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Author: skymania


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Post time 18-8-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1833# adikmanis

nape yb ngan dae je?? sis ckp baby pon da x inesen la nih

sape yg kate ri tuh inesen mmg silapla. kalau tgk gambar dia ngan ex gf dia pun tau la mamat nih tak seinnocent mane. kekeke!! but dia jenis setia ngan cinta. so dimaafkanla. kekeke!! actually, kalau ikut star, riri nih laie superstar kot dr gd since dia mmg da famous from gwangju laie. siap ade fanclub sendirik kot kat gwangju before masuk BB. bestfriend ngan yunho dbsk n yoobin sampai BB members yg lain sgtla jeles. sebab diorg ckp riri slalu lupe diorg kalau da jumpe bebdk gwangju. kekeke!! esp leader la. even dia baik ngan yoobin pun, still jeles ngan maknae dia.

seungri ckp jidi suke yuri... AM xrela jidi ngan yuri sbb AM xminat snsd..

ji tuh sume org pun dia suke. kekeke!! yoona pun dia suke, sohee pun dia suke. maknae fx pun dia suke. sumela senang citer. but yeah, i dun like yuri too. oke, sape marah, sorry cay. there's something wrong with her. camne nak ckp psl gd nih eyk, attitude mmg prob sket la budak kecik nih. tp he has a big heart n a big dream yg buatkan org respect ngan dia. and BB members sgt hormat pada senior kay. i respect them for striving hard to make their dreams come true. just, they really should learn more from shinhwa. mau jea lecture si leader nih suh gi blaja ngan eric. one of the reason why SHCJ will always return back to Shinhwa sebab they knew how much eric has sacrificed for Shinhwa and how shinhwa been through for these 13 years. sob! sob! sob! so kwon leader really need to learn from him.

kalau diorg kawen, by that time pun ntah2 AM pun da kawen. so takde hal la. kekeke!!



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Post time 18-8-2011 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1822# luvsushi

bae tuh actuallynye, hahaha!! seriously, if u want a really good guy in bb, turn to dae. bae nih walau pun dia tak flirt, but i dun think he's innocent. mmgla secara lahiriah, eceh! oke, nampak jea bae nih inesen, tak reti swearing, but when u're close with top, ji n ri.. ur mind wont be so innocent. so yeah, kalau nak kire inesen. dae is the safest la. bae nih kuat buli org jugak. and no, he dun know how to treat a girl nicely. dia jenis buli org yg dia suke. kekeke!!

they want to have gf? go ahead. but seriously, these guys mmg takkan lame in relationship. they are not seven or YG. they are more like kush n teddy yg flirt n tak pikir everything seriously. rasenye dlm bbdk BB, yg kawen dulu maybe dae or riri. tabi nih kalau still ngan min ah pun chomel gaks. tp boomie n top pun sgt chomel!! kekeke!! gd nih, i just approved dia ngan seungri jea. or CL. he needs someone yg bule control dia. he said so. yg kengkonon inesen tp aggresive. kalau seungri, he can be with anyone who truly love him. i approve since he really deserve someone yg bebtul sygkan dia. but i really like him with CL. ^^

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Post time 18-8-2011 10:25 PM | Show all posts
A few minutes more and we'll start celebrating BIGBANG's 5th Anniversary on TWITTER. Hope VIPS can join us there trending

#BB5forlife at 2330KST

credit: soompi

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Post time 18-8-2011 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Yeay!! It's already 12pm in Seoul so here goes my shout out...drum roll plzzz....

20110819 Happy BigBang 5th anniversary!
And many many more years to come!



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Post time 18-8-2011 11:59 PM | Show all posts

credit: as tagged @ tumblr

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Post time 19-8-2011 12:04 AM | Show all posts
2 hari ni mmg bizi betul la....dah la ada test, leh lagi AM spazzing pasal bb nih 24/7 yelar..besday leadah setaun 5th anniversary ofkos once in a lifetime...mana leh lpas plus bila otai2 pon da start spazzing...lagi la xleh ttinggal ketapi..

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Post time 19-8-2011 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Drum droll..........
Below video is for BB 5th Anniv. special project..a compilation of messages from various BB fansites..Remember stanum did send a message representing carianz klik SINI .. Well, pls use full screen & pause at 1:44 and 1:47, see the 2nd "post it" on your left was mine/ours!! Yeay!!

Sadly leslie@soompi x letak perkataan from carianz..huhu! but still, I'm super duper happy! leh tido dgn lena ini mlm...



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Post time 19-8-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Drum droll..........
Below video is for BB 5th Anniv. special project..a compilat ...
stanum123 Post at 19-8-2011 00:04

   awww...thx sis mlm smlm mimpi jidi..mlm ni kene mimpi sume ke?

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Post time 19-8-2011 12:16 AM | Show all posts
awww...thx sis  mlm smlm mimpi jidi..mlm ni kene mimpi sume ke?
adikmanis Post at 19-8-2011 00:06

ngeee........ haruss la lalink...kuss semangat letih derr spazzing 2 hari ni..tu la pasal, dh nak jadi ahjumma br terhegeh2 nk minat BB kan..stamina pun kurang..hehe..

