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Author: shanew3stgalz

PANDAY ~ Another Echo's Soap

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nmi at 5-1-2005 03:49 PM:
luv mary ann&christian

ME too nmi.... :ah:

but................ apa boley buat, AraXian 4ever/more!

Tp, buat masa sekarang ni.. harap berilah ruang kat MA supaya dpt b'sama Christian w'pun sekejap :pray:

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 10:09 PM | Show all posts

Welcome! welcome!

willowbe, welcome! welcome! welcome!

Hope u'll enjoy being here, in SWNW's thread... :ah: :bgrin:

[ Last edited by shanew3stgalz on 5-1-2005 at 10:11 PM ]

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NaJera This user has been deleted
Post time 5-1-2005 10:14 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at  09:57 PM:
as we can see, MA ni la manusia yg paling sayang gila

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by willowbe at 5-1-2005 11:05 AM:
Last nite the part whereby Xtian asked MA to wait for him was so touching.
and MA is so much in love with him...

Yeah! i'm agree with u... so touching! that scene was so alive!.. its becuz of both are so talented! Grabe!!!! Grabe! :clap: :clap: :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 5-1-2005 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nmi at 4-1-2005 05:55 PM:
bestnyer part mary ann ngan christian.sweet sgt,sedih pun ader.mary ann plak cinta dier mendalam sangat pada christian,rasanya lebih ara kot??

Yep... her loves for Christian... memang mendalam... honestly say... kalah Ara...

Scene semalam je.. nampak keromantikkan dorang kan.. kalah leo n gracie... hehe.. jgn mara ha... :bgrin:

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Inay This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nmi at 5-1-2005 11:04 AM:

aku rasa hidup aralah yg paling baik skali.sampai dua lelaki berebut nak kat dier.Mary ann plak yg paling kesian.sekejap jer dier boleh dapat kebahagiaan.biler nanti christian jumpa ara mestila ...

betullllllllll... :setuju::cak:

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Post time 6-1-2005 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 5-1-2005 10:22 PM:

Yep... her loves for Christian... memang mendalam... honestly say... kalah Ara...

Scene semalam je.. nampak keromantikkan dorang kan.. kalah leo n gracie... hehe.. jgn mara ha ...

Leo selalu macam tak serius...........tapi I suka dah tengok Ara sekarang sebab dia dah ceria. Tak sabar nak tengok dia jumpa dgn Xtian, tapi kesian kat Mary Ann.

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EveN This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 5-1-2005 09:48 PM:

Wah.. panjang komen.. hehe...:bgrin: what did u said are right... i'm agree with 100.01 %.... KTKH jauh lebih baik la... actually, aku nengok SWAN ni pun.. as you know why la kan. ...

agree...KTKH lg letih byk benor penjahat.penjahat2 dia mmg liat nak mati. KTKH punye storyline lagi power esp. heleana. n lorrea.

by the way. yesterday episode....x-tian tak gentleman la...mcm loser btul. pity MA. MA mcm kawan time die susah jer. Leo started to feel insecure.

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Post time 6-1-2005 08:49 AM | Show all posts
last nite sia-sia aje aku bangun kul 12.30 nak tengok citer ni, alih-alih tak sampai half blackout, hampeh tul.  Aku tak sempat tengok yg part Christian ternampak Ara tu, camna dia boleh ternampak tu?

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amelia This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 09:13 AM | Show all posts
even though many of us agreed that KKTH is better than SWAN, don't know why we still stuck o SWAn.. hehhe..
mebbe becoz of the actors...

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Post time 6-1-2005 09:15 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 5-1-2005 09:57 PM:
as we can see, MA ni la manusia yg paling sayang gila

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Post time 6-1-2005 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by EveN at 6-1-2005 08:29 AM:

agree...KTKH lg letih byk benor penjahat.penjahat2 dia mmg liat nak mati. KTKH punye storyline lagi power esp. heleana. n lorrea.

by the way. yesterday episode....x-tian tak gentl ...

betul gak kalau nak difikirkan.but i still love christian.:love:and mary ann.:love:

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Post time 6-1-2005 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by db10 at 6-1-2005 08:49 AM:
last nite sia-sia aje aku bangun kul 12.30 nak tengok citer ni, alih-alih tak sampai half blackout, hampeh tul.  Aku tak sempat tengok yg part Christian ternampak Ara tu, camna dia boleh ternampak tu?

He didn't see Ara but he could feel her was so close..he was
at the door on his mobile talking to MA and Ara was just about to reach the
door when she was being told about DVV & Christian in the room.

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Post time 6-1-2005 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by db10 at 6-1-2005 08:49 AM:
last nite sia-sia aje aku bangun kul 12.30 nak tengok citer ni, alih-alih tak sampai half blackout, hampeh tul.  Aku tak sempat tengok yg part Christian ternampak Ara tu, camna dia boleh ternampak tu?

dier bawak kereta then kereta tue berhenti kat depan railway station.kebetulan ternampak ara standing kat situe.dier pun cakap lah ara.masa tue muka dier pelik sgt.macam tak convince sgt.:stp:lepas tue apalagi mulalah cari konon2 nak cari ara.

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amelia This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 09:22 AM | Show all posts
if i'm in leo's shoes, i will feel the same. sbb, just to make sure that grace's love bukan rebound love.

as for xtian, i think what DVV said is right. ada perkara lebih  penting yg perlu diselesaikan at that moment selain dr ara. dia object utk jual company, but seem he didnt come out with any plan to save the company. jumpa lolo  is not a good idea since they already knew that lolo don't want any connection with them after he bought the aircraft.

