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Post time 8-6-2016 07:01 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

1.Pengasas negara Malaysia merdeka memilih sistem demokrasi kerana rakyatlah yang berjaya mempengaruhi dan menyokong Raja untuk menolak Malayan Union rancangan British. Rakyat dalam demokrasi diberi hak dan kuasa memilih pemimpin untuk mengetuai pentadbiran negara. Bersama dengan hak ini datang juga hak untuk menukar pemimpin jika pemimpin sudah tidak layak lagi menjadi pemimpin. Penukaran ini boleh dibuat semasa pilihanraya umum atau diwaktu mana pemimpin didapati sudah tidak lagi sesuai.
2.Dalam negara demokratik suara rakyat penting bagi pemimpin mengetahui kehendak mereka. Oleh itu kebebasan bersuara menjadi satu dari hak utama dalam demokrasi. Jika syarat ini tidak dipatuhi maka bukan sahaja demokrasi menjadi cacat tetapi ianya tidak wujud.
3.Negara Malaysia dibawah Najib sudah tidak lagi mengamal prinsip kebebasan bersuara. Memanglah sekatan terhadap memburuk hubungan antara kaum di negara berbilang bangsa ini diperlukan. Semua negara demokratik mengamalkan sekatan tertentu bagi mengelak rusuhan. Tetapi ia tidak termasuk pemerintah mengurang atau menghapus hak rakyat mengkritik pemerintah apabila pemerintah melanggar undang-undang.
4.Hari ini kita lihat hak rakyat bersuara diganggu secara terbuka. Media cetak dan elektronik dikuasai penuh oleh Najib dan tidak lagi lapor yang benar. Maklumat diputar sehingga tidak lagi mencerminkan fakta yang sebenar. Sekatan terhadap media alternatif juga dicuba.

