Hana Kimi - Ella, Wu Chun & Jiro Wang [PART 1]
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ekekek..turn ella laks tgk chun ..chun buat pergerakan apa ni ? macam pergerakan yg ella buat dalam meeting the fans session semalam jer..ehehe..
Reply #18301 fazy's post
ekekeke..ke ai kan ? kalau tgk pada pakaian ..rerasanyer ni gambo hari ni ..diorang ade buat lagi meeting fans session kuts..sebab utk yg semalam nyer meeting fans session ..diorang pakai baju lain ..tu la..kak fazy ckp , baru leen perasan yg baju jiro dan ella lebih kurang warna nyer.
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kak fazy ..leen baru teliti balik ..rerasanyerr ni memang gambo2 yg diamik masa meeting the fans session yg semalam ..keliru kejap sebab dalam gambo sebelum ni , diorang pakai hanbok ..jadi tak nampak baju diorang yg betul. hehe.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 29-8-2007 11:42 AM ] |
huwaaaa!!!! dah ade dah berita pasal fans meeting diorang ni ...uhuksss!! korang baca..aku rasa nak tergelak dan happy sesangat pun ade..terutama pada ayat yg diboldkan nii ...hahahahaha
Hanakimi stars event in Korea
Taiwanese idol drama, Hana Kimi will be aired in Seoul on September 20th on KBS N channel. Yesterday, Wu Zun, Ella, and Jiro held a fan party in Seoul. They first introduced a blossom dinner, then played question and answer game and finally played the seaweed game. The three stars made the 300 fans that were present extremely happy and amused. In turn, the fans presented traditional Korean outfits for each of the three stars as a gift.
The 2nd annual Seoul festival was held yesterday night. The three stars from Hana Kimi- Ella, Wu Zun, and Jiro were also special guests/award presenters that night. They specially came from Taiwan to attend this ceremony. Kangta and Ella presented awards together, while Wu Zun and Jiro were on stage with 張娜拉.
After discussion, GTV and Seoul TV corporation decided to plan a fan meeting at a restaurant at 1pm, where the three will meet over 300 fans coming from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea.
The sponsors decided to prepare a Taiwanese blossom dinner to welcome the fans. Wu Zun, Ella, and Jiro were welcomed on stage by applauds and cheers from the crowd. The new idol Korean star, 鄭京旻, who understood both chinese and korean was the host for the fan meeting and promotion of Hana Kimi. Wu Zun was able to understand and speak some simple Korean greetings, but who would have thought, almost every phrase he said he would be speaking of food. He playfully said, "I love kimchi and BBQ meat best." Making everyone present burst into laughter.
During the question and answer segment, the fans were curious and wondered if the love triangle between Ella and the two male leads in Hana Kimi ever happened to them in real life. Ella and Chun said together at the same time, "It hasn't happened before." On the other hand, Jiro had to think for 3 secs before answering, "It almost got into a love triangle." The male lead, 姜在煥 from the Korean drama "「加油!金順」earned great eputation in Taiwan. He was also present at the fan meeting to present Korean souvenir for the three stars. After presenting the gifts, he also cheered on Hana Kimi, urging the fans to support the drama.
At the end, everyone sang the theme song to the drama together. Ella happily danced on stage; Wu Zun and Jiro also played the seaweed game with the fans. For the last segment, fans from each country came on stage to present gifts from their country to the three stars. Fans from Korea gave each star a traditional Korean outfit. Wu Zun, Ella, and Jiro loved them so much they posed with their outfits on stage and took pictures with the fans as a souvenir.
translated by meimei219@AF
*hehehee..macam mana si chun dan ella boleh ckp serentak yg tak pernah berlaku cinta tiga segi antara diorang bertiga in real life..erkss..hehee..memang la bukan cinta tiga segi ..sebab cinta yg sebetulnyer antara Chun dan Ella je..tak melibatkan Jiro .. . betul tak Chun dan Ella ? adussss.ehehee..tgk betapa serasinyer diorang ..sampai bagi jawapan yg sama pada masa yg sama laks tu ..tp ..aikss..jawapan jiro tu mencurigakan tu ..hahaa..kenapa jiro kata almost ade cinta tiga segi antara diorang ?? uiks!! ke aku tak paham translation tu ? huhuhuhuh...apa2 pun ..memang sahih kalau tgk dari gambo2 dan interaksi CE ni ..memang ade something la diorang ni ..ahaks..aku rasa gossip CE sure akan panas balik lepas ni kat taiwan ..huhuh..
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aku konfius sebenarnye dengan ayat kat atas tu ..mungkin fans tanya pernah terjadi kat diorang secara individu kuts..bukan terjadi antara diorang bertiga..rerasa laa..tp ayat tu memang mengelirukan ..huhuh..apa2 pun ..tetap nak ckp happy sebab CE jawab jawapan yg serentak pd masa yg sama..ehehe..such a chemistry . uhuks.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 29-8-2007 11:40 AM ] |
Reply #18303 myst_leen's post
saja la tu tak nak bagi sama kaler ngan chun..nak elak gossip kot... |
Reply #18305 fazy's post
kak fazy ..masalah nyerrr...diorang ni ..kalau dah nampak satu sama lain ..memang dah tak leh sembunyikan dah perasaan diorang ..macam yg chon ye ckp dalam hanakimi ..mmg terserlah terus yg diorang ni really likes each other..tgk je la gambo2 tu ..huhuh..sweetttnyerr laaa...nampak sincerity dalam mata dan senyuman diorang tu ... |
Reply #18304 myst_leen's post
agaknya mmg dah ada kuch2 hota hei kot..tu pasal la jiro jwb almost ada.. |
Chun gets jealous Kang Ji Hwan kissed Ella's hand
hahahahahaa!!!!!!! ahhh!! dah giler dahhh .. aku baru je baca kat thread ce di af ... ade korean yg rakamkan video masa fans meeting tu ..and ade sorang user kat forum af ni citer apa yg berlaku dalam rakaman video tu .tp korean forumer ni ckp fans yg rakam tu tak bagi upload clip tu ..huwaa!!
