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Maitreya refer to Muhammad?? uztaz auni claimed that.. soalan maut dlm thread

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Post time 11-5-2017 01:19 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by Truth.8 at 11-5-2017 02:20 PM

Maitreya refer to Muhammad??

The following video talks  about maitreya. Speaker uztaz auni referring to Muhammad.
This kind of tactic    done by muslims long time ago so that hindus or none muslim can accept islam/or convert....
In this video the speaker uses his technic in very cunning and sweet way by believing that he is expect in Buddhism by  parroting  himself  taking the contents from deedat combat book or  zakir naik…the tactic all same…taking contents from Hindu Holy Book or Buddhism and promoting Islam and their prophet Muhammad….i would call it  propaganda.

The same tactic used by muslims on the moon issue when  Neil Armstrong hear azan      while in moon.  6 years ago I wrote this topic on moon and azan.  God  listen to my  writing and move Neil Armstrong rebuke such claimed. Neil Armstrong did not hear the Muslim call to prayer while on the moon.. story created by muslims to promote islam…
One need to be careful when muslims preach about other faith…I don’t give damn if they preach islam but when they preach other faith, it has a catch .  the catch is  to claimed Muhammad is prophet mentioned in Hindu or Buddhism book…
My advise to  non muslim to do research /or ask their gurus , swami or even pastor of their own faith rather blindly believing words from muslims…

Who is Maitreya ?This is my  view on maitreya.  will born in India (indian blood) or any part of world brining peace-harmony  urging other faith to keep to their own faith by practicing the truth as per design in their holy book.Maitreya will never urge others to convert or promoting different religion. Example if one born as hindus, they need go back to original teachings and keeping it than corrupting ….many hindus now fully corrupted  and blending with lies when such teachings did  not mention in hindus holy book. Same goes to other faith…

I have written many times in this forum  that GOD pour out his  energy  whic his HIS teachings  to all mankinds….the concept of HIS teachings all same…GOOD…In middle east HE  teaches different subject  to that particular ethnic… God send prophets over there…in India GOD teaches different subject by sending Gurus-Rishi-  since Indian been polluting teachings of GOD,   Supreme need send many holy books to educate and remind them….yet they never change….finally GOD send Gautama…is not  about  GOD rather how one can live in good conduct and receive spritual  enlightenment ..Gautama aware that peoples in India preoccupied with GOD and GODs hence lacking spiritual journey….HIS mission to bring teachings of spiritual enlightenment…and Gautama  did not spoke about GOD or deny GOD…Gautam teaches Karma  -rebirth  about spiritual journey when one can obtained doing good to receive enlightenment or the teachings of Dharma….not harming anyone- speak truth- vegetarian and all the positive and good element.. So all about keeping one faith in good direction as per Holy book not converting to other faith...
Does this refer to Muhammad? NO…
One also can apply Jesus teachings . How our Lord teaches peace living “ The way of life” GOD is loving...we are his Creations...doing good in this life will leads better here after such things kafir in hell and bla bla bla things...we all carry same colour ; RED BLOOD.. ALL SAME AND EQUAL IN EYES OF SUPREME...


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Post time 11-5-2017 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Three reasons why Muhammad is NOT Maitreya :-

1). Muhammad was NOT a Buddhist NOR did he promote ANY Buddhist belief system.

As most people knows, Buddhism's basics are the Four Noble Truth and the Eight Paths. Buddha's goal was to end suffering of Mankind due to their OWN Sins and Karma. Buddha did not even found a religion when he spend 25 years preaching to his followers and the Buddhism we have today was created by his disciples after Buddha achieved Nirwana.

As we all know, Muhammad did not achieve any Enlightenment nor did he follow any of the Buddha's teachings. He created his own religion with the goal of conquering others - with tricks and violence.

2). Buddha did not use Violence to educate others and he actively travelled and actively preached/debated with others (especially Hindu followers) on various topics, creating a rich collections of information which his disciples had compiled as Sutras in later days. Buddha spend 25 years in this life style.

Muhammad did NOT travel anywhere else except between Mecca and Madinah and most of his preaching was done in these two places. He did not debate his religious differences with other religious followers - namely Christians and Jews and in later years, he had created animosity between them and Muslims that lasted to this day.

3). Gautama Buddha lead an ascetic lifestyle - where he had abandon worldly possession and even his own family to serve the greater Spiritual purpose.

Muhammad did not leave anything behind during his time preaching Islam. He send people to wage warfare in his behalf and married 14 wives in 15 years he lived in Madinah after the death of his first wife (Siti Khadijah). Note :- the 14 wives are the ones that had been recorded. It doesn't count the sex slaves and others which he may had.

