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Author: Syd

Tan Sri Rashid Hussain & Puan Sri Yang Amylia Hani

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:10 PM | Show all posts
nampak muda puan sri ni tu kot org sangka 19 tahun

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 11-8-2016 04:07 PM
nampak mcm hiasan..bukan air..kalau air pun..ade je air kaler biru..kenduri rakyat marhaen pun ada ...

Aku tak minum lah air kaler kaler artificial ni. Apa lagi wife dia firness instructor takan nak minum or hidang air kaler peli kat tetamu

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Post time 11-8-2016 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Zeatyisaac replied at 8-8-2016 11:34 PM
Selamat pengantin Baru.


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Post time 11-8-2016 04:14 PM | Show all posts
orkit replied at 11-8-2016 04:10 PM
nampak muda puan sri ni tu kot org sangka 19 tahun

kannn...i pon percaya kalau 19 thn

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Post time 12-8-2016 01:15 PM | Show all posts
cantik puan sri...tahniah

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Post time 13-8-2016 12:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cantiknyaaaa anak robert kuok dengan anak playmate tu! Perempuan ramai yang perfect, kaya, pandai, cantik. Lelaki macam susah sikit je nak dapat yang cukup package. Kalau ada pun silap silap bengkok

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Post time 14-8-2016 01:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tahniah laaa semoga jodoh berkekalan.

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Post time 14-8-2016 04:40 AM | Show all posts
amansihat replied at 9-8-2016 06:28 PM
datuk shamsudin abu hasan.ex-wife

wow her daughter is so beautiful.. graduated from uni of cambridge pulak tu.. lawa gila anak dia.. muka tak nampak malay, tak nampak mat saleh sgt.just nice..

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Post time 14-8-2016 04:45 AM | Show all posts
PrincessPony replied at 11-8-2016 01:49 AM
Facebook dia under Yazz Samsudin and anak lagi satu Lycie Samsudin

anak dia belajar apa kt cambridge? yg sorang lagi tu bijak jugak ke?

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Post time 14-8-2016 10:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 14-8-2016 04:45 AM
anak dia belajar apa kt cambridge? yg sorang lagi tu bijak jugak ke?

Dari facebook katanya sociology and political science

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Post time 14-8-2016 01:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anak shamsudin tu ada iras cm zara salim...cantiks

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Post time 14-8-2016 05:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Awet muda puan sri ni..

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Post time 14-8-2016 06:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amansihat replied at 9-8-2016 06:30 PM
gold digger.shamsudin buang dua bini dia nak kahwin dgn pompuan ni.pompuan ni kikis habis- ...

Silalah buka satu thread pasal TS S & playboy mate nih jah.
Zaman aku sekolah kes dia kecoh gila kot, terasa busybody dulu tp x berani nk tanya pasal mak aku pun berapi2 masa TS S cerai 1st wife dia
Aku nk tau gak apa cer dia skang..

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Post time 14-8-2016 07:03 PM | Show all posts
lawa gilos anak ts shamsuddin ngan ex bini mat saleh tu.. pandai nya graduate from cambridge.. shes a complete package.. lawa, kaya n educated..

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Post time 14-8-2016 11:06 PM | Show all posts
elrida replied at 14-8-2016 01:42 AM
Silalah buka satu thread pasal TS S & playboy mate nih jah.
Zaman aku sekolah kes dia kecoh gila  ...

stuju! x pernah tau pun ceta drg. baru jah google sikit2. amboi akak melleney betuah sungguh badan dpt tangkap orka lagi

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Post time 14-8-2016 11:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gigih aku pegi stalk fb dorang..

I tell her age with that bod.. Perghhh!!!

Wonder what happen kt TSS..

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Post time 15-8-2016 02:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
elrida replied at 14-8-2016 11:42 PM
Gigih aku pegi stalk fb dorang..

I tell her age with that bod.. Perghhh!!!

Ada satu gambar melleney dukung anak masa kecik. Macsm princess or queen je. Jewelry dia cam royals pakai. No wonder dlm story tu kata living like royalties.

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Post time 15-8-2016 04:43 PM | Show all posts
background information sikit pasal latar belakang Robert Kuok

