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Author: hhhhh

Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]

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Post time 30-8-2007 07:09 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 30-8-2007 07:23 AM | Show all posts
pix dr Korean media


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Post time 30-8-2007 08:27 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18340 myst_leen's post

morning semua...
yer la leen..
hampir 98% Chun pandang ella sokmo...time ni ler leh pandang2, jeling2..huhuhu

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Post time 30-8-2007 08:47 AM | Show all posts
pagi semua....seronoknya nengok gambar chun ngan ella...heheeh

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Post time 30-8-2007 08:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18383 tsukushi's post

naper tak nampak gambonya ek?

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Post time 30-8-2007 11:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18381 tsukushi's post


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Post time 30-8-2007 11:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #18383 tsukushi's post


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Post time 30-8-2007 01:04 PM | Show all posts
Errra..k fazy ...nnt re host blk pix...

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Post time 30-8-2007 01:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18389 tsukushi's post

ok tsu..

Winter Sonata dah update.

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18368 tsukushi's post

akakaka..dah ade dah translation utk part yg si chun berckp ttg ella .....

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

When Xiao S asked about Angela, haha, Calvin talked non stop and when Xiao S ask about Ella, Chun talked non stop.. and at one point.. haha.. Chun initiaited himself, and even commented that the way Ella said "Mushroom" is cute.. haha... note o... its his own slip of tongue.. no one was talking about Ella.. haha.. in fact, Da and Xiao S were asking about the ingredient and then Chun suddenly requested them to say mushroom the way Ella did. Hahas!

and and.. haha.. when he was doing monkey faces.. haha.. his monkey faces is also like Ella trademark.. haha.. you know, cock eyes and pouty lips. hahas.  They're like practically carbon copies lah. hahas.

and when Xiao S and Chun were doing the butt, haha.. i can't help but feel proud that only Ella get to hit his butt.. Kekeke..

Part 1:
At 5 min 58 sec

They were asking Chun about Arron and Jiro not being on good terms with Chun

Xiao S: So, is Jiro and Arron biased against you?
Chun: How can that be? Our relationship is really very good
Da S: But then when you guys take aeroplane, you are always separated with them
Xiao S: That's right. You are obviously going to Hong Kong, why must you go alone?
Chun: No lah. Because sometimes i need to go back to Brunei, and then sometimes, that's right, and then sometimes need to go back to Brunei
Xiao S: even though the timing is really short, you still have to go back to Brunei and escape from them is it?
Chun: No lah, because i want to get more attention, that's why i want to be separated from them purposely, when i say like that, is it ok and enough already?

note: i translated this part cos.. haha.. see the last sentence.. doesn't that sound like someone? hahas.

*hehehe..actually kan part yg val ckp cara chun cakap tu bunyi macam ni ..ade satu ketika tu ella ni diinterview ttg apa yg dia buat dengan dj kalau waktu ella blur ..lepas tu ella ckp ni la..kitaorang kuar makan , tgk wayang ..kalau saya ckp macam tu ..kamu dah puas hati tak ? kira boleh tak ? huhuh..kira nyer ayat chun kat atas pun cam tu la..bila dah rasa bosan ..akhirnyer macam kena buat2 mengaku la..padahal tak buat pun benda tu ..

