10 Twilight mistake pictures
1) In the scene where Bella is in the hospital, when the camera is up close to her face, the breathing tubes are right by her eyes, but when the shot is far from her face, the tubes are sitting on her cheeks.

2 )When Bella and Edward talk in the woods, Bella drops her backpack in front of a tree. In a subsequent shot, the backpack has disappeared.

3) When Bella pulls up in her truck for her first day at Forks High, as the camera pans from her truck as she parks it into shot, you can seethe camera and boom reflected in the triangular window.

4) When leaving from the baseball scene, Emmett's jeep goes from being dirty on the sides with mud from the tires, to being clean.

5) When Bella enters biology and Edward has finally returned, as she walks over to her desk the large book sitting on the edge repositions itself from sitting horizontally to vertically between shots. The bit of paper above it also moves closer to the edge.

6) After Edward saves Bella from being crushed by the van, while he is holding her, Bella's hair is outside of her jacket covering up her hood. When the shot changes her hair is tucked beneath the jacket and the hood is visible. When the shot changes back, her hair is covering up her hood.

7) In the scene where Edward reveals what he is to Bella, the button down shoulder epaulette on his jacket goes from being unbuttoned to being buttoned throughout the scene.

8) During the hospital scene, when Edward is "sleeping," his head goes from from leaning on one shoulder to suddenly on the other shoulder in the very next shot.

9) When Bella is at the hospital, the little plant by her left changes place. First it is under the lamp; later it is no longer under it.

10) When Bella is telling Charlie that she is going out with Edward and he is at the house to meet him, her ponytail keeps changing position from hanging down her neck to behind her shoulder.

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Reply #1805 naqies's post
cecco tak pasan pun yg lenlain.. cuz asyik tengok muka rob..  |
Reply #1806 pavlova's post
awat tak tepek sini..  |
Reply #1804 a.ceCCo's post
cecco... good one...
ahkak mmg suka movie mistakes ni....  |
baru nak tepek tadi.... hehhee......
Twilight Screenwriter: Bring On Channing Tatum!

If Channing Tatum hasn’t read the Twilight books, he may want to start.
At least one very important person in the movie adaptations of Stephenie Meyer’s vampire love story thinks Tatum would be perfect to play bad-boy vampire Riley in Eclipse, the third in the four-book series.
“There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well,” Twilight and New Moon screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, who is currently writing the Eclipse script, told us this weekend at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival benefit for the Writers Guild Foundation.
“And there are some complexities to that character," she adds. "He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria [bad-girl vampire playedby Rachelle Lefevre. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that beautifully.”
~ E! |
aku suke tgk Bella je..
hahahaha... |
Reply #1813 pavlova's post
ok jugak.. tgk tak lakonan dia dlm she's the man tu.. mcm bodoh2 sikit muka dia
kalau berlakon jd puppet victoria mcm seswai kot.. ekeke |
Reply #1816 naqies's post
bagusss nya.... my doter sound... berapa kali nak tgok crite ni....?
kmdian...bila papanya balik ...mengadu...kat papa...
papa pulak sound... tgok cerita ke...tgok org,....? |
Reply #1816 naqies's post
Reply #1817 gorgonz's post
nasib baik cecco suka ulang tengok movie sorang2 dalam bilik.. takde la kena tebalkan muka bila orang perli. hahaks...  |
Reply #1818 gorgonz's post
jangan scene dalam bilik tidur tu dah la..
maknye pulak kena jadi tukang tutupkan mata anak2..  |
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