So, since we can see that Muhammad's lifestyle, "spiritual practice" and actions are so different when compared to Gautama Buddha, how is it that we can say that this Arab could have any chance of becoming Gautama Buddha's replacement (Maitreya Buddha)???

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Post time 14-5-2017 09:17 PM | Show all posts
pasal Maitreya ni aku tak leh kata apa2
pasal aku belum habiskan Veda lagi
beri masa ya

kamu dah baca Veda ke sampai boleh buat kesimpulan sebegini???

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Post time 14-5-2017 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 11-5-2017 04:14 PM
Three reasons why Muhammad is NOT Maitreya :-

1). Muhammad was NOT a Buddhist NOR did he promote  ...

baiklah jika kamu masih enggan kebenaran ttg Muhammad
mari kita belek AYAT2 TUHAN dalam AL QURAN
yg mana yg bercanggah dgn Hukum Tuhan dan fitrah hidup kemanusiaan

mau dulu dgn Surah Taubah 9:28

dan kita belek sama Kitab Veda ok?

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Post time 15-5-2017 08:45 AM | Show all posts
by karatbesi

pasal Maitreya ni aku tak leh kata apa2
pasal aku belum habiskan Veda lagi
beri masa ya

Kalau kau nak pergi Thailand tetapi memandu arah Singapore, kau rasa kamu akan sampai Thailand tak?

Sama juga dgn kau pergi belajar Kitab Veda (agame Hindu) sedangkan Maitreya Buddha itu adalah konsep agama BUDDHA, Bodoh.

Apa benda kau nak belajar pun kau tak tahu, tetapi cakap banyak.

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Post time 16-5-2017 10:32 PM | Show all posts

Sama juga dgn kau pergi belajar Kitab Veda (agame Hindu) sedangkan Maitreya Buddha itu adalah konsep agama BUDDHA, Bodoh.

Salah ke aku gi belajar Kitab Veda???
dan salah ke aku gi belajar Kitab Buddha???

yang salahnya tak mau belajar Kitab Tuhan
pandai2 sendiri dgn ayat dan pandangan dan gerak hati yg kononnya adalah dr Tuhan

kamu Kenal ke Tuhan niiii
dan adakah kamu kenal tuhan hawa nafsu diri sendiri ni?????

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Post time 17-5-2017 09:32 AM | Show all posts
by karatbesi

Salah ke aku gi belajar Kitab Veda???
dan salah ke aku gi belajar Kitab Buddha???

Kau belajar apa pun, itu aku tak perduli.

Yang kau pergi cari pasal Maitreya Buddha dalam Kitab Veda itu apa hal? Itu kerja bodoh kerana Maitreya Buddha tidak disebut dlm kitab Veda ataupun mana2 kitab agama Hindu.

pandai2 sendiri dgn ayat dan pandangan dan gerak hati yg kononnya adalah dr Tuhan

Oh ... bila seorang bangsa Arab bernama Muhammad buat, kau tunduk dan cium buntut dia selama 1,400 tahun. Bila orang lain buat, kamu bising. Deh ... Muhammad kau pun sama juga - dia sendiri berlagak pandai buat pandangan dia sendiri dan mengaku ianya dari Allah. Sekurang2nya aku tidaklah seego itu dan mengangkat diriku sbg "mouthpiece" Tuhan.

kamu Kenal ke Tuhan niiii
dan adakah kamu kenal tuhan hawa nafsu diri sendiri ni?????

Aku tidak perlu menjawab persoalan ini kerana persoalan ini adalah utk diri sendiri. Setiap orang harus tahu apa benda yang dia sembah, terutamanya orang Islam.

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2017 10:40 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 17-5-2017 01:32 PM
orangbesi replied at 14-5-2017 09:17 PM
pasal Maitreya ni aku tak leh kata apa2
pasal aku belum habiskan Veda lagi
beri masa ya

My view on Maitreya. Comes from Indian blood - Brahmin- Why Brahmin? because they are very clean and pure vegetarian...very devoted to Supreme and well verse in Hindu Holy Book.  The situation in this earthvery bad shape...even in malaysia. HE Comes...just like the Bible mentioned in Book of Revelation...second coming of our Lord

“ . . . He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent Brahmin of Shambala village, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties.”