those who know the kuok family know the family network is very big...... from the first generation kouk brothers (Philip, William, Robert)....... from children to grandchildren....... and then from cousins to cousins which are mostly from fathers side (based in China)...... all also involved in the Kuok empire and operating various groups and companies across Asia eg Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, China, Australia and US...... those who know Robert Kuok through his family members know Robert himself had an upper-middle class upbringing....... his father Kuok Keng Kang was a very famous merchant trader of rice, sugar and flour during the british Malaya...... Robert studied English in Johor, attended Raffles in Singapore, worked in Shoji Kaisha mitsubishi and then UK before returning Malaysia to revive Tong Seng & Co a company originally started by his father before he died........ 4 members of the kuoks including his brother, mother and a cousin (Hock Chin) also started "Kuok Brothers Limited" now known as "Kuok Brother Sdn Bhd" based in Johor.......
in the early 1950s under Abdul Razak government a sugar operating licensed was offered to Robert despite many other contending applicants...... Robert took this gift from the Malay gov and expanded the business thus boosted Malaysia's economy........ years after the death of his father Robert return to China to reunite with his cousins and estabilished businesses in his fathers home town......... although Robert was born in Malaysia, China is also his home country where is father came from.......... as the Kuok Brothers was under the inluence of politics Robert elder brother Philip resigned from Kuok Brothers to embark on a diplomatic career for the Malay Gov, serving as Malaysia's Ambassador to the Netherlands, West Germany and France....... then with the independence of Malaya in 1957, Robert realised existing enterprising local company were given chance by the Malay gov to penetrate and effectively capture markets previously dominated by British trading houses......... by this the Malay gov was extremely helpful towards pioneering industries in the 1960s including all of which established by Kuok brothers and Dato Lim Goh Tong of the Genting group......... so to say Robert was offended by UMNO or UMNO forced him out of Malaysia is a fabricated lie made for political opposition to win credibility......... to say Kuok presence in Malaysia could have benefited this economy is also another lie........
truth is Robert no longer need to be in Malaysia to boost Malaysia economy........ Robert's nephew Kuok Khoon Ho chairman of the Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd based in johor is currently one of the top 3 most trusted right wing leutenants for Robert........ although Robert's 2 eldest sons Beau & Ean are direct blood related Robert has always been known as a fair play in business....... to Robert his entire network of family be it philip's children or his cousins children, all are his love & joy of life........ hence making succession plans and appointing the right heir to his legacy is his outmost important project before passing....... at age 90 this year his main concern now appears to be how to avoid a family squabble from a typical Chinese family running empires of empires across the world....... when Roberts newphew-in-law Richard Liu Tai Fung (Philip's daughter's husband) died in 2003 Robert jump back from retirement to iron out details of succession plans at the Group...... apparently it was known that Robert was trying to groom Richard as the next leader of the Kuok empire........ today, unlike before when the empire was being overseen by Richard, Robert is now letting his 3 most trusted lieutenants (2 sons and nephew) to run the empire of which are stragetically based cross Asia eg China, Singapore & Malaysia...... Robert no longer hold any position within the Kuok group...... he is neither chairman or president of the Kuok Empire...... instead, he heads the powerful family steering committee that oversees the Kuok empire today....... his daily chores now is pampering his grandchildren and grooming them to be 3rd generation leaders........ i met Robert once a few years ago by an invitation to one of his grandaughter home in singapore...... the invitation was from his granddaughter....
actually aspect of Kuoks networking is his strong reliance on old-boys links..... one of his old trusted lieutenants is Geh Ik Cheong, a former classmates....... and Robert also counts the likes of the late Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak, ex Home Minister Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie and Singapore elder statesman Lee Kuan Yew as classmates........ furthermore one of Kuoks daughter (based in Malasysia) name Sue Kuok Suon Kwong (Puan Sri Suraya Abdullah) is the wife of ex CEO of RHB bank Tan Sri Rashid Hussain..... meaning some Kuok's grandchildren are also Malays......
hence to say Robert kuok is offended by UMNO is totally bullshit......

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Post time 15-8-2016 06:06 PM | Show all posts
nirman replied at 15-8-2016 04:43 PM
background information sikit pasal latar belakang Robert Kuok

those who know the kuok family kno ...


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Post time 16-8-2016 10:00 AM | Show all posts
MALAYSIA'S SECOND-LARGEST STOCK BROKERAGE is known as Rashid Hussain Securities. You can find it in Kuala Lumpur's RHB 1 building, also the headquarters of Rashid Hussain Berhad, one of the country's leading financial services group. In the next few weeks, recently merged DCB Bank and Kwong Yik Bank will be renamed RHB -- for Rashid Hussain Berhad -- Bank.
So who is the man behind the businesses? It's not often you read anything about the entrepreneur, who is married to a daughter of Malaysian billionaire Robert Kuok Hock Nien, recently voted Asia's 13th most powerful person by Asiaweek. Jokes Rashid: "If I start to take a high profile, what with my name already on the bank, the brokerage and the building, people might start to ask: what is his problem?"

Not much, really. The urbane but media-shy Rashid, 50, is on a roll. With the merger, RHB Bank (assets: over $10 billion) becomes Malaysia's largest commercial bank after Malayan Banking (No. 70 in the Asiaweek Financial 500) and Bank Bumiputra Malaysia (No. 135). Listed Rashid Hussain Berhad reported profits of nearly $44 million last year. DCB Sakura Merchant Bankers will go public next month. Says the head of a foreign investment house in Singapore: "If you're in financial services in Malaysia, Rashid is clearly the man to beat." Adds a U.S. investment banker: "There's only a handful of good quality local brokerages in Asia that dominate their markets -- Peregrine in Hong Kong, Kim Eng and G.K. Goh in Singapore, and Rashid Hussain in Malaysia."

