[SUNNIES - Rice Wreaths Charity Project End of The Year]
Sasaran sumbangan untuk "Rice Wreath Charity" sasaran tidak capai kita hanya dapat membekal 500kg saja dari sasaran utama 1000kg, oleh itu jadi satelah di bincang cadangan telah di tukar ke TUNAI ke "Foundation Leukeamia" di bawah naungan GHS
Di bawah ini adalah lakaran surat yang disediakan oleh cheerkoo untuk di kirim kepada Ayesuper (Korea) untuk beri kepada GHS bersama dengan wang tunai sumbangan
구혜선씨! 안녕하세요. 저희는 구혜선씨를위한 외국의 왕-fan들 입니다. (USA, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Canada, Malaysia, Philippines, Mexico, Chile, and many more) 감독님으로, 작가로, 작곡가로, 배우로, 예술가로, 그리고, 사람으로, 구혜선씨 를 깊이 존경하며 지원합니다. 얼마전에, 구혜선씨는백혈병을 앓고있는 아이들을 위하여 기부하셨죠. 저희도 구혜선씨 이름으로 똑같은 자선단체에 기부하고파, 이 선물 보내드립니다. 곧 배우로 활동하신다고요. 설레이면서 기다립니다. 대박나시길 기도합니다. 세번째 장편 시나리오도 마치셨다고요. 행운을 빌며 기다리겠읍니다. 하지만, 제발, 먼저, 좋은 휴식을취하시기 바랍니다. 구혜선씨의 건강이 걱정되어서요. 허리도아푸시다고 햇는대, 빨리 회복되시길 간절히 기도합니다. 저희는, 구혜선씨의 통찰력있는 생각들로부터 감탄하며, 더욱 힘을내며 구혜선씨처럼 열심히 살려고 노력합니다. 항상 감사드립니다. 해외에서 영원히 응원하고 지원합니다. 행복하세요!! Goo HyeSun Fans from all over the world =Sunnies드림 저희들의 fan forum, 시간있으시면 방문해주세요.
Sepatah dua kata dari wakil Sunnies International
Dear Sunnies,
Thank you so much Sue/cheerkoo for making this beautifull letter to our dearly HS. and yes those country that participate to this project Hong Kong, Indonesia & Singapore, USA & Canada, Malaysia, Philippines, Peru, Mexico, Chile, and many more)
and another thing, onbehalf representative from Indonesia, we really need all your suggest for this project becoz of some other factor, we affraid maybe we still can't reach for 500kg Rice wreath but we still waiting for another donation who hasn't sending their donation , so we have an extention date line : 20th December 2012. we will do our best for this project.
we keep giving an info to all of you if we had change our plan again, and please if any better sugestion don't hestitate to contact us, becoz this project belong to all Sunnies.
please stay healthy to all of you ^^
Last edited by sukreen on 19-12-2012 04:27 PM
HyeSun voted in S. Korea presidential election this morning
Cre as tagged / via loveghs.wordpress
Han Hyo Joo and Goo Hye Sun Prove They’re Friends in Selca halves in unison December 19, 2012
Han Hyo Joo and Goo Hye Sun, two dazzling beauties, took a picture together and it’s belatedly receiving quite the attention on the internet.
An online community forum posted a picture of them under the title “Han Hyo Joo and Goo Hye Sun’s friendly selca looks good.” It’s been revealed that this picture was actually taken several years ago and Goo Hye Sun posted the photo on her twitter on October 2010. The two stars were co-stars in MBC’s sitcom “Nonstop 5,” which was filmed and aired in 2005.
Inside the picture, the two gals are sitting on the ground and are smiling at the camera. Han Hyo Joo angled the camera to capture them at their best and Goo Hye Sun gives a cute pose.
Netizens who saw the picture commented, “The picture is 2 years old, but they haven’t changed a bit,” “Han Hyo Joo and Goo Hye Sun. Heard that best friends look alike..” “They look good,” “They’re friends now too, right?” “The photo looks even better because they’re together.”
source: http://www.soompi.com/2012/12/19/han-hyo-joo-and-goo-hye-sun-prove-theyre-friends-in-selca/
Last edited by sukreen on 19-12-2012 04:33 PM
sukreen posted on 19-12-2012 04:26 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
[SUNNIES - Rice Wreaths Charity Project End of The Year]
kak sue, nape tak proceed je bg rice wreaths tu even just 500kg je yg dpt kumpul?
byk jgk tu kalo nk ikutkan..
minho_nora posted on 20-12-2012 03:51 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kak sue, nape tak proceed je bg rice wreaths tu even just 500kg je yg dpt kumpul?
byk jgk tu kalo ...
sebab satelah di bincang, rice wreaths tak sesusai untuk "children leukemia foundation"
sbb masa HS buat donation dari semua hasil jualan lukisan dan semua juga pendapatan dari SBS impian utk buat sebuah van "clean car" yang serba lengkap untuk pesakit lekuemia dari kalangan yang berpendaaptan rendah.
