It was made known on Tuesday that Kazuya Kamenashi (23) will appear in a guest role in the new TBS drama series "MR.BRAIN" that stars SMAP's Takuya Kimura (36). It will be the first time the two act together in a project.
Kamenashi expressed his happiness about the opportunity. "I'm really happy to be called upon for my senpai's drama. On the set, I'm quite nervous but having fun. I'm grateful towards Kimura-kun." He also explained, "I couldn't have imagined acting together with Kimura-kun. I have to work hard and do my best."
Kimura was also positive. "I was really happy to hear that Kamenashi was coming in. I hope that he enjoys this view of the world." He then added in a compliment, "And above all, Kamenashi looks good in whatever he wears."
The series, which premieres on May 23, features Kimura as a neuroscientist who helps solve cases for the National Police Agency. Kamenashi will appear in the third episode (June 6), playing the role of a young elite doctor of a university hospital where a murder takes place.
aku actually risau rating. aku rasa yamapi tuh ada good career strategy, dia ambik satu drama setahun, so org tak boring. macam kame, asek ada drama and terselit di mana2. org akn boring.
aku takut sbb setakat nih takki rating decent sokmo, even latest SPs dia pun selalu dpt 21% above. TBS mcm nk guna comeback power dgn rating power takki utk slot nih, tapi aku takut ryo jadi mcm kame, menurunkan rating yg sepatutnye tinggi. nnti sesia jer takki wat comeback.
aku no hal kalau nk ambik ryo, aku takde masalah dgn die, tp kekerapan dia tuh. aku takut, nnti dahla tak dpt 15%, tp takut sapa jadi single digit. takki plg terukpun masa NHK Yukinojo Henge dpt 9.7% (tp kalau plus kansai dpt 12% overall), tapi tuh mmg cerita berat n siar masa new year, tp re-run citer tuh still dpt over 15%. aku takut actually, dgn rating jdorama yg tak stabil nih...
Kame tu masalahnya peak cepat sangat...belum bersedia nak jadi lead dah jadi lead, baru satu drama yg rating tinggi dah jadi lead, cuba la jadi supporting dulu beberapa drama mcm Takuya, mesti lama2 orang bosan n tak nak tgk citer Kame...Yamapi tunggu beberapa tahun n byk drama jadi supporting baru jadi lead, pandai budak tu...dlm hal ni mmg aku tabik Yamapi, sbb tu orang pun asyik tertunggu2 citer dia n citer dia pun rating OK...Ryo lak mostly citer2 dia rating baik tapi byk bergantung pada orang lain n jalan citer, drama2 dia byk ensemble, n Ryo sendiri mmg bernasib baik dpt drama2 bagus...tapi masalahnya dia nih over-exposure, dah la 2 group, pastu byk berlakon drama lak, sah2 la lama2 org akan bosan gak...tapi kalau nak jadi lead mmg belum masanya lagi la...
Hideaki Takizawa (27) has picked up his first starring role in a serial drama since 2005. He will share the screen with Ryo Nishikido (24) in a TBS series tentatively titled "Orthros no Inu," named after the two-headed dog from Greek mythology.
The thrilling human drama has Takizawa playing the role of a mysterious and ambitious man with a wicked heart, who possesses the power to heal pain and illness with the touch of his hand. Nishikido, on the other hand, plays a high school teacher with a gentle heart, but who has the ability to kill with his touch. The two happen to meet, resulting in a battle of good and evil.
Takizawa's last starring role in a series was in the 2005 NHK taiga drama "Yoshitsune." Before that, he played the lead in Fuji TV's "Boku Dake no Madonna."
TBS will broadcast "Orthros no Inu" on Friday nights at 10:00pm, starting in July.
This is the first time I’ve acted such a dark role like the one of Ryuuzaki Tomishi. Acting as a character who’s role overturns the image that I’ve had up until now, I think I would like to create a dark Takizawa. Ryuuzaki is what they’re calling “the Devil inside God’s hands,” but he is not really a devil and I guess he’s just a character who’s doing what he’s doing for a personal/significant reason. I’m excited to talk to the producer and director to further understand the character and mentality of Ryuuzaki.
If I had “God’s hands,” I want to use it for world peace. If I had the “Devil’s hands,” I would seal it away because I dont think that it is a power that humans need.
It has been a while since I’ve appeared in a series drama, so I’d like to have fun with it. I will work hard to be able to grow and progress with this drama experience. And its not so often that I get to co-star with a colleague from my agency, so I’m looking forward to acting with Nishikido-kun.
kite bukan masalah suke tak suke... masalah risau...
sbb kite selalu hang out online ngan ippan netizens. derangkan pun ade ckp yg ryo byk sgt drama. klu ka english fandom org dok puja2 ryo, tp di kalangan ippan lak terbalik, ryo yg jadik turn off. klu ryusei rating mmg ride on populariti arashi.
so secara jujur kite takleh tipu, kite mmg risau... dhla nih comeback takki utk normal renzoku, dh 6 tahun nih... dlm 6 thn nih selain daripada taiga 49 episode Yoshitsune yg jidaigeki renzoku, yg 5 lelain sumer SP. tp wlau setiap tahun ade 1 atau 2 drama SP jer pun, rating takki lum tercalar lagi. so kite takut la, comeback die nih tak seindah track record die. latest ratings die above 20% tau, so ade sbb la klu kite risau. kite takut ramalan ippan betul, derang mmg jarang salah sbb derang yg dok tunggu tibi kat jepun.
ok, derang mostly lak anime otaku... nih antara komen derang...
- Although I think Takki is pretty good eye candy material, I am NOT a fan of Ryo.
- Takki looks pretty good! hehe the other guy could get a trim though!!
(sori, anime fans mmg selalu ganaz2 sikit, yg nih yg kira lembut la yg kite extract)
tgk, derang even panggil ryo tuh the other guy. org yg suke tgk tibi bukan semestinye peminat idols. ryo dgn kame mmg ramai peminat as singing idols berbanding takki, tp sbg pelakon kat jepun, peminat drama tak layan pun derang.
so, mmg kite risau. skrg kite dok harap fans yg selalu follow drama takki, housewives yg dok beli tiket butai takki akn bertenggek dpn tibi klu nk secure 10% and above. mmg kite tak harap 20% mcm SP2 die, tp klu dpt 15% tuh mmg bersyukur sgt2... jgn dpt single digit sudah...