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Author: kaoru44

[KBS2 DRAMA] A Man in a Veil

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2020 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 31-10-2020 01:44 PM
Done..lepak sat pas msk td..lahai..suami kakak tu dah mcm kesian kt bini.agaknya baru nk mesra dah ...

Itu la..second hero lembut sgt hati..stkt demam dh kasihan..
Ayh dia tu bertahun2 smpai ank besar baru nk ksian kat bini..
Tp bagus plak timing heroin muncul dpn hero..msti sakit ati ppuan jahat tu sbb laki dia xdtg gathering..
Aritu mula2 kawen ngn hero..hero xdtg sbb hntr heroin p klinik..
Tp kejam jgk mak heroin..rela balik laptop..
Iols baru nk happy2 sbb nmpk hero nk rapat ngn heroin..dh salah phm plak ingt heroin n second hero prnh kawen...
Hope nnti dia yg sakit ati tgok kemesraan heroin ngn second hero..
Btw..apa motif heroin pakai riben ats kpala..mcm bdk2 plak ke..ikut watak minnie la..watak mickey mouse tu kan pntg dlm ni..
Nasib masuk ofis pakai elok..hope rmbt hero pun berubah..
Tbe2 rasa xnk plak drama ni hbis..sukaaaa..

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2020 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 31-10-2020 01:47 PM
Iols suka konsep famili dom drama ni..tkde parashit tkde tikam2..even bini ceo dgn sil dia tu lite2  ...

Bagus ppuan tu balas mcm tu kat adk heroin..
Biar rasa..jantan pnipi mcm tu..
Pak cik dia lawak..msti ada jgk kptngn watak dia nnti..
Baru btul balik dr hawaii ada duit..mcm drama satu lg tu hilang lama..muncul2 xda duit..
Btw..iols selitkn ost lagu dlm ni..suka plak satu lagu tu..

Tim – Lean On My Shoulder

Ni lirik nya..
You’re just smiling but
Deep within my heart
There are traces of you remaining
Like your calm way of talking
That made me feel at peace
As I spin around this space between us that won’t get closer

Even if the past
Keeps trying to push us apart
My heart gets more and more…

Like the unforgettable memory
Of us walking together
And you leaning on me
Whenever you need to be comforted
Softly come to me
And lean on my shoulder

Even if the past
Keeps trying to push us apart
My heart gets more and more…

Like the unforgettable memory
Of us walking together
And you leaning on me
Whenever you need to be comforted
Softly come to me
And lean on my shoulder

The precious person
Who made me realize that all relationships are a miracle
It’s still you

On a nice day, as we exchange casual conversation
We can say some nice things
As I look into your warm eyes
We can sit in natural silence
Looking at the same place
As you lean on my shoulder


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 Author| Post time 31-10-2020 11:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ni plak ost utama..time depa ada niat2 jahat tu..

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Post time 3-11-2020 03:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 31-10-2020 10:59 PM
Bagus ppuan tu balas mcm tu kat adk heroin..
Biar rasa..jantan pnipi mcm tu..
Pak cik dia lawa ...

Dappp hehee

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Post time 3-11-2020 03:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 31-10-2020 11:16 PM
Ni plak ost utama..time depa ada niat2 jahat tu..

Dabel sedappp..mana 38??tkde pon??

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Post time 7-11-2020 10:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lepak tgu roti canai td hikssss done!tp mmg tk byk ep eh mgu ni..sian anak pelupa free jer mkn penampar..ala bila nk tau ex tu adik heroin heheee mesti bila dah tau theyols berbaik semola kn kn

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Post time 7-11-2020 10:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
OK la SJ niat nk ceraikan bini then kawen dgn heroin abb bini tu mmg jahat bila pk side bini (yg tk jht) cm kesian plak ne treat camtu heheee tp dlm drama ni ok jer la sbb dia jht kn hikssss..

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 09:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 7-11-2020 10:04 AM
OK la SJ niat nk ceraikan bini then kawen dgn heroin abb bini tu mmg jahat bila pk side bini  ...

