Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 20-2-2011 15:45
mlm td lyn yg raw...x sngka plak skg nie dh ada yg bsub..kagummm...
slain kt rdrs kt mne bl ...
owestcute_77 Post at 20-2-2011 14:01 ![](http://mforum5.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
gi kat SONEmsSUBS nyer section.. |
Kim Soo Hyun – Eunjung, New couple in WGM
[News] [Rumor]
Rising Stars – Kim Soo Hyun and EunJung (T-Ara) from Dream High casts, are chosen to be Next Couple in We Got Married. the staff said: “their hard works and good images in Dream High, bring up more popular to the team. 2 young person with successful work, got married. WGM will challenge themself in other sides.” About when it will official do, a staff said: ” after DreamHigh finish, their schedule is made in next month, for first shooting.”
Source: Nate, love-kimsoohyun
Shared by: KoreanIdol.org
me tgh tunggu any confirmation
me tau Eunjung was initially offered to be Khun's wife but she couldn't accept the offer coz she's too busy at that time..tgh nak start filming drama cofee house..
and wgm has the reputation for being very firm kalau dorg nak a certain someone to be in wgm..
at first dorg nak khun to be gain's husband but he's busy at that time, so they waited until he's quite free and able to commit to wgm..
dunno if that's the case with Eunjung |
Reply 154# twinkystar
yup..best je tgk ep nie..hb yong dh makin agresif... suka tgk perubahan dorg...![](static/image/smiley/default/pompom.gif) |
Reply 162# twinkystar
ye ke??klu btl la couple nie dh cnfrm me nk followwww... ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Reply twinkystar
ye ke??klu btl la couple nie dh cnfrm me nk followwww...
Yna@shynee Post at 20-2-2011 21:29 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
x confirm lg..tunggu wgm rep confirmkn..selalunya dorg akan confirmkn bila dh film the couple's pilot episode..
kalau pd rasa sesuai, dorg akan continue and retain the couple as a fixed couple |
gi kat SONEmsSUBS nyer section..
twinkystar Post at 20-2-2011 15:43 ![](http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
tqsm twink..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply 167# twinkystar
ooo...thanx yer twink..pape hal hupdate hoccaayy!!!..
hope couple nie btl2 cnfrm.. |
tq twinks... br je abis lyn the latest ep..hehehe..mmg best.. rela je si yong tu diperlakukan ape saje oleh bini dia.. sweet btl ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
suka sgt scene neh![](http://images/smilies/default/cry.gif)
![](http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgxfyzc5CJ1qfnyoso1_500.jpg) |
Reply 173# twinkystar
arghhh...suka tgk part neh....makin rapat..klu hyun tido kt atas lengan yong masa lam bilik kan best...mesti meroyan mc sumer....hikhik...dia makin selamber badak skrg...i loike...tp part 1 nye gmbr tak santek kan? kene tgk kecik je.. |
Reply 176# twinkystar
ha..tu lah...yong pun dh start letak tangan kt bahu hyun...siap kepit kepala lagi....omo..sgt suka ep minggu ni...masa diaorg duk kt sofa tu pun tangan yong dh ada kt blkg hyun...tp cepat2 dia tarik...haisshhh....potong tul la...buat jelah klu dah suka....agaknye yong takut fans SNSD marah kt dia nnt kot...yong pandai sbb jarak umur 2 thun ngan hyun...klu khun tu malu2 lgi sbb muda dr vic...
*tak sesabor nk tenok photoshoot diaorg nek wiks.... |
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