sme la kiter
afyss pun ske kat fanny..lagi ske hyoyeon(gud dancer)
tq for da info..office youtube kne block huhu
afyss Post at 19-8-2009 17:00
la yeke kena block? kesian nye.. hahaha, tak pe, ada byk lagi source for SNSD
HYOYEON bez gler eyy ;) tak de sape leh lawan dia kalo bab dance.. haha
haniey ...
rajin yer menempek gambar yer huhu(afyss rajin tgk je
smlm tak sempat nak post pnjg nak blik da hehe
pasal yg tiff tue, dia tak blik us dari umur 14-15 huhu
tak miss dier yer family ker(kiter yg tak blik 2 week nie pun da homesick time duk boarding scool dulu la heheh)
n da tgk kj choclate witout sub walaupun tak paham tapi diorg nari last skali mmg best huhu
tapi kalo ader sub lagi best hehe
haniey ...
rajin yer menempek gambar yer huhu(afyss rajin tgk je
smlm tak sempat nak post pnjg nak blik da hehe
pasal yg tiff tue, dia tak blik us dari umur 14-15 huhu
tak miss dier yer family ker(kiter yg tak blik 2 week nie pun da homesick time duk boarding scool dulu la heheh)
n da tgk kj choclate witout sub walaupun tak paham tapi diorg nari last skali mmg best huhu
tapi kalo ader sub lagi best hehe
Ni gambar SNSD ngan Kyungsan... cute gler baby tu!! Dalam citer Hello Baby, there will be 3 more episodes je ;( cptnye dah nak hbs... credit to: snsdkorean.wordpress
haniey ...
rajin yer menempek gambar yer huhu(afyss rajin tgk je
smlm tak sempat nak post pnjg nak blik da hehe
pasal yg tiff tue, dia tak blik us dari umur 14-15 huhu
tak miss dier y ...
afyss Post at 20-8-2009 08:02
hahaha.. saje je suka letak gambar2 ;) so that lg rmai org tgk, lagi rmai suka SNSD (hopefully sgt) yg KJE tu belum ada sub penuh... jez some parts yg dah di sub oleh fans around the world ni (ceh.. around the world) ahaha. nanti dah ada full sub, akan diletakkan k!
Hahahaha, sometimes if salah tanya boleh buat keadaan jadi salah gak.. credit: asianfanatics
The two popular girl bands Girls' Generation and Kara had a showdown onthe KBS TV2 show "Star Golden Bell" on August 15 for the title of themost charming group. Kara's leader Park Kyu-ri said she enviedthe Girls' Generation members for being so close. She said that Kara,which has fewer members, doesn't appear on TV often because its membersare very shy. In response, Girls' Generation member Jessicasaid, “Only the most talkative of us like to talk on TV. I envy groupswith few members.” She said that it always takes a while for Girls'Generation to get prepared because it has so many members. But on KimJe-dong's question whether or not the two groups envied each other'slooks, both groups remained silent, creating a tense atmosphere. WhenKim Je-dong asked Kara whether it envied any aspect of Girls'Generation, Kyu-ri retorted, “The number of members." As for themembers' looks, she said, “We accept our looks.” Other guests onthe show, which was a special edition dedicated to idol groups,included 2PM and SHINee. 2PM told funny stories about passing gas andthe members' life together.
FT Island HongKi, “I’ve seen YoonA sleeping like a ’spinning wheel’.”
FT Island Lee HongKi revealed that he had seen So Nyeo Shi Dae YoonA asleep like a ’spinning wheel’.
Lee HongKi was on KBS ‘Shin Dong YeopShin SongSun’s Champagne’ airedon 22nd August when he revealed an episode when he saw YoonA sleepingat a beauty salon.
He was asked, “Have you seen the natural side of YoonA ssi at abeauty salon?” and he said, “I have even seen her unconscious. Thereare people who go to the beauty salon and sleeps as though their neckwas broken backwards.”
And Boom asked, “Was YoonA’s sleeping features not charming?” andLee HongKi said, “I don’t know who is sleeping. I saw them sleepingwith their heads back. A few of the So Nyeo Shi Dae members sleepinglike that. But it is only YoonA who will turn her head like a spinningwheel.”
YoonA also admitted, “I’ve heard others tell me that I sleep like a spinning wheel.”
KERANA mahu mengekalkan nilai eksklusif, kumpulan popular SNSD tidak dibenarkan mempunyai akaun Facebook mahupun Twitter oleh syarikat rakaman naungan mereka, SM Entertainment.
Menurut pihak SM, terdapat banyak akaun Twitter, Facebook mahupun laman-laman lain yang menggunakan nama SNSD dan mengumpulkan ramai ahli. Sedangkan anggota kumpulan SNSD tidak dibenarkan langsung menggunakan Internet.
"Saya hairan bila terlalu banyak akaun yang menggunakan mereka. Ini boleh mengelirukan peminat-peminat SNSD. Kumpulan itu tidak akan menggunakan sebarang laman interaksi seperti itu demi menjaga nilai eksklusif mereka.
"Saya harap, peminat tidak akan tertipu dengan akaun-akaun palsu itu," kata pihak SM kepada Japan Today.
Sementara itu, sebuah akhbar Jepun melaporkan bahawa ahli-ahli kumpulan SNSD terlalu dikongkong oleh syarikat rakaman mereka.