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Author: vous_me6

[VOL32] #FAZURA #MV Only God Knows(2#) #E!NewsAsia interview(3#) #Terima Anugera

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Post time 6-11-2017 07:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanipinky replied at 6-11-2017 01:45 AM
Well, I think I just need to say this.

In the very beginning for FattZura hype during the start o ...

Apa y u ckp ni ada btulnya.Iols rasa dalam ni ramai y spendapat dgn uols. Kat sini kurg up pasal 'madu' y tnpa segan silu diminta dgn igers kat sc tu ari. Faz tgh hepi sgt tuh, iols rasa tu prkara biasa. Tp y jd xbiasa bila shipper up bnda2 ni lbh dari karier sheols. Ditambah dgn reporter y ketengahkan hal pribadi.
Iols frust bila takde review dr reporter pasal album n muvi WT( ke iols trlepas pndg?)
Apa pun, hope faz tau apa y sheols buat. Kita xde kat tmpt sheols. Ape y nmpk kt secmed itu y kita tau. Ade bnda len y kita xtau jugk

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Post time 6-11-2017 07:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 6-11-2017 07:57 AM
ctnorenjoy replied at 6-11-2017 05:46 AM
Kesian uols ni kan? Msti uols baca review iols tu sambil dok meratib y iols ni shipper fattzura. S ...

Yup, its really annoying to see so called fans yg meratib -ve psl faz , duk tanya where's your class faz,kenapa faz dah tak urban, mana faz yg sexy, lol,  pastu downgrade faz smpai mcm tu sekali, sedangkan last time, yg duk konon bajet fans faz ni sendiri dulu tak pernah follow faz, lepas tu ikut kutuk faz, hanya amek tau psl faz lepas you're real fans dr zaman faz was toptopic dkt forom ni, tu takpe la jugak...papepun,at least iolls di dunia realiti adela jugak support faz dikala sheolls di zaman2 org selalu kutuk support sheolls nyanyi wlaupun that time it was kinda scary utk tengok sheolls nyanyi live hahaha...
Well, nak bagi faz nasihat pun berpada la without downgrade anyone, because you never know what happen to faz until she come back happy again...iolls nak tag id kwn faz kat sini utk cc, but nnt kantoi plak...iolls taw ade yg risau, but we cant control her life, weolls can just harap faz tau whats best for least nmpk the different side of faz skrg, the happiest faz, the positive faz with less controversy, itu dah SANGAT ok kot ...

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Post time 6-11-2017 07:38 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 6-11-2017 07:44 AM
ctnorenjoy replied at 6-11-2017 07:22 AM
Apa y u ckp ni ada btulnya.Iols rasa dalam ni ramai y spendapat dgn uols. Kat sini kurg up pasal ' ...

banyak chuolls dicover psl album faz, chuolls boleh check fazwar...fazwar sgt professional, theyolls post faz career related je...

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 6-11-2017 07:36 AM
Yup, its really annoying to see so called fans yg meratib -ve psl faz , duk tanya where's your c ...

Kannn... klu faz kearah y lbih baik, knp tidak? Tak payahla nk downgradekn org. Klu rasa da tak boleh sgt nk tgok faz y len dr dlu, y da xurban xseksi duk diam2 sudah. Supporters faz y dr zaman muda mudi sheols pn xcmtu...

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fazzy at suria fm now guys. Alahaiii..lembutnya suaraaaa

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rminye syg faz ...

well, I think this is the best moment of her life? surrounded by people that care n love her unconditionally... be it her bffs, bfftj, more new found bffs, new 'family', her loyal warriors, new found warriors...  and finally her dream came true  to have an album , not just album. its a gold award! and love is everywhre! just everywhre..

well, I believe she cant be thankful enough to her love warriors. without them she wudnt be where she is today. and she is happy! beyond happy!

so I guess theres nothing wrong for her to just sharing her happiness, her excitement with everyone else... wt she went thru, to be here today ... can u imagine?

