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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2006 04:21 PM | Show all posts

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 22-3-2006 04:22 PM | Show all posts
In the palace
King: Why do the 2 of you often create so much trouble?
CK: It's my fault, Pye-ha
King: Tae-ja, what have you done? (in disapproving tone)
Shin: .....
Queen: Why did the Bingung said such careless words?
CK: Sorry
King: This is the 1st time in royal history that someone has mentioned divorce in a public occasion. What problems do the 2 of you have that cause you to mention divorce?
CK: I made a careless mistakes, I also don't know why I did that. If not for the Tae-ja's reconcilation, don't know what would happened, Pye-ha.
King: Now is not the time for defending each other. Tae-ja, don't you have anything to say?
Shin: If you want to trace responsibility for this, it should be said that the adults who let the Bingung marry into the palace are responsible too.
King: You...
Queen: Te-Ja
Shin: Furthermore, as for the Bingung who's not clear about the royal family's rules, pls allow me to strengthen her education and let her go through stricter training.
King: Are you rebelling now? I do not see any sign of your introspection. Do you want to put all the responsibility (fault) on the royal family?
Shin: I do not feel that we are at fault, there's no need to self-reflect. We're going back first, we will give great consideration to this matter.

In the room..
Shin said
For the 1st time in my life, i expressed wad i truely feel, not as a crown prince but as a man to a woman. My first confession was trampled on by u.
cg : i ddnt mean it that way
shin : From a certain moment, u entered my heart without my permission, u released the light in my heart. Everyday, it seems like my heart have problems. wanting to understand u nmore, see u more. and because of u, i smile sillily.
because of u i became such an idiot. i gave my heart. but the one who betrayed it is also u. I will remember a girl like u

ChaeKyung's Home
Mum: Why did CK say such things?
Dad: May it be purely careless words? She wouldn't just leave the royal family this way right? (The chinese translator wasn't sure abt this part)
Bro: Could it be the pig has another boyfriend and wants a divorce for his sake?
Mum: How? Aren't you worried?
Dad: When she last came to the recreation club, CK was already not appearing well. Let's bring her back, just say we're very worried.
Bro: Mum, let's bring CK back, I really worry for her.
Dad: Let's not act carelessly, give her a call first? No, this will only make CK worry, make her more troubled. What to do? (shock tone)
Mum: What is it?
Dad: That...
Mum: Wu-ae??
Bro: What?
Dad: Evicted princess. Due to this, will our CK become an evicted princess?
Mum: Ah..(covers mouth)
Bro: Then pig will leave the palace
(Dad n mum look at each other)

the part cg was kneeing down..
the king : go back. else it will seems like i am a torturing fatherinlaw. u can redeem the things u all have done wrong like this
cg ls be more tolerant towards the crown prince.
he treasure the pen u gave him alot. he didnt bear to use it. he doesnt say anything on the surface but he respects u alot and yearns any form of caring from u. he just loves u in his own way.
king : bigung thinks i dislike the crown prince? which parent will hates his own child? but if i ignore the right and wrong because of love, then i will be a bad father.
last part between shin and yul.
yul : are u not going to stop cg? she is kneeing there because of u. did u see her even once? if this carries on, she won抰 be able to take it anymore.
shin : why are u blowing up? Aren抰 u the protector.
yul : it is all because of u, if u treat cg better, i may have give up already. but i cant give cg up to a cold guy like u.
shin : ignoring the palace rules, should have a limit.
yul : rules? this is ur weapon all along. are u asking me to give up because of all this great rules?
shin : if u cant take it in, then perhaps u shld try to wipe out al these rules.
yul : i intend to.
shin : i dun care what plans u have, falling for ur cousin in law, this kind of dirty fate happening once is enough. i dun want to see it happen again.
yul : u insulting my love, i wun allow it to happen again as well.

