Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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pjade replied at 15-7-2019 04:20 PM
Maaf la nak mengungkit... baju wedding dia pun ill fitting to my eyes..
baju wedding even rizalman pon kata teruk , x terletak and jahitan pon teruk |
jauh bertiang kalau nak bandingkan dia dgn KM...
dgn Pippa pun x mampu nak bersaing.
classy jauh sekali.
atleast better laa drpd skrg. makin lama makin tak kena. and yes kain baju wedding dia nampak tebal. semua mcm last minit, kek pun huduh 
kawen org kaye petutnya makin terurus, minah ni sebaliknya. eh kaye kee tiberr 
kayer la.. menantu Duchy of Cornwall 
eva replied at 15-7-2019 02:28 PM
u guys kalau bc kat tumblr yg kena post oleh MM Anon tu mesti uols x percaya.. khabarnya dia stres ...
zaman mude sheols pn nmpk berisi sikit..mase tu muke comel lg..
acik M ni terbalik kan..ptt mase pregnant la mengemokkan diri sikit..skrg pulak berisi mcm btl2 tgh pregnant lagi sekali |
fizamn replied at 15-7-2019 10:38 AM
muka beyonce and husband so fake layan si mekgot... OMG!!! malu seyhhh.. mekgot beriya iya nak semba ...
tapi Beyonce gak angkat acik M jd ala queen
muke tak ikhlas tak excited pelik iols |
tergelak tgk kat ig .. baju MM ni kat lengan tu ada cloth ribbon utk gantung tu ada kat bawah lengan ni .. nampak sgt main aci pakai je .. tak de nak tengok betul2
heran betul .. dia tak rasa apa2 ke? kalau i, mesti dah selesa .. rasa gatal2
korang tau tak.. risau PH tengok MM ngan the Carter.. takut dia buat perangai.. secondly how dare minah sengget nie... how dare dia salam org tu dlu sebelum Prince Harry, she just a f32king wife of a prince! |
kuchenta_81 replied at 15-7-2019 03:06 PM
dulu bahu dia 14 rasanya now dah macam 17
lebar dan berisi
memang macam orang lepas bersalin pun ...
org kata dlu dia ambil substance to get into her slim body.. now supply dah x ada.. |
eva replied at 15-7-2019 06:23 PM
org kata dlu dia ambil substance to get into her slim body.. now supply dah x ada..
Banyak2 penampilan MM baju ni paling buruk seburuk2 kat achik M. Actually baju ni cantik tau. Cute sesuai badan petite. Skirt A ni kalau badan ketak ketak jgn lah mencuba2 yang oiii, kalau pinggang 25-28 boleh lah ambik.. first thought seeing her like this, is apesal SADO sgt achik M ni oh my my |
airisa replied at 15-7-2019 06:05 PM
tergelak tgk kat ig .. baju MM ni kat lengan tu ada cloth ribbon utk gantung tu ada kat bawah lengan ...
I pun tak suka baju ade benda alah ni. Mesti i gunting punye kalau tak jadi macam achik m |
kosukeconan replied at 14-7-2019 11:14 PM
kagum i tgk bideo ni sbb kate tnggu patiently utk kena introduce, dia bg winner ni greet other peo ...
She has common sense and respect towards poeple, so sweet if KM..She never thinks she is the centre of everything. Achik M, The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. |
dani-rox replied at 15-7-2019 02:31 AM
beria2 MM tarik tubuh Beyonce nak peluk, kemudian picit2 lengan. Gaya makcik2 yg excited sgt jum ...
Queen B is so pretty!!! Yeah the body language. Tak nampak macam excited pun. Like MEH.. MM is the one who excited instead |
icha80 replied at 15-7-2019 01:44 PM
OMg..rambut diaaa..
Oklah sepadan ngn hubby
Kan macam malas gitu hairstyle dia ikat sume pastu sanggul. Sanggul hat ni lah buat nampak tua . Kalau sanggul tinggi nampak younger skit |
dani-rox replied at 15-7-2019 02:34 AM
Sunday Times hencap MM kaw2
Da baca so embarassing, kena lahar habis tapi part ke dua tu sis tak paham sgt. Anyone mind to translate? Sorry english edukasyen sis tak tahap cambridge lagi huhuhu. So mesej tak smpai fully for the second part. Ampun ye sebelum kena lahar ... |
Countess of wessex je menantu yg tinggal youu, yg takbuat hal sgt dah tu pandai bawak diri. Prince edward pun sama, da la masa muda not bad 
obvious kan, eva? ada bibit2 penyesalan di wajah dia org. 