I read so many times in the forum having said that, 'teruk dulu die kena bashed'.. 'if her fan nak backup mmg tak dpt la' ... 'yg karatz semua tak bole nk ckp ape kat sini' ...

but wt I see today is totally different. all the warriors are able to stand up for her not just here, but also in the socmed. faz + warriors become stronger. resilient! mampu flips tets all the way.... until those haters panas bonts and they have no other issues to provoke... alwayysss the same ol same issues..and keep repeating like a broken cassette .. pity them! yesss.. a cassette  the haters are! orang dh ddk zaman digital but they r still stuck in the analog radio trying to rewind the broken cassette.

we the warriors should support her. no matter what. we should be haply for her.

its not an issue if she wants to show her current affection... those that have been following faz since then shud have known, shes always has been the one tht like to 'like' friends posts, leave comments etc. why when shes doing it with her newest bff its like the biggest mistake? is it because its fattah amin? ive saw she commenting on rizmans, nazrees.... sometg if the followers dont know how their relationship are wud think that they are an item..sometg like tht..  but because its rizman, nazree etc.. so its ok?

look at rizman latest post about faz... what if fattah post something like that or vice versa? I bet its gonna be at the front page of evry news! habis 2 org tu kena hentam dgn haters or possible the warriors?

well wt I am try to say here, please ... dont judge. and stop the double standard thingy.

coz it sounds like the haters. org lain gesel tets boleh, faz sauk lengan habis keluar segala mak nenek ustazah jadian.

faz is just being her happy self. suka mengacau orang. suka sakat orang. why take it so seriously.

I suppose the warriors shud already know who she is... right?




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Post time 6-11-2017 08:29 AM | Show all posts
selamat pg kaka2 librarian & castle. Semoga yg baik2 saja terjadi dlm hidup kaka2 abam2 semua. Iols kebizian yg teruk smggu ni, stress tak boleh nak enjoice chuols berbahagia melayan madu. Hehehe. oh! iols punyelah tak sabar, siap beli terus kat itunes album fazzy!!! omg, best nak mati lagu2 dlm tu except LALU (iols tak leh nak hadam lg lagu tu, maybe takes time sikit kot). Feveret of all? of course cinta langka & Hanya Tuhan yg tahu (sbnrnye semua lagu feveret meols).

tp kan, nak tanya, kata ada 9 lagu kan? kenapa meols beli kat itunes ada 8 jer lagu? meols mcm musykil di situ. Tak smpt nak google senarai lagu dlm album tu (sbnrnye data tenet dah habis dok melayan fattzura kat ig, habis semua igers fattzura meols like)

ok, meols kena beklog castle dan library dlm smggu ni. Benci lah bila bizi. Have fun kaka kaka abam abam semua. Semoga yg baik2 saja utk chuols harini dan hari2 esoknya.

signing of,

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:34 AM | Show all posts
Pagi pagi ni, I nak cakap...
Biarkan Fazura tu uruskan hidup dia sendiri.
Ya, dulu dulu masa zaman dia dihencap dkt bodgos ni, I antara fans yang pengecut sbb tak berani buat ID untuk defend dia. Tapi I ikuti jatuh bangun dia selama ni. Point masa dia betul betul dekat bawah tu. Gelap gila.
Tapi roda dah berputar. Banyak benda yang dah berubah. Especially career dia. Sekarang ni baru I boleh rasa yang her time has come.
Kalau Fattah Amin sekalipun lelaki yang dia suka, so biar. (Jangan ada yang kata I hardcore shipper yach sbb tulis statement ni ). Mungkin org lupa yang Fazura tu pun manusia biasa.  Tapi sbb dia famous, setiap apa yg dia buat jadi perhatian. Padahal comments jah pun. Koser.

