i feel so bad right now baru tadi borak2 ngan kwn AM time mkn, AM just cakap la pndapat AM yg mv fantastic baby da ala2 illuminati (well actually dari mv i am the best lagi AM da rasa gitu gak).. i nver shared my thought about this here, tapi tadi tetibe la TERbeborak ngan kwn pasal tu kan, then bila bukak twitter, ada gak yg bising2 pasal bb is illuminati puppet (?) i mean, WHAT??! andwae2!! hope it's just me being too sensitive bout this, please3 jgn la jadi betul.. tsktsk...emosinye memalam cenggini
smlm da mnang mubank, hari ni inkigayo plak, congratz uri bb!
blue (ni daebak)
bad boy
fantastic baby
Source: AKP and ckim1986@youtube
Big Bang joined ‘Inkigayo‘ MCs IU, Nicole, and Hara to talk about their comeback. For their interview, the three girls chose to ask fan questions to create a memorable interview. One of those questions, sent by a fan named ‘A sunflower who only looks at Taeyang‘, asked, “White Day is coming up soon, who will Taeyang gift candy to?”
Coincidentally, IU who was wearing a crown made out of tiny sunflowers, leading her fellow MCs to suspiciously ask, “Was that question really sent by a fan?”
IU denied their suspicion and told them to “be quiet”, hurrying Taeyang for a response. Taeyang chose action over words and pulled her into a cute hug that had all cameras and the envy of fans focused on her!
IU obviously couldn’t hide her expression of joy, while others erupted in laughter.