Post Last Edit by cn7 at 15-6-2011 15:35
Reply 1616# cn7
Ok…sambungan semalam…. From Milano Central to Duomo Cathedral, we took the metro (aka tube/subway). Interestingly kat Italy (and Spain eg Madrid), diorang punya metro cost is considered cheap. You pergi la mana sekali pun, it is Euro 1 per way. Unlike tube kat London yang ikut Zone, kat sini train paling dekat or paling jauh still cost Euro 1. If you want to use the metro banyak kali, you boleh amik 10 tickets terus, or you can take tickets yang per day punya (around 4 euros I think), yang ni tak kisah berapa kali turun naik metro tapi tu la max harganya). Gambar tak siap download lagi. Tapi I tepek gambar Duomo yang telah menyebabkan I nak pergi ke situ: Credit to :
