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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:45 AM | Show all posts
baby, ni gambar lps shin kena lempang dgn mak


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Post time 17-3-2006 08:46 AM | Show all posts
wah shin sebut cintakan cg waktu interview ke??
lepas tu habis ke??
ayoyo camne muka cg masa tu....aku takut kalau cg still nak cerai walaupun dah tahu yg shin cintakan dia??takutnya??

prediction yg budak soompi buat banyak dah salah....gheheheeh

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:48 AM | Show all posts
ikut suka hati ye mak yul nak lempang2 shin pasal apa....memang betul pun dia ada hubungan ngan bapak shin....patutpun selama nie bapak shin ikut je kata2 mak yul tu...geram jugak aku ngan perangai bapak shin nie....

bencinya aku..............

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jasmine at 17-3-2006 08:45 AM
baby, ni gambar lps shin kena lempang dgn mak

sian SHIN  aku nie...jahat tul mak YUL nienf:

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2006 08:56 AM | Show all posts
this was the converation goin on between yul and cg on the phone in the last part.
yul : Shin will never leave the status as crown prince
(shin snatches the phone)
shin : u still dun get wad i say? I dunno about others but it definitely cant be you!
(hangs up)
shin tells cg : u listen carefully to wad i say. If u really want it, i will say it for u in the future(meaning the divorce). so i beg u not to say anything later. (didnt get wad was behind.)

cg : don't tell me.. he knows about it? (meaning he knows about the fact she wants to ask for a divorce on live TV)

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Post time 17-3-2006 08:57 AM | Show all posts
sekarang nie bukan setakat yul je aku benci...perangaii cg pun aku dah sakit hati...kenapa yg dia lebih percayakan yul dari shin....kenapa susah sangat dia nak maafkan shin sehingga sanggup nak bercerai...susah2 shin cerai ajelah si cg nie....menyemak je(nie sedang padan hati nie)

nengok preview ep 21...muka cg tu kemain sedih lagi waktu interview tu...langsung tak nak ketawa...aku takut kalau dia still kata nak bercerai aje...lamanya nak nunggu minggu depan

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2006 08:58 AM | Show all posts
according to manga
it will go like this if the mbc ppl follow the manga

Cg will not believe that shin loves her and thinks that it is a tactic to stop her from saying she wants a divorce.. so she say WAIT. i want a divorce.
shin will explain. that they did thought bout it because they didnt marry for love but for political reasons.
the public = uproar.
then shin will say blah blah blah. (the public DUN know about their political marriage and once Cg mentioend that D word.. shin has to explain and ask for forgiveness from the public)
this is the important part

he will say.

there is alot of unexplainable things in this world and the changes that happened in my life was once of them
. I am thankful i made the decision that time and also, i want to thank Bigung, whose decision making must have been tougher than mine. I think the process is important, but also the ending is as important as well.
Tibits loving, carefree girl, a normal high sch girl, entering the palace, embracing the loneliness, missing her family at the same time. She came into the palace where everything needs to be done with precision to become my wife. This girl here, is not strong, not evil, always hidin her tears. But i am in love with this girl.
And people ask urselves, even though she is not perfect, not mature but she willingly accepts her life as tries her best to give her all to be the best crown princess. wouldnt u all fall in love with her?

and lastly pls forgive us.

[ Last edited by PrincessFiona at 17-3-2006 08:59 AM ]

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jasmine at 17-3-2006 08:26 AM
Akhirnya shin sebut gak tiga perkataan ajaib tu..:love::love::love:
Tapi geram lah smlm, bnyk lak babak CG dgn Yul.. Dah tu Yul sempat tepon CG masa nak interview dpn tv. Dierr remind CG psl perce ...

yeke shin dh ckp kt cg???
rukia blm tgk lg ...preview pn blm tgk..baru d/load...
hehe...mesti best kn....
x sabo nk tgk :cak: :cak:

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 17-3-2006 08:58 AM
according to manga
it will go like this if the mbc ppl follow the manga

Cg will not believe that shin loves her and thinks that it is a tactic to stop her from saying she wants a divorce.. so s ...

princess kalau ikut manga lepas mereka kata forgive us...
apa berlaku lepas tu??
cg still nak bercerai ke??

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Manga Vol 11 blum translate lagi.  Tu yg aku tension ni. Nak tahu apa yg terjadi.

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:15 AM | Show all posts
hhhhh...sekarang nie manga yg translate punya sampai vol berapa??

aku check link junji83 still kat vol 9....

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Post time 17-3-2006 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Masih Vol 9 lagi.

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2006 09:22 AM | Show all posts
ni cantumkan dr soompi translation  epie 20...diorg buat live lagi..