Baru tgok episod 38..haha..
Mgarutla..xkn la nk buat fashion show xda standby extra baju....dh boleh jngka bnda2 mcm tu nk jd..
Then supervisor tu..bingit..over tjerit2 psl sluar je kot..
Ceo tua tu relax2 je..haha
Pdn la kena penampor..ppuan jahat tu tinggal keje dia sbb nk ambil hati suami xingt..
Tp berbeza kan org baik hati..tgok heroin tu blur2 ingt second hero tu naik pngkat..
Tak tpkr org tu kaya ke apa..then jujur ckp single mom..
Mana ada nk tipu2..

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 09:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by kaoru44 at 8-11-2020 09:37 AM
MissyMolly replied at 7-11-2020 10:04 AM
OK la SJ niat nk ceraikan bini then kawen dgn heroin abb bini tu mmg jahat bila pk side bini  ...

Ep 39..
Amboi cptnya second hero prasan heroin xda beg proper..
Makan hati la bini..rupanya bg org lain..
Benci la hero buat2 xkisah mcm tu..fake okehhh..
Tp logik la second hero tu jnis terus terang..sbb dh simpan lama..xnk kehilangan lg..
Btw gmbr kawen dlm bilik diaorg tu nmpk sgt lakinya xiklas nk kawen..
Mmg heroin nak dkt hero la sbb risau hero salah paham..

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 10:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 7-11-2020 10:03 AM
Lepak tgu roti canai td hikssss done!tp mmg tk byk ep eh mgu ni..sian anak pelupa free jer mkn penam ...

Hahaha..meroyan dh bini..x classy lgsg..
Kau ingt org busuk hati mcm kau ke??
Relax je sama2 llaki simpan rahsia..time yg ank plupa tu tnya hero pun..kata xthu..kalau ppuan msti sbuk nk mbawang..
Bapak lah..kantoi dpn2 laki tgh angkat tgn nk tmpar org..
Dh la mnjerit2 dkt rmh dkt ofis..gmbr skandal pun nmpk ppuan tu rmbt pnjg..p tmpr melulu kenapa..
Tak psl2 bdk tu kena tampar..ksian..innocent plak tu muka..
Haih..bpe kali dh second hero blnja six pack..
Hero xlg..haha..ada2 tp simpan dulu..
Xelok lah jahit bj yg tgh pakai..rezeki pyh masuk..
Klakar la mak cik second hero tu..muka detektif tu lg lawak..pdn sgt depa tu..


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 10:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mak cik second hero mmg boleh agak la sbb abgnya pun xda hati kat bini..kawen ats sbb tpksa je..
Mmg xingt la bini..sbb xprnh tdo sekali..sbilik..sekatil..
Licik kan..trus announce kat xleh cerai la..
Satu korea tahu tu laki dia knnn..haha
Msti bosan hdup..kaya tp lonely..
Ada laki pun xnk dkt kte..xda org pduli pun masing2 buat hal sndri..
Xpe least mertua xbising psl xcuci toilet or mop lantai knnn..

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Post time 8-11-2020 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 09:08 AM
Baru tgok episod 38..haha..
Mgarutla..xkn la nk buat fashion show xda standby extra baju....dh bo ...

Tp sian gak dia..sanggup lepaskan peluang kn..kata org scope ke mende tah ahahaa..sian ne stood up

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Post time 8-11-2020 11:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 09:32 AM
Ep 39..
Amboi cptnya second hero prasan heroin xda beg proper..
Makan hati la bini..rupanya bg ...

Depa still tk tido sama eh?awal tu kata tido bilik studi kn seken lead tu..SJ kn ahaha mls plak nak taip pjg2..pelik la oru maksudnya dah tuwa2 ker baru katil lain2...tidakkkk..cane nk clingy2 cmtu?ajuma dah la mcm patrick spongebob tu..melekappppp ahahaaaa

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Post time 8-11-2020 11:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 10:21 AM
Hahaha..meroyan dh bini..x classy lgsg..
Kau ingt org busuk hati mcm kau ke??
Relax je sama ...

