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always tomorrow..... actually it is the song by gloria estefan...
but i luv the beautiful lines in the lyrics |
i love power root..:love:
hakhak!:bgrin: |
Plan your work,work your plan... |
the key to a passionate life is to trust and follow the energy within us. |
be happy always!!! and live life to the fullest.....
KLIA Upcoming Flights:
Flight Arrival: Leha...sorrila aku x dpt borak dgn ko...aku sibuk sgt skang nie, tak tau bila free balik..Ko jgnla sedih sgt dgn B2B hancur ko tu...mungkin ada hikmah kot disebalik kjadian tu..Harap2 keluarga ko ok dan jiwa ko tak kacau lg. Aku doakan semuanya ok utk ko, have a safe trip back here dan WELCOME BACK to Malaysia! Mesti ko rindu gila one dgn family ko...hehe =)....kita mungkin dah takde peluang bertemu lg kalo ko susah nk online lpas was fun while it lasted and Xtina still rocks our lives!!
Flight Departure: Usop, harap2 everythings ok for u these days..eventhou things ended on a low note, aku sentiasa pray that ull live life to the fullest and be happy always. Aku sentiasa doakan ko akan capai eternal happiness, marry that Mexican looking girl if u'll ever find her and find ur father. Godspeed over there usop, have a safe trip, have fun over there and Happy 26th Birthday! =) |
Live is like war - easy to start, hard to end, impossible to forget |
Live out of your imagination, not your history |
When you get caught looking at him, remember.. he was looking back |
I live for the nights I won't remember.. with the friends I'll never forget |
Best friends tell each other everything! |
Live each day like its your last |
Everybody's got a laughing place - trouble is most folks won't take the time to go look for it |
When you love someone, you can tell. But when you are IN LOVE with someone, everyone else can tell.. |
Don't try to blend in.. when you're born to stand out! |
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Category: Belia & Informasi