And all that in just 13 years. "In the next 13," says Rashid in his clipped London accent, "my aim is to consolidate what we have here in Malaysia and become a meaningful player in ASEAN." Rashid Hussain Securities already has operations in Singapore, Jakarta and Manila. The group owns 20% of Indonesia's Bank Niaga and nearly bought a stake in a troubled Thai finance and securities house early this year. Rashid is confident he can still acquire a bank and a brokerage there: "We think over the next year or two, there might be an opportunity to do something substantial in Thailand." He is also scouting for banking opportunities in the Philippines. The bottom line: "We must diversify our earnings base and we've got to look for regional growth."

He has his detractors. "What is the group without Rashid?" asks the head of one foreign brokerage in Kuala Lumpur. "Nothing. What if Rashid ever fell under the proverbial bus? Where will the company be?" Agrees another competitor: "We all know he is out there making deals, getting business for his brokerage or merchant bank and, I suspect, soon for his commercial bank as well." Rashid counters that a team of professionals runs day-to-day operations while he takes care of strategic planning. But he remains a hands-on manager. He does not leave the office until 8 p.m. Even late at night, he is often on his cellular phone catching up with clients several time zones away.

Rashid may be more protective of his company than most founders. Unlike many Malay entrepreneurs, who got a boost from Malaysia's preferential policies for Malays and other indigenous groups, he achieved success through his own efforts. From a middle-class family, Rashid went to university in Britain and later worked for several merchant banks there, including Rothschild. He joined Bumiputra Merchant Bank in Kuala Lumpur in the 1970s. He decided to apply for a stockbroking license and set up his securities firm in 1983. (He met and married Sue Kuok six years later, when he had already made his pile. Rashid does little business with his father-in-law.)

"All I wanted was to become a quality stockbroker," Rashid recalls. The profession was not a route to riches then. The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange's market capitalization was less than $30 billion, just a tenth of what it is today. Rashid Hussain Securities was the first in Malaysia to do in-house research on Malaysian companies in 1985. It focused on institutional business, a segment the firm now dominates. (No. 1 brokerage TA Securities concentrates on retail investors.) Rashid's corporate clients include giants like listed power company Tenaga Nasional, state oil firm Petronas and large European and U.S. brokerages that trade through the securities company.

Business boomed as the economy pulled out of a recession in 1987 and began growing at 8% or better. Rashid expanded to related businesses. "We might get involved in the financing aspects of [telecommunications or power companies] but not ownership or operations," says the entrepreneur. "Why get into business that you don't know or don't understand?" Rashid Hussain Securities became Malaysia's first listed brokerage in 1988. Rashid added banking to his burgeoning interests in 1991 with the acquisition of 20% of DCB Bank, a medium-size corporate institution with strong ties to Japan's Sakura Bank. Late last year, the group took control of DCB and retail-based Kwong Yik Bank. He also ventured overseas.

The fledgling regional operations are making money, "but it's still early days," cautions Soon Teck Onn, an analyst for ING Barings in Kuala Lumpur. For Rashid, going ASEAN is a must. Economies are increasingly integrating and companies expanding beyond their borders could use a single group that can service their financial needs across the region. And as the financial services industry in Malaysia and other countries are opened up to more foreign competitors, local companies will need all the help they can get to survive. Rashid believes his group's regional ties will give it the edge.

In Malaysia, Rashid has forged strong connections. One client is former finance minister Daim Zainuddin, a confidant of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and treasurer of the dominant political party UMNO. "Rashid knows what he is doing," says Daim (No. 32 in The Asiaweek Power 50). In a rare foray outside finance, Rashid's group manages the Putra World Trade Center, the venue of UMNO's annual assembly. The complex was losing money when Mahathir asked Rashid to run it four years ago. Last year, it netted more than $8 million. Rashid also advises government investment arm Khazanah Holdings and chairs Putrajaya Holdings, which is building a new city to house government offices.

The buzz in Kuala Lumpur is that Rashid is destined for a cabinet post, possibly the Finance Ministry. Laughing off the expectations, the entrepreneur says he does not have the stomach for politics. His involvement with Khazanah and Putrajaya, Rashid maintains, is in the nature of national service, not political maneuvering. His priority is still business. One area that Rashid has talked about is health insurance. "That could be a big money spinner," says analyst Soon, given Malaysia's growing prosperity and the absence of a national health insurance program. The group also has an 80% share in four office towers going up in Kuala Lumpur, but Rashid is not likely to get deeper into property.

And don't forget regionalization. "We want to be an ASEAN financial-services group," Rashid reiterates. The current bloodbath in Thailand's financial services sector and the fallout on countries seen as similarly vulnerable, such as the Philippines, represent a golden opportunity for him to pick up bargains. His name may soon go up on buildings and companies in more Asian capitals. But don't expect to read more media stories about the man. As Rashid's empire expands, the dapper entrepreneur is bound to work longer in his office -- and take more frequent calls on his cellular phone outside.

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