5.Walaupun dahulu kebebasan dialami oleh ahli parti UMNO untuk mencabar Presiden, bahkan bertanding merebut jawatan presiden, hari ini jika Presiden disoal atau ditegur, yang menegur akan dibuang dari parti, atau dilucut dari jawatan dalam parti. Dengan itu ahli parti takut dan membiar presiden membuat perkara yang tidak baik.
6.Katanya ada dedak yang disumbat kedalam mulut ahli-ahli parti supaya mereka menjadi bisu. Ada ahli parti yang mengaku menerima sogokan sebanyak satu dan dua juta Ringgit dan mereka pun menutup mulut terhadap jenayah yang jelas berlaku. Mereka mengia apa sahaja. Sesungguhnya mereka bukan lagi wakil rakyat yang memilih mereka, tetapi sudah jadi orang suruhan Najib. Dasar dan perjuangan parti tidak lagi menjadi tanggungjawab mereka.
7.Demikian juga dengan Ketua-Ketua Bahagian UMNO. Mereka sudah tidak ada suara lagi setelah melihat seorang Naib Ketua Bahagian yang menegur Presiden dipanggil oleh polis, disoal, dimasuk dalam tahanan dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah.
8.Walau apa pun kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh Najib, walaupun duit Kerajaan berbillion Ringgi dihilangkan, walaupun Najib tiba-tiba memiliki berbillion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadinya yang tidak dapat dijelas puncanya; wakil rakyat BN, Ketua-Ketua Bahagian UMNO membisu.
9.Dalam mesyuarat agung UMNO perwakilan tidak dibenar bercakap berkenaan dengan 1MDB dan 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaun peribadi Najib.
10.Apabila beberapa pemimpin cawangan menyoal dan menegur Najib kerana 1MDB, 2.6 billion Ringgit dalam akaunnya dan penglibatan Jho Low dan syarikat Good Star Ltd dalam pengurusan wang 1MDB sehingga ratusan juta dollar Amerika hilang, maka Ketua-Ketua Cawangan dipecat.
11.Biasanya apabila pemimpin menyeleweng, Perlembagaan negara memberi hak kepada wakil rakyat membuat undi tidak percaya dalam Dewan. Tetapi kerana dedak dan berbagai jenis tekanan, selain dari dua orang ahli UMNO, ahli-ahli UMNO yang lain dan BN tidak berani menyokong usul tidak percaya jika diusulkan.
12.Rakyat kehilangan suara secara menyeluruh. Semua peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan dan undang-undang berkenaan kebebasan bersuara sudah dibatalkan. Melapor kepada polis berkenaan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin juga bukan sahaja tidak berkesan tetapi yang melapor sendiri dimasuk dalam tahanan.
13.Sekarang ini rakyat cuba untuk merayu kepada Yang diPertuan Agong melalui Deklarasi Rakyat. Memang tidak ada peruntukkan dalam Perlembagaan bagi rakyat merayu kepada Raja-Raja. Tetapi oleh kerana semua jalan lain untuk memperdengarkan rintihan mereka sudah dihapuskan, maka terpaksalah mereka mengguna cara rayuan kepada Raja. Najib juga tidak patuh kepada Perlembagaan, undang-undang serta prinsip-prinsip demokrasi berkenaan hak bersuara oleh rakyat.
14.Ugutan juga dibuat untuk merampas paspot jika semasa berada diluar negara, kenyataan dibuat kepada media asing berkenaan salahlaku pemerintahan Najib.
15.Sudah lebih sejuta rakyat menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat untuk selamatkan Malaysia, walaupun kedengaran ada amaran diberi oleh Kerajaan Najib bahawa sesiapa yang menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat akan kehilangan bantuan BRIM, biasiswa anak, peluang perniagaan, lesen dan semua kemudahan hak rakyat. Peniaga akan digeledah oleh Jabatan Hasil Dalam Negeri, tidak akan dapat kontrak, urusan dengan pejabat terganggu dan lain-lain ugutan.
16.Sekarang ada penyokong Najib yang memperlekehkan Deklarasi Rakyat, kononnya ada banyak penipuan. Ia mendesak polis supaya merampas Deklarasi yang berada dengan sekretariat. Harapannya ialah supaya polis dapat kenalpasti mereka-mereka yang telah tandatangan Deklarasi tersebut dan akan dapat mengugut mereka.
17.Sebenarnya memang ramai yang tidak sanggup tandatangan Deklarasi kerana rejim Najib akan ugut dan ganggu mereka. Jika tidak ada gangguan dan ugutan ini lebih ramai rakyat yang akan tandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat. Sebenarnya berjuta rakyat bersetuju supaya Najib berhenti dari menjadi Perdana Menteri. Tetapi mereka takut tindakan rejim Najib.
18.Penyokong Najib ini ialah pengkhianat bangsa dan demokrasi yang tidak senang kerana rakyat bersuara. Kononnya ia dari parti pembangkang yang bermusuh dengan kerajaan Najib. Tetapi sebenarnya ia adalah penyokong tersembunyi Najib yang ingin selamatkan Najib.
19.Usaha untuk mendapat Deklarasi Rakyat akan diteruskan. Saya percaya ramai rakyat Malaysia berani bersuara.
20.Pengkhianat bangsa dan demokrasi tidak akan berjaya walaupun mendapat perlindungan Najib.
1. The exponents of Independent Malaysia chose the democratic system as it was the people who managed to influence and support the Rulers to reject the British Malayan Union plan. People in a democracy are given the right and power to elect a leader to head the Nation’s administration. Along with these rights come also the right to change the leader if the leader is no longer fit to lead. This change can be made during a general election or at a time when the leader is no longer deemed suitable.
2. In a democratic country, voice of the people is essential in order for the leaders to know the people’s needs. Thus, freedom of expression becomes one of the main rights in a democracy. If this condition is not complied with, then not only is democracy flawed but in fact it does not exist
