[Edisi Lobenak Dah Mula] Julripin Mangsa Terkini Lopak?
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MatDeghem replied at 17-2-2018 07:45 AM
wa buat ini khas untok acik batman & acik princess.....
Bagus... buat apa yg di suruh.. hehehe
Menurut perintah ye... bagus. Hehehe |
ok la tu...nama ko yuhuu tp ko maid US. hahahahahaahahahaha
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:24 AM
nak buat cemana maid US uolsss.....
Kalau boleh nk buat profile ig letak ‘pernah berkhidmat 6-7 tahun di us’ senang sikit canang kat org. Hehehe |
Edited by boylondonn at 17-2-2018 08:38 AM
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:18 AM
tapi ko nak satu makna je in malayy......negative??
contoh ayat --> "I'm F***king happy"
Yes that is still negative sentence. Why out of many words do you still choose to use that word???
Let say u are at Job interview then your boss asked you on how do you feel if you get this job. Then youre saying "im F***ing happy". is this sounds good? Do you guarantee you will get the job? Your boss might think that you have less of sensitivity and not professional.
Another example is if you're asked by your teacher, how do you feels of getting high grades? Then you say Fking happy. What will be the teacher respond to it? Still Happy? Of course dia marah sbb word tu x bagus.
As in lofa case, that massaged was supposed to be private. But when she uploaded it kat igs meaning to say everyone can read it. She can just edit the word first bfore uploading. This shows that your idol doesnt have any common sense at all. |
boylondonn replied at 17-2-2018 08:36 AM
Yes that is still negative sentence. Why out of many words do you still choose to use that word? ...
Boy.. i nk minta sponsorship dari u boleh tak?? Pls... hehe |
yuhuu replied at 17-2-2018 08:26 AM
Lobenaks sekalian memang gigih. Hagaknya malam tadi tido dok pengsan bangun pengsan bangun lepas d ...
Dorg guna nama tu sbb acah2 or wannabe nak jadi princess la classy la. Tpi nan hadoooo |
batman_2007 replied at 17-2-2018 08:27 AM
Habis tu nk peluk siapa?? Hehe
Peluk u lah lagi bagus kn? Xkan stelah apa yg u buat memperjuangkan hak lopa x dpt papa. Xbagus la mcm tu. Simpati weols |
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Post time 17-2-2018 08:44 AM
From the mobile phone
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boylondonn replied at 17-2-2018 08:36 AM
Yes that is still negative sentence. Why out of many words do you still choose to use that word? ...
Dia kata dia belajar dekat youtube katanya. Common usage in usa. Walhal kalau kat sini, kalau cakap even "you are looking fucking great" to your colleague, if that colleague mengadu that he/she feels insulted to hr, orang yang cakap ittew akan terus sajork dapat warning letter. Tapi iyerlah........sheols belajar di youtube. Boifren heols pulak si prince chiki boom. Prince and princess naik sheikh ya'll. |
yuhuu replied at 17-2-2018 08:44 AM
Dia kata dia belajar dekat youtube katanya. Common usage in usa. Walhal kalau kat sini, kalau caka ...
Exaxtly but yeah she doesnt have any common sense. What to expect from her. |
Due to your explanation, i do agree, yes. its not proper. tapi still,bukan la negative...yg ko pandai sgt guna masa interview tu wat gapo??/ hahahahaha...
tp bila ko bebel2 ni maksudnya xsalah la bagi ko LMK guna ayat tu ye dok?? sbb private. ko skrg ni persoalkan common sense lofa pulak...i thought kita bertekak pasal word F*** tu. No??
***oh wowww...speaking kebabomz la....belajar ngan akak US ke?ok la ok la...boylondonn la..syabbasss
boylondonn replied at 17-2-2018 08:43 AM
Peluk u lah lagi bagus kn? Xkan stelah apa yg u buat memperjuangkan hak lopa x dpt papa. Xbagus la ...
Peluk lah sapa2 pun.. nk peluk i ke nk peluk u ke.. dont care.. hehe.
Perjuangan apooo?? Hehe |
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:47 AM
Due to your explanation, i do agree, yes. its not proper. tapi still,bukan la negative...yg ko pan ...
Dh nama i londonnn so of course i kat londonnn okay |
oh....nak ngadu kat mod la....u kata nama i xclassy.....racist nyaaaa,,racistnyaaaaa
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:50 AM
oh....nak ngadu kat mod la....u kata nama i xclassy.....racist nyaaaa,,racistnyaaaaa
Xsebut pun nama u. Terasa ke? |
hahahaha yelah yelah acik maid US..orang2 kt youtube tu semua cakap bahasa planet zuhal..thats why kitorg boleh faham. hahahahaha...
apa yg salah nya tgk kt youtube acik maid??? diorg rekod youtube tu speaking tp sebenarnya dok kl ke cemana omputeh2 omputeh tu?? ke masa rekod, speaking, off record cakap zimbabwe????hahahahahaha lawak..tau la ko cakap ngan bawang je..tu lah sbb bahasa ko bahasa bawang. hehehehehe
apa pulakkk..boy la yg kena sponsor idolat diorg...u bukan idolat dia batman...hehehe
common sense ko banyakkkkk nyeeee.....wow wow wow...
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:47 AM
Due to your explanation, i do agree, yes. its not proper. tapi still,bukan la negative...yg ko pan ...
Kalau lopa x upload igs tu, xde pun org tau lmk used that word. Xde lah org nak hencap lmk sbb using that F word yg terang2 negative word. But since lopa upload so you paham2 sendiri lah. It just makes ppl think negative on her family. |
princess_mia replied at 17-2-2018 08:58 AM
apa pulakkk..boy la yg kena sponsor idolat diorg...u bukan idolat dia batman...hehehe{:mlbigsmile: ...
Eh... hahaha
I nk cuba membantu apa yg boleh..kot2 boy nk derma apa2. Hehehe
Nk suruh wartawan pun ramai dh boikot katanyeehhhh. Hahaha |
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