ha'ah...saye pun terperasan Kirsten dlm citer tv2 smlm...tp tak layan sbb sedara mara dtg rumah... |
Balas #1923 forselab\ catat
me pun mula2 tak nak tengok jugak..
tapi asyik terdengar hubby gelak terbahak2 sorang2 diri layan movie tu...
tu ler last2 join sekaki...best jugak layan cerita budak2 ni...si kirsten pun kiut masa kecik2...yg kelakar si mamat yg berlakon high school musical pun ada gak..yg rambut kerinting cam alleycats tu..tk ingat nama dia tapi muka dia langsung tak berubah..sama je cam skarang..comel2 budak2 ni masa kecik2... |
Reply #1922 mimiekiut's post
yup... sbnarnya ade vcd catch the kids ni....
tp lama dah tak ulang tgok...tgok pun mase mula2 bli dlu...3-4 thn dulu...
smlm buka tv2... my doter teriak.... BELLA !! BELLA!!
pastu dia yg perasan... yg rambut alleycat tu... budak highscool musical...
yg lelaki sorang lagi... yg dlm PACIFIER... |
Reply #1920 mimiekiut's post
aku baru habis baca 100 page....Novel agak complex berbanding movie, banyak gak info2 baru yang aku dapat tahu, yang sebelum ni menjadi persoalan time aku tengok movie dulu...
Isnin lepas, time dalam flight pergi Kuala Terengganu, aku baca la novel la Twilight ni, tiba2 stewardess tegur, tanya novel tu sebest movie dia tak? Aku pun cakap la, dua2 sama best.. |
Reply #1928 nameloo's post
best sangat!!  |
tumpang meroyan sekaki, i got twilight in my laptop too..tatau ulang kali ke berapa  |
Balas #1938 pavlova\ catat
penantian satu penyiksaan...
seminggu dua lagi tu sampai la kottt....
pav beli apa from amazon tu?? |
Reply #1939 mimiekiut's post
beli ni:
Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition) (2008)
Product Description
Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) doesn抰 expect much when she moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, until she meets the mysterious and handsome Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson)梐 boy who抯 hiding a dark secret: he抯 a vampire. As their worlds and hearts collide, Edward must battle the bloodlust raging inside him as well as a coterie of undead that would make Bella their prey. Based on the #1 New York Times best-selling sensation by Stephenie Meyer, Twilight adds a dangerous twist to the classic story of star-crossed lovers.
DVD features:
* Presented in widescreen format only
* Audio commentary by Catherine Hardwicke, Kristen Stewart, and Robert Pattinson
* Muse music video: "Super Massive Black Hole"
* Paramore music video: "Decode"
* Linkin Park music video: "Leave Out All the Rest"
* Five extended scenes with director introductions
* Five deleted scenes with director introductions
* Seven-part documentary: "The Adventure Begins: The Journey from Page to Screen"
* Comic-Con "fandom" piece
* Comic-Con NY sizzle reel
* Three trailers
* Penelope trailer

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight |
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