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Author: stanum123


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Post time 7-11-2011 11:42 AM | Show all posts
Reply 159# stanum123

   hari ni terasa sangat betapa manisnya senyuman dae....nmpak ikhlas sangat..salah satu sebab kenapa VIP menangis lpas bigbang menang...

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Post time 7-11-2011 12:55 PM | Show all posts

before the red carpet.

cr to

recognize the jacket guys? now we know who's staying with who. ^^

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Post time 7-11-2011 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 162# bintangchomel

    tau2 atas katil king size?or queen?dun care...yg pasti bkn 2 single beds

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2011 02:48 PM | Show all posts

PHOTOS: BB with international artists @ MTV EMA 2011

And SBS interviewed BIGBANG at MTV EMA!!

BB backstage with the legend,  QUEEN!!

BB sitting with LUDACRIS!


BIGBANG gave Katy Perry their latest Special Album! I can already imagine her jamming and singing along to Love Song and Stupid Liar.



BB with Jessie-J (GD's antic & Dae's smile are back!)

AHA! I saw another CD there!



source: soompi/bbupdates/ukbb/mtvema/mtvasia/etc.

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Post time 7-11-2011 02:50 PM | Show all posts
now lets focus kat MAMA kene wat account mnet eh?
adikmanis Post at 7-11-2011 10:51 AM

takpayah.. login je guna id fb atau twitter....aritu ms akak vote, BB tak lead maner2 categories lg.. mgkn ms tu memasing tgh dok sebok kat vote yg mtv tu kot.. lps ni meh vote berjemaah kat sane plak

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Post time 7-11-2011 03:00 PM | Show all posts
menyesalnyer tak bangun pg td =(  kalau tak leh tgok our boys live huaaaaa~ now satu dunia dah tahu BB. Thanks a lot Papa YG sbb jumpa mereka n didik mereka sampai tahap ni~ Love u so much Papa YG!!!!

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Post time 8-11-2011 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by luvsushi at 8-11-2011 13:48

happy, happy morning glory yeorobun
finally, i'm here! after more than a day battling with the 'siputness' of the berukband and the office internet...i'm finally here in our beloved mansion

first of all, a big shout out to all VIPs...CONGRATS korang! we did it! not to mention, to the non-VIPs who voted for our boys, u guys are the coolest. thank u!

no words can express how i feel right now. like i'm having butterflies in my stomach. kat seat office skang nieh, tapi rasa nak golek-gelantang atas lantai pun hade, nak lompat bintang pun hade, nak gelak and menjerit sekuat hati pun hade, nak nahnges puas-puas pun hade....tapi sume tu takleh buat, sebab nanti kena cop gila lak tak pasal2. teehee!

i was wide awake pagi tu (dah cover tido masa petang raya, boleh? ). membulat je mata tunggu show starts at 4am. i was on the net and i saw the pink carpet live telecast at 4am. bila nampak je glimpse BB berposing sakan kat pink carpet, mmg rasa nak menjerit je kekdahnya (isk! ngenangkan org lain tgh tido, kututup mulutku rapat2). pastu bila on je 713, tgk dah start pink pesal awal lak? cepat2 ku sms cik stan. baru jaga katanya   

tunggu lagi dan lagi...nampak lak si snooki metot tu diinterview dek mtv vj tuh. menyampah tgk snooki tuh, ntah hape2 ntah...sekali kat belakang dia terpandang BB tgh interview ngan minah salleh nieh. menjerit kecik, shrieking lagi haku. teehee! pastu baby dah macam ala2 tunggu turn nak kena interview ngan mtv vj tuh, sekali BB was ushered to go in and berlalu pergi camtu jer...huhuhu! sad! takpe...tak expect pun they'll be interviewed on the pink carpet. no harm done!

the show finally kicked off with coldplay. hmmm...boring. then award presentation (with s***** snooki again...yadaa..yadaa..yadaaa...), stage performances, award presentations and the cycle goes on and on. everytime i saw BB on the screen, i rasa nak melompat. tak nampak org lain dah..bila camera focus je kat nominees seats, mata i sibuk melilau carik BB bila nampak katy perry won the first award, i saw gd and yb..then when the camera focus to bruno mars, i saw gd and tabi and yb again...then when selena was interviewing katy...i sibuk tgk BB and ternampak gd, yb and tabi (tabi, pesal pusing belakang? tak nampak muka hanskem u tau!) yay! focus kat diorang, tak nak tgk org lain.

