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Author: kaoru44

[KBS2 DRAMA] A Man in a Veil

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Post time 6-10-2020 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kira org sana pn still closed minded mcm kiter kn..pregnant then kawen.hiksss..mak hero pn ad ckp kenapa dia suka pulak dgn takdir la dia kn sakit so TP ada org boleh tgk2kn pas dia tkde..cuma 1 je kureng skit tp ye la dah sbb mak hero pn percaya kata hero tidur sama2.kenapa la tk buat dna fingerprint??kan boleh nk sahkan anak TP ke tak kalau drama yg buat ujian paternal/maternal ni selalu pulak yg jht akan rasuah tukar kpstn

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2020 10:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 6-10-2020 08:51 AM
Kira org sana pn still closed minded mcm kiter kn..pregnant then kawen.hiksss..mak hero pn ad ckp ke ...

Itula kata..sna pkai seksi bab2 ni still lg xopen..
Bab2 janda pun pndg serong semacam..
Pdn muka xsempat kawen..depa xdftr2 pun kawen tu nnti..
Sbb ppuan jahat tu kena ugut..dna tu buat uols..3x kot..tgok je nnti..sblm mak hero saspek bkn cucu dia..
Ada org lain yg pksa ppuan jahat tu buat dna..

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Post time 6-10-2020 05:54 PM | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 6-10-2020 08:45 AM
Ya ampunnn sama..multitasking khuensss...mlm tgh lipat kain ke ptg masa masak kikii sambil menyamb ...

i kalau drama byk ep mmg kena tgk sambil multitasking.. kalo tak nanti lama2 boring malas dah nak tgk..

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Post time 7-10-2020 07:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 6-10-2020 10:52 AM
Itula kata..sna pkai seksi bab2 ni still lg xopen..
Bab2 janda pun pndg serong semacam. ...

Hahaaaa tibah ada plot janda lam ni drama oru?oooo bgs2 ada buat dna teknologi sana lg advance kn..sgt tk logik skip tang test kohkoh

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Post time 7-10-2020 07:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
neto replied at 6-10-2020 05:54 PM
i kalau drama byk ep mmg kena tgk sambil multitasking.. kalo tak nanti lama2 boring malas dah nak  ...

Betui2 tkde maknalah semata tgk drama..we must be efficient..tgn tu boleh je grk tnp melihat kain yg dilipat hohohoo

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 Author| Post time 7-10-2020 10:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 7-10-2020 07:41 AM
Betui2 tkde maknalah semata tgk drama..we must be efficient..tgn tu boleh je grk tnp melihat kain  ...

Kan..sambil tgok lipat kain..sambil tgok makan2..sambil tgok duk baca porem...then tlepas..rewind balik..

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Post time 7-10-2020 04:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 7-10-2020 10:30 AM
Kan..sambil tgok lipat kain..sambil tgok makan2..sambil tgok duk baca porem...then tlepas..rewind  ...

Hahaaa semua betul kecuali kalau terlepas tgk balik..iols tanya TT kohkoh

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 Author| Post time 8-10-2020 09:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by kaoru44 at 8-10-2020 09:31 PM
MissyMolly replied at 7-10-2020 04:33 PM
Hahaaa semua betul kecuali kalau terlepas tgk balik..iols tanya TT kohkoh

I dh tgok episod 20..mak aih cpt sgt lah..
Dh 5thn akn dtg..
Hero tu kena pukul..bangun2 jd genius
Dh jd pndakwa raya dh..btul ke 100 episod ni..
Episod 21..hero dh tonjolkn dri dpn ppuan jahat tu .

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Post time 12-10-2020 08:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 8-10-2020 09:00 PM
I dh tgok episod 20..mak aih cpt sgt lah..
Dh 5thn akn dtg..
Hero tu kena pukul..bangun2 jd ge ...

Aiyoh..sabar..sabar dulu syg...hahaa iols br tgk smp 10 ke?yg first time cek dna tu,trick kakak heroin tu ialah susukan baby then calit sel dpt sel ibu?hehe tk phm tang tu tp mls nk rewind.kira suci gak la cara dia nk palsukan identiti anak

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 08:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 12-10-2020 08:02 AM
Aiyoh..sabar..sabar dulu syg...hahaa iols br tgk smp 10 ke?yg first time cek dna tu,trick kakak he ...