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 22-3-2006 04:02 PM
Goong drama had been nominated in the 42nd Annual Baeksang Arts Awards.
They have been nominated for Best Producer, Best New actor (our Shin Goon) and Best New actress (our CG)  

The awards wil ...

huhuh tak dapat nengok....
nanti kalau ada gambar kasi2lah ye...

hhhhh..kalau ada link tuk ep malam nie kasi ye

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Mlm ni aku mcm takda mood nak nengok.  Baru tadi ada berita Preview Ep 22... pun tak best..

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 04:37 PM | Show all posts
ada berita pasal preview ep 22??

eh tepeklah kat sini nak gak tahu pasal apa...sedih jugak ke tuk ep22??

hhhhh...nak tanya kau tahu ke 8tv tayangkan cite apa waktu ptg tiap hari isnin -jumaat dalam kul 4 ptg...tadi tertengok sekejap nampak cam cite taiwan dan pompuannya heroin dalam devil beside me..

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 04:39 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu aku walaupun sedih nak gak nengok...nak tahu apa terjadi....

waaaaaaaa kalau sad ending confirm aku taknak nengok cite nie lagi...

Use magic Report

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Post time 22-3-2006 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Ep 22 Preview ... gung_22_pay_pre.wmvnf:nf:nf:

[ Last edited by hhhhh at 22-3-2006 05:08 PM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 05:08 PM | Show all posts
sedang nengok pre ep 22...nengok cam lepas berdiskuci ngan yul...shin pergi kat tempat cg berlutut tu...tak tahu shin cakap apa pada cg...itulah cg buat sesuatu tak nak fikir sekarang dah menyesal

Use magic Report


Post time 22-3-2006 05:10 PM | Show all posts
aik salah pulak ke...nampak cam shin jumpa cg...camana lak boleh tukar ke yul..heran nie...

Use magic Report

Post time 22-3-2006 05:14 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu nengok ep 22 nie sakit jiwa je aku ngan cg nie...siap dia tepis lagi tangan shin masa dia jatuh tu...selamba je dia tepis depan2 yul...sukalah yul tu...

sian shin termenung kat tempat rahsia dia...uwaaaaaaaaa tensionnya aku...

bilalah cg ngan shin nie nak berbaik...ep22 pun bermusuh lagi....

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 08:04 AM | Show all posts
subs untuk preview ep. 22 ni tak de lagi ekk?...payah la nak buat dialog sendri...tensen..tensen....arggghhhhhh

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 08:21 AM | Show all posts
sape tengok ep 21...citelah sikit...cite sedih ke malam tadi??

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 08:48 AM | Show all posts
Sendiri tanya sendri jumpa kat soompi. Kp nak share subs yg kp jumpa utk preview ep. 22 tu

Part 1:
Shin grabs Yul's collar.
Shin (lets go Yul): What are you trying to do?
Yul: I had said it before, I want to get rid of the old rules and customs.
Shin: You better listened up carefully, no matter what you do, rules is the strength of the royal house.Although the rules are unfeeling, we must still protect and follow them coz this is our destiny.
Yul: Then, you can continue to protect them(the rules), while I will destroyed them.
Shin: (signs...)
Yul: You wouldn't imagine the life of the royalty who were thrown out of the palace. Instead of living with hope, I had learned to live with despair. No matter what I can't achieve my dreams, that's why I can only locked those dreams in my heart. But however how tightly I locked myself in, CG still comes into my head. The only dream I wanted in my life is CG.
Shin: No matter how much you dream, she is already your cousin-in-law.
Yul: (laughs coldly) I never look at her as my cousin-in-law.
Shin: {angrily} Lee Yul! I am thinking about your welfare!
Yul: I am also looking out for myself.
Shin: huh?
Yul : If you let go of CG, I will become a guy who is forever filled with hope. I will give up everything I have for CG. Let CG go!! I will let you be your good crown prince !