He Comes as . . .                 Kalki Avatar
(Hindu Prophecies)  
                        Hindus await the arrival of the                         Kalki-Avatar as promised by in the Scriptures when the Kali age (age                         of darkness) ends and the Krita age (age of light) begins.                          Below is one of the Scriptures that speaks of Kalki’s coming:
                                                                “When the practices taught by the Vedas and                                 the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased and the close of                                 the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who                                 exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma,                                 and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all                                 things, shall descend upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki                                 in the family of an eminent Brahmin of Shambala village, endowed                                 with the eight superhuman faculties. By his irresistible might                                 he will destroy the barbarians and thieves, and all whose minds                                 are devoted to iniquity. He will then re-establish righteousness                                 upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the                                 Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal.                                 The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time                                 shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a                                 race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, the Age of                                 Purity” (Vishnu Purana                          4:24).
                        All Scriptures agree that when conditions reach                         a critical point in human affairs, and humanity is sinking to its                         lowest depths, then the Lord will come again.                 When the Lord comes, in all Scriptures, He will bring a new                         Golden Age (the Krita Yuga).                          This prophecy is concerned with two related but separate                         events:
Event                         One:
                                 “ . . . He will be born as Kalki in the                                 family of an eminent Brahmin of Shambala village, endowed with                                 the eight superhuman faculties.”
                        Event Two:
                                                                 “ . . . He will then re-establish                                 righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the                                 end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid                                 as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that                                 peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall                                 give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age,                                 the Age of Purity.”
                        Fulfillment One:
The exact place spoken of in this prophecy                         is unknown; the village it refers to seems to be lost to posterity. However,                         it does give us a hint about what family the “Kalki” will be born                         into, a family of a “Brahmin.” A                         Brahmin is a Sanskrit word that is comparative to “religious                         teacher” in English.                          Maitreya                was born in 1944 and His grandfathers were renowned religious                         leaders [They lived in the Taleghan province – in a village called                         Shahrasar (Shambala!). There                         are eighty villages in this province that were under their                         influence!]. We also know                         that many Hindus are awaiting the coming of Kalki from the west of                         India, and Persia (Iran) is west of India.
                        Fulfillment Two:
The end of the “Kali Age” and the beginning                         of the “Krita Age,” has no historical point, which is to say that                         there is no specific date that confirms the end of the Kali and the                         beginning of the Krita.                 Most believe that the Kali Yuga ended at noon on August 1,                         1943.                 This is only a guess.                          If this date were correct, however, it would give us a clue                         as to when the Kalki would appear to help humanity, which would have                         to be sometime shortly after 1943.                          It should be noted that Maitreya was born on November 8,                         1944, just at the beginning of the Krita age according to most Hindu                         scholars.                 Therefore, Maitreya’s birth date fits the description                         given by Hindu prophecy when the Kalki will be born.
In truth, however, only events truly                         confirm the ending of Kali and the beginning of the Krita, but this                         type of terminology has been used in all religions, such as, “the                         end of the age,” found in the Bible.  The advent of the Krita Age should be recognized by all forms                         of moral-ills and social degradation, followed by the complete                         renewal of the human race by Kalki (the Tenth Avatar of Vishnu and                         the final Avatar in the Hindu religion).
The destruction and likewise renewal of the human race is also                         spoken about in the Bible. The destruction of human society,                         “Judgment Day,” occurs when the                       Seventh Angel releases the Seventh bowl of wrath in The Revelation                         chapter sixteen.                 In THOTH we find an explanation for this:
                                                                 “‘And he gathered them together into a                                 place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.’ (Rev. 16:16)                           The battle will be in Armageddon,                                 which means ‘world.’                                  ‘And the                       Seventh Angel poured out                                 his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the                                 temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.’ (Rev.                                 16:17)                                  It is in the time of the                       Seventh Angel that it will be done.                           Again and again we see that in the time of the                                                 Seventh Angel                          The Plan of God will be done.                                  ‘And there were voices, and thunders, and                                 lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not                                 since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so                                 great.’ (Rev. 16:18). . . The earthquake                                 is always a symbol of the disruption of the old order in society                                 and the coming of a new order to humanity.                           So the new revelation, or the new set-up of rules and the                                 system, will be revealed to humanity.  The old order will fall off just like an earthquake which                                 destroys the earth.                                  Everything will fall off the earth and a new kind of                                 understanding, revelation, and set of rules and regulations will                                 be established” (THOTH,                          Revelation Of The Revelation, T. 27 V 1-4).
                                                The parallels between the                         Seventh Angel in The Revelation, who completes the work                         of God, and the tenth Avatar of Vishnu, who sanctifies the evil                         deeds of humanity, is clear. Both Kalki Avatar and the                      Seventh Angel are one and the same, that                         is to say: They complete  God’s Work, and create the proper                         foundations for a new and well-oiled social order, “and shall give                         birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita Age, the Age                         of Purity.” Maitreya explains the race of men who follow the                         laws of Krita and help usher in the Age of Purity (the era of Krita)                         in THOTH:
                                                                “.                                  . .  And I will make of thee a                                 great nation’ (Gen. 12:2).                                  .                                  .  These are the ones who have gone through the Eternal                                 Divine Path, which is to awaken the latent spiritual forces                                 (),                                 try to establish a spiritual environment for all to progress                                 physically, mentally and spiritually (),                                 to be ready to sacrifice all for this great ideal (),                                 to surrender and submit to the Lord (),                                 and to create a universal point of view for all these endeavors                                 ().                                   Such a person, who is a dynamic spiritual force and                                 incorruptible, is called a Paravipra, or an Elect ().                                  . .  Through overcoming their                                 lower natures and going through the Eternal Divine Path,                                 these Paravipras will be worthy to assume the leadership of                                 humanity and help the whole universe reach Pure Consciousness.                                  .                                  . Also historically it is in our era that the awareness of the people will                                 have increased and many will long for a worldwide government                                 which can bring peace, tranquility and happiness to all.                                  Who else could be the leaders of this new order, but                                 those who have gone through the Eternal Divine Path?                                  .  .”                                  (THOTH,                                 Creation And History, T6, V 8-11).
                                                The Tenth Avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, who was born into                         “an eminent Brahmin” family, and who from “age to age” has                         “re-established righteousness upon earth,” and who is in this age                         bringing the foretold “Age of Purity,” is here!                 The                       Seventh Angel who disrupts                         “the old order in society” and lays the essential groundwork for the                         “new order,” is come!  It is through Maitreya that the work of                         God is complete!

