selagi baby kat av tu, tandanya AM belum curang lagi la tuh...
tapi kalo onc ...
luvsushi Post at 16-8-2011 17:13
aaaaaaaa!!!!! sis saje je kan...xnk AM ltak avvy top la tuh cm xtau je baby seunghyun ngan seunghyun ajusshi kene take turn mnjadi avvy AM sminggu skali tukar avvy...
hahaha!! kan? dia pakai lambo, org nih pakai kete biase2 jea. sedey tol. nak jadik retis kpop kene kuat kot. silap2 bunuh diri jea kalau tak kuat iman. sedey tol.
nak kate byk ilmu takla, but i am YG fam bias. then minat shinhwa n solbi. tuh mmg my ultimate bias la. dulu penah skali tgk baby ri ngan solbi. rapat giler kot. cam suke jea tgk diorg duorang. tp riri nih lebey syg ji hyung dia. lecey tol. kekeke!!
riri nih nampak jea arrogant gile, tp he's really soft inside. tak ramai yg paham dia. senang citer, YG pun tak phm dia. yg paham dia just jiyong jea. that's why when org nak tegur riri, they will tell ji beforehand. ji yg akan ckp ngan riri ape yg tak kene. manela bae hyung dia tak jeles. cian tgk bae kekdg. kekeke!!
u guys should see this.
as i mentioned before, inilah Shaun Evaristo, the choreographer for most of Bigbang's songs and co-choreographer for 2ne1.
he's the owner of Movement Lifestyle and he's filipino-american. Movement Lifestyle is a famous dance crew/team/company in the US.
kata Shaun, dia tak pernah tau pun pasal kpop sblm YG approach dia a few years back. but now, look at him...he's so much into kpop and siap ada kelas menari kpop lagi (particularly YG's songs). furthermore katanya, the US artists yang nak bekerjasama dengan dia pun (and yang dah bekerjasama ngan dia) wanted him to follow the kpop style.
spread the kpop love shaun!
love, love, love this vids. he talks about YG, Bigbang, 2ne1 and their relationships. he particularly cite the insides of GD, TOP and park bom
how i wish i can put down in words kat sini satu-persatu. tapi apakan daya, buffer slow nak mampos!
so, tonton...jangan tak tonton vids nih. enjoy!
hahaha!! kan? dia pakai lambo, org nih pakai kete biase2 jea. sedey tol. nak ja ...
bintangchomel Post at 16-8-2011 21:13
solbi yg ada kt strong heart ep1 tu ke? dat's the first n last time AM tgk appearance dia kt show..xpenah kenal pon dia sebelum nih..dia penyanyi ke? AM baru bjinak2 ngan kpop nih..b4 nih juz tgk drama jer..stat minat pon sbb tgk FO..kt situ,mcm2 retis AM kenal..tmasukla hye sung,dongwan, kesimpulannye diorang 3 je yg AM kenal dalam shinhwa tuh AM suke tgk dongwan...ensemnyeeee~~~
tingat latest strong heart g-ri..diorang dok compare bb members ngan shinhwa members jidi=dongwan, baby=junjin, baby=minwoo, top=eric.. i loike!!
taeyang jeles kt jidi?sbb baby?pes time dgr nih...jrg sgt dapat tgk tae-ri..klau ada tu kira rare la..tae suke sakat baby,nseb bek la budak tu da immune da
u guys should see this.
as i mentioned before, inilah Shaun Evaristo, the choreographer for most of ...
luvsushi Post at 16-8-2011 22:18
AM suke choreo dia..beza ngan kpop dance yg typical.. shaun=choreographer, teddy n kush = producer rite?
p/s: teddy ajusshi sangat hot..motip AM taste kat dia
yurp! solbi tuh penyanyi, pelakon, pengacara, pelawak. sume pun dia. kekeke!! dia sgt chomel!! tp sayang, ramai yg tak suke dia sebab andy. sedey tol. she has a great voice. try la carik pasal dia. dulu dia ade group, typhoon but da berpecah. so skarang dia solo. dia penah call seungri time BB promote kat jepun dlm ice princess. solbi panggil riri, strong baby.
shinhwa, hye sung is my ultimate bias. but i like andy because of solbi. shinhwa nih mmg gerek ar. tp nih thread BB, takleh citer lelebih sgt la. just kalau ji nak jadik a great leader, he needs to learn from eric. ape eric buat utk shinhwa sgt touching kay.
baeri mmg jarang nampak. but lately, kalau tak baeri, seungwhores. nyongtory jarang da nampak. kekeke!! ji mmg jeles ngan tae psl riri. ade skali dlm radio show dia announce bae jgn kacau maknae, since maknae tuh dia punye. tae pun penah ckp, kalau BB nih lemas, ri akan selamatkan ji dulu. wakakaka!! klakar ar time tuh.
