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Author: airahthislove

SUPER JUNIOR M ~ Super girl Promotion ~

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Post time 13-10-2008 09:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1786 airahthislove's post

pic yg last ni, mcm muka tak mandi jek.. sapokah itu ,

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Post time 13-10-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1791 limau's post

keke tu henry mandoo la limau~~~

nae, mmg nampyeon me mmg suke pkai beanie~~die dgn hyuk oppa~~ yg nampyeon laen, xde plak~so, me kire slmt la sbb diorg mmg xde niat nk confius me~~keke juz jd devoted husband yg suke pakai beanie je~~

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Post time 13-10-2008 10:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1792 jeanlouisfinch's post

henry mandoo kiyowo nak tertido ^^

uicehh... mahu mu kene kejar later kalo chrys baca tu wakkakaka
nae nae....

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Post time 13-10-2008 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Came across this article:

2008年9月17日,北京,近日,午夜12点30分左右,Super Junior-M 队长韩庚偕同助理与两名神秘女子现身东三环某餐馆用餐,韩庚等人吃的狼吞虎咽,并且多次补点食物,看来之前一定是经历了大的运动量活动所致。饭后几个人一边聊天一边抽烟,韩庚叼烟的动作十分熟练老道,与以往亮相于公众场合健康乖巧的优质偶像判若两人,就连他对面的两位美女也在潇洒的吞云吐雾。


Brief translation: SJ-M's Han Kyung was seen with his assistant and two mystery girls at dinner in Beijing on 09.17. They appeared to be extra hungry because everyone ate a lot and they kept ordering more food. After their meals, everyone sat around, talked and enjoyed a few cigarettes, the way Han Kyung was smoking indicated that he's a "pro" smoker (meaning you can tell he's been smoking for years); Han Kyung seemed like a totally different person from the healthy sunny boy that we're used to seeing.

Han Kyung paid the bill around 4 am and left. Report is convinced that one of the girls is Chinese actress Niu Meng Meng (sp?); they worked together a few weeks back, they look like they're close, everyone left in the same vehicle.

aduss..chagiya den cam pro je smoking...
den tak kisah sangat org smoking nie..tapi tak baik utk kesihatan..

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Post time 13-10-2008 10:20 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1793 bawberry's post

sesekali baw~~chrys, bawak2 besabo eh! me tlg tgkkan hyuk je tuh!

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Post time 13-10-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1794 ayie77's post

nih brite yg mulan tggu2 tuh~~

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2008 09:37 PM | Show all posts
081017 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Preview


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2008 01:58 AM | Show all posts
081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 1

081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 2

081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 3

081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 4

081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 5

081018 Super Junior M 100 Day Anniversary Part 6

tak sure ade brape part....will be update...

[ Last edited by  airahthislove at 19-10-2008 05:34 PM ]

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Post time 20-10-2008 01:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1796 jeanlouisfinch's post

brite nih my frens yg nak sgt tgk... adeh... tak po ler. dia pun dah besau...

@ happy 100 days anniversary to SJM...

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Post time 20-10-2008 01:45 PM | Show all posts
12 Plus Official Pics

cr. as tagged & SJ Market

gojes sungguh diorg nih~~~~aku baru pasan rmbut kyu bukan jet black lagi~~dh ade shade coklat sket~~~hohoo chagiyaaa~~~~

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Post time 20-10-2008 01:47 PM | Show all posts
this is SEMiR, i must say~~

~~me pura2 xnmpk yoja tuh selit tgn die kat kyu~~ :@ :@ :@

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Post time 20-10-2008 02:29 PM | Show all posts

henry to ryeowook~



I don抰 remember when I first met Ryeowook, I抳e known him when I was accepted into the company in 2006 to fight for my dreams by myself in Korea. Even though only less than 2 years have passed, but everytime I think back to my trainee days, Ryeowook hyung抯 warm face always appears. I  never thought that 2 years later, I would have the chance to be so close with my seniors Super Junior whom I have respected and envied, and to realize our dreams together in China.


To prepare for SJ-M抯 first album, all the members often recorded deep into the night together, sometimes there would be no time to rest for the whole night.  Han Geng hyung and Zhou Mi hyung were using any time they get to teach everyone Chinese and correct everyone抯 pronunciations repeatedly. Ryeowook hyung had a big part in the album. When he was by himself, he would read Chinese pronunciations labelled in Korean over and over again. Occasionally, he would grab me, who was memorizing lyrics beside me, and ask, 揑s this word pronounced this way? It feels weird. Did Han Geng hyung teach us wrong?

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Post time 20-10-2008 02:30 PM | Show all posts
chagiya kyu hyun to donghae~~

By Cho Kyuhyun


No matter how I say it, Donghae hyung holds a very high place in my heart. I remember when I first joined SJ as the 13th member, I felt very uneasy, but hyung would always give me strength, whenever I got depressed, he was always there to encourage me, I really love this kind of hyung.

It was my first time to be away from home for such a long time in a foreign country; our fans gave me warmth, but I still can't escape from missing my parents, and it was the first time I understood Han Geng hyung and Kibum hyung's pain. I wanted to cry because I missed my parents, but Donghae hyung was always there to quietly comfort me. I know that hyung misses his parents more than anyone else -- his father in heaven, and his mother in Mokpo. Even if he does mention his father, who has passed away, hyung never cries in front of the camera. Having a sensitive personality, hyung used to cry often, but because he made a promise with his father that he wouldn't cry, he never cried again because of sadness. Hyung is so handsome when he's strong.

