cariforumer posted on 8-10-2013 02:55 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
uolss nye personal review ke???
heheh sat aku tempek skit review dr satu blog ni..... kalau bab movie review dr 1 blog ni,kire antare blog yg aku follow ....
"Realistic" was among the words used to describe the first KL Gangster. I for one disagree.Both of these movies are only about as realistic as a reality TV show, which isto say not really, if at all. You see, KL Gangster is what you will get if you make an actual reality TV show about gangsters, but edit out EVERYTHING exceptfor the trash talks and the fights. Also, if the producers employ the use of a faaabulous fashion consultant.
I'm not asking for The Shawshank Redemption-level of human drama here, but just some basic understanding as to why the characters do what they do. But NOOOOOO!!!Syamsul Yusof couldn't seem to wait to get right into the action scenes, KLGangster 2 ended up being just about how much action (and trash talk) they cancram in there. To his credit, he does have a good eye for action. The point I'm making here is there was too great a disparity between how much thought wentinto the writing and how much went into the action.
As a result, KL Gangster 2 was just things happening on screen. Just because. What'sthat? An ensemble cast? Err, no. The closest thing to characters were onlyMalek and Jai (Adi Putra). The rest were just cardboard cutouts of how SyamsulYusof thinks gangsters look, talk and behave like. A lil' something heinherited from his dad, I suppose.
Just not for me. If things were handled with more finesse, I might have enjoyed it more.But I couldn't look past the blatantly one-note feel, and how repetitive itwas. Which is too bad, really. Because beyond all that are action scenes that deserve praise. But that migraine I mentioned earlier wasn't a figure ofspeech. I really had one, and it wasn't worth it.
Last edited by krepek_pisang on 8-10-2013 05:38 PM