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Post time 6-1-2005 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 5-1-2005 10:09 PM:
willowbe, welcome! welcome! welcome!

Hope u'll enjoy being here, in SWNW's thread... :ah: :bgrin:

[ Last edited by shanew3stgalz on 5-1-2005 at 10:11 PM ]

To Shane..thank you...

Actually this is my 1st Philipino's soap that I am addicted to..Probably it is
because of the actor/actress and less complicated story line eventho some
parts are left hanging..

I love to see Leo Gracie & MA Xtian scenes together...and I can't wait for
the Ara Xtian reconciliation. But my personal preferance is to see Leo Gracie

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alex This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Smlm, baru sekelibat christian nmpak ara, dia dah mcm lupakan maryann. kesian mary ann.

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meteor This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 12:01 PM | Show all posts
HI EVERYONE I posted here before my email address if anyone wants a copy of the songs from swan and i got a lot of requests plus they asked questions on what is the latest news about kristine,diether and echo. Decided to share my answers with you and not individually.

1. What is kristine doing nowadays and is it true that she will start a new teleserye with Bea Alonzo and John loyd cruz?

ans. Kristine Hermosa just finished doing the movie Enteng Kabisote and this is now being shown in the philippines. by the way want to congratulate kristine coz the movie is a boz office hit as usual like her other movies. Here now are the nationwide grosses (from Dec. 25 to Jan. 1) of the eight official entries in the 2004 Metro Filmfest which officially ends today:

1. Enteng Kabisote ...................... P83.6M
2. So Happy Together ..................P32.1M
3. Spirit of the Glass ................... P30.9M
4. Mano Po 3 .............................. P27.5M
5. Lastikman ............................... P21.1M
6. Sigaw ...................................... P18.6M
7. Panaghoy sa Suba ...................P10.9M
8. Ai****e Imasu 1941 ................. P10.1M

Kristine is doing a teleserye soon but not with Bea Alonzo and John lloyd cruz. Bea and John have their own teleserye that might star Mariscel Soriano(a very big star in the philippines) tentatively titled "Vietnam Rose".
here is a small synopsis of VIETNAM ROSE


this is the working title of the new teleserye of the Maricel soriano which will co-star her with john lloyd cruz, bea alonzo, albert martinez or edu manzano or raymond bagatsing (no final leading man yet) and rossana roces..story will revolve around a woman who has gone for vietnam for many years and when she goes back to Philippines, no ones knows about her anymore. john lloyd will be playing a young lover role (just like Diether Ocampo in soltera). this will be directed by jerry lopez sineneng and wenn deramas to be launched either by late february or early march. of course, everything is still tentative 'coz right now they are on their final pre-production already.

Kristine is also known as having many endorsements. currently she is endorsing

1. head and shoulders shampoo
2. maxipeel estringent
3. dari creme butter
4. kenny rogers
5. Bench clothing

2. What is Diether Ocampo doing after the teleserye Sanay wala ng wakas?

Diether is busy with his weekly show ASAP MANIA and his movie BECOZ OF U with his girlfriend(OR WIFE?) Kristine Hermosa was just shown. It is the 4th highest grossing film of starcinema the movie home studio of kristine and diet. It grossed P130 million on its theater run.
He is now busy recording an album with his BLOW BAND.

Yes diether has his own band and performs regularly in Ratsky(a very famous bar in manila)to an always fully packed house.

He has already wrapped up shooting LIHIM with Claudine Baretto and Jericho Rosales and he is soon going to tape for his new teleserye with Kristine Hermosa.He is also an endorser of Bench Clothing, pizza hut and smart communications.

btw, showbizness is not diethers bread and butter. He is a businessman. It is said that among The Hunks he is the richest coz of his numerous businesses he has.

Diethers' Businesses:

a. water refilling station
b. Publication- UNO MAGAZINE
c. Spa
D. Bench Fix Salon
e. manages his own band -BLOW

He and Kristine are now planning to be a distributor of a famous food brand and they are now looking for a place to set it up. Diether is also planning to set up his own printing shop.

3. What about Jericho Rosales

ans. Jericho is also in ASAP MANIA every sunday. He is soon starring in a movie to be shot in the states tentatively titiled "wrinkles" He is said to be leaving on January 12 for the states to do the movie. He just finished shooting LIHIM with fellow hunk Diether Ocampo and Claudine Baretto. Jericho just starred in a 1 hour telemovie with angelika de la cruz which has already aired in manila. He is also one of the endorsers of the softdrink PEPSI.  There are rumors being spread that he has been paid P10 million  for the endorsement but this is not true. Not even the superstar of all superstars has been paid that much. the most he has been paid half of that amount.

Heard from the grapevine that he will do a new teleseries but a kind of action not anymore lovestory.If this materializes most likely they will start taping for this series in March since he is leaving next week to do a movie in the states.  Sorry but kristine is not his leading lady and its not sure if he is going to have one.I think Echo wants to be an established star and not just be identified with a love team. Thats basically the only information i have on him. He has decided to take it easy for awhile after the teleserye sanay wala ng wakas has ended coz it kind of drained him and just wants to rest. There are rumors that he is still seeing cindy kurleto.

If u still have any questions pls e-mail me at

[email protected]

[ Last edited by meteor on 6-1-2005 at 04:52 PM ]

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amelia This user has been deleted
Post time 6-1-2005 12:28 PM | Show all posts
wow! meteor, glad ur here to give latest update on the SWAN stars.
mmm... wat about MA coz i bet she has a lot of fans in this forum too..

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Post time 6-1-2005 12:52 PM | Show all posts

ok,friends,choose your favourite couple!!!:love:

mine will be always christian&mary ann!!!!!!!!!!:love:

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