It's the picture of Yul kissing CG splashed across the papers .. Shin confronts CG about it .. CG gets flak from the Queen .. Shin gets flak from the King .. Shin's sister and Granny tries damage control ... CG's parents are worried about her .. CG's friends in school try to comfort her but she's the subject of gossip again ..

Yul's mon is at her nonsense again .. brainwashing Yul .. I think he warned her not to make use of CG cos he doesn't want her to be hurt .. ..

Oh no .. not again !!! Yul and CG in their "secret" place .. please no !!! Yul and CG... stop meeting .. things are bad enough for CG !!
Shin and CG conversing but the gap seems to be widening from their heated speech and facial expressions .. Hyorin and Yul's names both mentioned .. CG says she's really tired/stressed .. CG storms off ..

Shin and CG conversing but the gap seems to be widening from their heated speech and facial expressions .. Hyorin and Yul's names both mentioned .. CG says she's really tired/stressed .. CG storms off ..

Now Yul and Shin are talking .. Shin seems to be warning Yul ..

Shin's family had a discussin .. poor CG is so worried she keeps asking Choi Sang Gong "otoke otoke ? '' what to do .. the Queen is now in CG's suite .. more questions for CG .. aaww.. CG looks so scared and stressed .. the Queen is really mad and shouting at CG .. I think she's remnding CG of her duties as the Crown Princess and Shin's wife .. guess she has reason to be suspicious as she is so worried about Shin's position .. Shin appears just as the Queen is leaving.. he sees CG crying and ... HUH>> ??? how come he just walks away without comforing CG .. what did CG say to him for him to walk away like that !!!???

Yul's mohter is up to her no good again .. throwing wood to the fire ..
In class. the teacher quoted some English poem about having wings to the sky .. CG drew a word in her notepad .. Yul walked over to look after everyone left the class. .. what is the word .. Shin's name .. ??

CG and Hyorin say their farewell in school .. I think Hyorin wishes ChaeShin to be happy . . I think CG asks if Hyorin and her can be friends .. I see Hyorin's smile and slight nod before she walks off ..

CG and Yul talking YET AGAIN !!! .. I think Yul is saying about getting back all the things he's lost soon .. things are happening.. and CG's future is with him ??.. ..

Shin, Neshi SangGona and the King have a serious discussion.. Shin is arguing with his father .. I think he's defending CG just before he walks off ... the King continues his talk with Neshi SangGong
Shin meets the Queen in the corridor .. walks off .. his mother looks really worried for him ...
Shin is talking with Yul's mom .. about the Crown Princess position .. he drops a hint .. Yul's mom looks surprised/shocked .. she SLAPS Shin !!
someone just rang shin to tell him hyorin's leaving {may be hyorin herself} and then he goes and tells CG about it...

now it's the hyorin airport scene...
shin and hyorin are doing that smiling at each otehr - that signifies an understanding ebtween the two of them?
you know that smile...
and i think hyorin's telling him to treat CG well; and farewell;
and she almost looks like she's going to kiss him again - but she knows better now and she turns away and walks towards the gates
Both the Mama-moms are planning their next move .. Yul's mom with Yul's assistant (guess Yul wants nothing to do with his mom's plan if it involves hurting CG that's why she's got to get his assistant's help ) . Shin's mom iwth Shin .. .

Shin is looking for CG .. asking Choi SangGong .. apparently Shin forgot that CG's meeting her parents ..
CG's mom looks worried .. her father is urging her to drink the soup ... I think CG is reassuring her parents .. aaawww .. CG's father is such a softie .. crying for CG and her troubles .. her mother is giving her support .. and I think she's telling CG no matter how bad the trouble .. she must not give up ..

SHIN APPEARS with Choi SangGong !! and tells his parents in-law not to worry or is he telling them that CG is not going home .. or anywhere ... Choi SangGong also adds her advice .. Shin wants to hold CG's hand to bring her back .. CG shakes him off.. asks her parent's permission .. walks off alone when her mom nods .. CG's mom breaks down ..

Oh no .. ChaeShin .. negative vibes again .. distant .. arguing .. and CG keeps shaking off Shin's hand when he tries to touch her .. CG is really keeping Shin at a distance .. this is really bad .. no no .. !!!!!

Shin is alone and talks to himself .. Kajiima .. ... some words .. kajima .. don't go ?? Shin gets a phone call ..

must be his friend saying that they are sending Hyorin off .. cos Shin goes to ask CG something about Hyorin and the word airport ..