Dari Sunnies International
Hello Sunnies,
i'm back to give the detail of all participant that had been sending their donation for this project.
- Indonesia & Singapore (17 participants) : 3,420,000 IDR => +/- US$346.33
Ayu rupie,Sekar Ayu,Aprillia Dwi,Putri,Arwinda Kurnia,Margareth,Dyna,Natalie,Eva Sarina, Santy Ariany,Nini Marlina,Revynska,Fransisca,Chyneme,Oktisa Anjani,Freesia,Dara Amandah,
- Malaysia (7participants) : RM700 => +/- US$224.20
Sukreen, Noona Teha, Cahaya, Junda, Nora Che Mat,Seobyuk & Meen
- Philipine (7 participants) :
5 participants send via WU => 5000Php => +/- US$119.43
Regina,Jazz_10,Milesamy,Iamaminsuner,Jzel Magayones
2 participants send via Paypal => US$ +/- 145
Shehe, Prettywiz
- USA & Canada (6 participants) => US$ +/- 600
GHSforever (dahlia),Cheerkoo,Sun,Myonenonly,Lovebof & Eunhye
- Peru,Mexico & Chile (3 participants) =>+/- US$110
Patty,Vanessa & Roxana
Total ammount => US$ +/- 1,544.96
Note : please correct me if there's any mistake bout the kurs ^^
and FYI, i will extended the limit of donation -----> 28th December 2012 becoz just got message from others Sunnies including my country (Indonesia) who will participate for this project. so please, if any country will join to this project please A.S.A.P contact your Representative to collect the money but sorry can not send via Paypal account bcoz @Ninimarlina account has been blocked *something trouble but don't worry all money that had been collective through her are save just for receiving money again it will be failled, sorry for this inconvienient. so i suggest to use Western Union ,maybe it will take a quite expensive charge, so it better if each country collected the money so the cost will be cheaper.
@throax please contact your Representative ,where your country from?
USA & CANADA : @GHSforever, INDONESIA: @esir, @ninimarlina ,@BeBe_Hae or me, MALAYSIA : @Sukreen , PERU (LATIN AMERICA) : @Pjlu, PHILIPINE :@regg22
and if i wrong to wrote your name or country that you've joined on the list ,please correct me.
@Cheerkoo : if you don't mind, we will took your letter that you made and we try to ask Aye to give the letter directly to HS, so maybe the letter will come first before HS got a surprise from us through our project ^^
and again , really thank you so much for all your contribution for Sunnies Worldwide project,esp. to the Representative that helped alot . Hope not only HYESUN will realize that she have a huge fans who love her and always support her but her agency YGEntertainment and all K-entertainment or any article will known that HS are loved by her loyal fans. may God bless you all ^^
http://forums.soompi.com/discuss ... 8%9C%EC%84%A0/p1081
[Event] Blogger’s review on 121127 Tea Time with Author Ku Hye Sun
Fruit of Opportunity blooms from Ku Hye Sun’s ‘Peach Tree’
About 10 people who came to Tea Time with Author Ku Hye Sun are her devoted fans in that they all read her novel Peach Tree and also saw the movie. Ku Hye Sun greeted the participants with her humbleness: “Thank you for coming to this inadequate and humble event to spend time with me in your busy schedule.
Questions and Answers: Q: The ending of the movie and the novel seem different. Did you do that on purpose? Rather than thinking of it as the difference in the ending, it is more the difference in timing/point of view. In the movie, the story flows mainly from the perspectives of Nam Sang Mi and Ryu Deok Hwan roles with Jo Seung Woo’s emotional expressions giving it yet another perspective. However, the novel is written entirely from SeungAh’s perspective. The most important point is SeungAh (Nam Sang Mi’s role) running with the manikin. That is how I made the ending. So it is possible to interpret differently. Q: What is your reason for using Siamese twins as your motive? Did you ever really see a Siamese twins? I am curious. People often told me that the concept of the story has novelty but that it also feels objectionable and bizarre. Actually, I saw the image of Siamese twins in my dream and never actually saw one. I guess the dream is the result of having pondered so much alone on the theme. It was mentioned that Siamese twins represents us, alluding to a person’s duality and ambivalence. However, because of my job as an entertainer, the Siamese twin image also represents my family who often become the unwilling, secondary victims because of me. From my dream, melody also came to me. That is why, <Peach Tree> movie, unlike other movies, started with an OST. Q: Can you say what are the three most important things in your life? I am no different from others. Family, People whom I have fatefully met, and Me. I especially think very preciously of the fateful/destined meetings. In my 29 years of living, there is not one, besides my own family, whom I have met for the last entire 29 years. Even if we had been very close for 1 to 2 years, we can suddenly become distant at one moment. Even if we may have been close for past 10 years, we can again become distant due to some type of environmental and situational changes. That is why, some time ago, I decided to give my attention to every single minute that I am meeting that person.