okies, excited! tunggu punya tunggu, ghope2nya worldwide act award were the second highlight award for the nite! woah! my heart was racing fast..thump! thump! thump! ingatkan the organiser nak letak award tu awal2...sekali kat hujung tuh! nice one! bila announce je BB won the award, bergolek-gelantang i atas comforter kat depan tv tuh. i teared up! finally...the moment that we've all been waiting for has arrived. we made it and Bigbang made it! * we are the champion, my friend...(both hands in tge air...fefeeling Queen hoccays)



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Post time 8-11-2011 11:30 AM | Show all posts
debaran tak hilang lagi sebenarnya nieh tho the winner has been announced. as if i was floating in the air...lalalala! Bigbang won MTV EMA 2011 first Worldwide Act Award! they're now creating Kpop history on MTV international stage. way to go boys! spazzing tak abis ngan cik stan and adiff (kalo bole nak je i buat vid call ngan korang...tapi mengenangkan tahap excited yang sangat tinggi, tak jadiklah...takut kang ade yg pengsan sbb adrenaline overload! )

seeing all the BTS and on stage photos made me teared up again (tq cik stan for the posts). sucha beautiful moment. ni belum menang grammy lagi...baru mtv, pun dah rasa cam dunia ini ana yg punyalah! i'm glad they brought along their latest album to be given out to other artists. just imagine katy, jesse, queen (bieber? heheheh...) tangkap chentan sama Love Song, Tonight, Cafe, etc. woah! *berangan tak hengat *

so now, i need to take a deep breathe, chillax and focus utk Mnet lak. so, apa lagi...jom gear up utk Mama awards. they've been lagging behind since sume dok focus kat mtv hari tuh. vrooommm!!!!

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Post time 8-11-2011 11:37 AM | Show all posts
pagi me terlepas...bangun tido dah kol 6.30
malam tengok repeat show...time pink kapet...nampak Big Bang sipi2 jek (masa ni orang tengah interview minah JC shore )....Trunkk perasan Seungri & last sekali TOP...terus senyum
tunggu & tunggu & tunggu...last-last tertido....bila bangun dah habess

ada sesape tau bila ulangan EMA nih

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2011 12:43 PM | Show all posts pesal awal lak? cepat2 ku sms cik stan. baru jaga katanya   luvsushi Post at 8-11-2011 11:02

WOAH cik sushi!!! I pun nak join bg ulasan gaks...
You are my saviour chinggu!!! I dh set alarm, but at 4am!  I think I dah penin sbb mkn lemang dan rendang byk sgt...mmg sakit ati terlepas pink carpet moment tuh!! takleh terima kenyataan!!  But hokeh2..managed to quickly stream the video uploded by VIPs..BTW, VIPs are super super ohsem and updated! live telecast kat twitter, soompi, bbupdates, especially the UKBB! SALUTE...{:4_182:} {:4_182:} United we stand, gittew!

Yeah, I was on the net & watching live tv show at the same time too! talk about 'kesiputan', I had the same problem!!! nk bukak 1 video youtube pun berjam2! memula guna laptop, lepas tu tukar netbook...sama gak..rasa nk baling kot tingkap aje! :@

Dah la tgk ms pepagi buta..mmg x dapat nk detect kat mana our boys duduk (mode: fenin2 lalat..)..Lucky VIPs on twitter suh zoom at Gaga & katy perry's seating area! ohmaigod! I saw them! uri BIGBANG! And I'm so so glad GD choosed to wear that red John Galliano jacket! easy to spot them! kekeke...betul2, bukannya kita nk tgk sgt award yg lain2 tu, tp gigih terpacak jugak dpn tv sbb nk catch a glimps of Bigbang setiap kali org naik pentas! kakakaka...kemaruk giler!