At 15 min and 53 sec

Xiao S: Eh, so the both of you, have the both of you been hit by Ella at the bottom?
Chun: Hmm, have leh
Cal: Chun got it more often, i got it for a few times in the company
Da S: Then initially, did you retaliate?
Chun: Of course retaliate lah
Xiao S: So you also will retaliate lah?
Chun: It's because we know that she's like that, so when we stand beside her, we would be in this position
Cal: How will we be?
Chun: Correct, the hands will be in this position
Xiao S: Then in the long run, will you all just accept her?
Chun: Accept and let her hit ar? How can that be possible?
Xiao S: So that means she has never touch it directly before lah?
Chun: I forgot already (note: haha.. look at the way Chun said he forgot.. he became softer.. haha.. and he replied immediately without thinking.. ) But then if for example, she did hit us, we will also hit her back(note: i think he wanted to say I but he used we instead)
Cal: Which part did you hit? The top or bottom?
Chun: That is, that is, i just hit anywhere lah.. correct.
Da S: Whoa.. its a really strong smell (note: i dun really understand the meaning of the next 2 sentences but i think they was referring to the food)
Xiao S: True eh, supposed to be someone acting in idol drama, how come the smell is so strong until even stronger than xiao liang ge
Chun(and then Chun went back to Ella?O_o): No, because she's that sort of person, you must dare to retaliate and hit her back, then she will be less daring. Correct.
Xiao S: Really ar? Compared to Angela Zhang, is Angela Zhang must normal than her?
Cal: She's much more normal
Chun: She's much more normal, really (note: haha.. Chun said last, and after saying that, he focused back to the food.. haha.. maybe dun wanna say bad things about Ella)
Xiao S: Angela Zhang dun have this kind of bad habits?
Chun: Dun have dun have
Cal: She will only help people to draw diamonds
Da S: Correct. Heard that the both of you have both been drawn on your wrists by her
Cal: Correct. For example, at the wrist, she will always draw, and then she will always draw hers the biggest, and say that her diamond is the most precious, and that she is the leader of the gang, and we're the followers. (note: look at Chun. Hee.. )
Xiao S: My goodness! It sounds so childish!

- end of translation-
*ekeke..tgk tu ..chun sebetulnyer ..dia nak jugak backing aku memang tergelak bila baca pasal keletah ella dan chun ni ..bebetul macam watak diorang dalam ff mr.perfect laks... .nak tergelak tu bila calvin tanya kalau chun retaliate ella balik ..chun pkl ella kat mana or bottom ..chun jawab anywhere .. .adoilaa..chun tau tak jawapan dia tu boleh buat org muskil tau ..ekeke.lepas tu kat sini calvin yg semangat berckp ttg chun semangat ckp ttg ella..ehehe..ok la calvin amik la angela..orait gak tu ..gamaknyer diorang ni dah kawtim kut...

Part 2 of the clip:

At 2 min and 24 sec

Da S: So just now, he has already cut the garlic and the onions
Chun: Yes, mushroom!
Xiao S: Now you are going to fry them is it?
Chun: Hmm, eh, can i ask you all to say along with me, "mushroom" one time?
Xiao S: mushroom
Da S: mushroom
Chun: it must be those very cute, "mushroom"! That kind of tone.. "mushroom!" that kind.. (note: kekeke.. he's alr having Ella on his mind...)
Xiao S: Wait a min, why, why?
Chun: Because previously, when i was filming Hana Kimi, then Ella would frequently be down there, "mushroom!" her eyes would also have that expression.. can the both of you do it for a while? I want to see.. (note: OMGOMGOMG... haha.. need i say more? haha.. reminds me of origin of Ella's "I don't know!" haha... the both of them.. one talk about Chun and him saying i don't know, and the other, talk about Ella saying how she say mushroom.. kekeke.. )
Da S: We have our stand
Xiao S: Eh, i feel that this one is even worse than making monkey faces leh
Chun: you don't dare ar? (note: haha.. sounds like he thinks only Ella can have the guts to do that)
Da S: then you do first
Chun: Okay, Calvin, you do first.
Cal: me again ar?
Chun: Like that, "mush-room!"
Cal: Okay, "mush-room!"
Chun: orh, this one still have the burden of being an idol (note: haha.. sounds like what Ella said on one of the BTS of Hana Kimi yeah? haha.. asking Chun to throw away his burden of being an idol.. lol.. now is Chun turn to tell Calvin.. haha.. Ella has been teaching him well.. he's turning out to be the male version of Ella alr.. )
Xiao S: He still has the burden of being an idol, he never really open up..
Da S: i state first i won't do hor
Xiao S: Eh, i will feel shy leh!
Cal: You can use the cat walk of a young female and say mushroom!
Da S: This is only what an 18 year old will do
Xiao S: You look at me, heavily pregnant, and still have to say mushroom! Why you want to bully pregnant women?
Da S: eh, you this instructor can also bully people hor

