The Legend/Tae Wang Sa Shin Gi ~ Bae Yong Joon
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hari tu ade tgk episode 1 citer ni ..tp ..tak paham ..but then tgk la jugak sampai akhir..tak paham sampai ke sudah ..ekekee..cuma suka tgk watak suzini tu masa memula kuar..yg wtk moon so ri masa memula kuar tu ..nampak heroic laks..yg byj pulak tua time tu ..ehehe..memang pening tgk ..semalam nak tgk ..tp tertido ..nanti nak kena baca spoiler sat lagi ... |
tsu dah letak summary crite ni....kat pg sebelah jd dah boleh paham jalan citenya...haha mmg pening bile tgk tak paham...eps 2 dan 3 Damdeok masih kecik lagi jd YJ x kuar lagi...kiranya skarang ni kisah mcm karma di mana kali kedua hidup Suzini dan Kiha tu jadi adik beradik yang masih berebut Damdeok...mmg fenin....sapela nk buat sub ni |
Another article translated and posted by Joanne in the news section of BYJ's Quilt.
Gaeulyeoja posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home.
Variety (US magazine), "'TWSSG' debuted in TV brilliantly"
[Seoul Daily]9/12/07 17:05:25
Famousshow business specialty magazine 'Variety' paid attention to smoothbeginning of MBC 'TWSSG'(Directed by Kim Jonghak, Script by Song Jina).
On12, Asian edition of the Variety introduced in details reaction to thefirst episode of the 'TWSSG' in Korea and casts in an article titled'Guardian Gods rule in Korean TV debut.
The Variety said thatEnglish title of the 'TWSSG' was 'The Four Guradian Gods of the King',and opened its heading as "The 'TWSSG' cut 'lucky start' of recordingviewing rate for its first episode at over 20%."
Continiuing on,it added, "In the 'TWSSG', 43 billion won, the highest production costin Korean TV drama history, was invested," and "Besides BYJ, Moon Soriof film 'Oasis', Choi Minsoo, Park Sangwon, and E Ji Ah, etc. willappear in it."
Also, it reported that "This drama with exquisiteCG technology makes TV viewers to compare it with film 'Lord of Rings'and 'D-War," and "As it was pre-sold to 70 countries, it plans to beaired on NHK in Japan in coming October."
Along with that, whileintroducing foundation of Kochosun and period when the Great KingKwang-gae-to was active, the Variety explained that "Regarding thispart, Chinese scholars raised opinion that (Kogooryeo's history is) apart of Chinese history, it has been a topic of dispute for severaltens of years recently."
Besides them, quoting survey result ofTNS Media, the Variety said, "The 'TWSSG' showed second highest viewingrate following SBS 'King and I'(viewing rate at 21%) that is aired inthe same time belt," and predicted that "This reflects high expectationfrom TV viewers, and it seems to continue to have good reactions fromnow on also."
Reported by Choo Miok,[email protected]
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Summary fo Ep 2....as far as I cna understand....
Onthe night the Jushin star appeared, signifying the birth of the King ofJushin, all the 4 objects of the 4 gods (which had been dispersed allover and guarded by different people) became 'alive'. The old man (ChoiMin Soo), who is the chief of the Fire clan (descendents of the Tigertribe), saw the star and sent out his people to search for the 4objects. At the same time, the people in the Black Water village alsosaw the signs and sent out people to help and search for them too sothat the prophesy can be fulfilled.
All the 3 villages wereattacked. The father guarding the object of the Blu Dragon, plunged itinto his son's heart. I think that's when he became ugly. The manguarding White Tiger's object gave it to his son and told him to flee.And Ki Ha's whole family was killed and she was captured and taken backto the Fire clan. Hence, she would grow up to be under their control.Ki Ha is the reincarnation of Ka Jin. She was sent to the palace to'keep' an eye on Ho Gae (who seems to be the only one borned under theStar of Jushin). However, Ki Ha has a sister, who was saved by thepeople from the Black Water village. She was named Suzeeny.
HoGae's mother is the sister of the current King (17th King) and when hewas dying, I think she wanted the King to make her son king, becauseshe believe he is the King of Jushin. However, there was another boyborn at the same time. He is Dam Deok, who is the son of King'sbrother, making him the King's nephew. Dam Deok's father was summonedback to the palace when the King was about to die. Dam Deok's fatherthen became the 18th King of Koguryeo.
Suzeeny grows up to bemischievious and street smart. Together with Hyeon Ko (who is thereincarnation of Black Turtle), they went into the palace city (I'm notsure why they went there). But to make a living, they told fortunes (orrather Hyeon Ko told fortunes. Suzeeny's task was to find customers).It was at the market that sisters met for the first time (when Ki Hawas on her way to the palace).