aku terus paste je apa yg orang ni tulis ..org ni just terangkan time si Chun gets jealous tu jer..huhuh..OMG!!!! yg Kang Ji Hwan ni pun ..pi kiss tangan Ella..saper suruh ..mesti la Chun jeless..adessss..ok ..ni dia apa yg orang tu tulis...dah makin nyata dah CE ni ade something ..adesss...huhuhu
When Kang Ji Hwan came in to the fan meeting amongst the screams, he was first greeted DaDon with a hug, then Ella, then Chun. Well, it seems he was promoting his drama in Taiwan and was meeting with some big exec at one of the networks and was curious about Taiwanese actors. The big exec I guess called Wu Zun and DaDong to come by cause they came by, although they were crazy busy with their schedules and they all sat around and had some brandy together. He said Ella wasn't there at the time. (So this was the first time he met Ella but he gave her a hug) He was very thankful for sparing the time to meet with him and wanted to repay their kindness by supporting them in their fan meeting in korea.
Now the fun part was when he was leaving, DaDong reached out for a handshake and then Chun did the same..... last but not least he shook hands with Ella and they smiled at each other and bowed and then..... he KISSED her hand!!!!! The actor turned around still with a big smile on his face, now DaDong was like wow and smiling, everyone's screaming and Chun... well.... was kind of, I guess you could call it smiling but not very brightly. He looked at Ella as she covered her face with her hands with embarassment and DaDong was still showing all his teeth smiling. Now, before, when Chun was shaking hands with the guy he gave him a nice smile then it slowly became smaller when the actor took Ella's hand and then it kind of disappeared right after the kiss, then re-appeared just a little bit when looking at Ella who was covering her face with embarassment. By the end of the clip Ella and DaDong are still smiling and Chun... no smiling.
I am not trying to make any stories up here or start any rumors at all so I'm just giving you the detailed facts and I watched the clip over and over to make sure I'm not making things up. I'm not saying a word to conclude what this means at all.
Please tell me did I see all those things right? I'm not making up stories am I?
This post has been edited by luvmnm: Today, 12:18 PM
*hahahaa..aaahhh!!!! dah giler dah ..tak kan kebah terus dah demam ..kesian kat Chun jeles ..takper Chun .Ella memang suka kat Chun sorang je..balik ke Taiwan nanti dah tak jumpa dengan Kang Ji Hwan tu . uhukss!!! |
Originally posted by myst_leen at 29-8-2007 10:35 AM 
yg present award sekali dengan chun dan jiro tu .. jang na ra ..ella present award dengan kang ta ..
erkss..baby tak tgk ek gambo2 CE dan Jiro yg kitaorang post kat page2 belakang tu .. ? ella ...
Jiro Wang, Ella Chen, Wu Jun
Reply #18309 myst_leen's post
besh..best...senyum sampai ke telinga ni ha....
ada ke gambo si Kang Ji Hwan tu..nak tengok.. |
Reply #18311 fazy's post
hahaha..tu laaa...leen pun tak leh berenti senyum ..ade gambo kang ji hwan ni ..kak fazy tgk lam gambo ni ..si ella dengan da dong berpaling tgk ke arah kang ji hwan masa dia duk berucap ..si chun tgk je ke depan ..tp leen tak pasti gambo ni sebelum kang ji hwan kiss tangan ella ke selepas..rasanyer yg ni sebelum kan ? apa2 pun ..dah sah2 si chun jeles..adess..klip rakaman tu tak leh nak bukak laks..sat ni dah ade yg bagi link ..tp tak leh bukak video nyer..sayang betul .nak sangat tgk muka chun jeles ni ..

yg baju pink tu kang ji hwan |
mamat kang nie pelakon ke?
tak pernah dengar pun nama dia...ambil kesempatan cium tangan ella ye.... |
Reply #18313 babyface76's post
mmg pelakon pun...ada dah rasanya drama dia pernah tayang kat 8tv tp lupa dah ...satu lg drama dgn Kim Ha Neul tu tak ingat tajuk apa |
Reply #18306 myst_leen's post
nmpk rendah plak Ella sebelah Chun masa ni...xde plak pic full nk tgk dia pakai kasut apa |
Reply #18313 babyface76's post
pelakon ..dia ade berlakon dgn han chae yon dan park eun hye ..lupa plak tajuk drama tu ..yg terbaru ni dengan kim ha neul citer 90 days to love kalau tak silap .. |
cepat mr perfect dah ada sambungan |
Chun and the gang semua dah berlepas ke TW tgh tadi....mst bawak bnk memori yg best2...fans2 yg pi Korea turut dorang pun hepi gak |
Reply #18315 tsukushi's post
ms ni kalau tak silap leen ..ella pakai sports shoes..memang dia tak pakai high heels..ella ni tinggi dia 163cm je..ehehe.memang rendah jugak kalau duk sebelah chun .. hehe. |
oh mungkin sebab aku tak pernah nengok drama lakonan dia kot...lagi satu mungkin sebab dia tak berapa encem...hahaha |
Reply #18316 myst_leen's post
oo..baru teringat..mamat ni blakon citer 90 days tu ekk..
thanks leen..dpt gak tgk gambo mamat yg cium tangan ella tu...huhu |
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