3. The Malaysian nation under Najib no longer practices freedom of expression. No doubt, limits as regards to freedom of speech relating to race relations matters in a multi-ethnic country is necessary. All democratic countries adopt certain restrictions to prevent unrest. But it does not include the government reducing or eliminating the rights of citizens criticising the government when the government violates the law.
4. Today, we see the people’s right to speak harassed openly. Print and electronic media is fully controlled by Najib and no longer report the truth. Facts are twisted until they no longer reflect the truth. Sanctions against alternative media are also tried.
5. Even though in the past, members of UMNO experienced freedom to challenge the President of UMNO, even to contest the Presidency, today if the President is questioned or reprimanded, the one who reprimands will be removed from the party, or stripped of his party posts. With this, party members are scared and allow the President to do bad things.
6. It has been said that “bran” have been stuffed into the mouth of party members so that they become silent. There are party members who admitted to receiving bribes of one and two million Ringgit and they shut their mouths on crimes that are clearly committed. They are agreeable to anything. Indeed, they are no longer representating the people who elected them, but have become Najib’s servants. The Party’s principle and struggle is no longer their responsibility.
7. This is also true with UMNO’s Heads of Division. They lost their voice after seeing a Deputy Head of a Division who reprimanded the President being summoned by police, questioned, taken into custody and brought to court.
8. Even though there are offences committed by Najib, even though billions of ringgit of government money are missing, even though Najib suddenly have billions of Ringgit in his personal account whose source cannot be explained, BN people’s representatives, UMNO Heads of Division are speechless.
9. During the general meeting of UMNO, delegates were not allowed to speak in respect of 1MDB and 2.6 billion ringgit in Najib’s personal account.
10. When several branch leaders questioned and criticized Najib for the 1MDB, the RM2.6 billion in his account and the involvement of Jho Low and Good Star Ltd. in the management of 1MDB’s funds that led to hundreds of millions of US dollars gone missing, these Branch Heads are sacked.
11. Usually when a leader strays, the country’s Constitution gives the right to Members of Parliament to call for a vote of no confidence in Parliament. But because of the “bran” and different kinds of pressures, apart from two members of UMNO, other UMNO members and also BN dare not support any no-confidence motion if proposed.
12. Citizens have lost all freedom of speech. All provisions in the Constitution and the law relating to freedom of speech has been eliminated. Reporting to the police about crimes committed by leaders are not only ineffective but the reporter himself may be detained.
13. Now citizens are trying to appeal to the Yang di Pertuan Agong through the Declaration of the People. No doubt there is no provision in the Constitution for citizens to appeal to the Rulers. However, as all other avenues to raise their grievances are eliminated, they have no choice but to appeal to the Rulers. Najib himself also does not obey the Constitution, the laws and the principles of democracy with respect to freedom of expression by the people.
14. Threats have also been made to confiscate passports, if while outside the country, they give statements to foreign media regarding the wrongdoings of Najib’s administration.
15. More than a million people have signed the Declaration of the People to save Malaysia, although a warning have been sounded by the Government of Najib that those who signed the Declaration of the People will lose BRIM aid, children’s scholarships, business opportunities, licenses and all amenities which are the rights of people. Businesses will be searched by the Inland Revenue Department, contracts not awarded, hindrances when dealing with government offices and other threats.
16. Now there is a supporter of Najib belittling the Declaration of the People, alleging the existence of plenty of scams. He had urged the police to seize the Declaration at the Secretariat. The intention is for the police to be able to identify those who have signed the Declaration and therefore would be able to intimidate them.
17. Indeed there are many who are not willing to sign the Declararion because Najib’s regime will threaten and disturb them. If there are no threats and intimidation there are more people who will sign the Declaration of the People. Actually, millions of people agree that Najib step down as Prime Minister. But they fear action by Najib’s regime.
18. This supporter of Najib is a traitor of the nation and democracy who is not happy because the people speaks. Supposedly he is from the opposition party which is hostile to Najib’s government. But in fact he is Najib’s secret supporter who wants to save him.
19. Efforts to get the Declaration of the People signed will continue. I believe there are many Malaysians brave enough to speak up.
20. Traitors to the nation and democracy will not succeed despite getting Najib’s protection.


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Post time 8-6-2016 10:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dok pahannn

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Post time 9-6-2016 09:06 AM | Show all posts
cakap je kebebasan bersuara.....hakikatnye komunis  

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