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Author: Rahah

[tvN/Viu 2021] MOUSE - Lee Seung gi, Lee Hee Joon, Park Joo Hyun

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Post time 13-3-2021 08:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 08:18 PM
P.O ni bukan anak politician yang after 10 years baru dapat baby tu ke... ada call pompuan tu jawa ...

Boleh jd jgak uols since ade tiga baby kan yg ade gene phsycopath ni.

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Post time 13-3-2021 08:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 08:29 PM
Antara bareum & yohan...

yohan ni tengok muka & peel dia memang obvious nampak macam psycho...

Maybe bareum dgn yohan penah jumpa uols. ni masa dekat rumah bareum tu yg hongju tgk pic anugerah bareum tu. maybe die selamatkan yohan masa bareum dgn chiguk. tp masa ni tak sempat bareum nak cerita semuanya hongju da potong dulu. stresss nak tunggu next week. haha.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 08:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 08:41 PM
Betol,respek sgt sbb boleh trace serial killer. kita tgk pun da stress ni yg nak tangkap dorg lg s ...

Iols jadi stress macam moochi... masa kat rumah bareum tu... Hahaha...
Macam jaehoon la kan... kecik2 dah jadi killer...

Rasanya betul... sebab plot citer ni pun pasal gene psychopath...

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 08:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 08:45 PM
Kebetulan iols baca one buku pasal phsycopath killer ni,mmg dorg jaga je org yg die syg tp tak de  ...

Cop!!! ... adoi... iols terlupa 1info... head hunter bunuh adik dr daniel lee kan... gf dia... sebab taknak pregnant... possible la kot yohan akan bunuh hongju... omma yohan selamat sebab dia pregnant gene head hunter...

Uols baca buku tu ada bagitau motif bunuh gf dia ke...

Haah pelik jugak macam tak kenal je kat hospital...

Tetibe ada plot twist kan dr daniel hidup lagi... sebab mayat dia pun tak jumpa lagi... hehehe

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Post time 13-3-2021 09:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 08:52 PM
Iols jadi stress macam moochi... masa kat rumah bareum tu... Hahaha...
Macam jaehoon la kan... ke ...

Haha. sampai makan japchae abg die masak pun tak sedar.

Ape yg trigger pun tak tau sbb kecik lg kan jaehoon tu. gene semata2 pun tak kan boleh jd kejam sgt. biasa dekat CI mesti relate dgn family lepas environment.  

Mouse ni pun dr daniel lee pun dpt jgak,sape hantar tu pun tak sure kan. head hunter la kot.


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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 08:46 PM
Boleh jd jgak uols since ade tiga baby kan yg ade gene phsycopath ni.

Baby yang sama dr daniel lee jumpa dalam kete tu ke...

Elok pulak p.o berlakon scene darah2 ni... dalam great escape nak termuntah...

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 08:48 PM
Maybe bareum dgn yohan penah jumpa uols. ni masa dekat rumah bareum tu yg hongju tgk pic anugerah  ...

Haah... tetibe iols curious pulak bila hongju potong... ke dia tau something... dia tak nak moochi tau dulu siapa anak head hunter ke...

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 09:00 PM
Haha. sampai makan japchae abg die masak pun tak sedar.

Ape yg trigger pun tak tau sbb kecik l ...

Sedap sangat japchae tu... Hahaha...

Jaehoon tu memang ada relate dengan family jugak... appa dia asyik pukul  dia je...

Rasanya head hunter... sebab dia kan kenal dr daniel...

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Post time 13-3-2021 09:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 08:57 PM
Cop!!! ... adoi... iols terlupa 1info... head hunter bunuh adik dr daniel lee kan... gf dia... seb ...

Ha,betol. lupa plak watak adik dr daniel. mmg boleh bunuh hongju sekelip mata. iols takut hongju bukak pintu bilik bawah tanah tu jd penyebab nya.

Tak de motif uols,mmg nak bunuh kan je. sebelum ni da bunuh sorg sbb org tu tak ckp sorry dekat die.

Awal lg kan nak teka pasal dr daniel ni,mmg harap ade plot twist la. awal sgt mati nya.

