Pesawat MAS MH370 KL-Beijing Hilang
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amirul_nazri posted on 8-3-2014 12:01 PM
aku dah call 8x....masih in searching efforts...
aku dah serba salah nak cakp apa ngan wife sta ...
org baru pas bersalin sgt2 la mudah emo. hope u diberi kekuatan utk bertemu dgn family dia..
im expecting the worse... |
dah lebih 12 jam...tak ade apa2 laporan rasmi
dah nak angkut waris gi vietnam?? dah sah jumpa bangkai pesawat ker?? |
baby_bro85 posted on 8-3-2014 03:07 PM
aku masih mengharapkn keajaiban.. tp klu mmg benar terhempas apa yg ku harapkn ada penumpang yg ters ...
jngan benti berharap
dalam hidup ni tadak satuuuuuuu pun pasti ! yang mati pun bleh idup balik..tak caya?
kecuali satu pekara je pasti..hok tu ko kene pk apa..kalo tak tau, nanti aku kasik tau
BurningTimes posted on 8-3-2014 03:21 PM
6 jam ke dik? so kiranya malaysia baru tahu pesawat hilang lepas waktu pesawat patut mendarat di b ...
Tula pasal.ptutnya mse jam 2.30 pg yg kata trputus hubungan mse kt vietnam tu dorg dh start investigate kn.ni dh berbelas jam msih lom sahkan.
BumpIQ posted on 8-3-2014 03:13 PM
u pun kene ke yang? ramai jugk yg kena dgn dia ye...
kalau i mmg jenis layan sampai habis...
sb ...
Hahaha... Iols malas nk perah otak nk layan dia..
otak iols cukup center lagi..kikiki.
xtahu apasal tetiba quote i.. pastu provoke..walhal iols xpnh pun tahu dia sapa..hahha |
nuryakmal posted on 8-3-2014 03:09 PM
What illusion? Kun fa ya kun. Kalau dengan kuasa allah ada survivor does it count ilussion. Just c ...
kun faya kun hanay belong to Allah.
sbg manusia ko kena pegang dgn sunnatullah.
ko bukan Tuhan
Ko jgn seksa hati ko sendiri
Sbg. manusia ,utk merasa yakin ko kena ada bukti.
Bukti nya ialah ,pesawat hilang ...
Apa keyakinan ko boleh cipta daripada bukti semcm itu ?
Apa2 sajalah yg ko rasa best
Kang aku jwb ko kata aku manusia xde hati perut pula.
Cuma ,aku suka kalau manusia redho dgn Tuhan secepat mungkin ,baru tenang dalam jiwa.
Semua kita pasti mati...kita cuma berharap kita xmasuk neraka.
Dan mati dlm keadaan taubat diterima dan dosa2 diampun.
Yg hidup biarkan terus beribadat.
I am sorry.
Zep posted on 8-3-2014 02:43 PM
pilunya plak...makcik tak sempat ganti baju lagi lepas hantar anak kat epot..
tongkatwaran75 posted on 8-3-2014 03:22 PM
terbalik tu...11 tahun 10 bulan...
11 tahun utk flight consider ok ke...?
Seorang rakyat Sarawak disahkan berada dalam flight nie iaitu cabin crew, Andrew Nari. |
Takkan tiba-tiba semua SYSTEM SUDDENTLY FAILED? Sangat mustahil .... |
AbukRokok posted on 8-3-2014 01:53 PM
mati dlm tido lain... mati akibat nahas..bayangkan ketakutan yg dahsyat dialami mcm dlm movie2
xkira lah mati dlm keadaan menyakitkan/menyiksakan atau tidak, soal yg saya nk sampaikan disini ialah nyawa dicabut oleh penciptanya...xkira dgn cara bagaimana skalipun,mati tidak mengira umur,tempat,darjat atau sebagainya...perasaan takut tue semua org ada,cuma,xperlu lah nak sempitkan pemikiran berkata begitu..
byk sungguh spekulasi yg korang buat...skrg nie yg sahih ialah pesawat hilang dari radar...belum pasti terhempas di laut atau darat...atau belum pasti terhempas...so tunggu je lah berita kat TV nanti walaupun agak lembab press malaysia ni buat pengesahan... |
aku contact family sana diaorang tak kata apa pun pasal pasport
brownstone posted on 8-3-2014 03:18 PM
Ok...kecelakaan sebegini lah yg jadi pengajaran bagaiman kita boleh elak di masa hadapan...
For s ...
Kexelakaan susah nak di elak.
Kalau ikut kisah AIr France pun,
Air France pun tak berani nak confirmkan pesawat terhempas serta merta lepas hilang contact
walaupun dah hilang lebih 12 jam ... |
Quest: Malaysia Airlines jet was 'at safest point' in flight
By Paul Armstrong, CNN
March 8, 2014 -- Updated 0537 GMT (1337 HKT)
(CNN) -- As mystery surrounds the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370, which was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing early Saturday, CNN's aviation expert Richard Quest said the airliner would have been at the safest point in the flight.
