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Tips Penjagaan Pokok Bunga Diserang Serangga

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Post time 3-8-2006 04:29 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
MOD tolong merge di mana2 kalau dah ada topik camni.

Aku nak mintak tips. Camana nak jaga pokok. Pokok2 bungaan kat rumah aku ni seems like mudah sgt di serang penyakit. Macam ada ulat bertelur2 warna putih. Ntah semut ke ntah labah2 ke tak tahulah. Bila dah byk tu rosak ler pokok2 kesayangan aku. Puas dah aku siram dgn air bawang putih yg ditumbuk tapi tak mau gak dia hilang.

Perkara no. 2. Camana nak elakkan tanah tak berulat. Eeee geli arrr bila tanah berulat.

Tolong ye kawan2. Thanks.

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Post time 3-8-2006 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Maksuu pun lemah tengok serangga putih ni, jenuh maksuu sembuh ngan ridsect, lari le sekejap pastu datang balik. Camana yer...

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:21 AM | Show all posts
Yg putih2 tu rasanya 'mealy bug' kot...mmg common pest kat taman kita.
Biasa org sembur 'Malathion' je kat pokok utk bunuh mealy bug.
Lg elok buang bahagian pokok yg kena jangkit tu.

nanti Kero bg cth serangga perosak tanaman. Bila kita dah tau nama serangga tu, senang nak carik ubat @ racunnye.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:27 AM | Show all posts
WHITE GRUBS, Pyllophaga spp.

Damage: grubs feed on roots and other underground plant parts many vegetables may be attacked most severe infestations occur on crops following grass.

Birds, especially starlings and robins, love to eat both the beetles and the grubs, so attracting birds to your yard will decrease the number of grubs in your lawn.
If you can find them, Margosan?, Neem?, or Scanmask? are good organic controls.
Usually though, you have to resort to using Diazinon?, Dursban?, or Oftinol?, all potent insecticides. Unfortunately, these chemicals also kill all the beneficial insects too, including those valuable earthworms, and are toxic to fish, birds, pets, and even you, if you don? apply them properly.



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Post time 4-8-2006 03:42 AM | Show all posts

The insects are small and grey or light brown and so difficult to see among the spines of cacti. Their general appearance is reminiscent of tiny woodlice about 2-3 mm long.
Mealy bugs often accumulate to feed on the tender tissues at or near the growing point. Very often, when nesting, they hide around the base of succulent plants, just below soil level.

The first sign of a problem is often small balls of white fluff on the plant, on cactus spines or around the base or under the rim of pots. These are actually where the females are nesting up inside the white fluff and producing young, which may be either born live or produced from eggs. There may also be some sugary honeydew produced by feeding mealy bugs, which can encourage black mould. Ants "farm" mealy bugs for their honeydew secretions and may help to spread them through the collection, so it is a good idea to discourage any invading ants even though they are not intrinsically harmful to the plants.

Control of mealy bugs: If there are only numbers of mealy bugs to be dealt with, dabbing a little methylated spirit (industrial alcohol, denatured alcohol) will kill them. Some people also spray their plants with methylated spirit diluted at least 1:3 with water. If you try this, remember that the fumes are potentially toxic and flammable and the liquid could harm the epidermis of delicate plants.

For large or widespread infestations, use regular applications (weekly for several weeks) of insecticidal sprays (read the label to find pests controlled, use and precautions). Wash off as many of the mealy bugs as possible with a high pressure water jet from a sprayer, and treat the plant with a contact insecticide such as malathion (not for Crassulaceae) or a systemic insecticide containing dimethoate, taking precautions to keep the insecticide off your skin and avoiding inhaling the spray.

Adding a drop of washing-up liquid may help the insecticide to wet waxy surfaces and penetrate into all crevices. A single application will often not be sufficient to eliminate all the insects and their young.
In a bad case, total immersion of the plant in a bucket of insecticide with a couple of drops of washing-up liquid to help wetting of the soil, will get the majority of the mealy bugs including root mealy bugs. The plant will need to be carefully dried out after a soaking and is at risk of rotting where damage from mealy bugs has occured below soil level, so although effective, this can be a "kill or cure" method.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:50 AM | Show all posts

Small (2 mm) white flying insects, a little like tiny moths can be seen flying around infested plants and a cloud of these insects rises if the foliage is disturbed. If the under-side of foliage is examined, the immature non-flying nymph stage will be seen, and these must be eliminated to control whitefly, in addition to the adults. The nymphs secrete a sugary honeydew substance that encourages black mould on plants.