Q: Who is your life mentor? Due to the nature of the TV programs, I have mentioned specific people. However, I really have tons of mentors. When I was a young student, I have often thought of the various homeroom teachers who changed every year as my mentors. At times, my mother who “stews and stir-fries” me as well as a boyfriend have been my mentors. When I look back, all the people that I met have been my mentors. I have a personality that prefers not to decide on just one thing. If I do that, I feel imprisoned by that one thought. Q: Do have an artist that you like or an artist who influenced your own paintings? At an interview long ago, I mentioned that a book called, <To Think Like Leonardo DaVinci> influenced me a great deal. However, suddenly many articles came out saying that Ku Hye Sun’s role model is Leonardo DaVinci and I remember feeling very embarrassed. I am very grateful to that book which certainly helped me to practice thinking in three-dimensional way and to think from various angles and perspectives. Q: You have many titles before your name: director, writer, actress, artist, singer, etc. Which is most endearing to you? I like them all. I am embarrassed to say this but I often applaud myself for my courage. People often comment that I got my chances because I am Ku Hye Sun. Actually, no one handed me the opportunity. Anyway, I cannot say that I became successful in any one thing. I have not yet been acknowledged and I don’t see a need to do something to get acknowledged. In spite of that, I give myself endless opportunities, I forgive myself and I continue to work.
Q: You have stepped up to numerous challenges so far. Is there anything else that you are preparing for a challenge? Instead of looking at it as a challenge, I consider it homework. I want to study and analyze ways to lessen the damage/debt. I drew and composed way before twenty’s. What I have shown to the public are my works from after the debut. After undergoing numerous trials and errors, I think my ability to judge is slowly improving. I would judge that <I should not do this> or <It would be good to dig deeper inot this one>, etc. It is not easy for an actor to invest all the money that she has painstakingly saved into something unfamiliar. I need to look at the past 10 years of loss/damage as my asset and think about methods to decrease the damage/loss. If I must pick something as my next challenge, perhaps it is marriage. I think Wonder Girls’s SunHye who announced her marriage is very brave. I think that marriage will become my life’s biggest challenge. Q: Do you have your own definition or meaning about soulmate? I am curious about who is your soulmate. My thought about soulmate is someone with whom you can relax your mind and talk/gossip without restraint. My soulmate is my old friend Suh HyunJin. She made a special appearance as the Siamese twins’ mother in the Peach Tree movie. She also appeared in my movie YoSool. We are so close that she is Ok with a free dinner as her acting fee. For her current acting fee, I am going to buy her dinner for 5 years. Q: Do you have any goals or destination as an artist? I want liberation. Rather than the meaning of liberation as mentioned in Buddhism, I am talking about feeling free from the aspects of capital/fund/money. When capital is emptied, it is very difficult to work. I have worked for the past 10 years, but it was very hard because I could not save money. I want to be able to feel happy even if I do not make money from what I make. When people say that “Art is important”, I feel it is synonymous with “People are important”. Therefore, I want to climb to a state where I am free from giving and receiving criticism.
Q: As it was contained in the novel and the movie, did you ever wanted to make a children’s book?
I really wanted to write a children’s book as seen in the movie. Even so, the reason that I did not proceed is due to much opposition from people around me. Actually, I wanted to write the children’s book so that I can use it meaningfully. In the past, I visited the hospital where Representative Jung SeungHye of Morning Production Co., was hospitalized. She told me that children in the pediatric ward want to read a book the most. At first, that is why I wanted to write a children’s book. But, it just could not be smoothly arranged. So, I wrote the novel first. When an opportunity arises, I hope to make a children’s book. Q: Do you have a most memorable scene from the movie or the novel? I like the scene where Ryu Deok Hwan is crying while lying straight on the bed and the scene where Nam Sang Mi is crying and running with the manikin. In the movie, there are no scenes where Seungah is falling down. In the novel, SeungAh is constantly falling down. I felt very moved by that aspect of the novel. Both the movie and the novel have tragic ending. I often asked myself, “can the ending be happy?” I think both the movie and the novel tried to show that.