Misal kata apa yang korang risaukan terjadi dia tak menjadi dgn Fattah ke hapa, dan waktu tu Faz dihencap oleh haters sekalipun... kalau korang masih ada rasa sayangkan dia, just BE THERE, be here, for her..  tak kiralah berapa kali putaran benda yang sama nak terjadi.

Tapi at the end of the day, sebagai fans, sama ada nak defend dia atau tak, tu pilihan masing masing. Faz, dia tak pernah minta pun kita defend dia. But we did it.   

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yawn...beratnya topik pagi2 ni ..dh la ari isnin blues..
why can’t ppl just be happy for her?
jauh naw pikir..chill2 sudah..takyah claim mcm fazzy is yours, u r her biggest fan bla bla..bkn kita bole control hidup dia..there is a fine thin line between fans and celeb..those boundary we shud always be reminded of..

btw pagi ni fazzy kt radio ad cite best tak?

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:38 AM | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 5-11-2017 01:21 PM
Tak pernah aku rasa seperti sepi ini, dimanakah kau berada ......


lagu Lalu ni lepas dengar dua tiga kali, sangat best. my second fav after Cinta Langka.

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:41 AM | Show all posts
baskinrobbins replied at 6-11-2017 08:35 AM
yawn...beratnya topik pagi2 ni ..dh la ari isnin blues..
why can’t ppl just be happy for ...

morning baskinB, setakat ni banyak main lagu je, tak banyak yg dibualkan. sape tah one of the djs tu single dgn album pun tak boleh beza, hampeh betul. Faz keluarkan album heols konfiden cakap faz datang utk promote single.

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pepagi ni iols baca essay. Librarian sangat..

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:42 AM | Show all posts
morning faz lovers..

ceria2 selalu ya...harap fw ada rekod iv faz kt suriafm etc...

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:42 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aduradura replied at 6-11-2017 07:36 AM
Yup, its really annoying to see so called fans yg meratib -ve psl faz , duk tanya where's your c ...

preach sisturrrr

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:42 AM | Show all posts
Lucavendetta replied at 6-11-2017 08:34 AM
Pagi pagi ni, I nak cakap...
Biarkan Fazura tu uruskan hidup dia sendiri.
Ya, dulu dulu masa zama ...


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Post time 6-11-2017 08:43 AM | Show all posts
Dimanakah kaka @freakyskinny berada.. Ingat Faz ingat pla kat dia.. harap2 sihat hendaknya..

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:43 AM | Show all posts
ctnorenjoy replied at 6-11-2017 07:22 AM
Apa y u ckp ni ada btulnya.Iols rasa dalam ni ramai y spendapat dgn uols. Kat sini kurg up pasal ' ...

Betul juga ni. Dan iols pelik, sbb gossip peribadi yang baru baru ni pasal tunang tu, padahal bukan keluar dari mulut Faz atau Fattah pun (Tak kisah lah betul ke tidak). Tapi dari third party. Dan bila news tu dah di cover, org pulak kata artis tu sendiri yang pukul canang. Tak faham betul concept pemikiran org luar ni. Anyway, no worries chuols. Banyak news (akhbar/online) cover pasal album Faz Boleh refer dekat Ig FazWar kalau nak cepat. Dalam berita perdana (TV3/TV9) pun ada cover termasuk dengan perlantikan sheols jd duta Hai O tu. Pasal tunang tu, normal lah rancangan entertainment banyak cover.

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:46 AM | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 6-11-2017 08:41 AM
morning baskinB, setakat ni banyak main lagu je, tak banyak yg dibualkan. sape tah one of the djs  ...

Tak buat homework mcm tu lah. Lepas tu salahkan artis tu up kan cerita peribadi 'selalu'

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Post time 6-11-2017 08:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 6-11-2017 08:38 AM
lagu Lalu ni lepas dengar dua tiga kali, sangat best. my second fav after Cinta Langka.

High 5! Taste kita sama la. I’m on repeat mode: cinta langka-lalu-only god knows

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