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Post time 13-3-2021 09:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 09:00 PM
Baby yang sama dr daniel lee jumpa dalam kete tu ke...

Elok pulak p.o berlakon scene darah2 ni ...

Ye,iols rase yg tu pun ade kaitan. tu mungkin parent shin sang or org laen.

Eh,dlm great escape teruk nau. haha. uols,nasib die pandai berlakon. setakat ni ok la sbb die pun ade jgak kayu2 nya.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 09:09 PM
Ha,betol. lupa plak watak adik dr daniel. mmg boleh bunuh hongju sekelip mata. iols takut hongju b ...

Iols speku memang hongju akan buka bilik tu... cuma bukan sekarang la kan... sebab dia pun macam tak suspicious pun dengan yohan...

Ishhh... scary betul la...

Haah... dah la dia expert pasal psychopath ni walaupun sebelum ni dia sendiri xtau bff dia pun psychopath...

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Post time 13-3-2021 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 09:06 PM
Haah... tetibe iols curious pulak bila hongju potong... ke dia tau something... dia tak nak moochi ...

Semua banyak tergantung je. saja je writernim suruh kita meroyan. haha. iols curious masa shin sang dgn hongju minum mix coffee tu. shin sang possible killer,hongju kenal killer. gitu spekuan iols.

iols rase hongju rahsiakan dulu agaknya pasal yohan anak head hunter. moochi da jumpa banyak kali da.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 09:11 PM
Ye,iols rase yg tu pun ade kaitan. tu mungkin parent shin sang or org laen.

Eh,dlm great escap ...

Kalau p.o pun psychopath not bad la acting dia... sebab tengok awal2 ni macam baik je... hehehe...

Haah... okay la... lagipun scene dia kejap2 je... takdelah nampak kayu sangat... Hahaha...

Ada ke dia bancuh air 3in1 tu... padahal tu evidence...

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Post time 13-3-2021 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 09:08 PM
Sedap sangat japchae tu... Hahaha...

Jaehoon tu memang ada relate dengan family jugak... appa  ...

Sbb mmg die da buat perangai uols tu yg appa pukul je. maybe awal tu lg da trigger die. org salah anggap die. so at the end die langgar je rules semua.

iols rase head hunter tp boleh jd jgak org laen.

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 Author| Post time 13-3-2021 09:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 09:16 PM
Semua banyak tergantung je. saja je writernim suruh kita meroyan. haha. iols curious masa shin san ...

Of course uols... series kan... mestilah kena speku2 dulu... Hahaha...

Haah... memang saja ke apa bancuh coffee tu...

Kan... rasa memang dia nak rahsiakan dulu... ataupun dia nak siasat sendiri dulu ke... kalau moochi tau confirm la dia buat something kat yohan...


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 Author| Post time 14-3-2021 09:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa jadi dengan bongyi nanti... sedih la tengok dia ni... trauma, nenek mati... dia cuma trust dengan bareum je...

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Post time 14-3-2021 01:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 13-3-2021 09:26 PM
Of course uols... series kan... mestilah kena speku2 dulu... Hahaha...

Haah... memang saja ke  ...

Haha,speku jgn tak speku kan. lepas tu stress je.

Tak kan la shinsang tak perasan sbb moochi da masukkan coffee mix tu dlm evidence plastic tu. saja je. iols syak hongju jgak.

Yohan tu cold je even towards hongju,mcm mane boleh berjumpa.

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2021 02:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 13-3-2021 09:22 PM
Sbb mmg die da buat perangai uols tu yg appa pukul je. maybe awal tu lg da trigger die. org salah  ...

Actually kalau appa dia ambil berat boleh perasan jaehoon ni weird sikit... tapi dia still pukul...

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 Author| Post time 14-3-2021 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaeda replied at 14-3-2021 01:00 PM
Haha,speku jgn tak speku kan. lepas tu stress je.

Tak kan la shinsang tak perasan sbb moochi d ...

Kan... macam mana la diorang jumpa entah... sebelum ni hongju nak couple dengan moochi... tapi moochi reject...

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Post time 15-3-2021 10:39 AM | Show all posts
cerita ni akan banyak plot twist ni.. tah2 yohan tu psycho yg baik... hehehhe

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