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Diversified your Bisiness Nature
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Selalunya jenis perniagaan yang kita nak buat selalu bergantung pada jenis Kepakaran yang kita ada... tetapi dalam zaman yang serba canggih ni... Persaingan produk selalu menjadi perhatian para PELABUR....
Pernahkah atau adakah anda membuat keputusan untuk MEMPELBAGAIKAN jenis perniagaan yang ada sekarang?... maknanya lari dari asal bisness itu dan teknik itu berjaya?...
kalau ada yang bercadang/sedang atau yang telah berjaya tu silalah bagi ur IDEA bagaimana nak menusun business strategy untuk memajukan serviice atau produk tersebut... |
Semua busines cuba untuk diversify busines masing2 sebab nak add more security supaya tidak bergantung pada satu bidang sahaja.
Tapi tetap ada pro and con dia. First thing first, sebelum kita diversify kita kena fokus dengan our initial strength and really made it there baru kita boleh fikirkan diversification.
Eg1. Avon who is very strong with Cosmetic product, cuba diversify kepada Welness product sampai sekarang masih struggle dengan welness product dia. Kenapa? Sebab people already relate Avon as a topical application product base, so agak ragu2 dengan oral produk dia. Good things is they diversify but never loose focus to his women market.
Eg2. Lasy (M) Sdn Bhd - When they start, they made it with the educational toys product, they hit RM1mil a month just selling toys! They even make their close competitor Lego very worry. But the bosses wanted to venture into wellness product, and put less focus to the Educational Toys business they tought already stablised. They end up failed their wellness venture and lost big sales from their Lasy Toys. The company closed 3 yrs ago. Lasy such a good product dissipeared from the market place,
Diversificaton need huge initial investment, and the decision maker must be open and ready to accept new knowledge and ideas. People fail because they try to pretend they know everything (because they have money), I've seen a timber tycoon fail in their hotel business, I've seen shipping tycoon sustain only 1 year in MLM venture. Each business needs different knowledge and approach. |
People always say 'don't put all eggs in one basket'..True enough when it comes to investment portfolio..but in business?? I somewhat agree with bro anis kita..
being a banker, people come to me for business loan (that's what I do), and we evaluate their business plan in order to see the viability of the project. And yes, some do come lots of plan..sekarang buat metal furniture, then nak diversify into plastic..What?? :
First, we have to look at the Avon, mungkin they struggle with the wellness program but since it is women related, mungkin they'll succeed one day..but if u do somethg that is beyond your expertise, it is high possibility that the bussiness will fail..and the worst it will carry along all the existing products around..kira close shop terus kalau owner tu tak dapat buat ape2 utk loss on the investment..
some business does upstream or downstream as a form of diversification like kalau die buat steel pipes, mungkin die go downstream by manufacturing metal furniture or vise versa. In this case, it is better that diversified into somethg that's totally different from what u r doing now..
Just my 2 cents.. |
Pendapat saya pula
okay memang bagus mempelbagaikan jenis produk utk keselamatan ... tetapi bila dah terlalu banyak jenis produk yg dikeluarkan ... org ramai mungkin keliru ... apa jenis perniagaan yang kita fokus ... contoh Amway ... memula jual barangan vitamin sekarang dia dah pelbagaikan produk sampai orang dah tak tahu dalam bidang mana yg dia fokus dan expert.
Kengkadang org nak beli suplementary vitamin ... tak tahu nak beli kat mana which company to select.. becouse ..many company focus to deversified the produk .. not focus to improve the product .. many company kantoi by our goverment bcz sale the bad product ... sebab allmost people say the best vitamin is shaklee vitamin ... I'n not to promote the shaklee product ...but I had read one of book about the vitamin ..stated that the first creator and the word vita-min also come from the sheklee founder.
Contoh like McDonald ...still okay semua orang tahu McDonald fokus on burger ..walaupun dia ada produk ayam ... but still org boleh tahu produk utama and the best burger sale in malaysia is McDonald. Moralnya disini jangan kita Diversified kan produk sampai org tak tahu apa yang kita fokuc and aspert ... nanti org ingat supermarket plakkk.
...alamak bos panggil... nant sambung... |
Yup, the word vitalized mineral know known as vitamin comes from Shaklee founder. But Shaklee is not that famous in Malaysia as compare to Amway sebab die baru lagi bertapak di Malaysia but has been the fortune 500 in the States. I took amway and changed to shaklee becoz of teh product quality tapi i takdelah into this MLM thing coz I do have my own product
Yup, Amway and Cosway etc are too diversified sampai tak tau how's the product quality but I think Amway has one of the best skincare (artistry). kalau yg Luxor, Hai-o etc lagi caca merba. Org buat slimming suit, depa nak buat etc..Personally, i doubt the product quality if the company is no longer focus.
Kalau u join any Melayu business networking, then u can see how unfocus org melayu is when it comes to business (not all but most). And they will say that they 'diversify'..;) |
juju agreed that most malay suka diversified company coz sikap suka beli brg lain than the priority
and i'm one of them suka tengok company yg jual perlbagai brg coz lebih banyak pilihan...cuma kena buat pilihan yang bijak |
Reply #6 Juju's post
satu company tapi mcm2 bisness leh explore... tapi byk gak yg jadi Alibaba.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi