1961# teky
arap2 la berita yang Apollo bagitau tuh betul..bukan teori semata2..
psstt Apollo, nnt ko update selalu la pasal simpanan ni..usha2 ah ngan boss ko tuh.. |
1962# Haruko
sudah2 ler korang....heheh...haruko, ko x beranak2 jgk lg ye....
fakhrul: cth surat aku ko xnak ke? hehehhe |
1963# izati_abc
bb lom nk kuar lg..so yg aqiqah bb ku buat qurban..haha sebab raya da lepas dah..so, da xkesahla dia nk kuar bila.. |
1962# Haruko
sudah2 ler korang....heheh...haruko, ko x beranak2 jgk lg ye....
fakhrul: cth surat aku ko xnak ke? hehehhe
izati_abc Post at 27-11-2009 23:28 
nk gak klu nk bagi.. hehe |
1965# fakhrul
Dear Sir,
Notice of Resignation
Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position as ............. with .............Berhad effective from ...................2009.
Thank you for the opportunities for growth that you have provided me during my time with the company.
I wish you and the company all the best.
STAFF ID: ...............
wat simple2 jer.... |
fakhrul: amik je cth yg mummyumar bg tu....hehe....yg aku hardcopy ade la...tp ari ni tinggal kat umah lak....aku ari tu carik kat internet je sample resignation letter.....heheh
haruko: alala....sian dia....bb xnak kuar lg ek....dia suke duk dlm perut tu lama2....heheh |
1966# MummyUmar
Thanks mummy.. nnti nk tulis tiru sejibik mcm ni..hehe |
mane gi sume org erk.... ke sume org mood raye lg.... selalu laju jer thread ni.... |
1967# fakhrul
takpe fakrul... tiru jer... mummy pun tiru org gak... hahahahahha.... |
baby haruko x nak kuar coz... takut nak jumpe mummy dier... Haruko garang... hihiihihii |
korang..jum ler ber facebook plak..apa kata korng anto email fb korng..leh ler mawar add...he8 |
korang..jum ler ber facebook plak..apa kata korng anto email fb korng..leh ler mawar add...he8 |
1973# mawarkota
aku kat opis ni xleh ber FB....wat penuh emel aku ngn notification je..heheh...tp ko add la aku mawar....nnt aku fight la ngn husband aku nk online kat umah..... kene fight ok sbb husband aku tu 24 jam ngadap laptop.....email aku tie_abc at yahoo dot com...heheh |
1973# mawarkota
[email protected]... same lah ngan izati.. FB kat office dah kene block. kat umah berebut ngan hubby |
surat dah sampai kat kg... kate nyer lapor diri 30hr dari receive surat...
fakhrul... dah dpt lom? |
korg da dpt surat yg kasi tau sebagai simpanan???
kekekek |
1976# MummyUmar
regis kat maner???
JANM kerr??
*sibok je aku nak tau..kekek |
1978# teky
yup kat JANM putrajaya... maybe from that br tau posting katne kot... mummy pun x tgk surat tu lg... just info dr ayah kat kg jer |
xsampai lagi ler teky..
korg dh add..ti approve k.... |
1979# MummyUmar
kekekekekek |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi