of scripture. Natural, uniform motions of the heavenly spheres are the pivotal markers of time reckoning. The list of ancient characters mentioned in the Old Testament used this lunar-solar calendar system of time recording. OBSERVATION OF LUNAR PHASES coupled with solar positioning graduated [marked] the lifetime ages of Adam and his descendants (1995).

        Nelson goes on to say ?

Changes in the appearance of the moon provided the seven-day week. Originating with ancient interpretations of lunar time, divisions of seven days separate THE FOUR BASIC LUNAR PHASES...Starting with a dark new moon, the moon gradually comes into view on following nights. In about seven days the first half of the moon is visible. The second half waxes until full moon and the end of two weeks. Lunar light reverses progression in the third week, waning to half visibility again. A fourth week completes the month, and visibility again diminishes toward a new moon. Completion of four lunar phases comprises the month.

        In the Encyclopedia Biblica (1899) we find stated that "the stars served to mark divisions of time. They are set in the firmament 'to divide the day from the night,' and to 'be for signs, and for moeds/signs/festivals/appointed times, and for days and years!' The Hebrew month is a lunar month and THE QUARTER OF THIS PERIOD -- ONE PHASE OF THE MOON -- appears to have determined the WEEK OF SEVEN DAYS" (The MacMillan Company. P. 4780).

        In another part of his article (Ages of Adam), Nelson brings out the concept of masculine and feminine dualism in the luni-solar calendar:

Ancient time reckoning and recording affirmed the most basic counting procedures according to cycles of the sun, moon, and stars. Entrenched throughout the history of world civilization are the main ingredients of lunar-solar calendars. From the earliest conceptions of Adam and Eve to the wide array of mythology and folklore, humanity is aligned with masculine and feminine dualism inherent to luni-solar calendar operations. Patterns of female fertility cycles have been forever linked with lunar, monthly periods of about 29 and one-half days.

Eve is the woman in literal Hebrew. She is the life giver, mother to the living, or child bearer. The feminine fertility issue has always been associated with LUNAR OBSERVATION. The lunar month has been forever etched on humanity right alongside with the moon-mother perceptions of ancient times. CYCLES OF NEW MOONS WERE THE BASIC TIME RECKONING INGREDIENTS FOR LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDARS. Where Eve represented the feminine side of human order according to lunar observation, Adam represented the masculine, solar side, according to solar positioning on the horizon. In other words, Adam's male image also implied meaning toward the rising and setting positions of the sun through all four seasons during the year. Clarification of God resting on the seventh day defines a separation between successive time frames. God again divides, separates, or is between the light and darkness of the moon. TRANSITION FROM ONE LUNAR PHASE ENDING TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE NEXT LUNAR PHASE WAS THE MOST REVERED UNIT OF TIME MEASUREMENT KNOWN. God set aside the Sabbath Day as holy. God consecrated the Jewish Shabbat for all time to come. The sacred Jewish significance of the seven-day week, and the number seven elsewhere SUPPORT RELIGIOUS OBSERVATION OF THE MOON AS AN EARLY CALENDAR (Ages of Adam).

        Confirmation of the fact that the lunar week goes all the way back to Adam and Eve is found in The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia ?

It is powerfully urged by the believers in a primitive Sabbath, that we find from time immemorial the knowledge of a week of 7 days among ALL NATIONS -- Egyptians, Arabians, Indians -- in a word, all the nations of the East, have in all ages made use of this week of 7 days, for which it is difficult to account without admitting that this knowledge was derived from the COMMON ANCESTORS [Adam and Eve] OF THE HUMAN RACE. Among all early nations the lunar months were the readiest large divisions of time...(and was divided in 4 weeks), CORRESPONDING (TO) THE PHASES OR QUARTERS OF THE MOON. In order to connect the reckoning by weeks with the lunar month, we find that ALL ancient nations observed some peculiar solemnities to mark the day of the New Moon. Accordingly, in the Mosaic law the same thing was also enjoined (Numbers 10:10; 28:11, etc.), though it is worthy of remark that, while particular observances are here enjoined, the idea of celebrating the New Moon in some way is alluded to as if already familiar to them. In other parts of the Bible, we find the Sabbaths and New Moons CONTINUALLY SPOKEN OF IN CONJUNCTION; as (Isaiah 1:13, etc.) the division of time by weeks prevailed all over the East, from the earliest periods among the Assyrians, Arabs, & Egyptians. It was found among the tribes in the interior of Africa....The Peruvians counted their months by the moon, their half-months by the increase and decrease of the moon, AND THE WEEKS BY QUARTERS, without having any particular names for the Week Days (1904. Vol. 3, p. 1497).

