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Kerja auto confirm ada ke?

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Post time 14-10-2017 01:35 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by komkom_2 at 14-10-2017 01:55 AM

Saya nak tanya..mcm ni saya dh kerja dgn company ni dlm setahun..
Jadi saya penah tnye psl annual leave..
Die kata saya x confirm lagi..
Lepas 7 bulan kerja saya tanya pasal berapa lama kena bagi notis..jd my supervisor ckp sebulan..jadi saya ckp la dlm appoinment letter kate cuma 7 hari notis dan saya x de sain confirmation letter..
Jadi my supervisor ckp saya dh kje lebih 6 bulan dan saya dh auto confirm jadi kne bagi sebulan notis..
Sebelum ni saya pernah keje tmpt lain dan ada saya sain confirmation dgn company ni xde bagi apa2 surat lepas appoinment letter tu..
Persoalan nye ad ke psl auto confirm lps 6 bulan kerja?


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Post time 14-10-2017 02:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada dinyatakan auto confirm dalam surat tawaran jawatan? Atau " you'll be notified upon confirmation"?

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Post time 14-10-2017 08:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau u x sign ape2 kontrak,  maka akta pekerja terpakai utk u. Sile refer akta pekerja or else u can call pejabat buruh.

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 Author| Post time 14-10-2017 09:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by komkom_2 at 14-10-2017 09:05 AM

[quote]JDT replied at 14-10-2017 02:04 AM
Ada dinyatakan auto confirm dalam surat tawaran jawatan? Atau " you'll be notified upon confirmation ...
pasal auto confirm tu xde tulis..supervisor kate kalau ikut labour law after 6 month dh auto confirm.
' you,ll be notified upon confirmation by letter,
Ni yg die tulis dlm letter tu.

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Post time 14-10-2017 02:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
By right kena ikut surat tawaran jawatan.
Sepatutnya sebelum confirm, superior kena adakan  perjumpaan untuk buat appraisal atas kerja tempuh probation, samada untuk confirm atau extend probation..
Baik pergi jabatan buruh utk dapatkan nasihat..

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Post time 18-10-2017 04:06 AM | Show all posts

Tak ada dalam labour law auto confirm selepas kerja 6 bulan.

Depends on your company untuk appraise you samada dah confirm atau masih dalam probation.

Since you cakap you tak dapat annual leave lagi that means you belum confirm.

So by right you belum confirm, your notice untuk berhenti is 7 days macam dalam surat.

Kalau boss you insist you dah confirm, tanya dia balik kenapa tak dapat annual leave lagi ? So mana satu dah confirm atau belum confirm?

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2017 10:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharpman replied at 18-10-2017 04:06 AM
Tak ada dalam labour law auto confirm selepas kerja 6 bulan.

Depends on your company untuk appr ...

Die ad ckp u dh ad AL x pyh risau kalau u xde AL pun tp u amik cuti nnti HR akn deduct ni die ckp..selalu kalau dh confirm ad surat confirm..yg ni xde lgsung..tu yg konpius...
2 kali saya tnye die..

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Post time 18-10-2017 11:27 PM | Show all posts
setakat yang i tau bab2 confirmation kerja ni selalu bersurat yang dinyatakan tarikh u masuk n tarikh u confirm..
walaupun kalau dah tau u akan confirm 1hb Oct 2017 contohnya (based on offer letter), still dia takkan automatik..u at least kena sign or isi evaluation form etc

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2017 01:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KulitKayuManis replied at 18-10-2017 11:27 PM
setakat yang i tau bab2 confirmation kerja ni selalu bersurat yang dinyatakan tarikh u masuk n tarik ...

Kan..saya dh fight ckp i xde sign confirmation letter..then die kate dh auto confirm ikut labour law then kalau x confirm i kne keluarkan lg surat probation...
Saya tanye berapa lama notis i nk kne bg kalau berhenti..die kate 1 month..
Dlm surat kata kalau under probation notis 7 hari..
Die cube tipu saya ni..

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Post time 19-10-2017 02:09 PM | Show all posts
komkom_2 replied at 19-10-2017 01:41 PM
Kan..saya dh fight ckp i xde sign confirmation letter..then die kate dh auto confirm ikut labour l ...

dia nak pusing2 la tuu..aduiii...kampeni lama i dulu bab2 confirm ni dorang suka nak ngelat2...apesal tahhh

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Post time 19-10-2017 02:21 PM | Show all posts

better call jabatan buruh... mmg x wujud pun auto confirm.

You'll be notified upon confirmation. So every confirmation, mmg akan ade confirmation letter.  

takdenya confirmation by verbally. . better u fight for ur right.

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2017 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KulitKayuManis replied at 19-10-2017 02:09 PM
dia nak pusing2 la tuu..aduiii...kampeni lama i dulu bab2 confirm ni dorang suka nak ngelat2...ape ...

Mmg saya nak berhenti pun..saya tnye berapa lama notis...tu pasal timbul psl confirm x confirm ni...lpstu suh bg notis sebulan..
Bile tnye lagi asik la dok psl auto confirm bagai..


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2017 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yokoono replied at 19-10-2017 02:21 PM
better call jabatan buruh... mmg x wujud pun auto confirm.

You'll be notified upon confirmation ...

Ye la..asik bile tnye dh auto confirm ikut labour law...
Jenuh gak tnye mmber...mmber pun ckp xde hitam putih nnti apa2 jadi nk fight ap ngan company...bukti xde..
Kaki auta btol..

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Post time 21-10-2017 07:24 PM | Show all posts
Most recent 7 months my activity got some information about to what extent it got to notice.JD my administrator ckp a I ckp la dlm appoinment letter kate just 7 days notice and I x de sain affirmation letter . So my administrator ckp saya dh kje more than a half year and I do auto affirm so please give a notice ... Prior to this, I was stunned different spots and there is an affirmation dgn organization ni xde for whatever letter arrangement letter to ..

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