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Post time 18-5-2017 12:27 PM | Show all posts

Kau belajar apa pun, itu aku tak perduli.

ok, bagus tapi napa kamu tak belajar lagi Kitab Veda???
sedangkan saudara Truth8 boleh membacakan AYAT2 Veda kat sini
kamu bila lagi nak bacakan kat sini

Yang kau pergi cari pasal Maitreya Buddha dalam Kitab Veda itu apa hal? Itu kerja bodoh kerana Maitreya Buddha tidak disebut dlm kitab Veda ataupun mana2 kitab agama Hindu.

salah ke aku cari Maitreya Buddha dlm Kitab Veda ni
lagipun kan dia adalah anak raja hindu kan - bukannya dia dari arab ke, europa ka atau melayu kaaaaa
dia masih lagi keturunan hindu
dan aku nak tau le napa org2 hindu tak terima dia (sebagai anak raja) dan Kitabnya (kearah kebaikan)

Oh ... bila seorang bangsa Arab bernama Muhammad buat, kau tunduk dan cium buntut dia selama 1,400 tahun. Bila orang lain buat, kamu bising. Deh ... Muhammad kau pun sama juga - dia sendiri berlagak pandai buat pandangan dia sendiri dan mengaku ianya dari Allah. Sekurang2nya aku tidaklah seego itu dan mengangkat diriku sbg "mouthpiece" Tuhan.

dalam hal ni, kalau kita sembang je - macam2 fahaman ada kannnn
kamu nak rasa pengalaman sendiri tak - ttg mouthpiece Tuhan ni
aku pun teringin gak nak alami nya, samada betul ke ada mouthpiece Tuhan kat kuil2 yg ada patung besar2/hebat2 tu

Aku tidak perlu menjawab persoalan ini kerana persoalan ini adalah utk diri sendiri. Setiap orang harus tahu apa benda yang dia sembah, terutamanya orang Islam

Hukum Tuhan - kena berlaku adil ( kamu tak baca veda lagi niiiiiiii)
dlm bincang kena soal n jawab - baru dinamakan mencari kebaikan

kamu pergi kemana pun jua, kamu akan dapati kebanyakan manusia megah/taksub/pegang dgn fahaman/kepercayaan masing2
terlalu sedikit yg open minded dan masih menerima/mendengar sesuatu yg berlainan dr ajaran mereka
sedangkan kita masih manusia dan tak tahu apa yg kita lakukan adalah benar dan betul



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Post time 18-5-2017 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 17-5-2017 10:40 AM
My view on Maitreya. Comes from Indian blood - Brahmin- Why Brahmin? because they are very clean a ...

terima kasih
adooiiii aku masih jauh lagi dr memahami Ayat2 veda ni
bahasa dulu2 yg cukup indah
beri saya masa ya


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Post time 19-5-2017 11:47 AM | Show all posts
by karatbesi

... sedangkan saudara Truth8 boleh membacakan AYAT2 Veda kat sini

Truth8 itu siapa? Perduli apa dia buat apa? Yang kau menyibuk menpromosikan dia apasal? Gian sangat kah kamu nak berkongsi Neraka dgn dia nanti?

salah ke aku cari Maitreya Buddha dlm Kitab Veda ni
dia masih lagi keturunan hindu

Kenyataan BODOH.
Kan aku sudah cakap bahawa Kitab Veda tidak menyebut apa2 pasal Maitreya Buddha kerana agama Hindu tidak menerima agama Buddha sbg sebahagian dari agama mereka. Tak erti bahasa kah ataupun tak cukup akal utk faham?

aku pun teringin gak nak alami nya, ...