Part 2:
While CG is kneeing for forgiveness, Shin sudden appears in front of her
Yul: (not Shin,only her imagination) CG
CG: (saw that it is Yul). It's you....Yul.
Yul: The King allows you to go. Let's go.(Helps CG up)
(They met Shin and CG slips and almost falls. Shin wanted to stop forward to help CG)
Shin: I will bring her back.
CG : I had never asked for your help(cold stare). Yul, please help me back.
Yul: Let's go. (Shin is left alone)

Part 3:
(Members of the royal family less Shin)
King: If you know clearly about (yul's offical title,forgive me I forgot)'s feeling, you should keep your distance. Why do you met up with him so late at night? What are you thinking?
CG: (Yul's title) is only trying to comfort me....
King: In what way the great bingung mama needs the comfort of her cousin-in law. (this part need to be translated better)
Great Queen: Bingung, I have something to ask you.
King : Yes, Great Queen.
Great Queen: Please honestly tell me how is your heart. Is in the same as Yul(his offical title again)?
CG: (sobs)

Part 4:
4 Shin sitting in his secret attic staring idly
Shin: (to himself) Why are things like this? What should I say now? Why is it no one has taught me about this before? Despicable!

Part 5:
5 In CG's room
CG looks at the family shots (her own & Palace family too) and weeps

Part 6:
6 In Dong Goong
Shin enters
CG: (standing up) Is it true? Yul is banished from the Palace?
Shin: This is the punishment for those who oppose the Palace rules/customs.
CG: He was chased out once before. Is he going to be chased out again? Isn't that too cruel?
Shin: He deserves it for what he did.
CG: It's because of me. It's for me that things have happened this way.
Shin: Why? You're upset that you're not banished together?
CG: How can you say this even now? Don't you feel sorry for Yul?
Shin: Sorry? When I see him I have a headache.
CG: Then why do you still keep me here?
Shin: You think you will be dethroned for this? I said it already, I want you to live in the Goong for life! That is what you must do. You can't enter as you wish and leave as you wish. This is the Goong!
CG: What should I do? This may be my last chance.
Shin: What? Don't tell me you plan to leave with Yul? A Crown Princess who's banished for getting too close to the cousin?
CG: That's fine too! If I can just get out of this cruel place! (leaves to enter her room)

original Chinese summary posted by muimui86
credits to for e Korean-Chinese translations

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts
pre ep22 cg memang melampau....aku benci cg...aku benci yul.....

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 09:02 AM | Show all posts
dan untuk summary translation ep. 21 yg kp jumpa

episode 21 summary translations

so the interview thing...
cg announces divorce
shin: we thought about divorce before
shin: i fell in love with her
shin: she is not perfect though she is doing her best
shin: one thing left is for you people to forgive us
then audience clapped

the king is mad that cg mentioned divorce

shin and cg conversation after being scolded by king
shin: i asked you not to say it (divorce)
shin: i never asked anybody a favor
shin: and i did today
shin: you didn't care about my feeling
he also said that he's in love with her
shin was crying while saying this

king said that shin is not good to become king.. yul is
the queen said is it because of your feelings for yul's ,p,
then she said she's going to make him king

family and friends of cg are worried that cg might not become the queen anymore

shin's friend was telling cg's friend when he knelt down.. please be my picture

shin and cg.. cg approached shin
cg: you said you love me
cg: if you meant it
cg: please understand me
cg: isnt sorry enough?
then shin leaves

shin looking at cg's pictures when they went to the beach....

cg thinking while looking at the shin doll
cg: its too hard to be the princess
cg: i wanted to run away
cg: i just thought about myself
cg: didn't care about shin
cg: sorry. sorry

queen and king
queen: do you love me?
queen is envious of cg because she is loved by her husband
she thought that any wife who is loved by her husband can go through any hardship

queen talking to cg
queen wants to make sure of something
queen: what do you feel about yul?
queen: there cannot be any friendship between boy and girl
cg: i haven't thought about yul as more than a friend
queen: can i believe you?
cg: yes

cg and yul's mom
mom: you must have a hard time
cg: its all my fault
mom: people make mistakes
mom: what are you going to do?
cg: i don't know
cg: how can i be forgiven?
mom: it needs an extreme solution..
so yul's mom told cg to kneel until she is forgiven by the king

shin went to the king... the king asked him to go back since he will be going with yul instead...