Kann..xphm jgk..mgkn bila bayi baru myusu..dna byk ke belah ibu kot..
Itulahhh..iols sabar mnunggu ahjumma smpai ke episod tu..
Rasa mcm xthu nk speku apa sbb semua cpt sgt2..
Lyn ke gv smlm?
Iols xkenal bila tgok smlm..ramai jgk legend suara mcm telan kaset..smgt jgk nk tgok mnggu dpn..

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Post time 12-10-2020 03:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 12-10-2020 08:27 AM
Kann..xphm jgk..mgkn bila bayi baru myusu..dna byk ke belah ibu kot..
Itulahhh..iols sabar mnungg ...

Chuolsss oru..taw jer kan iols senang dirachun..okeh.i tgk nnt yerrr i drop komen

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 12-10-2020 03:07 PM
Chuolsss oru..taw jer kan iols senang dirachun..okeh.i tgk nnt yerrr i drop komen

Haha..tgok sbb ramai mcm ok jgk la..
Baru tahu haslinda tu yg nyanyi lagu cinderella tv3 dulu..
Drama tu iols ingt part ahmad idham ngn haliza misbun kena tangkap basah dlm khemah je..

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Post time 12-10-2020 03:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 12-10-2020 03:13 PM
Haha..tgok sbb ramai mcm ok jgk la..
Baru tahu haslinda tu yg nyanyi lagu cinderella ...

Yg first ni xkenal jugak.lagu dia mcm xberapa hot tp dia enjoy n bangga so nmpk wow la lagu far mmg boleh nyanyi la kn..da no 2 hiksss

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 12-10-2020 03:16 PM
Yg first ni xkenal jugak.lagu dia mcm xberapa hot tp dia enjoy n bangga so nmpk wow la lagu tuh. ...

Tgok terus??..xbz ke?..sini xda org tegur kot kalau ot..
Thread gv sna ramai..segan..haha..
Kalau xleh..kte smbg kat tele.

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Post time 12-10-2020 03:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 12-10-2020 03:19 PM
Tgok terus??..xbz ke?..sini xda org tegur kot kalau ot..
Thread gv sna ramai..segan..haha..
Kala ...

Ahahaa aah tgh tgk..ajuma sejenis suka buat keje psg lagu kdg2 islamik selalu kapakkkk ahahaaaa sesat chuols..speaker lg tihtih...sedapppp oruu!!mod marah ke?hahaa iols mls nk merayap sana..sini jer la kot tihtih

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2020 03:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 12-10-2020 03:22 PM
Ahahaa aah tgh tgk..ajuma sejenis suka buat keje psg lagu kdg2 islamik selalu kapakkkk ahahaaaa se ...

Xprnh plak mod tegur pndai2 lah..haha..

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Post time 12-10-2020 03:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kaoru44 replied at 12-10-2020 03:25 PM
Xprnh plak mod tegur pndai2 lah..haha..

Kikiii gituh ker..aduhhh sedap gilaaa!!k ajumma tgk dlu taw...ekceli dgr dulu hahaa smbil buat keje je nih..byk nk komen ahahaaa..mek cah cunnyerr mcm dedolu..

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Post time 13-10-2020 09:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah ep 13..naper fokus yg hilang ingatan tu eh?sbb nanti nk fokus pd second lead ke??dah dpt agak psl suami yg hilang ingatan bagus dia jd PI sendirik

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Post time 13-10-2020 09:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau mak TP donate semua..TP nk hidup caner??ke ada bhgn TP??so kakak tu mesti nk halang projek handicap tu kn kn..yg hero tua rembes tu mcm nk terima dah isteri jahat dia hahaaa sweet je mcm sedondon bj golf tu rupanya dia jhtttt..tidakkk...muka lembut jerr..yg pelupa tu lagi sesuai jd jht

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 Author| Post time 13-10-2020 09:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MissyMolly replied at 13-10-2020 09:01 PM
Dah ep 13..naper fokus yg hilang ingatan tu eh?sbb nanti nk fokus pd second lead ke??dah dpt agak ps ...

Iols rasa watak suami dia tu mcm overrr..
Tgok x dia bckp pun lenggok lain mcm..
Konpident sgtt..haha..
Ke bekas detektif sbb adk pun polis kn..

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