the news reported abt Jerry 9314 Man & boy pictorial upcoming event in mainland and Japan and the success of Jerry pictorial
itsmentioned tat Jerry will be in Beijing on June 10 for his pictoriallaunching event and the next day on June 11 at 5:30 p.m., Jerry will beattending the album signing session and it is estimated there will be2000 participants for the event. The special release of his mainlandversion pictorial will have a paperback with hardcover limited editionwith many new unreleased photos as well DVD. Its also mentioned abtJerry sina miniblog is a hit among the viewers on the net..
thenews also reported about Jerry popularity in Japan and great demand onhis pictorial book in Japan market, making the Japan parties haddecided to start airing Jerry 9314 Man & Boy pictorial in their TVseries through The Travel Channel on June 1st. Although the pictorialwill only be released and launched on June 18 in Japan, its alreadyhaving the highest pre order sales in Japan making 9314 Man & Boytopping the Japan HMV Chart sales.. Jerry will be having a fans Hi Fivemeet session on June 19 which compromise of 5,000 fans attending theevent in Tokyo Japan..
The news also stated abt Jerry pictoriallaunching success in Taiwan by stated tat 9314 Man & Boy hassuccessfully selling more than 90,000 copies in just four days beenreleased in Taiwan market, and able to top number 1 on Taiwan Kingstonebook chart for eight straight weeks, setting a sales miracle.
credit to [email protected] for translating
thanks to tina's translation from japanese to chinese
It'sabout Jerry's calling 3 participants in the session. In the clip, therewere the 2nd and 3rd participants called by Jerry. For the 2ndparticipant, Jerry asked her what she was doing. She answered that shewas attending Jerry's session. Then Jerry joked, "Oh, Jerry? He isfamous." As for the 3rd participant, she didn't pick up the phone thefirst time, and Jerry was afraid that a wrong number was called, so hehung up and called again. When the 3rd participant picked up, Jerryjoked with her and asked her to eat out with him. Tina also commentedthat Jerry's Japanese and pronounciation has improved quite a bit.
Otherinformation from okarei who attended the session(s). In the sessions,Jerry has confirmed that he will film a drama next outside of Taiwanand not in Japan, he didn't specify whether it's a movie or tv drama.He did clarify that his stubble look does not concern with any futureprojects. He only felt that he wanted to look more mature as he hasaged.
In the 2nd session, Jerry asked the participants whichlook they liked more, indicating by clapping hands. The applause forthe clean look was much longer than the stubble look's.
In the1st session, when the Assistant Chairman of Japan ALS Associationaccepted the donation from Jerry and sent him flowers, all the mediacame out to take pictures. Read that media was only invited for the 1stsession. Besides, in the 1st session, there was a section introducingJerry's daily life by showing pictures. Firstly, a picture ofgrass/fruit juice was shown and it's called Xiao Pang Pang. Actually,Xiao Pang Pang is a name of a store which sells healthy juices andsandwiches. Then, a picture of something in the kitchen was shown. Atfirst, fans didn't realize what that was, but after it was introducedto squeeze out the juice, then they realized that it was a manualjuicer. Lastly, a picture of electric juicer was shown. Jerryintroduced it as something he carries with him wherever he goes. Fanswere amazed how he could carry it with him, as it's big. Then Jerryclarified that he carries it every time when he works overseas.
Xiukou located Xiao Pang Pang's website
Address: No. 51, Lane 216, Section 4, Zhong Xiao East Rd., Da An District, Taipei
Phone: 02-87714390
Furthermore,when introducing Starlit in the first session, the scene of Cheng Yue'shaving the accident was shown. He said that he and Guan Ying did manytakes for the scene. When the host asked Jerry whether he was afraid ofgetting hurt, Jerry answered that he was not afraid of him gettinghurt, but he was afraid that GY might get hurt. In the 2nd session, thehost asked him how was GY? Jerry said that GY performed naturally whenshe acted, and she has a nice personality, so she does good witheveryone.
Okarei also mentioned that in the 1st session, clipsof Jerry's previous dramas, such as The Hospital, Hot Shot, andStarlit. The host said that there were a lot of arguing scenes inJerry's dramas, and Jerry was always the one who got lectured. Jerryanswered yes, and said that that's why he wanted to play someone whoscolds others next time, like the head of the gang. Then the host askedJerry whether he's someone who is good at arguing in real life, andJerry said that he's pretty good at that in real life, but he hasn'tdone it recently. Then, they talked about crying. Jerry said that thelast time he cried was in a car. Jerry also mentioned that when he wasyoung, he was very hot blooded that he was very loyal to his friends.Once as he helped his friend(s), he ended up being kicked out by hisschool.
waaa....~~!! tp ariel tu limau tak berapa minat laaaa
limau Post at 5-6-2010 20:26
dah t'pikir nih.jerry mmg sswy r bw watak hero coffee prince tuh...
tp ariel????...ntahlah.nk ke dy potg rmbt dy yg pjg tuh?klw pkai rmbt plsu xbes r kn...
...mnnti cerita nih...
tul...jugakkan... coz.. rambut mesti lah kena pendek abis..attitude memang tul2 ken ...
nyampuk Post at 9-6-2010 10:28
ariel nih dala girl2.nk k r dy potg rmbut...but my fren ckp ariel nih klw b'lakon mmg serius...
kmusykilan pasal rmbut j nih.nk k dy potg rmbut......jerry mmg best r klw dpt watak tuh...
jerry kalo angel tepi gambo dia memang ler nangis aku tgk... he3
idung dia yg mancung... shape tulang pipi dia tuh...aduyaiii... shape badan dia walaupon kurus...but fit...apa aku fikir nih ha3
ariel nih dala girl2.nk k r dy potg rmbut...but my fren ckp ariel nih klw b'lakon mmg serius...
kmusykilan pasal rmbut j nih.nk k dy potg rmbut......jerry mmg best r klw dpt watak tuh...
saaya Post at 10-6-2010 10:15
betul... kalo jerry dpt charector tuh memang best lah...
Jerry showed up at the airport in Japan at 7am this morning. Over 100 fans saw him off.
InShanghai, there is a TV Festival, and Liu Li Yang (the singer who sangthe song, Gift, and played Sophie in DWL) and Chen Zi Han, who playedHui Fan in DWL, attended the festival to promote DWL. Liu Li Yang saidthat she was amazed that Jerry looks more handsome in person than ontv, and she really envies his small face. Chen Zi Han commented thatJerry is warm hearted and gentle, and he pays special attention onothers.
Airport in Beijing. A fan reported that she had metquite a number of 20 something yrs. old fans. (kkla: probably attractedby Hot Shot and DW, which is awesome.)