Post Last Edit by JusticeKyajin at 15-1-2010 18:07
I searched for "Phoenix Sword is Dead" they made a project with "Sword of Justice" and than I saw an this "Instrumental Rock/Metal" Thread...
The vids on Post 122# are from me, I'm "GuiltyGearRockYou" in  YouTube...
ps: how can i post directly implement youtube videos?
On the post 118# is this game song from "Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes" called "Blue-Red United Front"
this song is just PERFECT!! &# ...
JusticeKyajin Post at 17-1-2010 19:44
LOL hello JusticeKyajin...welcome!
you do know that this site has 3 diff language right? (Chinese/Malay/English)
obviously,you're in the malay site..
about Sengoku basara,
sadly,that's the only good song from that game that i know of really...
the other songs are just....meh(meaning boring lol)
if you like GG,you've probably heard of Blazblue?(spiritual predecessor of GG...more of Daisuke Ishiwatari's greatness!)
Here's some of my fav music in Blazblue : Ragna's theme - Rebellion