Beyonce kemain lg takmo rapat dgn KimK dulu sbb takmo mencemarkan brand dia. Dari sudut lain, mungkin kita faham jugaklah sbb Bey nih start dari bwh nak jd superstar - tetiba bintang porno/reality tv star menempel nak jd bff? aww hell no. Tapi tang MM, siap the Carters buatkan portrait bagai... mcm berubah 180 darjah gitu. Brangkali jumpa dan ber-sosialize depan2, Beyonce dan Jay Z baru sedar MM hanyalah social climber dan fan girl dia org. Ugh pegang lengan 2x tuh sgtlah cringey 
dani-rox replied at 15-7-2019 02:34 AM
Sunday Times hencap MM kaw2
Woooww...dani-rox,last sentence ya ada insinuate apa2 ka?....."rehabilitated" dubai princess. |
1. Questionable dating timeline and undetermined origins of first meeting/introduction with Harry. Both H&M provided contradictory answers on when they first met and how long they had dating prior to engagement, 18 months, 2 years, which is it? Original Vanity Fair article stated they met in May 2016 but then changed it to June or July 2016. There are photos with MM sitting on Corey’s lap (her live-in boyfriend) looking lovey-dovey in May 2016. She likely cheated on Corey with Harry, even if they met in June 2016, it’s still messy at best.
2. How they met is also questionable, in their engagement interview they state that it was blind date but they won’t reveal who to maintain their privacy. But there are strong reports she met him through a dinner party or Invictus event in Toronto that Corey was catering, basically slipping NPH her number behind her boyfriend’s back.
3. Going back another step in the “how they met” saga, it appears that MM was setting traps in London and Toronto to elevate her status and get herself closer to NPH. MM was setting up connections and “friendships” with London based influencers and members of British media, i.e. Piers Morgan and Millie Macintosh. Imagine their surprise when they were ghosted after she got the ring and weren’t invited to the wedding.
a. Not to be forgotten, but Soho House was instrumental in elevating her and getting her closer to Harry, who’s also member. A big player in this was Markus Anderson, whose kinda been MIA lately (has he been ghosted?), an alleged pimp and former ex of Scooby Doo- her James Charles knock-off mouthpiece.​
4. MM feigned ignorance about brf during the engagement interview but has since been outed by former bff and photos as obsessed with Diana and the royal family. There are numerous pictures of her pre-NPH that she posted on the Tig in exact Diana cos-play.
5. MM ditched her dad, Thomas Markle, long before the staged embarrassing pap shots and royal wedding. Although her father was toted as an Emmy award winning lighting director and amazing father that made her feel better about being biracial and to “draw her own box”, bought 2 different sets of dolls to create a family that looked like hers (black mom, white dad), sent her to private schools with the likes of Scarlett Johansson and Katherine McPhee, took her to dancing/acting classes, built the school play production sets, sent her to Northwestern, gave her gas money during struggle acting days, and cashed FB shares to pay for 1st(2nd?) wedding in Jamaica- he was not good enough for her wedding.
a. He was not presented with the official wedding invitation at his door like it was for Doria
b. Was told by MM that there wasn’t enough time for him to provide a little speech at her wedding at father of the bride, yet she made concessions for celebrities she never met.
c. Clearly told NPH an Orphan Annie story while dating as he said the RF was “the family she never had” in a radio interview.
d. Told him they had a suit and shoes waiting for him when he got to London, which I think was 2 days before the wedding, but when did they get his measurements and in what time were they going to get his suit ready? Doria was photographed with designer garment bags at least a week before the wedding and during her travel to London, which implies she had consultations, fittings, and final outfit ready way before the wedding date. ​
6. MM adopted rescue dogs, showed them off on IG and her blog, and then ditched them as soon as she was engaged. The story is she got them to impress Ellen DeGeneres (and be invited on her show?) since Ellen is big on animal rescue. However she claimed 4-5 year Bogart was too old to travel, even though I’m sure the RF could have used their influence/resources to make special travel accommodations for him, and took Guy the beagle with her instead. The whereabouts of Bogart are unknown; we have to trust that MM actually left him with a loving good home where he’s taken care of. Guy hasn’t been seen since before her wedding and the story is that Guy was running around Kensington without a leash and was then hit by a car, both his back legs were broken, and was subsequently put down. Quite the animal lover she is, but don’t worry, H&M apparently got a new Labrador puppy last summer (that no one has seen) and refuse to say what his name is….mmmkay.
Just want to note that an easy way to quell or kill this rumor is to feature Guy and the new lab puppy on their IG, we'll see.
7. When MM was running her blog, she barely mentioned or posted her mom, it was all about her dad, but since her engagement Doria has been her current on-brand prop to a) establish her blackness, b) reaffirm her Cali boho yoga loving image, and c) imply a single black mom narrative to garner sympathy and rally black women as loyal supporters. However, no one can say with certainty where Doria was during MM’s formative years when Tom was the primary parent (was she a fashion boutique owner, makeup artist, travel agent, flight hostess, etc.), the only thing on record is that Doria filed for bankruptcy during this time (as has Tom). Doria is still seen doing her laundry at Laundromats while her amazing humanitarian daughter lives in a palace with servants and was NOT in attendance at her $500k baby shower.