Btw, ms katy perry duduk atas riba selena tu, nampak DAE DAE sgt jelas hokeh!!! Dae pun tgk camera lepas tu cepat2 betulkan duduk dia...aduhai...ohsemm moment btul...semlm dapat balik tgk DAE SUNG yg asal, our talented smiling angel!! and he really2 looked happy...dah loosened up compared to memula diorg gi Belfast aritu...huhuhu!

Lg satu ohsem moment ms gaga menang her 2nd award, si Taeyang sempat sengih dan wat peace sign kat camera!!! haha..dia tau VIP wanna see their every movement! (p/s: hehe..igt i sms u ms fans saw GD and boys gi dkt2 stage?? igtkan diorg nk perform, skali pegi toilet daa....adoi!!!)

Tabi dgn seungri duduk agak tersorok sket..x pueh nk tgk pink carpet tu nmpk seungri eksaited giler kan?! asik sengih2 ajer tgk org lalu lalang..Suka2..btw, WHO THE HELL IS SNOOKI & J.WOWW?? {:4_229:}  Seriously, I yakin MC tu akan interview BB bila diorg lalu sbb BB all the time dok kat no 1,2 and 3 on the MTVEMA twitter buzz tu! tp sebab pompuan 2 org ni m'bebel2 pjg sgt la BigBang kene jalan dulu dan terlepas di-interview... i declare war with these two women!:@

oww..on the MTVEMA twitter chart (for the most tweeted artist on MTVEMA), mmg gempaks siot! live streaming on all the 3 category showed BB was on the top 3 all the time! bola yg gerak2 tu asyik highlight gambor BB je...but sadly ms live show tu diorg x sebut nama BB pung!!! hey, mencik! mcm x percaya fans tweet BB surpassed bieber & gaga!!! memula no. 1 on buzz category, pastu papparazzi, the overall category!!! kya!! betulkah ini BIGBANG yg haku tergila2 sgt tuh???!!! kya!!!  I pun sebok2 gak join tweet #bigbang and mmg xleh lawan hardcore VIP la..dr awal diorg dh standby! lg skali, SALUTE...{:4_182:} {:4_182:} (p/s: i was on twitter with chynez..meroyan x hengat pepagi tuh! kekeke..)

1. lagu TONIGHT bergema satu arena..{:4_185:}Nore o e o...  
2. Seungri bgn peluk Dae Dae kt sebelah dia..(tingat ms MKMF!)
3. TABI put his hand in the air then peluk ahjusshi yg pakai tux kt belakang dia (YG staff kot..hehe)
4. GD and Taeyang walked with swagger & big smile to the stage ...ala2 nak perform gittew!!
5. TY pointed his fingers to the right & left..(i think to Jeremy Scott (boy, was he a fan!) and Ludacris..hmm, not so sure..)
6. Lady Gaga turned her chair 360 degrees & clapped 4 the boys! (amidst her weired hat!) I think she wanna see who the hell are these boys who beat Britney??! (gaga is wired, but nice.. )
7. On stage, Seungri hugged Taeyang and both giggle2..still disbelive..
8. Dae sung was seen taking a deep breath afew times..still disbelive..
9. TOP, Seungri and Dae keep looking at each other & smile..still disbelive..
10. TOP is a living statue..he look demm good & composed, but we've seen him much much HOTTER before..too BAD!
11. GD's speech was  very warmed, he mentioned Kpop in general not just BB..but I wished he did it in English instead, to get his message accrosed..
12. TY aknowledged VIP for staying by their side thru their ups & downs {:4_227:}{:4_227:}
13. They end it with their well-knowed BIGBANG shoutout style! And blowed kisses in the air! {:4_183:}     

P/S: I bet most VIPs cried 2gether when they won..Yeah, I'm the PERFECT fandom, thnk GOD!{:4_237:} btw, pd yg terlepas tgk ulangan MTVEMA semlm, rasanya mlm ni ada time tu iollz x pasti...sorry, panjangnye haku meraban!!



