wakakakakkakakaa... mung nak jadik keluarga 69 ker.. tonggang terbalik dah.. nikah sana nikah sini
SBG cut tuh... hahahahah part intro aku dha gelak2 evan tak paham sgt... part hae dia tanya pasal kawin... sebab hae slalu citer pasal dia nak kawin... peh tuh aper mende dia nak wat biler kawin.. siap nak bbo bbo buin lagi... peh tuh ada lak artis tuh kata biler dah kawin tak leh buat mende tuh pun rasenyer klu tak silap pemahaman me yg slalu salah translate wakakakaka...peh tuh hae ada mention pasal fans... dia kata fans sms diorg wish goodluck sumer... terkejut Mc sebab fans ada no hp suju... pehtuh dong2 ada mention pasal typo kot.. fans sms sepatutnyer cukhahayo... jadik cuhae wakakkakaka.. part kyu ckkp rambut hyuk cam org indian tuh aku dha nak gelak dah wakakkakakakaka...
peh tuh pasal suju ckp kat sorang artis nih lagu dia best...siap wish goodluck bagai... kat music bank.. last2 suju memang no 1 lak minggu tuh kat music bank wkakakakaka klaka tgk reaksi artis tuh... peh tuh dong2 balas balik... biler suju dpt no 1 artis tuh balik umah terus wakakakkaa..
ok segala terjemahan berdasarkan pemahaman me sendirik...
[090403/SJ] SJ's shocking first impression "Eunhyuk, hairstyle was like an Indian chief
super junior shocking(?) first impression revealed for the first time.
super junior was recently on kbs 2tv's star golden bell, & honestly revealed their first impressions. kyuhyun revealed, "the first time i saw eunhyuk, because of his hairstyle, i thought he was an Indian chief!" following that, shindong said that when he first met eunhyuk he thought, "we're gonna be fellow members?" cos country bumpkin eunhyuk confessed that for a month, he wore the same clothes.
also, super junior revealed mistakes that eunhyuk & shindong made during their radio broadcasts. during broadcast, when introducing the group 'anthem', eunhyuk instead said 'andem'. & during his radio program with kim shinyoung, introduced dongbangshinki's 'wrong number' as 'derision number', eliciting laughter from everyone.
this episode will be broadcast on the 4th.
original article;newsen translation credits; fragment @ sj-world.net may take out with proper credits, but please don't credit yourself~
'derision number' in korean is 우롱 넘버 (woorong nuhmbuh), so they actually sound alike. i should have said so earlier; sorry about that!
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!! adoi nih baru isi te,pat kosong tak sabo nak tgk part teka2 ngan nicole tuh adoi ler dong2 last2 masuk kat group 2AM tuh gara2 nak makan wkakakakaka
WAKAKAKAKAKAKA ~~ rmbt hyuk ala2 tukang masak indian lak!! x sabo nyer la nk tgk dgn sub!!
@ airah
090404 KBS Star Golden Bell - Super Junior Cut Fill in the Blanks
wakakakakaka ~~ tiap kali mula2 hae teka jer, mesti sumer gelak2. mesti dia bg jwpn yg ntah aper2!! boleh lak hyuk bg msg kat han ga in gara2 dia silap teka sbb jwb han ga in!! last2 dorg x dpt mknn tu, dong2 g lari kat ta line!!
(tl note; now in sukira there's a corner where it's 'listen to the song & guess the word', & in the the following part the answer is 'sky', & a listener sent in a wrong answer)
listener; ah~ i can't guess it, but is it yesung oppa's nickname, 'cloud'? eunhyuk; yesung hyung's nickname is 'injoong' ah, 'injoong'~ eeteuk; 'cloud' isn't his nickname, he gave himself that name. eunhyuk; his name in hanja has the meaning of 'cloud', so he called himself that. eeteuk; yesung's real nickname is... eunhyuk; injoong, injoong~ eeteuk; artist's vocal chords. eunhyuk; sensitive personality.
(tl note; just in case you guys don't know, injoong is the philtrum, the area between your nose & upper lip)
eunhyuk; there's a listener that says that she only keeps in constant contact with only two or three of her friends, & that she wants to talk on the phone with eunteuk oppadeul every day. that's right, actually, basically the friends that i constantly keep in contact with are only a few, i too only have one or two, two or three of them. eeteuk; i don't have any. eunhyuk; not even one or two? eeteuk; yes, i really don't. eunhyuk; then you can text sukira. eeteuk; but recently i've been in contact with kangta hyung. he sent me a text saying, "teukah i really miss you". eunhyuk; we should also go see him. eeteuk; i said, "as long as hyung calls out, no matter when or where, i'll fly there". you saw that text right? eunhyuk; yes, i did. eeteuk; i'm just this kind of loyal peron lol eunhyuk; good... i'm really envious of you. i too wanna keep in contact with kangta hyung.but didn't you say that you don't have friends that you keep in constant contact with, right? eeteuk; none. eunhyuk; but among our members there's one that's constantly holding his phone talking nonsense & refusing to hang up, right? eeteuk; yes, the person who refuses to hang up... both; DONGHAE! eeteuk; during sukira, he'll always call & say, "hyung where are you? quick come~ quick come~". eunhyuk; how can he be so silly~ sukira is a live broadcast, & he wants us to quickly go. eeteuk; he still says, "but i miss you~"
original korean to chinese credits;Kimseohye BLG translation credits; fragment @ sj-world.net
eeteuk; last saturday (14th) during mbc music core, during rehearsals when i started dancing i felt that my pants were very cooling & i was suspicious. so while dancing i was feeling the back of my pants & realized that my pants had split. eunhyuk; your pants split? eeteuk; you didn't know? eunhyuk; i didn't know~ really? eeteuk; once we started the dance, there was the move with the splits, after that i felt a unique kinda of coolness. at that time, my pants were the kind that covered the tummy, & the entire part covering my butt had split. eunhyuk; so what did you do? eeteuk; i went offstage. eunhyuk; really? just stay onstage & dance. eeteuk; yeah, i went onstage & continued dancing again. eunhyuk; oh? eeteuk; you didn't know right? lol eunhyuk; really? how did you do it? eeteuk; before the live show, i used pins to fix it temporarily. eunhyuk; ohoh, after rehearsals, the fans at the front didn't see? eeteuk; they didn't.
omo sluo teukie koyak ...wakakakka
eeteuk; it's said that how a guy treats his mum before getting married is how he'll treat his wife when he is married. if that is true, i'm done for. usually i don't even call home, & when mum calls i'll pick up & say "hello? i'm busy now, we'll talk later". eunhyuk; everyone, if you have the idea to marry eeteuk, please discard them. eeteuk; about 500,000 people have this idea~ eunhyuk; really? that's a little fewer than me, i prolly have two million~ eeteuk; really? my 500,000 were picked from another two million~ eunhyuk; if this many people can purchase our album... both; lol
wakakakak...xleh blah tol eunteuk neh
Crybaby Shindong
eeteuk; our shindong, we're already in the year 2009, but when he watched the exciting moment in 2002 when ahn junghwan's header made the goal, he still cried. eunhyuk; usually he looks lively, but actually he's always crying. eeteuk; yes, he can really cry. those that can laugh also really know how to cry. recently, watching baseball games he'll cry too; he says that watching these easily move him. eunhyuk; i can understand his feelings, but just can't cry. eeteuk; but whatever it is, we're in 2009, he watched the 2002 world cup & he can still cry; he really can cry.