Blogger’s ending comment:
Ku Hye Sun created with great imagination a fantasy novel and movie of the same name <Peach Tree> starring Siamese twins whose occurrence is as low as 2million:1. She revealed in various interviews, but a peach symbolizes the image of a baby and the blessing of the birth. And, the peach tree symbolizes the image of the mother. Under the simple title of <Peach Tree>, Ku Hye Sun dissolved into it the pain of the Siamese twins’ who grew up without motherly love and without normalcy. Could it be possible that she wanted to fulfill the joy and the opportunity that they never enjoyed? Ku Hye Sun created many opportunities for herself. She has many titles before her name: actor, movie director, artist, singer,etc. She did not earn those titles easily just because she is an entertainer. However, it stems from a consistent and sincere attitude of giving oneself continuous chances? I wonder what other type of fruit will bloom from Ku Hye Sun’s peach tree and look forward to it.
Source & Credit: http://blog.naver.com/wh02se/150154568449
Translation credit: cheerkoo @ soompi
via: loveghs.wordpress
Merry Christmas for all Minsuners who celebrate it
and for those who don't happy holiday
credit @ ninimarlina
[News] 구혜선, 반려동물 '감자-쌈' 다정 일상 공개 '귀여워'
Ku Hye Sun, pet ' potato-ssam ' tenderness daily public ' cute '
스포츠조선 기사전송 2012-12-21 16:15[size=150%]
배우 구혜선이 기르는 강아지와 고양이의 다정한 한 때가 공개됐다.
최근 한 온라인 커뮤니티 게시판에는 '구혜선의 강아지&고양이 사이좋은 모습'이라는 제목으로 여러 장의 사진이 공개됐다.
사진은 구혜선이 자신의 SNS에 반려견 '감자'와 고양이 '쌈'이 함께 있는 모습과 '쌈'과 자신이 함께 찍은 사진 등을 올려놓은 것.
고양이 '쌈'은 꼬리를 말고 모자 안에서 몸을 웅크린 채로 잠이 든 모습이다. 또 고양이가 잠들었던 모자를 쓰고 있는 구혜선이 '쌈'을 소개하듯 안고 카메라를 향해 미소 짓고 있다.
Her cat SSiam collected her tail and body into a hat and fell asleep. In the next pix, GHS is wearing that same hat and holding SSiam to take a pix together.
이어 털빛이 감자 색을 띄었다고 이름을 '감자'라고 지은 반려견과 꼭 붙어 잠을 자고 있는 '쌈'의 모습이 눈길을 끈다.
Gamja whose fur color resembles gamja or potato is asleep tightly attached to SSiam. This pix greatly attracted the attention of viewers.
또 '감자'와 '쌈'이 같은 자세로 누워 있는 모습, '감자'의 품에 쏙 들어가 잠을 청하고 있는 '쌈'의 모습. 또 떨어지기 싫은 듯 다리를 꼭 붙들고 자고 있는 '쌈'의 모습을 포착해 공개해 사랑스러운 이들의 모습에 네티즌들의 관심이 쏟아지고 있다.<스포츠조선닷컴>
We also see Gamja and SSiam sleeping together making same poses; Ssiam who seems to be demanding to be tightly hugged to sleep from Gamja; Ssiam who seems to fear losing Gamja and sleeping while holding tightly onto Gamja's legs. All these adorable pis of Gamja and SSiam are attracting the attention of netizens.
source : http://news.nate.com/view/20121221n19638
translated credit: cheerkoo
My 2cents--> Agak2 sama dengan tuan dia kan kan![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
sukreen posted on 25-12-2012 10:53 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
aik... tu Kad dari Minho kan, kenapa ada kat sini plak?
Mungkin kah... bear warna brown ...
Kaka sukreen,jgn terkejut..kekadang kalo ada citer pasal derang bedua tu kami tempek kt umah sini, tkpon tempek kt umah kaki panjang tu,kan derang bedua ni bejiran..tu pn kalo denga citer2 yg terlalu excited..kaka soe tu excited sgt.. pasal tu tempek kt sini..kekeke |
soebyuk posted on 25-12-2012 11:51 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
... sebab ada JJ
Kaka soe,ai nampak satu jer huruf J tak double pn*sedih*~maksudnya apa?ai hanya paham tang beruang kaler brown merujuk budak tinggi tu dan arnab putih tu merujuk budak pendek..sekian larikkkk |
soebyuk posted on 26-12-2012 06:42 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
yg bawah warna purple tu kan huruf J .... .. tak nampak ka? ...
uwaaa sedihnya,kenapa ai tak rasa hurup tuh J,jadik maknanya yg JJ tuh yg tuh kan..kan..bukan jeo jambul kan..kekeke larikkk dari kaka soe |
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