Reply 1720# cikmouse
4 hari 3 mlm..rasa paling jauh pun mampu ke kundasang je lah kot |
Reply cikmouse
4 hari 3 mlm..rasa paling jauh pun mampu ke kundasang je lah kot
pakupayung21 Post at 22-5-2011 22:39
cantekk aarr tuuuu....nnt bole follow itinerary si dak marwang....
tp kena update laaa jgk kt sini...waktu p n pulang...br senang nk wat plan.... |
Reply 1722# cikmouse
tu ah..ni br tgh nak merangka itinerary..aritu gamble je beli tiket masa promo..
pg 7/7 smpi 10/7..tgh dok pk nak sewa keta utk ke kundasang..
hotel da booking da..king's hotel..sape penah dok? |
Reply cikmouse
tu ah..ni br tgh nak merangka itinerary..aritu gamble je beli tiket masa p ...
pakupayung21 Post at 22-5-2011 22:44
king's hotel tuu kt kundasang kerr kk...???... |
Reply 1724# cikmouse
kat KK..Kundasang x bole balik hari ke?huhuhu |
Reply cikmouse
kat KK..Kundasang x bole balik hari ke?huhuhu
pakupayung21 Post at 22-5-2011 22:49
boleeeee jerrr blk arie tp kena rushing n penat skit aarrr...kena btoi2 plan tpt mner nk p nnt...naper xnk overnite kt sana..?? lawo tau view diaaa...... |
Reply HoneyD
dr segi kedudukn cabin mcne strwbery ni? klu blh nk view dia nti xnk nmpk la ...
ixora05 Post at 22-5-2011 15:33
klau tgk kat website kiram village tu, kedudukan cabin2 ni bersebelahan.. bukan facing each other.hopefully besh la kat situ.. tak penah pegi lagi ni.. huhu
eh ada ke cabin ixora? tgk kat website xde pun? yg ada carot, cabbage, tomato & celery, chili & onion and strawberry..
ke ada cabin baru? |
Reply 1726# cikmouse
penah tdo sana?bole sajes x nak tdo mana? |
Reply 1703# tukul
anak kecik lagi boleh la kak.. nnt da sekolah.. hmmmmm faham2 je la masa tu cane.. |
Reply cikmouse
penah tdo sana?bole sajes x nak tdo mana?
pakupayung21 Post at 22-5-2011 22:54
yup..br jerr blk dr saner last week....
ku arie tuu...stay di kinabalu pine resort....
sumanya bgantung pd baget kamu laa yer...ader byk gak pilihan di sana.... |
klau tgk kat website kiram village tu, kedudukan cabin2 ni bersebelahan.. bukan facing each othe ...
HoneyD Post at 22-5-2011 22:53
jhoney nak duk kiram ke? jgn lupa bawak towel yek... |
KPR tuu slalu jer full x kira ms...so kena book awal tau...cm daku dlu...bln 2 lgk dh book tuk t ...
cikmouse Post at 22-5-2011 22:37
tu la susah btul nak dpt KPR ni.. asal aku pilih date jek, sume fully booked padahal bknnye cuti sekolah n weekends pun. weekdays pun full. |
jhoney nak duk kiram ke? jgn lupa bawak towel yek...
dynaz_zhalia Post at 22-5-2011 22:58
hehe harus harus.. dah tanye dah owner kiram tu, dier ckp kiram cume provide sabun jek, towel, shampoo, etc kene bwk sendri.. |
korang, area 1Borneo tu sunyi tak memalam? klau compare ngan area promenade/marina court? sbbnye skg tgh pk nak stay kat area 1Borneo ke kat marina court. klau 1Borneo, 6 malam tu mesti la rent a car sbb places of interest jauh n masalah malam nak cari makan / beli brg, tp klau kat marina court walking distance jek ngan places of interest kat kk + tmpt makan/beli brg harian kan? err ada 7-eleven ke ek kat sane? |
Reply 1662# marwang
Hehehe... Sempat ajer.. Sambil tunggu turn nak fly. Beratur mcm bas haha.. |
Reply 1734# HoneyD
better stay kat marina court....
1borneo jauh skit aaaa.....
marina court btul3 kat bandar kk....kire better aaaa |
Reply 1735# nadrulz
keh3........... |
korang, area 1Borneo tu sunyi tak memalam? klau compare ngan area promenade/marina court? sbbnye skg ...
HoneyD Post at 22-5-2011 23:04
rs mcm sunyi jerrrrr kt area situ...tp kalo nk mkn..bole try kt area alamesra tuuu...bdepan ngn UMS...ader byk restoren kt situ tau.... |
tu la susah btul nak dpt KPR ni.. asal aku pilih date jek, sume fully booked padahal bknnye cuti ...
HoneyD Post at 22-5-2011 22:59
kt situ byk pelancong luar yg stay laaa.... |
Reply 1736# marwang
ok ok.. akan ku suggest pada MIL+FIL ku.. sbbnye diorang yg nak sponsor accomodation. |
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