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Author: vous_me6

[VOL32] #FAZURA #MV Only God Knows(2#) #E!NewsAsia interview(3#) #Terima Anugera

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2017 04:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaun_bb replied at 5-11-2017 04:43 PM
Slot fattah malam kan ? Ke petang?

Mlm dlm pukul 7/7.30 mcm tu kalau tak silap

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Post time 5-11-2017 04:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
vous_me6 replied at 5-11-2017 04:48 PM
Mlm dlm pukul 7/7.30 mcm tu kalau tak silap

Busy gila both of them. Penuh jadual. I pulak yang rasa penat.

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Post time 5-11-2017 05:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I just want to say love sgt Faz punya collaboration dgn PZ..PZ mmg pndai business, rajin bg gift barang2 branded pd top seller bagai n kdg2 kalau dier g overseas dier kan beli pouch bg giveaway to lucky buyer..n sweet sgt pz mcm sister to faz, Lau Faz ala2 sedih terharu pz Mesti hug dier atau tgok dier ala2 faham..I think pz pun mcm bnyak similarities to faz, masa dier free hair gaya pun ala2 Faz..May your Trudolly business makin maju!!

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Post time 5-11-2017 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hebat jgk eh gathering trudolly ni siap hire fiza sabjahan jd emcee..igt gathering biasa2 je dgn agent..

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Post time 5-11-2017 08:20 PM | Show all posts
RiriTulip replied at 5-11-2017 04:59 AM
Tapi masih lagi ada cobaan menghack. Apakahh???

tulah, baru ok dah ada cobaan kurang beretika. gigih fazwar update pasal kaka faz utk cover hari yg ig fazwar xblh bukak.

nah munga utk fazwar admins

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Post time 5-11-2017 08:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aloooo... lama iols tak masuk menjoyah kt forom nih. Ok, baru habis tengok WT. Iols karat faz, neutral pd fattah. Iols akan bg review tanpa bias.

Iols bagi 5/5.
Kenapa? Bukan sbb plakon je tp utk ksluruhan muvi ni. Dalam masa 5min pertama je, 1word dlm fkiran iols is " beautiful "
Skrip, sinematografi n ofcos pengarahan. Betul kata uwei. Penulis skrip pnyumbang y senyap.
Iols suka skrip dlm muvi ni, sgt real! Gurauan dlm prbualan y santai. Ditambah dgn hasil kamera  y cntk(iols xtau mcamana nk describe dgn word).
Nilai kekeluargaan y tggi, spnjg muvi ni iols blh menangis, gelak & senyum. Setiap moment fahim & ibu terkesan kt hati iols. Sgt rugi klu muvi ni xdipromote dgn astro. Thumbs up utk team WT!. Ok, ni je dulu... review tuk plakon akn mnyusul kmudian...

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Post time 5-11-2017 08:25 PM | Show all posts
shaun_bb replied at 5-11-2017 08:26 AM
Sambungan daripada Hi tea gathering Fazura meets Trudolly agents.

extra cozy pulak tengok kerusi yg kaka faz n PZ duduk. nak duduk berdua 1 kerusi pun muat. #otsangat #iolsminatinteriordesign


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 Author| Post time 5-11-2017 08:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
shaun_bb replied at 5-11-2017 04:51 PM
Busy gila both of them. Penuh jadual. I pulak yang rasa penat.

Rasa mcm tak sempat jg kot faz nak join event Maydan tu.

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Post time 5-11-2017 08:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
vous_me6 replied at 5-11-2017 08:40 PM
Rasa mcm tak sempat jg kot faz nak join event Maydan tu.

Tengok ig live fattah tadi, he mentioned yang kaka faz x attend yang maydan. Betullah kot.

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Post time 5-11-2017 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alahai faz ni duk acah2 masuk live fatah pastu cakap mcm tu. Sebiji mcm budak2.die tau uolsss semua yg xde kj tu nk screenshot n pos naturaly..annoying much!. Stop it faz stop it.