Ki Ha and Dam Deok met for the 1st time at his father's crowning (when she slipped. hehe!).
Ithink Dam Deok's father knew that Dam Deok would be in danger and hesort of warn him not to make friends easily and to be careful. (I can'tunderstand all the dialogue). He also sent him to another place to liveand asked him to pretend to be weak and not to show that he knows howto fight. It seems that both Ho Gae and Dam Deok are friends initiallyas he even show Dam Deok how to hold a spear and fight.
Ki Ha isreserved and sweet natured. At the same time, I think the Choi Min Sooasked her to search for something, because that's when she met Dam Deokagain..in the library. I think he said something about if she is fromthe Shin Dang (Medical Hall?) and he is there just to look at thebooks. He seems to be trying to learn some martial arts from the booksbut didn't quite understand. She then said that she can't talk tooutsiders as she is from Shin Dang, so she is talking to the books. Ithink she gave him the answers he was seeking... |
episode smlm agak sedikit boring..tunjuk pasl damdeok, Kiha gan Suzeeny dan watak bel suka adalah Suzeeny...
okey mlm ni tgk diorg bertiga dah besar dah...
dan ni bagi ko org yg lum tgk mv citer ni gi...
mv by my most favorate group...
Thousand Years of Love - DBSK |
'TWSSG' set, 'feel a premonition of success' to make it tourism resource
[Medial Jeju]8/26/07 17:40:03
Big crowd flocked in on 26, the first day of opening
On 26, when drama set of the 'TWSSG', with its subject from biography of the Great King Kwang-gae-to in Kogooryeo, was open temporarily free of charge exclusively for Jeju Province resident, as the drama set was built completely and filming of the drama is getting into closing stage, big crowd flocked in, showing possibility for the drama set to become tourism resource in the future.
▲ On 26, the first day the 'TWSSG' drama set was open, many people flocked in to give
'feeling of premonition of success' to make it a tourism resource. (Media Jeju)
The 'TWSSG' drama set will be open free of charge from 10Am to 4:40 PM daily from August 26 to 30.
On 26. the first day of its opening, many people flocked in here. Entrance road to drama set and parking lot became hustle and bustle by cars and people.
▲ 'TWSSG' drama set that was made public first time on 26 (Media Jeju)
Drama set in magnificent appearance by re-creating Kooknae Castle in Kogooryeo, was greatly spotlighted as souvenir photo taking spot for people who visted there.
The 'TWSSG' where production crew of 'Sandglass' in 1990th, including Director Kim Jonghak and writer Song Jina, etc, and starring BYJ and Choi Minsoo, Park Sangwon, Moon Sori, and etc., has been object of much interest from Province residents as well as Japanese tourist of course as full-scale filming began in October 17 in last year.
The drama set, where over 20 billion was invested for building, is in appearance of re-creating Kooknae Castle in Kogooryeo, and although it boasts majesty of the biggest size in Korea, it was not able to open to public due to filming of the drama all the while.
▲ 'TWSSG' drama set that was open for the first time on 6. (media Jeju)
The drama, set that is open for limited period of time in this time, is located in Myosanbong Tourist Area in Koogoa-Eup, Jeju City, and it will be open all the time with charge around September 10, when the airing of the drama starts.
Reported by Yoon Cheolsoo,[email protected]
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this 3rd episode mmg menarik...
kali ni byk berkisar ttg hubungan antara Damdoek, Kiha dan Yeon Hogae...
tapi bel suka setiap kali Suzeeny scene...
suka tgk dia yg happy go luck..pastu active lak tu.... |
Reply #171 juju_amin84's post
hopefully apa yg ko harapkan tu akan terjadik sbb bel pun dah x sabar nak tgk yg ada sub... |
Originally posted by isabel at 13-9-2007 09:00 PM 
klu jadik project trip pegi Jeju Island next year...
site location ni mmg kena lawat...
gambar kat bawah ni..shoting location dah pun dibukak kepada pelawat pada pertengahan August lepas
bestnya...................... sib baik hajat nak gi tmpt Dae Jang Geum dah tercapai... |
Originally posted by isabel at 13-9-2007 07:05 PM 
episode smlm agak sedikit boring..tunjuk pasl damdeok, Kiha gan Suzeeny dan watak bel suka adalah Suzeeny...
okey mlm ni tgk diorg bertiga dah besar dah...
dan ni bagi ko org yg lum tgk ...
hari ni ada ker??? bukan monday n tuesday jer ker??? |
Reply #171 juju_amin84's post
bestnya ...bc kat soompi with s2 pun ada kemungkinan sub cite ni |
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