Yeah ... sememangnya kau layak. Ego kaum Muslim memang besar mengalahkan Syaitan.

Hukum Tuhan - kena berlaku adil ( kamu tak baca veda lagi niiiiiiii)

Macam mana kau tahu saya tak pernah menbaca? Bila masa aku mengaku bahawa aku tak pernah menbaca? Setahu aku, saya hanya menrekomenkan Bhavagad Gita kerana ianya lebih mudah difahami.

sedangkan kita masih manusia dan tak tahu apa yg kita lakukan adalah benar dan betul

Kalau kamu mengaku diri kau tak tahu apa yang kau lakukan itu benar atau betul, itu bermakna kau bukan manusia tetapi haiwan. Haiwan je tak tahu apa yg dia lakukan itu betul ke atau tidak.

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Post time 19-5-2017 07:02 PM | Show all posts

Truth8 itu siapa? Perduli apa dia buat apa? Yang kau menyibuk menpromosikan dia apasal? Gian sangat kah kamu nak berkongsi Neraka dgn dia nanti?

aik kat mana salahnya seorang makhluk membacakan AYAT2 TUHAN dr mana2 Kitab sekalipun
yang salahnya kamu sendiri - sombong dan enggan terima kenyataan dr orang lain
adakah sebegini yang kamu pelajari dr Gita - yg buat sifat kamu jadi tidak baik !!!

Kan aku sudah cakap bahawa Kitab Veda tidak menyebut apa2 pasal Maitreya Buddha kerana agama Hindu tidak menerima agama Buddha sbg sebahagian dari agama mereka. Tak erti bahasa kah ataupun tak cukup akal utk faham?

maitreya - world teacher
He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know him as the Christ, and expect his imminent return. Jews await him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.

[size=13.3333px]Although the names are different, many believe that they all refer to the same individual: the World Teacher, whose personal name is Maitreya (pronounced my-tray-ah).

[size=13.3333px]kalki avatar - bagi kaum hindu kan,  hanya perkataan dan nama saja yg berbeza

dan Buddha adalah anak raja kaum hindu - kenapa org2 hindu tak menerimanya??? ( boleh jawab tak)tq

kalaulah aku ego - dah lama dah aku berkeras kat sini
tapi nak ajak manusia kepada kebaikan kenalah berhemah dgn lemah lembut baik budi kannnnnn
dan aku ajak kamu - itupun jika kamu berani dan mau kepada sesuatu yg lebih baik

memang betul, Gita lebih senang difahami
tapi adakah kamu boleh mendapati ada percanggahan dan tidak tepat AYAT2 kedua2nya???

kalau aku pun kata aku yg betul dan benar
maka aku pun termasuk dalam hampir semua golongan kat bumi ni yg mengaku fahaman masing2 adalah benar
tapi sampai saat ini, aku masih lagi terus belajar, memperbaiki diri



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 Author| Post time 22-5-2017 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Truth8 itu siapa? Perduli apa dia buat apa? Yang kau menyibuk menpromosikan dia apasal? Gian sangat kah kamu nak berkongsi Neraka dgn dia nanti?

since when u believed hell? I taught hindusim do not believe in hell?? please explain..
and you mentioned uztaz auni speech on Buddhsim is you playing different tune....kindly check your brain...I believed you suffering kind of brain loose

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 Author| Post time 22-5-2017 12:44 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi replied at 18-5-2017 12:28 PM
terima kasih
adooiiii aku masih jauh lagi dr memahami Ayat2 veda ni
bahasa dulu2 yg cukup indah

zaman ;golden age' dia india...masyarakat india hindu lebih berbudi bahasa dan bersopan... kalau di bandingkan skg...ckp mcm paraiah...satu contoh ia lah madam aci sepi

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Post time 30-5-2017 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Karatbesi, kau cakap banyak. Sekarang ulaskan statement asal aku :-

Three reasons why Muhammad is NOT Maitreya :-

1). Muhammad was NOT a Buddhist NOR did he promote ANY Buddhist belief system.

As most people knows, Buddhism's basics are the Four Noble Truth and the Eight Paths. Buddha's goal was to end suffering of Mankind due to their OWN Sins and Karma. Buddha did not even found a religion when he spend 25 years preaching to his followers and the Buddhism we have today was created by his disciples after Buddha achieved Nirwana.