*ekekeke..yg ni memang kiut laa sesangat..chun ni sebetul nyer rindu kat ella la tu masa ni ..yg kita tau rakaman rancangan ni dibuat pada 23 ogos..kira lagi 5 hari sebelum dia jumpa ella balik ..ehehe..seb baik dah jumpa ella..agak2 dia suruh tak ella sebut perkataan mushroom dengan mimik muka ella tu ? ehehe..rasa cam sweet sangat bila chun suruh xiao s , da s dengan calvin supaya ajuk cara ella sebut mushroom dengan mimik muka sekali ...siap ckp sebab dia nak tgk tu ..huhuh..adess chun ni ..makin lama dah makin obvious sangat la chun suka kat ella..huhuh..ekek.dia berani balik berckp2 ttg ella sejak ella dah officially clash dengan dj ni kan ..

credits to babyval@CE FC for the translation

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18373 errasazza's post

leen laks yg tolong rasa sedeh utk diorang ..ekeke..kejap jer masa 2 hari berlalu ..kat ce fc dengan thread ce di af , forumer semer duk ckp ..boleh tak kalau HIM bg cuti kat chun dan ella supaya ce boleh spend masa sesama lagi kat korea..biar jiro je yg balik sorang2.. .macam2 laa diorang ni tuh laa..kali ni la perasan sgt CE happy giler2..cepat tul masa berlalu ..*sigh*..

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18376 errasazza's post

huhuh..betul..betul ..memang macam mr. and mrs.wu ..sesuai sangattt...

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:44 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18380 tsukushi's post

ekeke..tu la yg leen duk gelak ni ..chun ni ..tak terpk ke si ella tu pakai binding punye la tebal nak lindungi chest dia tu ..boleh laks dia kuarkan statement cam tu ..ehehe..pervert jugak takpe ella pun lebih kurang pervert gak .. .slh satu faktor yg buat kita suka sangat kat CE ni ..diorang memang too comfortable with each other .. memang dah tak malu2 nak ckp menda cam ni la first onscreen couple yg berani berinteraksi macam ni dedepan media ..ades..ehehe.

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:46 PM | Show all posts
ingat lagi tak adengan ni ??

ehehe..rerasanyer ni memang bukan lakonan memang chun mesmerized by ella ..sebab pandangan yg sama macam ni la jugak yg ade kat chun bila dia terpegun tgk ella kat atas pentas masa kat Seoul Drama awards tu ..ehehe.sebab tu la masa tgk hanakimi memang dapat terasa sampai ke hati bila tgk cara quan pandang kat rui xi ..huhhu..

bandingkan :

memang priceless betul expression chun ms ni ....huhuh..

credits : baidu

[ Last edited by  myst_leen at 30-8-2007 02:48 PM ]

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Post time 30-8-2007 02:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18382 tsukushi's post

thanks for sharing tsu .hurm ..lepas ni ..lambat lagi la nak tgk interaksi CE mcm yg kita tgk kat korea ni ....

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Post time 30-8-2007 08:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18391 myst_leen's post

masih tak dapat berenti dari senyum ni...hehehe...rasanya ce ni cam meraikan je...hari anniversary pertemuan dia org hadish utk fan CE...hehehe...tapi akak dah senyum sampai ke telinga ni...sbb tak sangka chun akan berciter pasal ada makna tu..

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Post time 30-8-2007 08:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18395 myst_leen's post

senyum yg jarang kita nampak...selalunya chun akan senyum under control je..hehehe

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Post time 30-8-2007 09:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18397 errasazza's post

hehehe...leen pun sama laa..chun ni makin lama macam dah makin serlahkan perasaan dia kat ella..haizz..tunggu masa je nii ..akakaka.. nanti akak tgk lepas ni leen paste satu lagi artikel berita yg best gilerr...

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Post time 30-8-2007 09:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18399 myst_leen's post

ya dah teruja ni...nak tahu...citer yg akan datang pasal ce ...

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Post time 30-8-2007 09:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #18398 errasazza's post

dengan ella ni ..senyum chun ..senyum natural ..dan yg bestnyer dengan ella dan calvin je baru chun ni boleh serlahkan his true colour ..hehee..dengan diorang berdua ni la yg dia open sangat dan boleh berckp ttg apa jer...

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