Kan..ala tau la teror jer show off..kalau ajuma iols boh gam gajah jer haahaa..iols suka body pakcit detektip tuh kikiii lg tasty drp SJ mcm not best fated la dgn makcik tu sbb kn kak ipar dia yg buat abg dia mati???like seriesly..bole ke nk terima org yg bunih abg dia even bkn makcik SJ tu tg buat??insiden hanky tu lawakkkk ahhaaa selamber hembus hingusss..aah yg tang penampar tu mmg kira tgk mcm kena sgt la kkk tu meluap mrh sbb tgk girl skandel tu gelak2 sengih2 pd dia mcm merendah2 kn dia hehehee..kantoi big timmmmeee beb!ad jer kn depa nk selamatkan heroin...even PI yg siasat

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Post time 8-11-2020 11:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 10:32 AM
Mak cik second hero mmg boleh agak la sbb abgnya pun xda hati kat bini..kawen ats sbb tpksa je..
Mm ...

Ooo mmg tk tido sama eh..mmg xley ke nk cerai lepas announce cmtu?kalau cerai gak?takut saham turun?slalu cmtu la kn..syrkt ne jg imej...ok la utk TP cmtu heheee

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 06:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 8-11-2020 11:33 AM
Depa still tk tido sama eh?awal tu kata tido bilik studi kn seken lead tu..SJ kn ahaha mls plak na ...

Tak..slalu balik salin baju then g bilik stdy..
Mksd iols kan second hero tu xingt lgsg kat bini dia n berjanji nk g mkn tu..
Ye la sbb xda kenangan skali kn..xtdo skali lg..xprojek lg..means xda lgsg kenangan nk ingat..
Yg ceo tua tu xtdo asing la kot..sbb kalau asing mcmana dpt second hero..haha

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 06:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 8-11-2020 11:39 AM
Kan..ala tau la teror jer show off..kalau ajuma iols boh gam gajah jer haahaa..iols s ...

Muka bdk tu nmpk lurus je..xkn lahh..haha..
Pak cik detektif tu jnis lawak sgt..xmacho..
Ala..msti boleh trima sbb mak cik SH(SECOND HERO) tu msti back up..then time tu 1st love cei tua dh muncul..
Knp tbe2 buka restoran..msti adk n pak cik heroin dr hawaii tu keje restoran nnti..
Gam gajah?..amboi..ganas..rosak bj nnti..
Kalau iols suruh buka dulu baju tu..
Ehhhh..jgn salah phm then pakai la kot saja..risau tajam2 kena bdn tu..

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2020 06:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 8-11-2020 11:41 AM
Ooo mmg tk tido sama eh..mmg xley ke nk cerai lepas announce cmtu?kalau cerai gak?takut saham turu ...

Kan ada org kata..kalau haiwan nk bgthu tu hak dia..dia akn kencing kat kwsn tu..mcm kucing la..'s the same thing..tiberrr..
Jd kiranya dia umum tu nak kata.."ehhh..itu laki aku tau..n skrg kteorg tgh lovey back off bitch.."
Ala..xkn cerai pnya..mgenangkn second hero tu jnis pkr reputasi company..

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Post time 12-11-2020 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 06:30 PM
Tak..slalu balik salin baju then g bilik stdy..
Mksd iols kan second hero tu xingt lgsg kat bini  ...

Mak dia kemain power..skali siasat tros tau heroin..iols rs baru tepung tu nmpk impak terokk pd heroin...sian dia ne fire tk memasal

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Post time 12-11-2020 08:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-11-2020 06:35 PM
Muka bdk tu nmpk lurus je..xkn lahh..haha..
Pak cik detektif tu jnis lawak sgt..xmacho..
Ala.. ...

Iols mmg suka scene pak cik detektif tu kohkoh dgn mak cik tuh..sebaya ajuma kot..cinta org tuwaaaa kohkoh..ala oru nih..cane tepung nk lanje oru kalau ne pakai kot?

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