cis.. bila la nak dapat duit nih.. nak beli twiiight dvd cecco masih student lagi huhuhuuhu |
lady... report DVD 3pcs pls...
xkan x abeh tgk lagi kot....
Reply #1707 naqies's post
msia yg 2 disc pon xde. tp ade bace org beli yg 2 disc ni kt spore.
kite order kt amazon, 2 disc + director's notebook. tp blom sampai
lady pon org belikan 3 disc tu
Originally posted by naqies at 20-4-2009 11:48 
tp yg director notebook tu ade dak kat popular kuantan last week tgk...rm69.90
mahalnyo. breaking dawn pun rm50 lebih kurang. ke sebab harga dah turun eik |
Reply #1709 naqies's post
xtau la qis.. kitorg aritu order ol. nanti cube tanye lady 
Reply #1711 naqies's post
aku mane tau kat uk ade ke tak..
aku dok kt mesia.. huhuks. tapi of cos ah ade, kat uk bukan selalu cepat release ke dari mesia? |
Originally posted by naqies at 20-4-2009 15:33 
lady eik......oh lady...where r u.....
ni ha aku kat cni... i'm here....
anyway, aku belum tgk habis lagi sekali ngan features semua tu yg 3 discs ni... but mmg semua aku dah browse.. mmg best...
movie mmg clear, yg ada commentary dr rob, kristen ngan cath tu mmg lawak jer dgr commentary dorang....
features lain : the deleted scenes, the extended scenes... but syg takde blooper reel... hopefully in the future they will produce those reels.... cuz they are precious!
also included are the 7 part making of documentary, Becoming Bella, Becoming Edward, Conversation with Stephenie Meyer, Behind the Twilight music, Edward's Piano Concert, Bella's Lullabye Remix video, Paramore video, Muse video, Comic Con phenomenon, n Vampire Kiss Montage
semua mmg best... time consuming gak la cuz byk features....
ntah la bila baru aku boleh habiskan.. ingtkan weekend ni tadi nak tgk habis but bz la pulak.....
n dvd 3 discs special ni aku suh kawan Yuni order kat e-bay ...price sekali ngan shipping RM150.00
[ Last edited by ladydolph at 20-4-2009 16:16 ] |
Balas #1718 ladydolph\ catat
lady nak tanya ni kot2 lady tau ker...adeh sana sini qies posting....giler dah ni hahaha....kat uk dah ade lum dvd 3 pcs ni....kalo ade nak suruh adik belikan.... ... |
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