CG obviously didn't want to go to the airport cos only Shin arrives and talking to Hyorin now .. it's clearly over between them now they are behaving like friend sending good friend off ...
Shin & CG keep on arguing... it seems like Shin is always getting mad at CG but when CG is not around, he's showing his true feelings for her. HR left and Shin asked CG if she would like to go with him to the airport. CG didnt go...

chaegyung is now having a conversation with yul's mum

and she looks like she's trying to do the "generous" look again; playing nice and telling her stories of i don't know what...

and then yul comes in; and i though yul's mum would chuck a fit - but she has this really strange look on her face. CG leaves as quickly as she can and then yul (i think) asks her what she's doing with CG...
now comes the yul and CG - divroce shin talk in the patio

shin of course overhears her saying she'd think about it

and then what happens is the next scene has shin rehearsing his lines; and CG's phone rings..

it's yul doing what he does best...

CG goes outside to take the call and while she's speaking to yul ; shin comes along and takes the phone saying something to yul...

and CG tries to take it off shin to no avail; jus tas she's about to make a scene; shin pushes her (relatively softly) to the wall; and whispers something...

and now here's the interview and my heart is BEATING...







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Post time 17-3-2006 09:39 AM | Show all posts
Tapi masa Shin kata I LOVE HER tu, CG mcm biasa aja, Agaknya dia ingat tu cuma lakonan mcm Peristiwas Shin cium pipi dia depan press dulu.  Shin kata Jadi Royal ni mesti berlakon once in a while.   Aku rasa klu btul  ada scene Kebakaran tu nanti dan bila CG jumpa Shin barulah bleh selesai masaalah ni kan?

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:12 AM | Show all posts
aku pun rasa begitu hhhhh.....

eh kebakaran nie sebenarnya sapa yg buat arr? rasa2nya mak yul kan sebab ikut translation yg princess kasi tu...mak yul yg letak kayu kat apikan...tak silap aku kebakaran tu kat tempat yul kan??(kalau silap tolong betulkan)
dalam manga ramai yg salahkan shin kan...sebab shin ada sebab nak buat tu semua....
shin kena bawa pergi tuk siasatan dan cg rasa kesuyiankan...masa dapat jumpa shin tu dia terus peluk shin dan kata cintakan shin...betul ke??

dah lupa dah part nie dalam vol berapa

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:14 AM | Show all posts
kat soompi ada org citer apa berlaku selepas press conference kat dalam manhwa... part tu belum translit lagi..

shin pegang tangan CG sampai ke kereta... semua org nampak kemesraan dorang.. kat kereta.. SHIN lepaskan tangan CG dan lap tangan dia.. macam tgn CG amat menjijikkan.. kali ni SHIN mmg dah tak percayakan CG.. dan dia jadi COLD semula.. pastu apa ha?? lupa.. CG kena marah? CG.. dua hari kesejukan kat luar istana? kes2 tu semua menyebabkan SHIN jatuh sakit....

hehehe aku tak baca lagi manhwa.. aku rewrite jer apa dorang tulis..

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 Author| Post time 17-3-2006 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 17-3-2006 10:12 AM
aku pun rasa begitu hhhhh.....

eh kebakaran nie sebenarnya sapa yg buat arr? rasa2nya mak yul kan sebab ikut translation yg princess kasi tu...mak yul yg letak kayu kat apikan...tak silap aku  ...

volume 9...yelah sbb aku baca scene yg latest translation...

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:17 AM | Show all posts
aku benci sesangat ngan yul sekarang nie...watak dia dah evil...sama dgn dalam manga...dah takde perasaan kesian tuk aku buat yul...

hhhhh...heheh taknak pindah camp yul ke???....heheh

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eyka at 17-3-2006 10:14 AM
kat soompi ada org citer apa berlaku selepas press conference kat dalam manhwa... part tu belum translit lagi..

shin pegang tangan CG sampai ke kereta... semua org nampak kemesraan dorang ...

eyka aku memang setuju apa yg shin buat pada cg nie...biar dia rasa...
sebelum nie memang aku geram ngan shin...tapi sekarang nie aku geram ngan cg....mana shin tak marah dan percayakan dah buatkan jarak ant dia ngan shin terlalu jauh...dan dia lebih percaya dan ikut kata2 yul...

eh cg kesejukan 2 hari...kenapa pulak??

elok tu shin jatuh sakit biar padan muka cg....

eh apa berlaku lagi arr dalam manga vol 9 tu...sesapa yg baru baca manga citelah dari start kebakaran sampai sekarang nie??

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Post time 17-3-2006 10:24 AM | Show all posts
Yul tu mmg cute.  Tapi 'jahat'.  Aku janji tanak pindah camp lagi..

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