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Modal serendah RM100 : WAHED invest.. korang dah try?

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Post time 20-8-2021 10:34 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by green~tea at 20-8-2021 10:39 AM

Early last year, WAHED Invest dah start to gain traction di Malaysia lepas dilancarkan.

What is WAHED invest?
  • Patuh Syariah
  • Modal serendah RM100, monthly bleh topup any amount, ikut kemampuan
  • WAHED pakai AI - algorithm utk monitor funds based on selection risk algorithm tu yang akan do the switching for you, demi mencapai target yang u dah set.
  • Peluang utk melabur di pasaran antarabangsa:
  • saham di US - NASDAQ
  • Saham di Bursa Malaysia
  • Suku - Government issued Bonds
  • Gold

Jom korang, kita try melabur dalam WAHED dgn modal permulaan serendah RM100, at your finger tips dengan 7 easy steps di bawah

  • Muat Turun Aplikasi Telefon Pintar
  • Lancar Aplikasi Wahed Invest Dan Buka Akaun
  • Jawab Soalan Untuk Kenalpasti Diri Kita Sebagai Seorang Pelabur
  • Buka Akaun Pelaburan Dengan Wahed Invest
  • E-KYC (E-Know Your Customer) / Kenalpasti Pelanggan Anda Secara Elektronik
  • Masukkan Modal Pelaburan
  • Monitor Portfolio Dan Prestasi

Then, walla..... kita boleh monitor prestasi semasa pelaburan kita, naik ke turun for the next few months, tambah lee sikit2, bila ada peluang...  anggaplah Wahed Invest ini sebagai pelaburan jangka masa panjang... sebab tu i advice, cuba masuk sikit2 utk gain your own trust...  i sendiri mmg start RM100 dulu, lepas tu the following month baru i topup 300-400 ikut mana dan lah...

Kita juga boleh tengok di manakah pelaburan kita dan pecahan pelaburan kita, berdasarkan portfolio yang kita pilih tadi. Kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut mengenai saham, ETF, REIT, sukuk dan indeks yang ada, jemput baca Kenali Produk Patuh Syariah Dalam Bursa Malaysia.

Last but not least, kita boleh dapat snapshot pegangan portfolio kita termasuklah dengan jumlah keuntungan dan fee yang Wahed kenakan terhadap jumlah yang kita dah laburkan. Kita juga boleh track cash bonus (referral bonus) yang kita dapat bila kita refer kepada setiap kawan-kawan yang buka akaun dan dah mula melabur (dengan sekurang-kurangnya RM 100).

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 20-8-2021 01:02 PM

This is good video you should watch utk understand comparison between WAHED and ASB



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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 10:36 AM | Show all posts

i need to reserve my first 4 posts for further details on WAHED.. i akan masukkan youtube and other explanation nanti

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 10:37 AM | Show all posts

i need to reserve my first 4 posts for further details on WAHED.. i akan masukkan youtube and other explanation nanti

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Post time 20-8-2021 10:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah.....lama x buka wahed.. Kena pi skodeng

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Post time 20-8-2021 11:02 AM | Show all posts
wahed ni siapa kaka?


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Post time 20-8-2021 11:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bukak pagi ni turun pula...
Dah invest since March, ni jer mampu pergi
Moderate aggressive

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Post time 20-8-2021 11:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Today punya progress

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 20-8-2021 11:48 AM

minggu ni je baru i nampak turun banyak... next week naik balik... jangan redeem time turun

WAHED ni we should treat sama mcmana kita manage unit trust biasa sbb dia dah siap2 diversify portfolio... so u tak boleh react dengan risau2 within few days... kena tengok slightly longer term.. like 3-6 months... tengok average return... then baru redeem sekali dua...bila dah tengok byk gain...

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 11:22 AM | Show all posts

wahed tu bekas pelawak dalam rancangan  kat TV3 (scenario)  

OK jokes aside,   Wahed ni dari US... its a form of Robo-Advisor (pakai AI)

dipetik dari wikipedia

Robo-advisors or robo-advisers are a class of financial adviser that provide financial advice or investment management online with moderate to minimal human intervention. (instead of typically Unit Trust pakai agent kan untuk buat intervention or advise in fund switching)

They provide digital financial advice based on mathematical rules or algorithms. These algorithms are designed by financial advisors, investment managers and data scientists, and coded in software by programmers. These algorithms are executed by software and do not require a human advisor to impart financial advice to a client. The software utilizes its algorithms to automatically allocate, manage and optimize clients' assets for either short-run or long-run investment.

Robo-advisors are categorized based on the extent of personalization, discretion, involvement, and human interaction.

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 11:23 AM | Show all posts
wanzhm93 replied at 20-8-2021 11:06 AM
Bukak pagi ni turun pula...
Dah invest since March, ni jer mampu pergi
Moderate aggressive

i pun buat setting moderate risk profile je

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Post time 20-8-2021 11:27 AM | Show all posts
More Info please, apa beza dengan Unit Trust dan sapa yang manage fund ni, team global ke team Malaysia?
Aku dah bukak website dia ada ah info sikit2.
Korang share ah experience korang, berapa average return?

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Post time 20-8-2021 11:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tq sis TT! Thread yg i  bakalan kerap kunjungi

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 11:49 AM | Show all posts
tompie replied at 20-8-2021 11:27 AM
More Info please, apa beza dengan Unit Trust dan sapa yang manage fund ni, team global ke team Malay ...

mcm i dah cakap kat atas, it's a robo-advisor.. pakai AI algorithm..  bukan pakai human intervention utk switching funds

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Post time 20-8-2021 12:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tq for sharing TT..baru tau Wahed ni

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Post time 20-8-2021 12:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cam menarik, TT. Pernah baca abt Wahed gitu-gitu. Thanks for the useful info

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wanzhm93 replied at 20-8-2021 11:07 AM
Today punya progress

Okay..  since portfolio u sama dengan i... senang nak bg comment...

I noticed that Malaysian portfolio yang menyebabkan kita loss this week.. almaklumlah ada sukan musical chair berebut kerusi kan...

U bukak your Wahed  apps.. u gi dekat your account... mcm i, i have 2 portfolio,... satu moderate agressive, satu lagi US stocks... so u tengok dekat account moderate tu.. scroll bawah dekat tab "positions"... then akan keluar portfolio u invest banyak dekat mana... then u gi bawah sikit, under Malaysian stocks, tekan dekat ("i")..  dia akan keluar berapa u loss today disebabkan Malaysian stocks...

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 12:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I have 2 portfolios dalam WAHED.. satu purely US stocks, satu lagi moderate (combo US stock, malaysian stock, sukuk, cash and gold)

Ini pulak my friend punya very agressive portfolio of mixed fund... notice that dia byk invest in US stocks

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 Author| Post time 20-8-2021 12:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
US stocks historical growth

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Post time 20-8-2021 12:27 PM | Show all posts
kt forex benda ni panggil robot ea ( expert advisor)

robot ni hasil dari gabungan indicator dan setting owner robot berdasarkan history market lepas2. cuma wahid dalam ni mungkin bukan untuk forex, mungkin untuk stock market.

nak kata untung 100% tu depence ada masa rugi juga, jadi jgn letak modal yang tak sanggup lost. kalau sanggup lost 100usd, commit je dengan amount to and grow.

kalau dalam forex install kt vps dia akan auto pilot run 24 hours 5 days. kt wahid ni tak pasti.

test dulu kat demo account, kalau rasa sesuai letak duit real. moga sukses



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