As we all know, Muhammad did not achieve any Enlightenment nor did he follow any of the Buddha's teachings. He created his own religion with the goal of conquering others - with tricks and violence.

2). Buddha did not use Violence to educate others and he actively travelled and actively preached/debated with others (especially Hindu followers) on various topics, creating a rich collections of information which his disciples had compiled as Sutras in later days. Buddha spend 25 years in this life style.

Muhammad did NOT travel anywhere else except between Mecca and Madinah and most of his preaching was done in these two places. He did not debate his religious differences with other religious followers - namely Christians and Jews and in later years, he had created animosity between them and Muslims that lasted to this day.

3). Gautama Buddha lead an ascetic lifestyle - where he had abandon worldly possession and even his own family to serve the greater Spiritual purpose.

Muhammad did not leave anything behind during his time preaching Islam. He send people to wage warfare in his behalf and married 14 wives in 15 years he lived in Madinah after the death of his first wife (Siti Khadijah). Note :- the 14 wives are the ones that had been recorded. It doesn't count the sex slaves and others which he may had.

So, since we can see that Muhammad's lifestyle, "spiritual practice" and actions are so different when compared to Gautama Buddha, how is it that we can say that this Arab could have any chance of becoming Gautama Buddha's replacement (Maitreya Buddha)???

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Post time 30-5-2017 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-5-2017 01:44 PM
Karatbesi, kau cakap banyak. Sekarang ulaskan statement asal aku :-

Three reasons why Muhammad is ...

minta maaf
kan aku dah kasitau aku masih lagi baru belajar veda
dan aku tidak pernah mengiyakan atau menidakkan Muhammad yg tertera dlm veda/kitab buddha
pasal aku nak kepastian yg nyata baru aku boleh berbicara

buddha yg di jawa lain kan
hindu di bali juga berlainan kan
jadi aku nak rujuk balik kitab veda yg asal dan kitab buddha yg asal - baru kita bicara ok


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Post time 30-5-2017 06:49 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-5-2017 01:44 PM
Karatbesi, kau cakap banyak. Sekarang ulaskan statement asal aku :-

Three reasons why Muhammad is ...

As most people knows, Buddhism's basics are the Four Noble Truth and the Eight Paths. Buddha's goal was to end suffering of Mankind due to their OWN Sins and Karma. Buddha did not even found a religion when he spend 25 years preaching to his followers and the Buddhism we have today was created by his disciples after Buddha achieved Nirwana.
As we all know, Muhammad did not achieve any Enlightenment nor did he follow any of the Buddha's teachings. He created his own religion with the goal of conquering others - with tricks and violence.

AGAMA = tatacara/corak kehidupan
maka apabila Buddha memulakan sesuatu tatacara/corak hidup, maka inilah agama

buddha bermeditasi, Muhammad bertapa - masing2 sorang2 kan
MENDEKATKAN PADA PEMILIK ALAM - hanya ada satu cara je ke dan ada satu solusi je ke

2). Buddha did not use Violence to educate others and he actively travelled and actively preached/debated with others (especially Hindu followers) on various topics, creating a rich collections of information which his disciples had compiled as Sutras in later days. Buddha spend 25 years in this life style.
Muhammad did NOT travel anywhere else except between Mecca and Madinah and most of his preaching was done in these two places. He did not debate his religious differences with other religious followers - namely Christians and Jews and in later years, he had created animosity between them and Muslims that lasted to this day.

bersyukurlah, Buddha dapat camtu - kamu ikut sama ke???
dan Muhammad - AL QURAN DITURUNKAN hampir 32 tahun baru selesai

di mekah semasa Muhammad mula2 diutus sebagai Utusan, masih ada saki baki agama dulu iaitu agama Ibrahim nan lurus yg mendirikan Kaabah tu
dan isterinya yg pertama Siti Khadijah adalah ahli kitab
dan semasa muda Muhammad serta Abu Bakar sering pergi mendengar kitab2 terdahulu dipinggiran mekah - kerana agama2 lain tidak dibenarkan masuk ke mekah

nak berdebat??? ayat2 manusia boleh leee, AYAT2 TUHAN boleh gak ke???

