Reply #135 eskremVanila's post
tuh la ..aku pun baru tgk tadi gambo diorang kat thread yg aira bukak ...kebanyakkan nyer nangis masa hadiri upacara tu ..aku perasan muka rae won pucat gile dan nampak sembab ..macam nangis lama .. sedeh nye..song seung heun pun tak thn sebak ...tp aku nampak air mata jo han sun ....lepas tu kawan da bin , hero yg berlakon dengan dia dalam that summer typhoon tu nangis giler2... .dia macam tak percaya sebab baru je berjumpa dan berckp dengan da bin lam telefon beberapa hari sebelum kematian da bin tu .. |
Reply #134 chrysalis_9's post
tuh laa..tak tau la macam mana perasaan da bin ..skang ni tak tau samada bf tu scapegoat ke atau memang guilty ..tp ..polis pada mulanyer tak jumpa sebarang kesan pergelutan atau apa2 kat tempat kejadian ..sebab tu polis claim sebagai bunuh diri..sekarang ni dah timbul keraguan bila ramai yg tak percaya da bin amik keputusan utk suicide ..pasal da bin ni dikatakan sebagai a devoted christian .. |
Originally posted by airahthislove at 12-2-2007 12:15 AM
Ni dia gambar KeChang...
handsomenya kye sang... |
Reply #1 myst_leen's post
bior betul... adesss kesiannye.. sat agik jgn oppa2 peberet lak bunuh diri andwe..andwe... |
Reply #141 Hana_Hirokawa's post
oppa2 tak buat camtu kuts..org laki selalunyer tak mengikut perasaan sangat...tp tuh la..susah kan nak percaya org yg kita nampak ceria cam da bin ni boleh jadi cam tu.. |
aku baru baca pagi nie... terkejut betul........ baru je smlm aku tgk 1 drama yg aku x puas ati ending dia... (rasa mcm bunuh diri ke aper ntah) skali pagi2 nie masuk, nampak berita nie lak.... Makin menjadi2 lak kes bunuh diri kat sana..... takut betul..... |
Reply #142 myst_leen's post
tu lah... adess arap2 oppa2 kita sume kuat semangat ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
lepas aku tgk yg kat SO, terus aku masuk sini plak.... |
it is said that , da bin's bf spent three hours of crying at the funeral place .. hurm .. ok ..kat bawah ni ade 7 reasons why da bin's company claim that this case is not suicide , but actually a murder case ... aku dah baca..dan aku banding kan dengan apa yg berlaku antara da bin dan company dia..still aku rasa bf dia takde motif utk bunuh da bin ..why would he kill her ..after all , dia pun tau da bin ni aktres terkenal .. so kalau dia bunuh , memang kes ni akan mendapat perhatian ramai .. pada pandangan aku , company da bin sengaja menimbulkan keraguan ni sebab nak elakkan org ramai salahkan company diorang yg mendorong da bin utk bunuh diri ... after all .. lepas aku baca keraguan2 yg ditimbulkan tu ..memang nampak suspicious ..tp ,tak ckp kuat utk membuktikan yg bf dia bunuh dia ..orang boleh buat pelbagai andaian kan .
7 reasons why jung da bin's company is taking this to court.
7 reasons were given for the reason why jung da bin did not commit suicide.
#jung da bin whose drunk. its hard to choke herself with a towel..
the day before her death she drank for 9 hours and drank 6 bottles of korean liqour and beer.
the boyfriend told the police she was very drunk.
the company is stating that why would jung da bin go sleep at her bf's house and commit suicide there..?
*pada aku ..bf da bin claim da bin mabuk ...tp aku rasa sebetulnyer bf dia sendiri tak pasti sejauh mana dia mabuk ..sebab mengikut apa yg dilaporkan oleh kengkawan da bin malam tu ..bf dia balik ke rumah dulu ..lepas beberapa lama baru da bin balik ...so ade kemungkinan time da bin balik tu , bf dia pun baru bangun tidur dan tak berapa notice sangat tahap kemabukan dia ..
kat bawah ni ade org kat restoran tu ckp yg da bin tak berapa mabuk mana ..so ,aku rasa kalau dia masih dalam keadaan separuh sedar..memang dia boleh attempt to suicide la kan ..tu yg aku rasa kenyataan ni bercanggah ..sebab reason yg ke 7 tu workers tu ckp da bin tak berapa mabuk malam tu .. tp company dia laks ckp dah da bin mabuk teruk , mustahil dia boleh commit suicide dalam keadaan cam tu ..