Hyung is also very handsome when he works hard. In our company, hyung is a well known "training worm," you can find him in practice rooms very often. Since then, I would often go to the practice room to find him, and then when I saw that he was working very hard practising his dance, but still with a smile on his face, I was very moved.

Before we came to China, hyung always had notebooks in his bag, filled with notes he took to learn Chinese. In China, whether he's meeting fans, or when he's in the dorm, he's always working hard at trying to communicate with everyone in Chinese, he's always chasing Han Geng hyung and asking about this and that. And even when we return to Korea, he's always bragging about his Chinese skills. Hyung's very cute when he's like that.


Childishness completely fills hyung's life. He really is very mischievous. Once I was sharing a room with Donghae hyung in the hotel, I was absorbed by the computre, while wondering why Donghae hyung was so quiet. When I lift my head up to look, he was lying there drawing on the sofa. In the dorm, you can always see Donghae jumping up and down like a monkey, very full of energy, always looking youthful. This kind of hyung gives Han Geng hyung, who is now the leader of SJ-M, lots of headaches.

Hyung has very beautiful, expressive eyes, his emotions always shows through his pure eyes, with nothing concealed. Donghae hyung really makes other people like him because of his child-like innocence. But hyung is very different when he's quiet. He stays in a corner quietly, wearing headphones, and spacing out. No one knows what he's thinking, he's completely in his own word, people will never believe that he is the normally very excited Donghae hyung.

Donghae hyung can be very funny sometimes. For example, on shows, he's always saying in Chinese "I know," and "I can understand." But when the host lets him talk, he looks completely lost. And when we went to Nanjing to promote for the first time, the organizers invited us to eat Nanjing's very delicious salt water duck, and after that he fell in love with the duck. When were were preparing to leave Nanjing, he suddenly pulled out 2 salt water ducks from his bag in the airport. No one knew when he bought them. It was very surprising.

Hyung is very careful about his image. In our dorm, he would poke acne on his face, and then look very frustrated. In China, because the enviroment is different, in the beginning he wasn't used to it, hyung really had acne on his face. I did too. At that time, hyung always would say to me, "Kyuhyun ah, this method is very effective in removing acne." And so he would drag me to try out his "Secret Acne Removal Recipe" together, which might be this kind of face mask, or that kind of skin-care product. After trying many times, hyung's face really did get better, but mine didn't, so he always made me eat lots of vegetables and fruits, telling me that those are good for my health.

"You must be healthy," this must be the words that appear frequently in hyung's wishes. I committed this deeply in my heart. This is also Donghae hyung's truest wish for everyone. After experiencing the passing of his father and and other members' car accidents, Donghae hyung became stronger.

credit: cloudy~

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Post time 20-10-2008 03:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1801 jeanlouisfinch's post

adakah aku ternampak show?..

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Post time 20-10-2008 04:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1804 limau's post

ha'a~~kan die pon envoy utk semir gak!

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Post time 20-10-2008 04:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1805 jeanlouisfinch's post

ooo, ingat silap tgk ..

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Post time 20-10-2008 08:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1801 jeanlouisfinch's post

hoho ~~ hencem nyer la dorg.... mesti haewookry amik gmbr sama2!!   si kyu lak dgn yoja tuh!! :@ :@  me tmpg seb gmbr2 tuh!!

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Post time 20-10-2008 08:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1802 jeanlouisfinch's post

the sensitive wookie...wkakakak memaksa org amik gambo tanpa make up... sure dia dah pakai make up... sian henry & Q.. kena dera ngan hyung ekekek..

part kyuhyun tuh hae.. mula2 aku rase touching gak.. part pokes acne tuh aku dha tergelak2... sabo jer aku... tak terbayang aku aper ler yg budak berdua nih wat... nak jaga muka nyer pasal

org lain nyer part tak der ker...

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Post time 20-10-2008 09:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1802 jeanlouisfinch's post

omgosh... touching nyer baca diorg nyer luahan perasan kat each other.... me nak gak baca yg lain2 kalo ada... tak menahan yg wookie tgk henry main violin with tears at the corner of his eyes tu... me baca ni pun tetibe rasa 'something'... T^T wookie cam da take over tempat omma.... rajinnyer dia...tido 1 or 2 hours... TT-TT omona... lagi tak menahan kyu ckp hae tu childish... kekeke...

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Post time 20-10-2008 10:57 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1802 jeanlouisfinch's & #1803 jeanlouisfinch's post


[quote]Even though he抯 very sensitive, sometimes he acts very stubborn. He dragged me and Kyuhyun hyung, both with no make-up on, to take pictures with him on the plane. And then he posted those rough faces on his CY. How would the fans react when they see it?

wakakakakaka ~~ part ni yg x tahan... ni mesti time gmbr yg sblm ni penah tepek tuh!!   nasib baik la time tu muka kyu & henry nmpk okay jer!!


hehehe ~~ mmg nmpk sgt la kyu nih obsess dgn dinghae hyung dia!!   lawok lak tgk dorg amik berat sgt dgn skin care... x la mcm me... tp mmg patut pun. once muka kyu dh okay, idok la dia asyik nk cover muka jer  mcm time dtg sini tuh!!

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