Control of whitefly: Use regular applications (weekly for 4 weeks) of insecticidal sprays (read the label to find pests controlled, use and precautions). A single application will not be sufficient to eliminate all the development stages of these insects. Some smoke cones are also effective against whitefly, but again require repeated use.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:59 AM | Show all posts

The mites are exceedingly small and a strong magnifying glass is needed to see them clearly. An early sign of their presence is the appearance of brown dots where the plant epidermis has been damaged, merging into confluent scarring and sometimes webbing on the plants. The harmful microscopic red spider mites, which damage plants, should not be confused with a commonly seen, much larger red mite 2-3 mm across which is a harmless predator.

Control of red spider mite: The reddish-brown mites thrive in hot dry conditions and dislike humid conditions, so overhead watering and spraying plants may discourage mite attack. They are affected to some extent by insecticides (check labels), but a miticide is really needed to control them properly.

This is a cereiod with a serious attack of red spider mites. Cacti or succulents with deep ribs and a not-so-tough skin are magnets for spider mites. This picture shows that the whole of the plant must be periodically cleaned.
All hard-to-reach areas must be cleaned. Those are the places where spider mites will strike first -- the sheltered parts of the plant. So please, spray the plant thoroughly when you are watering or cleaning it.


[ Last edited by  Kero_kero at 4-8-2006 04:01 AM ]

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Post time 4-8-2006 04:07 AM | Show all posts

Plant Pest Identification Aid:

Pests and diseases of succulent plants:

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2006 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Kero_kero at 4-8-2006 03:42 AM

The insects are small and grey or light brown and so difficult to s ...

Kero, many thanks.

Telur2 tu lebih kurang macam gambar yg kau paste ni ler. Tapi aku tak dpt nak pastikan samada serangga tu adalah sama cam gambar tu selepas menetas. Dah habis ikhtiar dah aku ni. Esp. kat pokok keladi, kat btg, kat bawah daun seme ada. Pehtu berjangkit kat pokok2 yg berdekatan.

Cara2 nak control tu, alahai.. kemende tu weh!!! Dlm pasaran kita ada jual ke. Tak pun kau tunjukkan lah gambar, senang aku gi supermarket terus beli. Tu pun kalau harga patut :nerd: kalau idak... buang jelah pokok2 yg sakit tu..

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 Author| Post time 4-8-2006 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by maksuu at 3-8-2006 07:14 PM
Maksuu pun lemah tengok serangga putih ni, jenuh maksuu sembuh ngan ridsect, lari le sekejap pastu datang balik. Camana yer...

Maksu, pokok2 aku kalau sembur ridsect habis mati semenye. Cam Maksu gak, lari pehtu dtg balik, lelama pokok tu yg mati. Aku tengok pokok2 mak aku elok je semenye. Takde kena serang. Aku ada tanya dia guna ubat apa, ntah tak berapa jelas sgt soda ke sodium ke mende ntah.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Maksuu pun dah naik malas dah sembur2 sementelah skarang ni dah duk KL, tapi yang putih2 tu le serangga nya. Sekali picitt.. busuknya. Hehehe...

Rajin benor Kero dapatkan info untuk kita yer, thanks Kero.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:33 PM | Show all posts
ucu, maksu....pakai jer malathion..
byk jual kat kedai2 bunga ataupun hardware.  tanya kat orang nursery mesti dia tau.
tapi kena lah selalu sembur..bukan hari2 tapi normally mcm dua minggu atau sebulan sekali semburlah..insyaallah hilanglah nanti.
cuma daun2 yg dah kena attack tu kena dipotong dan dibuang dlm plastic. jgn buang merata2 kat situ sbb boleh berjangkit kat pokok yg lain.

Ucu...ridsect yg maksu pakai tu waterbased tak?
sebaik2nya pakai H2O punya sbb tak effect kat pokok.

Maksu, sembur tu hari2 ker atau sekali sekala jer...klu waterbased ni kena sembur selalu sbb bila kena siram, yg waterbased ni akan lenyap bersama air...