#jung da bin's depression?.. there was no attempted suicide.. scar on wrist made when she was 17..
after reading the article about her attempted suicide 5 months ago.. the company was shocked because the family & hair dresser, clothes dressers all new its was from when she was 17.
*ok ..yg ni ..mungkin bf da bin sendiri tak tau akan kewujudan luka da bin sejak dia berusia 17 tu ..dan mungkin betul ade luka tu sebelum ni ..but then perhaps the cut is gone ..lagi pun ..aku rs masa polis soal siasat bf dia tu ..bf dia dalam keadaan tertekan dan sedeh ..so ade kemungkinan dia akan keluarkan sebarang kenyataan yg mungkin tak betul...ye la..dalam keadaan depressed dan tkt cam tu ..kengkadang kita yg waras ni pun boleh tersasul jugak kan .. ? lagi satu ...sebab ade entry da bin yg da bin letak gambar pompuan acu kan kepala kat pistol ..entry tu bertarikh bulan 10 2006 .. skang ni bulan 2 2007 ..bukan ker tu memang 5 bulan yg lepas..so , memang ade kemungkinan betul apa yg bf dia ckp ..tp dia dah tersilap ckp dengan bagitau ttg kesan luka tu ..mungkin bukan kesan luka yg sedia ade tu yg dimaksudkan.oh yer ,gambar entry yg ade org acu pistol tu ade aku letak kat page depan sket ..
#all the hard times gone.. her suicide can not be from her relationship with the ex-manager!
the company was very shocked that the "suicide" was caused because of her old manager.
*haaa..see.. now , company dia macam cuba nak elakkan diri dari dituduh tak bertanggungjawab hingga menyebabkan da bin terdorong utk bunuh diri .. japs lagi kat bawah sekali aku paste apa yg company ni dah buat kat da bin ..and menda tu memang dah confirmed betul ..so sebab tu aku rasa company ni saje nak alihkan perhatian kat bf da bin ..isk.
there was no reason for her suicide. because her life was getting back to order and was about to film a drama.
and for an actress a year break is not that long..
#there was no force on being on the drama.
there was no force from the company. jung da bin wanted the part.
#after unee's suicide ?
when she found out about unee's death she said to her dressers and her boyfriend that "if there was a courage to commit suicide then with that courage to try live harder.."
because she was a christian. she did not believe that suicide was the way.
beacause of that they dont believe that she would do such thing.
*yg ni mana kita tau ..tak semestinyer org yg pendiam dan jugak tak disangka2 buat perkara macam tu takkan buat camtu ..aku cakap cam ni ..sebab selalunyer ..org yg lebih suka pendamkan perasaan dia dan selalu tunjuk dia happy kat orang lain ...memang ade kecenderungan utk alami depression .
#plans to meet her friends, and also plan to go oversea.
the day jung da bin died.. at 11 she called her friend.. to meet on the 12th... and also in march she has decided to go traveling with jung sun hee (정선희;) to over sea. also if she was deciding to commit suicide why would she make planS?
*ini pun , mana kita tau ..sebab menda tu bukan boleh dirancang2...betul tak ?
#jung da bin did not drink alot to be called drunk
even the workers at the place did say jung da bin was not drink enough to be stated that she was drunk.and because of this.. her boyfriend is suspicious
* ni lah keraguan yg aku ckp tadi ..kat atas2 tu ..company dia claim da bin mabuk teruk .mana mungkin da bin boleh commit suicide dalam keadaan tu ..now ni company dia kuarkan statement mengikut kenyataan orang restoran , da bin tak mabuk teruk laks ..
now .. kat bawah ni aku letak laks ..aku quote ni dari posting seorang forumer kat soompi
Everyone knows that JDB was in depression, but why?
Well, she is a celeb. and no one was giving her a job; also there were rumors going on that she fixed her nose and eyes. Anyways, she finally got her break when she was chosen to act in the movie "He Was Cool."
Well that was a big hit, and brought in a lot of money. Well the money is split with the company and the actor/actress. Well on JDB's share of the money, her manager actually SPENT IT ALL, and didnt give any to her.
Now if I was her, I'd be like WTF. Well, the manager would not give her share of the money made because he spent it all/ he kept it for himself. [the money is approx. $150,000]
So JDB got mad, and when her company told her to do this drama/movie, she refused to do it. Well her company SUED her for $ 3 million dollars because she has a contract under them and she has to do what she is told. Well in the end, she had to pay up $90,000 to her company.
On top of that, no new offers/roles were given to her. This made her go more deep in to depression.
