Dear bottle_boy.. ni more infos about lagu lagu n album SNSD so senang for u ;) hope u like it!
1) Into the New World (First Single) ... kat sinilah lagu-lagu = ITNW, Beginning &erfect for You
2) Girls' Generation = (Lagu) Girls’ Generation, Ooh La-La!, Baby Baby, Complete, Kissing You, Merry-go-round, Tears, Tinkerbell, 7989 (feat. KangTa), Honey & Into the new world
3) Baby Baby (Repackage Album)
4) Gee (First Mini Album) Lagu = Gee, Himane, Dear Mom, Destiny & Let's Talk About Love
5) Genie (Second Mini Album) Lagu = Tell Me Your Wish, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Etude, My Child and One Year Later
Sekarang ni dorang rehat dulu, habis dah promote album Genie... and will come out will full 2nd album! HIMNAE SNSD!!
Nah!!! Have fun people! and terbuktilah SNSD bez gler nak mampoz.. hahah ;)
credit to: snsdmas.blogspot
'SNSD performed a special dance battle on stage.
Inthe recording of SBS 'Kim Jungeun's Chocolate', which is to be aired onAugust 15th, SNSD surprised the audience with a series ofnever-before-seen hot dance performance.
SNSD members weredivided into two teams for the dance battle: The 'Sexy' team (Taeyeon,Sooyoung, Tiffany and Seohyeon) versus the 'Powerful' team (Yoona,Jessica, Yuri and Sunny).
On this day, SNSD members discardedtheir 'pure and innocent' look and dominated the stage with charismaticperformances of 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears and 'Hollaback Girl' byGwen Stefani.
Furthermore, SNSD's dance queen Hyoyeon performedan impressive and powerful dance solo on stage. All nine members joinedas a group to conclude the dance battle with a sexy and powerfulperformance, illustrating an example of South Korea's best female groupperformance.'
ellow smue
1st post kat umah nie
nak link KJ choclate tue, tepek yer nanti kalo da kuar nanti
nak sgt2 tgk diorg nari ala-ala brutal skit hehe
n hanieyasmin sye pun ske tiff sbb die cute n mcm inocent pun ader huhu
nak tanye soalan pasal si tiff nie,kalo tgk girl go to school kan,
naper episd 2 kalo tak silap la, diorg tanya saper plg lain kalo mekap n tak mekap smue point kat tiff,pastue taeyon geleng2 paler kat cmera.
saje nak tanye wlaupun benda nie da lame
tlg jwb erk cam taeyon tak puas ati kat tiff ker or saje2 buat camtue
tringat babak tue biler ingat kat si tiff nie
saje nak tanya soalan pagi2 pada saper soshi member yg sudi jawab heheh
ellow smue
1st post kat umah nie
nak link KJ choclate tue, tepek yer nanti kalo da kuar nanti
nak sgt2 tgk diorg nari ala-ala brutal skit hehe
n hanieyasmin sye pun ske tiff sbb die cute n mcm ino ...
afyss Post at 17-8-2009 10:48
ello..samat berposting afyss...heee
seposeng utk link cokelat...haha
sat g ak tepek
taeyeon die bukanla x suke...die mmg suke wat muke cenggitu.....
playfull ledo la katekan....hoho
suke kenekan org.....
ellow smue
1st post kat umah nie
nak link KJ choclate tue, tepek yer nanti kalo da kuar nanti
nak sgt2 tgk diorg nari ala-ala brutal skit hehe
n hanieyasmin sye pun ske tiff sbb die cute n mcm ino ...
afyss Post at 17-8-2009 10:48
Halo afyss... sory lambat reply sbb internet umahku bengong skrang ;)
yg masa citer GGTS to, itu episode dlm bus kan, mmg Tiff lawa with or w/o makeup pun,
n sume member agree n point kat dia.. Taeyeon tu sah sah suka kaco Tiffany kot.. hahaha
mcm kalo kite kaco member2 kite sume r nak kata dorang x bez ;)
lgpun Taeyeon siap ngaku dia jadi 'wife' Tiffany masa Tiffany jd MC dalam Sonyuh Sonyun Gayo Baekso...
dorang mmg rapat gler (dah jadi rumate bout 3 thn with Jang Ri In - Another SM Artist yg berjaya)
Ni lah apa plan SNSD after dah hbs promote 'Genie'. They really need some rests and dpt pun! ;) hahhaha Credit to: snsdkorean.wordpress
After SNSD’s goodbye performance on MBC’s Show! Music Core thatconcluded their two month-long official promotional activities for“Tell Me Your Wish”, many eyes are on them to see what their next stepswill be. After releasing their mini album “Tell Me Your Wish” in June, SNSDwent on to sell 100,000 copies of their album, and scored the numberone spot on KBS 2TV’s Music Bank and SBS’ Inki Gayo, as well as manyother music charts, and successfully spread out their promotionalactivities across the industry. Moreover, following the “Gee” feverwhich started the trend of skinny jeans, “Tell Me Your Wish” also addedon hot pants as a must-have fashion item, as well as their popular“hacky sack” dance that greatly appealed to the masses.
A representative from SNSD’s agency SM Entertainment said,“Following SNSD’s promotional activities for ‘Tell Me Your Wish’, weare planning on steadily continuing on the current individual DJ and MCactivities as well as variety programs,” adding “Looking back at thepromotions from ‘Gee’ to ‘Tell Me Your Wish’, you can see that SNSDpresented themselves not just as a group, but with each member’scharacter and personalities, they were able to fully appeal to manypeople according to their specific area, and we will show a yet anotherside to SNSD in the future.” Additionally, SM added, “Moreover, despite the nonexistence of anypromotional activities, “Tell Me Your Wish” was able to take the numberone spot on music charts in the Philippines, Thailand, and China,showing the steady fan interest of the Asian fans. In order to repaythis appreciation, we are considering some sort of event or promotions,but at this moment, we have not made any concrete plans.” “Also, following ‘Gee’, none of the SNSD members have been able tohave a reguar break time, and so to prevent any exhaustion, we plan onadjusting their schedules so that they will have enough time to rest.It’s the truth that the members need time to recharge themselves andalso to further their own personal self-development.” Source:…9&no=434016
Translation: boxclub @
Perasan tak why Tiffany tak da masa performance Goodbye stage SNSD and at which Yuri, Sunny and Jessica ganti her part in the Tell Me Your Wish song? inilah sebabnya :cry:
According to snsdchina.
Apparently a group of fans from snsdchina went to Korea and visitedTaeng’s parents’ eye-glasses shop in chunju(全州). They even got a chanceto have dinner with Taeng’s parents and Haeyeon (Taeng’ssister).
Here’s part of what Taeng’s father told them. Fany’s grandfather passedaway a while ago and Fanu was very upset about that. She then leftSouth Korea on last Thursday to attend his funeral. Arriving the Stateson Friday, she had to leave on the same day because she had to attend Mu Core…
He also mentioned that Fany is now calling them umma and abba….aswell as Taeng, and would treat them as her own parents. He told themthat Fany would tell them how hard the training was and so, and wouldalways want a hug from them,especially Taeng’s mum.