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2017 10:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 5-11-2017 08:49 PM
Alahai faz ni duk acah2 masuk live fatah pastu cakap mcm tu. Sebiji mcm budak2.die tau uolsss semua  ...

Nanti dia stop la

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Post time 6-11-2017 12:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sy x reti tepek pic kat nk tulis igs salah satu fan tegar lopak aka hates faz la kot haha. Berbunyi begini "pernah lihat perempuan terhegeh hegeh dan merenyam di ig live seseorang? Ya..saksikanlah.madu katanya.despret at its best. KASIHAN. I thought u have class" .begitu la ceritanye. Ku pikir ku sorg rase faz sejak nm naik ni lain mcm atention seker.gigihkn phatian. Nk suap uolsss dgn madu smpai downgradekn diri. X salahkn hates die juga. Hey hates part ni ku sokong la. Haha. Faz udah faz udah la tu. Jgn biarkn diri anda ade kat bawah.lg bawah drp patah amin.

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Post time 6-11-2017 12:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ctnorenjoy replied at 5-11-2017 08:20 PM
Aloooo... lama iols tak masuk menjoyah kt forom nih. Ok, baru habis tengok WT. Iols karat faz, neutr ...

5/5 hahahahaha

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Post time 6-11-2017 12:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ala bamtah ari tu buat yg sama gak masa faz live..
benda tu usik mengusik..
biarlah kat dorang..janji depa bahagia..
pak amin pon gelak2 ja tgk

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Post time 6-11-2017 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by hanipinky at 6-11-2017 01:50 AM

Well, I think I just need to say this.

In the very beginning for FattZura hype during the start of HSC shooting, I have mentioned it before in the previous thread that I’m not really a big fan of all these hype over Faz & Fattah, nothing personal againts Fattah, dont get me wrong; but I dont really comfortable the highlights and limelights on these two since I know how it is going to end up with the media headlines and fans acceptance when the co-star start taking their professionalism outside of their shooting locations.

And knowing Faz from her past relationship, she tend to be a bit foolish and so over the moon and cloud nine, like a teenage girl when she’s in love.

And what I’m afraid of to happen, just happened recently. The news about their engagements, the cute comments on one another’s Intagrams, how both Faz & Fattah were too clingy to one another during Maydan & Coach events plus during Wanita Terindah gala night, I really think Faz need to learn some lessons from her previous relationships.

It doesnt matter what’s going on between her and Fattah, just keep it low and just between the two of them. Dont feed the fans with such cute comments and remarks on social media. I really think Faz should know better about this. Of course we’ll be praying nothing but the best for her, but she also need to be a bit smart about this matter. If the two really have something and it materialises with an engagement or wedding, then alhamdulillah and what if God has different plan for both of them? Do you think they both will go out to the public and clear all the mess? Of course Fattah wont say a word about it, just like what he did to Sherry or Lofa, and the fans will start attacking Faz on what happened between both of them

Her career is currently at its peak now and please do not allow these cheap publicity stunts overshadow her talents and what she has to offer to the industry. Recently, I noticed that she tend to be more reserved during any media interviews when Fattah is around (well, in a relationship, thats a good thing to let the man to take the lead but hello, we are talking about your career here, dont let Fattah outshines you). For some obvious reasons, she looked so much confident and regal during her album launching’s media interview, obviously when Fattah is not around. She’s more relax, bubbly and being her true self, Fazura.

Look, before you start bashing me by saying I’m a hater of Faz or what, please get your facts right people. The whole reason why I first registered into this Forum many years back was to defend Faz at her lowest point of her life, at a time where only a few of you did the same thing to back her up on this forum.

Sokong tak semestinya you need to be all blind and support whatever she do. Sokong means you want the best for her and I pointed it out because I love her, and I want her to progress in life. All these news I read online or mainstream medias recently about Faz was so suffocating. Enough about Fattah, please. Focus to yourself. You’re a 34 years old grown up woman.

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Post time 6-11-2017 01:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 6-11-2017 02:57 AM
hanipinky replied at 6-11-2017 01:45 AM
Well, I think I just need to say this.