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Post time 8-11-2011 01:53 PM | Show all posts
PHOTOS: BB with international artists @ MTV EMA 2011

And SBS i ...
stanum123 Post at 7-11-2011 15:48

menangis  iols bile tgk senyuman dae Congratez BB!! VIPs memang JJANG!! Daesung ah~~ *nanges lg*
Di sebabkn iols da bertapa kt kpg time b'day tabi.. iols nk ucapkn Happy Belated Birthday Lalink!!!

eh eh...2 baju, 1 je katil

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 171# chibi_mawad

eh eh...2 baju, 1 je katil

tidaaakkkk!!! tak sanggup. ternoda dan dinoda

ha'ah...ada ke VIP yg tak nahnges? rasanya kalo tak sedu-sedan beria pun, at least mesti sebak dlm hati kaaaannnn...
i lak mmg kategori tangkap leleh tgk BB on the international stage

@cik stan
analisis yg mantaop! tapi sayang, i tak dpt nak kasi maklum balas. youtube lembap mcm siput b***. sabo je lah! isk!

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply 165# nzhass79

   AM da lpa password twitter AM yg sendu tuh xpe,demi BB,2 akaun mnet AM buat..hehehe tapi 1 akaun leh vote skali je per day?apa nih...

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 167# luvsushi

   curlast sis wat FA walaupun depan tb   AM xdapat tgk the whole show...xtau pon muke diorang duk kuar byk kali everytime pokes kt tmpat nominees

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply 173# adikmanis

nape tak guna acc fb:>> akak guna fb hjer.. aah.. sekali je sehari.. susah giler.. kalo tak leh wat cam MTV aritu

AM tanak wat karangan cam AM nye unni yg 2 org tu>> giler la diaorang.. kalo la akak dpt tgk jgk live, sure akak pon moyan same

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:52 PM | Show all posts
motip unnies buat FA berjemaah? AM mampu baca je la....still crying bile bukak bbupdates ari nih....tharu+excited+bsyukur sume ada dalam hati nih....leadohhhh,tabiii,baeeeee,daeeee,babyyyyyyyyyyy

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Post time 8-11-2011 03:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 175# nzhass79

   fb guna jugak..kiranya 3 akaun la...jadik la
nk wat FA cmne kak,bangun kol 5.30..dapat tgk award utk best song ngan worldwide act jer..after bb turun pentas,AM trus ttp tb..hehehe mmg xtau yg dapat tgk bb bebanyak kali time kamera pokes..kalau x mmg xtido malam tu..trus stay up je

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2011 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 171# chibi_mawad
eh eh...2 baju, 1 je katil

Again..TIDAK TIDAK!!! NO NO NO NO! NAH NAH NAH NAH! (sila nyanyi ikut gaya CL lagu I am the best! ) FYI, 2-2 ni bj GD hokeh..mlm tu dia pakai 2 jacket taw..PERCAYALAH cik mawad oii!!! Hehehe....sori ler, iollz ni mmg pangkah YAOI shipper ni yer.. mencemarkan otakku taw! tp kalau bromance and botherhood tu iollz approved.. Then again, hyung mmg le kene stay dgn maknae sokmo..maknae ni kan suka merayau2..kang gi ngorat sana, ngorat sini kan hyung jugak yg susah...kekeke..  

chinggu!!! apa le nasib kita mengalami masalah 'kesiputan' nih??!! dh le tgh semngat nk spazzing...spoil betoi la!:@ eh, kitaorg lantik u jd organizor utk celebrate BB victory nih! (kitaorg = stanum and AM..kekeke) err, seoul garden plz...

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Post time 8-11-2011 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 178# stanum123

   i'm not yaoi shipper but nyongtori is an exception.... (jawab utk pihak mawad ngan BC gak)
boley x nak bayang jidi tido lasak smpai dok peluk2 baby jgn pikir len plak eh...bak kata baby,i'm really lonely. it's too much if jiyong hyung and i sleep hugging each other

~sokong cadangan u....cadangan ditutup

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Post time 8-11-2011 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Reply  chibi_mawad

tidaaakkkk!!! tak sanggup. ternoda dan dinoda  

ha'ah...ada k ...
luvsushi Post at 8-11-2011 16:12

tp btol plak.kiri katil baju jidi. kanan katil baju baby.
tp memang xmungkin xde VIPs yg x sebak tgk pics BB berlima. dgn mcm2 dugaan dorang dpt, bile dpt tgk dorang berlima balek rase terharu sbb still bersama.

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