Noah Brings the Sabbbath to Mesopotamia

        Now we come to Noah. Genesis 6:9 says "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah WALKED WITH GOD." Amos 3:3 says two cannot WALK TOGETHER unless they AGREE -- so Noah must have agreed with YEHOVAH God about the Sabbath day. In 2 Peter 2:5 we read that Noah was "a preacher of RIGHTEOUSNESS" and we know that "all thy COMMANDMENTS are righteousness" (Psalm 119:172). So, therefore, Noah must have preached about the Sabbath, and also kept it himself since it is one of YEHOVAH's commandments.

The knowledge of the Sabbath was brought through the flood by Noah and his family, and when Noah's children and their descendants spread out into the area that later became known as Babylonia, the knowledge of the Sabbath went with them. As a result, we find a "Sabbatum" in the ancient records of Assyria and Babylonia where certain activities were prohibited on the 7th, 14th, 19th, 21st and 28th days of the lunar month.

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 3-10-2006 01:23 AM ]

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Post time 3-10-2006 02:45 AM | Show all posts
The First Sabbath Keepers

Gen 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
Gen 2:3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested.

The very first sabbath was the seventh day of creation. Look up Saturday in most any dictionary and it will tell you that it is the seventh day of the week. So who observed the first sabbath day?Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Gen 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Both Adam and Eve were created on the sixth day, before the sabbath day, and so were present to observe the day of rest God created for them. Some will try to claim that the sabbath was a Jewish festival, part of the Mosaic law that was done away with at the cross. Since sabbath was established at creation as a memorial of that event, would that notion then make Adam and Eve Jews? Actually not a single Jew existed until the covenant made with Abraham, thousands of years later. The sabbath predates Jews!

Mark 2:27 And he [Jesus] said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:
Mark 2:28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

So the seventh-day sabbath was created for Adam and Eve, and all of humanity, not just for the Jews. Adam lived for 930 years (Gen 5:5), and undoubtedly was a sabbath keeper his entire life. Adam was not the only one of the first millennium to keep the sabbath. The same can be said for Enoch, who was born within the lifetime of Adam. Enoch was so in harmony with God that he was taken up to somewhere which God hide  Enoch and never died (Gen 5:24).

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 3-10-2006 02:49 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2006 09:00 AM | Show all posts
From the reading.....

I think its true Sabbath day is Saturday.
Its because you said Adam are created on the Sixth-Day. Thats mean friday. I agree with that.

FYI, Friday for Muslim is not A Sabbath Day. I wonder where you learn that Islam said Friday is Sabbath Day.
Its the Day that we believe,
1- Adam/Eve been created
2- Day of first Quran Revealed
3- Day of the End of day.


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Post time 3-10-2006 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by i212 at 3-10-2006 09:00 AM
From the reading.....

I think its true Sabbath day is Saturday.
Its because you said Adam are created on the Sixth-Day. Thats mean friday. I agree with that.

FYI, Friday for Muslim is not A Sabbath Day. I wonder where you learn that Islam said Friday is Sabbath Day.
Its the Day that we believe,
1- Adam/Eve been created
2- Day of first Quran Revealed
3- Day of the End of day.


A ...

God create every thing from day by day until Seventh day God rested everything which is Sabbath. God not tired but God giving an example that humans should  work 6 days and on  seventh day fully rest to observed Sabbath to appreciate that all creation come from God from 6 day of creation. At least I can explained to my friends and kids why Sabbath is rest day unlike sunday and friday there is nothing to explain.