3). Gautama Buddha lead an ascetic lifestyle - where he had abandon worldly possession and even his own family to serve the greater Spiritual purpose.
Muhammad did not leave anything behind during his time preaching Islam. He send people to wage warfare in his behalf and married 14 wives in 15 years he lived in Madinah after the death of his first wife (Siti Khadijah). Note :- the 14 wives are the ones that had been recorded. It doesn't count the sex slaves and others which he may had.
So, since we can see that Muhammad's lifestyle, "spiritual practice" and actions are so different when compared to Gautama Buddha, how is it that we can say that this Arab could have any chance of becoming Gautama Buddha's replacement (Maitreya Buddha)???

nnt aku jawab ya  tq

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Post time 1-6-2017 12:10 PM | Show all posts
by Karatbesi

AGAMA = tatacara/corak kehidupan
maka apabila Buddha memulakan sesuatu tatacara/corak hidup, maka inilah agama

Agama LAIN, tatacara kehidupan LAIN. Agama tak boleh menjadi tatacara kehidupan seseorang kerana ianya sepatutnya sesuatu yang general (umum).

Tatacara kehidupan seseorang itu berlainan antara satu sama lain. Ada yang bangun tidur 5.30 AM setiap pagi walaupun di hari cuti (macam saya) kerana self-discipline. Ada yang tidur sampai tengah hari kerana dirinya malas. Ada yang makan mengikut masa (macam saya) dan ada yang kerjanya makan shj. Ada yang minum arak dan berpoya2 sementara ada yang tak minum arak ataupun berpoya2 (macam saya).

Kehidupan secara discipline itu adalah kerana tatacara kehidupan individual dan tak ada kena mengena dgn sesuatu agama. Dlm agama, ada je orang yang memaksa orang lain mengikuti cara hidup dia (kononnya ia akan menbawa dirinya kepada Tuhan). Dlm tatacara kehidupan, seseorang (macam saya) tak boleh memaksa seseorang macam kau mengikuti cara hidup aku - kau mati nanti.

Kalau kau kata agama Islam itu adalah tatacara (mengikuti kehidupan Muhammad) maka ianya JALAN YANG SALAH dan SESAT.

buddha bermeditasi, Muhammad bertapa - masing2 sorang2 kan

Kau fikir Muhammad bertapa berhari2 kah? Kalau paling banyak pun beberapa jam kerana MUSTAHIL badan manusia boleh tahan duduk dlm gua berjam2. Gautama Buddha meditasi berhari2 ataupun berminggu lamanya. Jadi kedua2nya tak sama.

nak berdebat??? ayat2 manusia boleh leee, AYAT2 TUHAN boleh gak ke???

Kenapa tak boleh berdebat dgn Tuhan? Tuhan kamu egoistic sangat ke?

Musa pun berdebat dgn Yahweh di atas Gunung Sinai sebelum Musa bawa turun Ten Commandments. Jesus punya pengikut pun berdebat dgn Jesus semasa mereka mengikutinya. Arjuna pun berdebat dgn Sri Krishna dan perdebatan itu direkodkan sbg Bhavagad Gita. Pengikut Buddha pun berdebat dgn Buddha semasa mereka mengembara dgnnya.

Apasalah pengikut Muhammad tak boleh berdebat dgn tuhan mereka (menerusi Muhammad) dan mesti mengikuti tanpa usul periksa?

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Post time 1-6-2017 02:29 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 30-5-2017 01:44 PM
Karatbesi, kau cakap banyak. Sekarang ulaskan statement asal aku :-

Three reasons why Muhammad is ...

3). Gautama Buddha lead an ascetic lifestyle - where he had abandon worldly possession and even his own family to serve the greater Spiritual purpose.
Muhammad did not leave anything behind during his time preaching Islam. He send people to wage warfare in his behalf and married 14 wives in 15 years he lived in Madinah after the death of his first wife (Siti Khadijah). Note :- the 14 wives are the ones that had been recorded. It doesn't count the sex slaves and others which he may had

So, since we can see that Muhammad's lifestyle, "spiritual practice" and actions are so different when compared to Gautama Buddha, how is it that we can say that this Arab could have any chance of becoming Gautama Buddha's replacement (Maitreya Buddha)???

Apa yg Buddha perolehi adalah sama dgn golongan2 Rabbaniah dr zaman Musa dan ahli2 Sufi diwaktu sekarang ini,
dimana mereka meninggalkan dunia dan perhiasannya, semata2 kerana PENCIPTA mereka.
Hanya beribadah sahaja
   antara kamu tak berkahwin (spiritual) dan berkahwin dgn jaga/didik anak isteri, mana satu yg lebih baik diSISI TUHAN
   adakah dgn berkahwin, jaga anak isteri bukannya ibadah juga???
   kalau kamu boleh jawab soalan ini, kamu akan tahu kenapa manusia dijadikan ketua di bumi ini

di Tanah arab memang penuh dgn peperangan, dari zaman Musa sendiri hinggakan Utusan2 Tuhan banyak dibunuh
Penerima Kitab Veda dibunuh juga ke ( kamu pun tak tahu kan)
bagi org2 islam masa Muhammad, mereka anggap dia seperti raja
tapi beliau tak pernah kaya walau dapat hadiah, harta rampasan yg banyak malahan beri pada yg minta
dan kabilah2 kecil apabila didatangi muhammad secara baik atau perang, mereka kahwinkan dgn seorg perempuan disitu
agar ada perdamaian dan ikatan persaudaraan
kamu dah kaji kenapa Muhammad tidak serang mekah kali pertama bahkan berundur dan terima perjanjian???

