Saja nak kasik tau...
kalu ada sapa sapa yg suka makan digestive biscuit Marks & Spencer yg ada coklat tuh...belilah yg tesco punya. Sebabnya, haku dah check & compare, exactly the same thing.
bezanya Marks & spencer punya harga around RM9-RM11 (tak pasti the exact price), tesco selling belom RM8...
kesimpulan: same item, different packing & different price :ting: |
Reply #1 hasribus's post
same biscuit but marketed under different brands la yer? aku dulu2 suka biscuit mark n spencer... tp mahal sgt la kat mesia ni. nak kena tunggu sale baru mark down. itupun lagi beberapa bulan da nak expire. |
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 9-9-2006 08:23 PM
same biscuit but marketed under different brands la yer? aku dulu2 suka biscuit mark n spencer... tp mahal sgt la kat mesia ni. nak kena tunggu sale baru mark down. itupun lagi beberapa bulan da ...
yezza...heppi giler masa aku buat discovery tadi sebab haku memang suka ngan digestive biscuit tuh... :love:
memang best giler biskut M&S...kalu compared ngan biskut local lah... :lol |
faries72 This user has been deleted
tima kace cox bgtau... aku memang every month beli......sedap tuh makan kat opis sambil buat kerja ngan kengkawan....
so sekang nie aku beli yg tescp punya jer le... |
faries72 This user has been deleted
tima kace cox bgtau... aku memang every month beli......sedap tuh makan kat opis sambil buat kerja ngan kengkawan....
so sekang nie aku beli yg tescp punya jer le... |
Originally posted by faries72 at 12-9-2006 04:16 PM
tima kace cox bgtau... aku memang every month beli......sedap tuh makan kat opis sambil buat kerja ngan kengkawan....
so sekang nie aku beli yg tescp punya jer le...
sesambil tu ko try jugak tesco biscuit yg lain apart from disgestive biscuit lah...
jgn lupa bagi feedback yer :bgrin: |
hmm... tak penah cuba lagi brand lain... selalu beli mcvities nyer brand...nanti kalo ada p tesco, nak try gak laa... |
haku beli biskut m.u ... hampeh x sedap sgt... manis terlampau |
Reply #8 epitome's post
sesuai dgn teamnya  |
Reply #9 fairy_hobbit's post
:hmm: tapi tin beskut tu haku simpan... :love: |
Reply #1 hasribus's post
yg tesco punye ni yg biasa RM7.90 ke tesco value RM3.90 tu?
kalau yg value tu sama rasa dgn M&S? |
sedap ohhh biskut nie............. |
hasripompey This user has been deleted
Originally posted by bonita at 20-9-2006 03:24 PM
yg tesco punye ni yg biasa RM7.90 ke tesco value RM3.90 tu?
kalau yg value tu sama rasa dgn M&S?
yg Rm7.90 tu |
Reply #13 hasripompey's post
simpati dengan nasib ikan ni, terkelip2..terjuling2.... mudah sahaja....UNDILA SAYA DI sini ---> IKAN CUTE....:cak: hidup kelip! hidup juling!
hasripompey This user has been deleted
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 21-9-2006 11:04 AM
ai noe hu yu ar :ting:
hu? ai em not veri femiliyer wif u :hmm: |
Reply #16 hasripompey's post
both yu en hasribas laik daijestiv bisket izit? both syop et tesko? :cak: |
hasripompey This user has been deleted
Originally posted by fairy_hobbit at 21-9-2006 04:02 PM
both yu en hasribas laik daijestiv bisket izit? both syop et tesko? :cak:
handsome hasribus laik daijestif bisket wif cokolet, very expensif...hi ken afot it.
ai kenot afot, so ai laik biskut kering onli |
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