8. MM conveniently uses racism as a shield against criticism but has absolutely zero history of having black friends and taking up black issues. Quite the contrary, she let herself pass as much as possible and even let people assume she was Italian (eye roll), teachers and schoolmates were surprised when they finally saw Doria and learned she was half black, since she was always seen with Tom. Later in college she wrote that she felt she didn’t fit in or have a lot in common with the black sororities and pledged to a white one. Her social circle has always been almost strictly white, from the men she dates to bffs, POC can have a role only if they elevate her to a higher status or have something to offer (i.e. Priyanka, Serena, Gayle, Oprah). There is zero room for just a regular-degular minority friend.
9. MM has a long history of using and discarding people once they are of no value to her. List includes ex-husband Trevor, former bff, former agent, zero maintained high school/college friends, Piers Morgan, ex-bf Corey, London IG influencers, all family members on both sides (even ones she posted on her IG), everyone that attended her first wedding (except her mom), etc. Has zero history of loyalty. Even threw a “Sayonara Zara” party when she got her role on suits, where she gave away her “cheap” and “non-designer” clothes to friends to make room for the new fancy clothes she’d buy. Clearly she’s wasted zero time revamping her new “royal” closet with as many designer duds as she possibly can.
10. MM is a social climber (as noted above), she used Messica and Corey to get into the higher circles of Toronto society to meet Harry (did you know she met MA through Corey which helped thrust her into the major SoHo circles?). She then discards people she doesn’t need anymore, she dumped Corey, MA is MIA, and Messica looks like she’s on the chopping block, who is next?
11. MM clearly merches. Her fashion fell completely off in September 2018 during the Commonwealth tour and has continued to gradually decline. Rumor is her fashion curator quit around this time and she began styling herself (with or without Messica’s help), the clothes look off the rack and untailored and sometimes still have the price tag hanging on. The clothes are also out of season when worn, summer dress in the winter and winter/fall clothes in the summer. There is a direct line or close enough relationship with Meghan’s Mirror (with connections to Messica) that has the run down on every thing she wears almost instantly to merch/advertise. She rarely wears British designers, perhaps because they don’t want to dress her or play her merch game. Or she simply doesn’t care about proudly representing her new country.
12. The merching extends to charities, friend’s businesses, and all sorts of companies as well. Highlighting US based charities and friend’s businesses on the royal IG platform, merching SoHo house as interior design inspo for Frogmore Cottage, merching her friend’s new show during the baby shower by wearing the hat, merching pretty much everything during the baby shower from tote bags, skin care products, away suitcases, cookies, the hotel, restaurants, flower donations, “mummy necklace” etc. ALL relationships appear to be transactional and none are genuine.
13. MM doxxed everyday women that criticized her. Her ego is so great and insecurities so delicate that she basically had to destroy the lives of regular women that said her shoes were dirty.
14. MM announced her pregnancy at someone’s wedding (which was already delayed to accommodate hers) when she was likely not even at 12 weeks or pregnant at all.
15. MM’s entire pregnancy appears questionable, at best. She very clearly and obviously padded, but was it to exaggerate her pregnancy to appear further along than she really was, for purely vain reasons like having the perfect shaped bump, or was it 100% faked? The size varied from occasion to occasion, smaller then bigger then smaller again. Big when she arrived at an engagement then small when she left, and vice versa. Not to mention the folding, squishing, bouncing, disappearing/reappearing, and squatting with knees together then popping back up unassisted. She did not see a royal doctor, did not share when she was in labor with palace official (allegedly), kept birth plans extremely private, no one witnessed anyone leaving or entering Frogmore around the time of her going into labor and going to the hospital.
16. MM’s frequent staff turnover and high number of resignations in less than one year, from personal assistants, protection officer, royal advisor, etc. Not to mention the constant leaks of ill treatment of staff and her many nick-names, Duchess Difficult, Me-Gain, Me-Again, etc.
17. MM touts herself as a great feminist but her greatest achieving thus far is marrying Nazi-dressing man-child and lives off his grandmother and father’s allowance. How has MM bucked tradition and shown what a trail blazing independent woman she is? Not wearing stockings to show off her toothpick legs and constantly holding NPH’s hand (except for when she’s pushing in front of him, of course). Quick, put her on a stamp.
18. MM touts herself as a humanitarian as well but managed to spend more than all European royals combined in less than one year on a badly fitted wardrobe. Like mentioned above, she can’t be bothered to get her mom a washer/dryer set or laundry service and her father (no matter how strained) lives in a raggedy Mexican town in bad health wearing extremely worn clothes eating KFC.
19. MM also touts herself as an environmentalist but made sure to use a private jet to travel to and from tacky $500k baby shower, has Harry lecturing her about not keeping all the lights on in their home, and allegedly used helicopter pilot as a postmates delivery guy (he also quit too).
Bukti pun dah ada ditepek dlm thread2 sebelum nih. Ada masa sila buat ulangkaji 
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