Eventually she ended up killing herself.
tgk , apa yg company tu buat memang satu kenyataan ..sedangkan tuduhan diorang yg kes ni adelah kes bunuh masih lagi satu andaian yg meragukan ..bukan apa..lagi pun menurut laporan berita ..bila ditanya neighbourhood kat kawasan rumah bf da bin tu ..samada diorang ade dengar sebarang pergaduhan atau suara bising2 tak kat rumah tu sepanjang malam tu ..diorang claim takde ....terbaru , polis jumpa ade bruise kat sekitar mulut da bin ..tp , pada aku normal kalau org yg minum ade bruise ..tak pun mungkin dalam keadaan mabuk tu..dia ade terlanggar something..tak membuktikan lagi bf dia yg buat ..lagi pun , polis ckp polis tak jumpa sebarang tanda pergelutan di kawasan kejadian ...
kes ni dah jadi macam csi laks.
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 12-2-2007 09:54 AM ] |
aku macam tak caya aje da bin dah mati....
betul ke da bin di bunuh ke??
myst apa masalahnya sampaikan kemungkinan da bin di bunuh arr??
myst....sorang lagi yg nama lee eun joo...nie sapa pulak arr??
ada gambar ke?? |
Reply #26 captain_f4's post
Reply #146 babyface76's post
aku tak pasti da bin di bunuh ke tak ..tp mengikut naluri aku ..tak ..ko baca posting aku kat atas tu kenapa aku kata tak ..
ermmss ..yg lee eun joo tu dah lama..thn 2005 .dia yg berlakon dalam citer the phoenix a.k.a firebird di samping eric shinhwa dan lee seo jin ...jadi first heroin. |
myst jadi kalau tak dibunuh camne da bin boleh bunuh diri??
takkanlah kompeni dia kasi tekanan yg begitu teruk sampaikan dia ambil keputusan bunuh diri arr??
eh artikel yg mana satu arr myst kau kata bukan pasal bunuh diri tu??
sori leh tak kasi penerangan pendek sikit pasal pendapat kau tu...artikel tu aku tak dapat nak baca sangat sebab aku curi2 masuk sini...boss aku dah ada |
Reply #148 babyface76's post
susah nak ckp yg tu ... sebab dia ade tinggalkan nota yg mencurigakan kat cyworld dia..erksss..yg aku ckp artikel tu ..ko baca kat msg no 145 tu jer..2 msg atas daripada msg ko yg terbaru ni .. |
Autopsy Confirms Actress' Suicide
By Kang Shin-who
Staff Reporter
The death of actress Jeong Da-bin has been ruled as a suicide, the National Institute of Scientific Investigation said Monday after conducting an autopsy.
The initial autopsy results dismissed suspicions held by Jeong's family that she had been murdered.
"It is a typical death caused by hanging from the neck. Also, there seems no possibility for somebody to disguise the manner of her death," said Seo Joong-suk, a forensic expert who oversaw the autopsy.
"Although we will announce the final result of a more detailed examination in two weeks, we cannot see any possibility that she was murdered," he added.
The institute will check the body's alcohol and drug contents by tissue tests. The family of the deceased including her father and medical experts participated in the autopsy as witnesses.
Seo said there were two scars: a new one and an old one. He said the new scar was less than six months old.
While Jeong's boyfriend Lee Kang-hee told the police she tried to kill herself last year pointing out scars on her wrist, Jeong's family and agency denied Lee's statement, saying that the scars were there when she was in high school.
"The autopsy took longer than normal as the pathologists proceeded only after they reached full agreement on the next steps," a source from the institute said, explaining the care taken in conducting the autopsy.
The autopsy was requested by Jeong's family and agency as they urged police to change the direction of the investigation from suicide and look at other possible causes.
Because of the autopsy, her cremation was delayed one day. She will be cremated Tuesday, her agency said.
[email protected]
Source: The Korea Times
*see..aku dah kata dah ..memang suicide..bukan murder case ...hurm ..memang kesian kat bf dia tak pasal2 je kena tuduh ..siap orang buat analogi itu ini ..dah la kawan tu trauma ....betul andaian aku yg memang ade lebih dari satu scar kat lengan Da Bin ... so bermakna memang bf dia tak tipu la ttg cubaan bunuh diri yg pernah mendiang buat dalam 5 bulan lepas..
[ Last edited by myst_leen at 12-2-2007 08:06 PM ] |
terperanjatnye aku baca ni tadi ....
bior betul :
walaupun tak minat sgt kat dia tapi suka tengok dia dlm my sister-in-law is 19, attic cat n he was cool ....
happy happy je tengok dia ....
apa kejadahnye org korea ni asyik dok bunuh diri je .....?????:@
kalaule ada oppa yg aku minat bunuh diri mmg aku tembak2 oppa tu nf: |
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