Friday & Sunday worshipped is not part of God Holy Day. From Adam, Noah and many Prophets observed Sabbath not Friday or Sunday.

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2006 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Man, I Think you are confuse or not understand.
Again I repeat. Friday is NOT SABBATH DAY. read following verse. (I do not know if you read or not this verse before).

Al-Jumu'ah. 62:8-9
O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salat (prayer) on the day of FRIDAY (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allah [Jumu'ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salat (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did but know!  
Then when the (Jumu'ah) Salat(prayer) is finished, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah (by working, etc.) and remember Allah mush, that you may be successful.

If you read patiently, you will understand.
If Islam declare Friday is Sabbath Day, why Allah command people to continue their works? THINK PLEASE.

There is no SAID that Friday is sabbath day and we MUST take a rest on FRIDAY. Its the DAY WE NEED TO GO FOR FRIDAY PRAYER(jemaah prayer).

Actually, you confuse with what Christians believe.
They believe Sunday is Sabbath Day and not Saturday. So.. who change the Sabbath Day?
Christians or Islam? It is Christians who change the day and think Islam also change the day.

So... Please RE-THINK about IT.

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Sigh ... talk all you want, fact is - Sabbath is Jewish Practise. It has nothing to do with Christians or Muslims. :no:

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by i212 at 3-10-2006 12:05 PM
Man, I Think you are confuse or not understand.
Again I repeat. Friday is NOT SABBATH DAY. read following verse. (I do not know if you read or not this verse before).

Al-Jumu'ah. 62:8-9
O you who believe (Muslims)! When the call is proclaimed for the Salat (prayer) on the day of FRIDAY (Jumu'ah prayer), come to the remembrance of Allah [Jumu'ah religious talk (Khutbah) and Salat (prayer)] and leave off business (and every other thing), that is better for you if you did but know!  
Then when the (Jumu'ah) Salat(prayer) is finished, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah (by working, etc.) and remember Allah mush, that you may be successful.

If you read patiently, you will understand.
If Islam declare Friday is Sabbath Day, why Allah command people to continue their works? THINK PLEASE.

There is no SAID that Friday is sabbath day and we MUST take a rest on FRIDAY. Its the DAY WE NEED TO GO FOR FRIDAY PRAYER(jemaah prayer).

Actually, you confuse with what Christians believe.
They believe Sunday is Sabbath Day and not Saturday. So.. who change the Sabbath Day?
Christians or Islam? It is Christians who change the day and think Islam also change the day.

So... Please RE-THINK about IT.

God did not says that we can keep any day as holy day. God  told in Bible Keep Sabbath as Holy and to sanctify it. Meaning we should all cease from works and gathered on this day to worshipped the creator. Friday and Sunday is man made holy day not God hand written as per Ten commandment.

That is the reason why I left Islam, Catholic , Protestant and few others who do not respect God hand written Sabbath.

Muhammad and Catholic changes the Sabbath  corrupt with  Sunday which sun worshipped and Friday is pagan hindus worshipped.

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Sigh ... talk all you want, fact is - Sabbath is Jewish Practise. It has nothing to do with Christians or Muslims.

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 3-10-2006 12:25 PM
Sigh ... talk all you want, fact is - Sabbath is Jewish Practise. It has nothing to do with Christians or Muslims. :no:

an idols worshipper who believed in snake, god in sexy pose, pagan Friday worshipper telling us that Sabbath is for Jews.

Who are Jews?? Made of what? iron, zink, gold or what??

who are we? flesh  & blood so does Jews flesh and blood. that how God view us not jews, indians, sakai or whatever

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by i212 at 3-10-2006 12:37 PM
Sigh ... talk all you want, fact is - Sabbath is Jewish Practise. It has nothing to do with Christians or Muslims.

in that case, u mind telling me this:

Jesus says "Sabbath was create for Man" what man mean?? Jews?

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:44 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8   

Muhammad and Catholic changes the Sabbath  corrupt with  Sunday which sun worshipped and Friday is pagan hindus worshipped.