cg kneeling down...
king saw her..
the king is asking cg if the reason for saying divorce is because of the guy in the paper
cg couldn't answer
the king asked if it was really her father who was with her
cg couldn't answer

shin telling cg that the king will not forgive her

shin talking to assistant
shin: i think i know now why the king likes yul so much
he told the assistant that he found the love letter of king to yul's mom

yul talking to the phone.. he is asking about cg
then his assistant told him that the king is looking for him

great queen talking to cg
queen: you just made a mistake
queen: you don't have to do this
queen: tell him the truth
queen: who you were with
cg: i can't tell who i was with

yul telling the king that he should forgive her... that she is too weak.. the king said its none of his business

king and cg
king: where is shin?
cg: please forgive me
cg: forgive us
cg: forgive shin too
cg: he loves you in his own way
king: do you think i hate shin?
king: there is no parent who hates his son
king: but it is the parent's role to tell him which is right or wrong

yul and shin
yul: go to cg
yul: have you ever gone to see her?
yul: if you were a little bit warmer, i could have given her up
shin: one loving cousin-in-law is enough in the palace

yul and cg
yul is saying sorry to cg for telling her to say divorce
cg is asking about shin
yul said that shin doesn't care about her
yul's mom heard everything i think...

yul found out that it was his mom who told cg to kneel until forgiven

king and queen
king wants queen to find the guy who cg is with
he is asking why is shin not going to cg

yul's mom is talking with her assistant.. telling her that her son is in love with the princess

shin and assistant
as: you are looking at the same page for hours
as: are you going to leave ck like that?
shin: you may go

cg with unnies
unnie: please stop
cg: i won't move till i'm forgiven

great queen said she has lived too long
yul asked the queen to help her
the queen called everyone in the palace

great queen: how could you leave cg like that for so long?
great queen: why don't you forgive her?
yul's mom: but she lied
yul's mom: and she is not telling who she was with
yul: it was me
yul: i saw her going out
yul: i followed her
everybody was shocked..
king: you were with her?
yul: yes
yul's mom: i think he went with her as a friend
king: do you like cg?
yul: yes, i love her very much


Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 09:22 AM | Show all posts

Mlm ni ada kebakaran kat Istana:cak:

Akhirnya Yul mengaku jugak.. Tak lama lagi dia akan dibuang dari Istana.  Aku lebih geram ngan Shin .  Cg dah mintak maaf pun dia tak layan.  Waktu CG  berlutut tu pun dia tak gi pujuk.  Yul jugak yg sayang dan kesiankan CG.

Memanglah Shin tu pun teringatkan CG , tapi tak reti nak pujuk.

Use magic Report


Post time 23-3-2006 09:27 AM | Show all posts
dh lama x masuk thread ni...rindu sgt............
smlm dh hntr tesis,lega skit...
mlm ni ada kebakaran???
nape time tu ada shin kt situ??
yg bakar tu moo tot ye???:stp: :stp:
pastu dorg salah kan shin...cian dia...
xpe2,rukia ada dibelakang shin goon...always....huhu...:cak: :cak:

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 09:32 AM | Show all posts

kalo korg nk tanya pasal sub kt soompi,baik jgn...nnt dorg marah...
takut nnt dorg stop kn kuar sub...sabo je...

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 23-3-2006 09:22 AM

Mlm ni ada kebakaran kat Istana:cak:

Akhirnya Yul mengaku jugak.. Tak lama lagi dia akan dibuang dari Istana ...

wah malam nie ada kebakaran kat istana apa berlaku nanti ye hhhhh...nie shin kena tuduh penyebab kebakarankan...wah kalau sama ngan manga apa berlaku ye...bila shin sakit nie...

Use magic Report

Post time 23-3-2006 09:42 AM | Show all posts
A'ah.  Bila Shin sakit.................KUCH KUCH HOTA HAI ( Maknanya Something's happening)

Use magic Report

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