"It was two hours into the flight -- this would have been classed as the 'cruise portion of the flight,'" he said. "You break down the flight into taxi, take-off, climb out and then cruise.
"So in that particular point of the flight, this is the safest part, nothing is supposed to go wrong. The aircraft is at altitude on auto-pilot, the pilots are making minor corrections and changes for height as the plane burns off fuel -- the plane will be going higher and higher -- so this is extremely serious that something happened at this point in the flight."
READ MORE: No distress signal, no contact
Quest, who coincidentally had been working on a story with the carrier recently, said the aircraft -- a Boeing 777-200 -- would have been around 11 years old, powered by two British-made Rolls-Royce Trent engines.
At least 3 Americans aboard missing plane
Plane loses contact with airline
"So it's not a particularly old aircraft. Malaysia has 15 777-200s in its fleet, it's an extremely experienced operator of this type of aircraft. It's a very reputable airline with a very good safety record."
Back-up power
Greg Feith, a former investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) in the United States, suggested the pilots should have been able to report in, even if power on the aircraft had failed.
"The airplane by certification has to have battery back-up power -- they still have to be able to utilize certain flight instruments and communication tools to complete the flight safely.
"So you could lose all the generators, you could have both engines out, but the battery back-up -- which will only work for a certain time -- is intended for emergency situations."
Feith also pointed to the possibility of an issue with the pressurization of the aircraft.
"If you have a high-altitude pressurization problem, catastrophic decompression, the time of useful consciousness (the time a pilot can operate with an insufficient oxygen supply) in the 30,000-40,000-feet range is a matter of seconds."
Asked whether it was likely the airliner could have made an emergency landing, Quest said it was possible but unlikely.
"You're not talking about a Cessna here. You're talking about a long-haul, wide-bodied aircraft and that puts it into a completely different league."
Search for aircraft
The lack of communication suggests that something most unfortunate has happened -- though that does not suggest there are not any persons that need to be rescued and secured.
Mary Schiavo, former Inspector General, US DOT
But with speculation mounting over whether Flight MH 370, which was carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, went down on land -- perhaps in Vietnam -- or in the South China Sea, one aviation expert says it's essential to find the plane as soon as possible in case there are survivors.
"Given the modern communications and the truly modern equipped (Boeing) 777, it's highly unlikely this plane would have landed somewhere not contactable," Mary Schiavo, the former Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation, told CNN. "Depending on how the plane has gone down, there could be many survivors in need of aid.
"That plane has many different ways to locate it: Automatic beacons that tell you where it is; there are several ways to contact it both with radios and GPS, as well as computer communications within the cockpit.
"But the lack of communication suggests that something most unfortunate has happened -- though that does not suggest there are not any persons that need to be rescued and secured."
Schiavo warned that if for some reason the transmitters on the airliner are not operating, then the search will obviously become far more complex and time-consuming.
"If they are not working then sadly there are similarities with the Air France plane, which was traveling from Brazil to Paris, France and was lost in the ocean. That was very difficult to locate because of the depth of the ocean," she said.
Air France Flight 447 -- an Airbus A330-203 -- plunged into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009, killing all 228 people on board. It took four searches over the course of nearly two years to locate the bulk of the wreckage and the majority of the bodies in a mountain range deep under the ocean.
The incident report detailed how the pilots failed to respond effectively to problems with the plane's speed sensors or to correct its trajectory when things first started to go wrong.
Aviation expert Jim Tilmon said the Boeing 777-200 was as sophisticated an aircraft as they come with an excellent safety record.
"The only fatality has been from the Asiana crash in San Francisco (last year)," he told CNN's Anderson Cooper. "There's been one other 777 that had some problems but no-one was hurt. This is really a shock in lots of ways."
http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/0 ... ndex.html?hpt=hp_t1
ini apa yg expert bagitau! |
wartawan ni kalau nak rakyat hentikan spekulasi, cepat2 lah kasi setelkan, bagitau berita sebenar, apa yang terjadi. kalau tak memang orang ramai akan buat spekulasi lah. |
mbhcsf posted on 8-3-2014 03:23 PM
hmm....i tak faham...camner?
tang mn plak jumpa black box noks?
naen posted on 8-3-2014 03:06 PM
para forumer .. tolong berhenti bergasak & berbalas2 PA ya .. tolong
+kepada yg nak buat "lawak" ...
Mod, ko bole mulakan warning kepada si Hannah Montana...
dia nie abis sume dimakinya...
Burning times, simunggu...dah jadi mangsa...
mbhcsf posted on 8-3-2014 03:19 PM
oh ini dari rakaman kotak hitam ke ? puncanya? dah jumpa black box ke , ye?
dlm berita kata minyak tu cukup2 je untuk pergi balik..skrg dah lebih 12 jam..phm2 sndri2 la..
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