Anneoyong..ala, boley plak la stanum tertinggal broadband kat opis semlm..x dpt spazzing dgn korg..
Btw, have u guys heard the news?? Korean Music Wave Concert is coming to Malaysia in late September 2011!!! Wallawei...gimmick ke hapa nih?? Kalau la btul, adakah BigBang and 2NE1 akan membuat kemunculan kedua dlm KMW 2011 dan yg pertama di Malaysia ??? Huhu...jgn le kita menaruh harapan sgt yer..kang kuciwa x sudah pulak..Mari kita tunggu sesama update seterusnya from KMW Malaysia Facebook page..
Radio Free Asia (RFA) has reported that young North Koreans are addicted to SNSD’s dances. According to the media, in addition to SNSD, names of other South Korean dance groups such as Big Bang are now familiar to many people in North Korea.
RFA also said that, according to a Chinese trader, “Disco is all the craze among the youth of Pyongyang in their 10s and 20s. The wealthy North Koreans try to teach their children South Korean dances and songs instead of musical instruments. An renowned instructor has emerged to teach this choreography.”
Also according to the trader, personal dance training from this instructor costs around $20 USD a month.
Lastly, it was revealed that, “People in their 20s and 30s are copying the hairstyles that they see in South Korean dramas.”
Source: BBupdates
P/S: OH NO!! Is this good news or bad news?? Nnnti general pyongyang tu wat pakatan utk kidnap BigBang pulak sbb tanak bg rakyat dia layan Kpop..(kidnap SNSD xpe..aku x kesah..hehe)..Dah macam citer Spy Myong Wol ler pulaks!
yurp! solbi tuh penyanyi, pelakon, pengacara, pelawak. sume pun dia. kekeke!! d ...
bintangchomel Post at 17-8-2011 06:56
byk lagi AM kene blaja nih... tp xpe..skrang ni fokus kt bb ngan 2ne1 dulu...
tu la..lately ni susah tol ngan tgk g-ri..asek2 seungwhores je..mana la AM xberalih arah..hahahaha
Anneoyong..ala, boley plak la stanum tertinggal broadband kat opis semlm..x dpt spazzing dgn korg..: ...
stanum123 Post at 17-8-2011 09:35 AM
susah sket nak masuk mesia neh... kalo la dpt, sure la dioarnag seme pakai sopan2... esp yg yoja grup tu...
kalo ada, ada laaaa... cam stenem ckp, tak nak bg harapan tinggi...
org LIKE kat fb, kita laik je
susah sket nak masuk mesia neh... kalo la dpt, sure la dioarnag seme pakai sopan2... esp yg yoja ...
nzhass79 Post at 17-8-2011 14:00
i prefer bb n 2ne1 concert only daripada korean music wave....xbest la nk moyan the whole concert..da la AM xkenal yg lelain papa YG, sile tgk bideo yg ktorang rakam tu yer..sile ikut ckp ktorang,datang mesia...(wah..demand)
xtau la nk wat pe utk jiyong oppa...utk bb anniversary pon xtau nk wat apa...wat wish dari hati yg suci lagi tulus dan ikhlas je boley x?
Korean actors Lee Jeong-Seob and Yoon Moon-Sik recently went to Qingdao in China for MBC's "A Good Day".
In the program, the staff asked them which of their juniors, who like to parody their voices, imitate them best. Yoon Moon Sik answered, "It seems that T.O.P's voice is very similar to mine."
He elaborated, "Not only do our voices sound the same, his face also resembles to mine. We look alike." This witty remark caused laughters in the set.
Source: Star MT
Translated by RICE @
ajushi ni saje je wat lawak..tang mana la yg sama tuh btw,suke tgk TOP imitate ajushi nih..walaupun xkenal sape,stil AM gelak everytime tgk imitation dia
i prefer bb n 2ne1 concert only daripada korean music wave....xbest la nk moyan the whole c ...
adikmanis Post at 17-8-2011 03:23 PM
pernah dengar desas desus sal Kpop music wave kat spore kot... wpon ada BB, ramai tanak gi sbb rasa cam ugi... kalo camtu, brape lgu sangat yg diaorang leh nyanyi...abis kuat pon 3 je....
paling2 koman pon cons YG Family ke... akak tak kenai sangat member 2ne1 tp akak suke lagu2 diaorang....
mimpi indah2 yew... mlm ni takleh kot berjaga sampai kol doblas... hehehehe.....