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Post time 19-8-2011 12:49 AM | Show all posts
sambungan lagi... last part
sabar ye dek2 nun... baca sampai abis ek...
----------------------- ...
luvsushi Post at 18-8-2011 10:29

    berjaya baca semua..... curlast lifestyle laki aku

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Post time 19-8-2011 06:24 AM | Show all posts
wahhhh...banyaknye korang spazzing..
dari tadi duk backtracking dari page 68.
tadi duk sibuk kt twitter duk trending #BB5forlife. tapi x nampak plak kt trending topic.
sesape ada twitter bgtau la.. leh follow kt twitter.
byk nk komen tp x tau nk start kt mane.

@fan account.
panjang giler. but it's really fun to read. haha... boys will be boys. x de benda surprise sgt. sian tgk bigbang members ni sbnrnya. life diorg cam 24/7 ade orang duk stalking. mcm tak bebas. sbg org yg dah dewasa, biarlah diorg dgn cara diorg. nak enjoy ke apa.. as long as they keep doing their job, producing good songs, performing on stage.
diorg kaya pun atas hasil kerja penat lelah diorg selama 5 tahun ni.

dae mmg private person punyer org. suker duk rumah. lepas apa yg dh jadi kt dia... risau sgt2 kot2 dia totally become private person, quiet and isolate from other people. kot2 jadi lebih depressing kalau terus ngan style cam tu.
baca kt BB thread in 6theory, daedae tak join gd's celebration birthday party masa birthday dia semalam. :cry:

last note: happy 5th anniversary bigbang.
nk share i punyer mimpi smlam. punyerla kan rindu ngan daesung... sampai termimpi sal diorg. diorg post video diorg sambut annversary mcm video yg tahun lepas. semua ada termasuklah daedae. happy je dia duk gelak ketawa ngan top, jidi, taeyang ngan seungri.
tak sempat nk mimpi lama, terus tersedar. huhu...

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Post time 19-8-2011 09:03 AM | Show all posts
berjaya baca semua..... curlast lifestyle laki aku
shareena88 Post at 19-8-2011 00:49

hi sherry, bak kata mereka...BERTABAHLAH minik2 GD sekalian!

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Post time 19-8-2011 09:21 AM | Show all posts
wahhhh...banyaknye korang spazzing..
dari tadi duk backtracking dari page 68.
tadi duk sibuk kt t ...
fiza1 Post at 19-8-2011 06:24

Hi fiza! lama x nmpk...tu la pasal...stanum pun trend #BB5forlife gak kat twitter sadly tak masuk carta worldwide pun.."BIGBANG" trend lebih tinggi...mcm #itsGday mmg top the list malam kelmarin! hehehe...mayb sbb KVIP & JVIP trend mende lain..I-VIP yang nak trend #BB5forlife..huhu!
Wah! mimpi Dae Dae ek!! hmm...i knw how u feel..same here...missed his laughter too... semlm stanum tgk balik Dae & Baby dlm HahaMong Show..jenuh dia kene usik dgn MC & idol yg lain sbb terlalu inesen..Our Dae Dae mmg kelakor le!

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Post time 19-8-2011 11:23 AM | Show all posts
wahhhh...banyaknye korang spazzing..
dari tadi duk backtracking dari page 68.
tadi duk sibuk kt t ...
fiza1 Post at 19-8-2011 06:24

   fiza..ktorang lately pon dok mimpi2 kan oppa2 nih....sume pon da angau sangat kot..

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Post time 19-8-2011 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Hi fiza! lama x nmpk...tu la pasal...stanum pun trend #BB5forlife gak kat twitter sadl ...
stanum123 Post at 19-8-2011 09:21

   part kiss tu kan sis...nmpak sangat keinesenan heols dan ketakinesenan seungri (erk,paham x AM tulis apa nih)

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Post time 19-8-2011 01:47 PM | Show all posts
tetiba rasa nak meraung tgk gambo and baca msg nih...

Happy 5th Year Anniversary, BIGBANG!
19 August 2011

No words could ever describe our undying love towards you. Until whenever, we will be here to love and support you.

Thank you for the love, for the music, for the inspiration. You make our lives brighter each day. We love you!

Happy 5th year anniversary! BIGBANG, Forever five!


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Post time 19-8-2011 02:22 PM | Show all posts
special dari trainer hwang

[PHOTO] Trainer Hwang greeted BIGBANG, “Happy 5th Anniversary BIGBANG!^^”

Source: HwangSsabu’s twitter via ibigbang

dae,tae - xleh ckp apa da..sume pon da tau abs diorang cmne kan
baby - mcm xreal je??? binik dia pon xcayer {:1_126:}
top,jidi - mana gambar topless?? mana????!! da la gmbr jidi dari blakang jerk....

pape pon...makasih hwang ajusshi..VIPs appreciate this

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Post time 19-8-2011 02:24 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1839# adikmanis

cantek gile... i nak satu ye gd... request yang warna itam ada smiley (ke tengkorak ek?) tu....

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Post time 19-8-2011 02:53 PM | Show all posts
The North Face CF song is composed by G-Dragon

from BB updates @ twitter....

agak2nye camne la ek lagu tu??? sentiasa nantikan hasil2 terbaru dari GD

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Post time 19-8-2011 05:50 PM | Show all posts
hi sherry, bak kata mereka...BERTABAHLAH minik2 GD sekalian!
stanum123 Post at 19-8-2011 09:03

    ingatkn baru balk aji (kepala botak) insap la sikit...nih makin jahanammmm

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