In the very beginning for FattZura hype during the start o ...

i think faz tgh happy la sis...mmg serupa situation masa dgn selatan dulu....but iolls pun tak tau camner nk control faz,its her life you think iolls suka semua so called "madu" ni, even video fatah bg bunga during klfw pun iolls tak pernah tengok, i mean, iolls tak habiskan tengok the vid..kekeke....but faz takde la selalu mcm issue cute comment iglive tadi, itupun gurau2 je, well its faz...sheolls pun selalu comment macam tu dkt ig & iglive rizman...just because faz comment dkt fatah , terus jd big thing....sdgkan faz selalu buat the same thing dkt vee, rizman , nazzy...but sbb its fatah , terus jd kecoh, yela all the shipper ni mmg pantang, semua benda nk repost, thats why i hate shipper thingy, lobenak especially, the stupid species ever alive! Few fattzura shipper ni pun sometimes tak respect their privacy, kinda overboard, iolls dah byk kali pesan dkt theyolls, mula2 insaf la bila terjadi something, pastu lama2 theyolls buat balik....  yg news psl tunang recently, its not a publicity stunt,but its "kantoi" kekeke....but i love the way faz bgtau reporter, its a publcity stunt, which mean, sheolls sendiri have no idea bout that, at least sheolls jujur....about this thing, iolls will zip my mulut...And one more thing, iolls tak tau kenape the reporters beria ria sangat nk highlight pasal tunang tu...can they just leave faz alone? Erk....apepun, iolls just doa yang baik baik untuk faz.....but however i ok je tgk faz yg skrg, more happy & bubbly, yg penting faz happy je buat keje dia, tak kacau org...dari mcm dulu, zaman sheolls asyik dikecam je, apa sheolls buat serba serbi tak kena, faz post gambar makan lemang pun kena kecam , LOL...ape yang lg penting sis, faz tak berkawan dgn lelaki mcm shahir, itu iolls bersyukur....

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Post time 6-11-2017 05:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
budakpink replied at 6-11-2017 12:58 AM
5/5 hahahahaha

Kesian uols ni kan? Msti uols baca review iols tu sambil dok meratib y iols ni shipper fattzura. Sikit pun iols xde komen psl plakon apetah lg fattzura. Setau iols, dlm review tu iols puji penulis, cmeraman & director.
Meh sini iols review plakon terutamanya fattah. Ni y uols nak baca kan?. Pelakon plg trbaik dlm ni liza othman. Fattah ada pningkatan trutamanya masa marah. Fazura ok, kurg skit dibndingkan dgn muvi len. Mgkn sbb watak kecik. Fikry ok tp kdg mengada2 time brcakap. Tp ini xcacatkan crita sbb ada 3org y kat atas tu(writer/director/cmeraman) n ofcos team WT.  
Sedih tgok uols ni kan? Mcm xde life. Duk meratib & -ve psl fazura n fattah je

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Post time 6-11-2017 06:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ctnorenjoy replied at 6-11-2017 05:46 AM
Kesian uols ni kan? Msti uols baca review iols tu sambil dok meratib y iols ni shipper fattzura. S ...

Hahahaha nice review hahahaha

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Post time 6-11-2017 06:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanipinky replied at 6-11-2017 01:45 AM
Well, I think I just need to say this.

In the very beginning for FattZura hype during the start o ...

Walaupun mu bspeking london di pagi hari tapi ku bersetuju la jua. Ku pun bermaksud mcm mu cuma kate2 ku lebih keras.ku x reti nk cakap elok2 kat sini haha.

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Post time 6-11-2017 06:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanipinky replied at 6-11-2017 01:45 AM
Well, I think I just need to say this.

In the very beginning for FattZura hype during the start o ...

Yes i know ur are her biggest fan. Saat dia diserang kiri kanan. U berani defend her that time. And i agree with u this time. Faz kena tone down sikit kat socmed regarding relationship ngan fattah. Apa pun berlaku biar senyap senyap sikit. Takut tak jadilagi orang akan serang faz. I kesian kat faz. I  sayang faz.

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