iya, Muhammad ada beberapa org hamba sahaya perempuan, dan boleh kamu berikan nama mereka yg tidak dimerdekakan?

dan ayat terakhir..........BACAKAN saya AYAT TUHAN dalam AL QURAN yg benar2 bercanggah dgn HUKUM???
mau saya huraikan Surah Taubah 9: 28 yg kamu dok canang sewenang2nya tu


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Post time 1-6-2017 02:58 PM | Show all posts

Agama LAIN, tatacara kehidupan LAIN. Agama tak boleh menjadi tatacara kehidupan seseorang kerana ianya sepatutnya sesuatu yang general (umum).

itulah, kamu tak tahu apa tu AGAMA
buat baik, bertolak ansur, kaya tolong yg miskin, pandai bantu yg bodoh
jangan curi, jangan dengki khianat, jangan dok cari salah org lain
jangan sombong riak bangga............banyak sangat nak ditulis, yang ini saja pun kamu belum ammpu kannnnn

hanya SYARIAT yg beda-beda(cara dan tertib penyembahan dan penyaksian)

Islam adalah tatacara hidup dr Tuhan ----- takkan kamu bodoh sangat tak tahu kotttt
Muhammad berbicara (hadith) pada persoalan sesuatu kaum utk tahap masing2
dan menjelaskan apa yg belum jelas pada sebilangan manusia yg KURANG FAHAM

Kau fikir Muhammad bertapa berhari2 kah? Kalau paling banyak pun beberapa jam kerana MUSTAHIL badan manusia boleh tahan duduk dlm gua berjam2. Gautama Buddha meditasi berhari2 ataupun berminggu lamanya. Jadi kedua2nya tak sama.

tiada keterangan tentang ini, tapi sejak dia kahwin dgn Siti Khadijah pada usianya 20 tahun sehingga umurnya 40 (awal wahyu)
dia sering berulang ke gua hira sorang2 dgn bawa perbekalan

Kenapa tak boleh berdebat dgn Tuhan? Tuhan kamu egoistic sangat ke?

ooo patutlah kamu merapu semacam je, Tuhan kamu anggap cam adik keluarga kamu je ke
cuba kamu gi ngadap raja hindu - kamu debat lah dgn dia - mau kamu kena pelempang je
sedangkan yg DIAMANAH dan DIPERINTAH pun kamu tak mampu jalankan

Musa pun berdebat dgn Yahweh di atas Gunung Sinai sebelum Musa bawa turun Ten Commandments. Jesus punya pengikut pun berdebat dgn Jesus semasa mereka mengikutinya. Arjuna pun berdebat dgn Sri Krishna dan perdebatan itu direkodkan sbg Bhavagad Gita. Pengikut Buddha pun berdebat dgn Buddha semasa mereka mengembara dgnnya.
Apasalah pengikut Muhammad tak boleh berdebat dgn tuhan mereka (menerusi Muhammad) dan mesti mengikuti tanpa usul periksa?

Musa - aku tak mahu bicara ttg ini - pasal mungkin betul atau tak? tak siap dengar direct
Jesus - memang le pengikutnya sekadar manusia yg bertingkat2
Sri Krishna - pasal dia bukan penerima wahyu - sama cam rishi je kan
Buddha - pengikutnya pun beraneka ragam kan
dan semua ni - aku tak tahu camna Tuhan Wahyukan KALAMNYA

tapi bila Muhammad - Tuhan adakala BERKALAM
semua orang sekitarnya tunduk tak mampu melihatnya, unta pun terduduk tika ini
sedangkan Muhammad merasa berat yg sangat2 MENERIMANYA
.......................kamu teringin sangat ke nak rasa camni

oklah org2 dulu menerimanya dgn hati terbuka pasal mereka kenal Muhammad dan akhlaknya sejak kecil
jika kamu tak boleh menerima mana2 AYAT TUHAN dalam AL QURAN - kasi tau dan aku jelaskan pada kamu
sebab kamu tak belajar dan memahami veda dgn lebih baik
jika tidak kamu akan dapat persamaan iaitu AGAMA ITU ADALAH SATU


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