[ Last edited by  Arwen at 4-8-2006 03:35 PM ]



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Post time 4-8-2006 03:37 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu kalau ada byk semut kat kawasan tu, semut ni lah punca wujudnya serangga putih2 nih....
kalau ada semut, try beli ubat semut yg biji2 halus....boleh beli kat kedai hardware kut..harga dlm RM0.70 - RM1.20.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Arwen at 4-8-2006 03:37 PM
lagi satu kalau ada byk semut kat kawasan tu, semut ni lah punca wujudnya serangga putih2 nih....
kalau ada semut, try beli ubat semut yg biji2 halus....boleh beli kat kedai hardware kut..harga dl ...

:setuju:  Memang semut ni akan memeriahkan penyakit lain.. tapi ladybug tidak

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ucu at 4-8-2006 10:40 AM

Kero, many thanks.

Telur2 tu lebih kurang macam gambar yg kau paste ni ler. Tapi aku tak dpt nak pastikan samada serangga tu adalah sama cam gambar tu selepas menetas. Dah habis ikhtiar dah ...

Ucu, sebut jer nak beli malathion...tahulah orang kat nursery tu..
harga tak mahal, sebotol tak sampai RM10 pun...bukan terus pakai camtu jer..
nanti diorang ajar mcm mana nak buat campuran malathion dgn air.
sebotol tu boleh pakai lama....jgn risau.

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Post time 4-8-2006 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CivicSI at 4-8-2006 03:40 PM

:setuju:  Memang semut ni akan memeriahkan penyakit lain.. tapi ladybug tidak

ladybug tu membantu mencegah penyakit....
so bela lah byk2...hehehee
kenapa takde jual ladybug ni ek..kat umah ni kadang2 ada lah jumpa 2-3 ekor..suka sgt bila jumpa.

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Post time 9-8-2006 12:54 PM | Show all posts
Actually kalau nak jimat pakai air campuran bawang putih cuma kena ikut sukatan yg betul. Sukata dia macam ni.
2 bahagian air bwang putih. Make sure tapis. Jgn ambik hampas bawang putih tu.
1 bahagian air sabun. Gunakan sabun mandi. Jgn guna sabun lain. Nanti mati pokok.
1 bahagian air.
Campur kesemua ramuan. Then sebur pada pokok. Bila dah sembur makesure kita siram pokok air siraman tak kena daun. Siram kat kawasan tanah aje. Kalau kena daun habis la air bawang putih yg kita sembur td.
Cuba amalkan seminggu 2 kali utk pokok yg diserang serangga.
Insyaallah berkesan. Saya dah cuba. Dpat petua ni from arwah atuk.
Kalau guna racun kimia bukan takl boleh but kesan dia pd kita juga nanti. Especially pd yg tak biasa. Bukan setakat serangga aje mati, manusia pun bolhe kena kesannya.



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Post time 11-8-2006 02:19 PM | Show all posts
kat rumah juju pun pokok baru diserang serangga putih tu...apa nama ye...tak tahu...tapi mak juju panggil"benah" dah letak racun serangga....banyak gak....letak air siraman beras...nampak cam kurang...dulu pernah satu pokok nie kena...juju cantas semua daun2 sampai toggel pokok tu....tapi pokok nie sayang nak buang daun2 dia coz nak buat bonsai

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Post time 12-8-2006 03:03 AM | Show all posts
ade tak tips utk menghalau siput babi. habis pokok cili aku kene makan siput.....

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Post time 13-8-2006 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jagung_manis at 12-8-2006 03:03 AM
ade tak tips utk menghalau siput babi. habis pokok cili aku kene makan siput.....

Biasa Kero tabur kulit telur keliling pokok..sbb siput x suka lalu kat kulit telur ni.

Lg satu cara..potong separuh botol mineral & kabus dlm tanam. Mulut botol tu betul2 paras atas tanah.
lepas tu masukkan cuka dlm tu..letak skit perangkap cam sayur kobis ke..
nanti pepandai le siput tu melawat tempat tu..sampai jatuh masuk dlm air cuka.

Nak lg senang, ambik siput tu, pijak je ngan kaki sampai dah kejam sgt kot:nerd:

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