Original Sabbath is from Friday EVENING to Saturday EVENING. Jewish Calendar starts from nightfall of the first day to the night fall of the next day. Which means those who follows the Sabbath, must do so during this day.

Hindus (and Muslims) consider Fridays as their "Holy" day and it has nothing to do with Sabbath or corrupting anything. :no:

Christians consider Sunday as Day of Rest because they believe God have rested on the seventh day (day which starts at midnight and ends at midnight of the following day) and Sunday is the seventh day of the calendar.

SO, no one corrupted anything. Sabbath IS Jewish Practise and God never mentioned to Abraham or anyone to force it onto another race.

[ Last edited by  Sephiroth at 3-10-2006 12:48 PM ]

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Post time 3-10-2006 12:45 PM | Show all posts
by Truth.8   

in that case, u mind telling me this:

Jesus says "Sabbath was create for Man" what man mean?? Jews?

SHOW the Verse ... don't simply ask questions. :no:

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 Author| Post time 3-10-2006 12:59 PM | Show all posts
God did not says that we can keep any day as holy day. God  told in Bible Keep Sabbath as Holy and to sanctify it. Meaning we should all cease from works and gathered on this day to worshipped the creator.
Friday and Sunday is man made holy day not God hand written as per Ten commandment.



Muhammad and Catholic changes the Sabbath  corrupt with  Sunday which sun worshipped and Friday is pagan hindus worshipped.
About the catholic I am not sure.
But for Prophet Muhammad, Friday not is Sabbath Day. Save it in your mind.
About the Pagan Hindus worshipped. Tell me, In Prophet Muhammad Era, is there any Hindu Worshipper there? You should analyst, who immitate who.

That is the reason why I left Islam, Catholic , Protestant and few others who do not respect God hand written Sabbath.
I think you the want that not Respect GOD, The reason is
  1) You say GOD are TWO IN ONE. (You already said that God need company to Rule The Universe.)
  2) You say Jesus is A GOD. (Man Cannot be God.)
  3) If you say Jesus is A GOD, why "YOUR" people Illustrate His face with a lot of illustration. Put the Cross in front, and pray in front it. (Its like what idolaters do)
  4) In 10 commandment already stated, (You shall not make for yourself an idol...) but you still do it.
  5) In 10 Commandment also, (You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God...) but you said God are form of Two. You say Jesus are God.
and etc.

So, Tell me, Who Changed God Command or who break the commandment. Islam or Christians or Jews?

The 10 commandments are for jews as there are stated in Torah. We can follow the RIGHT thing because its also from ONE GOD.

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Post time 3-10-2006 01:00 PM | Show all posts
Original Sabbath is from Friday EVENING to Saturday EVENING. Jewish Calendar starts from nightfall of the first day to the night fall of the next day. Which means those who follows the Sabbath, must do so during this day.


Yes, u dont have tell us that. Friday sunset to sunset Saturday. On firday when sunset between 7 pm onwards already Sabbath nite and next day Sabbath day until sunset between 7pm onwards.

Simple as that.


Christians consider Sunday as Day of Rest because they believe God have rested on the seventh day (day which starts at midnight and ends at midnight of the following day) and Sunday is the seventh day of the calendar.

No where is says Sunday. From OT to NT all mentioned Sabbath not sunday. Infact, there is a song Psalm 92 called Sabbath but no sunday. Sunday was practised pagan roman to worshipped sun god. They corupt and blend that sunday as sabbath.

it corrupt elements .

SO, no one corrupted anything. Sabbath IS Jewish Practise and God never mentioned to Abraham or anyone to force it onto another race.


Oh really? Than why Psalm 92 song on Sabbath? Adam, Abaraham and many prophets  before  Muhammad all observed Sabbath.

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Post time 3-10-2006 01:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 3-10-2006 12:45 PM
by Truth.8   

in that case, u mind telling me this:

Jesus says "Sabbath was create for Man" what man mean?? Jews?

SHOW the Verse ... don't simply ask questions. :no:

u such stupid because i hve create this topic u never bother to read. that show u pick flight with me with purpose.

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