MH17 Waris mangsa belasah jurugambar NST
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edee_91 posted on 2-9-2014 09:04 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
eh sejak bilamana pulak cari forum dah pakai default avatar ni?
lor baru perasan. aku igt forumer tadi edit sendiri![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Selayak nya la sedara mara mereka mampus, terrorist sangat perangai keluarga nya.
lahai... kesian nya sampai bedarah hidung.... |
Kot ye pun takyah la belasah org... |
Jurugambar tu tak salah sbb dah mmg tugas dia dlm menjalankan tanggungjawab tambahan lagi keluarga ni agak popular sbb mangsa yg wanita tu seorg artis. Mesti ramai yg nak tahu perkembangan keluarga beliau dlm menerima musibah ni. Walaubagaimanapun perlu juga diingat bila sampai jenazah tu emosi masing-masing dah tak keruan, bayangkan kalau terjadi kpd saudara mara terdekat kita. Fotografer pulak macam ambik dr angle yg boleh mendatangkan kontroversi, misalnya ibu bapa yg tgh meraung2 tu. Tahulah kaum India ni kalau sedih sampai boleh pukul2 diri. Emosi masing2 di luar kawalan tu. Hulur tangan mohon maaf ajalah, buat nak saman-saman |
Dua2 salah.. Yg penumbuk tu kita fhm la emosi tgh x stabil.. Yg kameraman tu lak x kan x leh ambik pic dr jauh kamera beso gajah patut zoom jer dr jauh.. Ni nak gak ambik pic dpt batang hidung... Mendapat la...lg satu wartawan suka sgt tanya kat family soalan bodoh.. Apa perasaan makcik bl jenazah selamat dikebumikan.. Apa perasaan tu ni.. |
Entah entah dah tegur
Pastu reporter ckp "mmg keja sy"
Tegur tak jln
Belasah je la
wanie84 posted on 2-9-2014 10:56 PM
laki ni masa 1st day tragedi di war warkn aku perasan dia ada di interview kt awani ..
masa tu do ...
Ohh.. hes the one ker? yg kecoh2 marah staff mas sebab tak release2 nama pax. I ingat indian family but thought family yg lain |
Walau marah macam mana pun jangan lah pukul orang. Nampak sangat perangai jahat.Sedih2 jugak tapi janganlah gunakan kekerasan walau marah macam mana pun.Baru dapat mat saleh dok kecoh.Hish... |
Laki yg pulul tu siapa. Adik beradik mangsa ke? |
padan muka
waris dah ckp
xnak media ada
pegi gatal juga
tu la ubat dia
hahahahaha |
Changa posted on 2-9-2014 11:31 PM
Selayak nya la sedara mara mereka mampus, terrorist sangat perangai keluarga nya.
Mesti u kena tumbuk tadikn? |
nurkasih74 posted on 2-9-2014 03:25 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Saje bg otak pikir sikit...ada sesapa ke pernah tgk jasad dlm keranda yg tiba kat msia? Just asking. ...
Nak tgk ke rupa camne... Nah amik link ni... Kat hujung2 video ada mayat siap pakai baju stewardess lagi...
jari10 posted on 2-9-2014 07:44 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
nak bagitau itu aje??
tak salah kn ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
johnazizul posted on 3-9-2014 01:00 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nak tgk ke rupa camne... Nah amik link ni... Kat hujung2 video ada mayat siap pakai baju stewardes ...
dh xde pape.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif)
Ni i bace kat fb. Dr org yg ade kt tmpt kejadian
sumber : fb astro awani
Suthan Mookaiah Saya disana. Pihak media telah di beritahu untuk tidak cover event melalui Mas, Nirvana serta ahli keluarga sebelum isu ini berlaku- tetapi mereka tetap mengendahkan dan meneruskan mengambil gambar dan video.
Saya ulang- Berulangkali mereka telah diberitahu. Malah sudah dinasihat sejak Sekian lama termasuk semalam ( lihat fb saya untuk bukti) ...
Jadi salah kan pengamal media yang tidak tahu adab, yang tidak menghormati permintaaan keluarga untuk meratapi keluarga mereka secara private.
Ini bukan isu perkauman... ini isu pengebumian 3 orang yang mempunyai keluarga ter sayang- yang telah ditolak ke batas maksima oleh media yang lebih mahu berita sensasi dari menghormati keseriusan majlis pengebumian ini.
Antara komen yg ade
Daniel Ibelin If it's really not about race, why the hell was Mr Aizuddin Saad alone singled out and assaulted? There were other journalists and photographers who were snapping away photos at the 'scene of crime'. Why didn't the uncivilized kin attack the other photographers if his intention was really to make his point clear? Mr Aizuddin Saad was CRIMINALLY ASSAULTED because he works for NST; and because he's identified as a Malay. Those are the actual reasons. Period!
Suthan Mookaiah Daniel - you are speaking without any facts. Let me give you some.
1. This family is made of an intermix of relations and friends from different backgrounds, and race. There were Dutch, Malay, Chinese, Indian family and other individuals from other races and nationalities over there today who identified with the family's grief and anger with how the media was handling the event today-when they were not welcomes in the first place.
If you continuously see everything from a racial lens- thats what you will see. The fact is nobody was singled out for their race or media background (none were wearing badges anyway). It just happened that he crossed the line repeatedly, and unlike others, he didnt bother to stop clicking and was giving media statements in the middle of a funeral procession (who does that anyway and do you think thats smart in a high tension event?). Thats what you see in the video, but you didnt see what happened before or after the video stops.
2. Singling NST though, do you know repeatedly they have approached many family members (including a young female family members) over the last 1 month or so, to talk about gruesome things such as asking for confirmation on dead infants pics posted online, conditions of body, have they viewed the body parts/remains and the classic 'how do you feel about this?' Maybe you should ask Aliza Shah from NST about this. She even mentioned that the bosses were urging her to continously ask about all this.
Before you comment on being uncivilized, ask yourself how come the international press were gracious enough to actually listen and not ask stupid questions, but not the local ? Where's their ethics and professionalism ? If they had shown that- all this wouldn't have happened.
3.This is a grieving family who had their family shot down and murdered in cold blood, and have to endure the pain for the last one month, and getting back their remains in such deplorable state of disrespect for their PRIVATE FUNERAL AFFAIR. Media coverage should only be up to the ministers/politician press coverage, and up to receiving their remains in KLIA. They never do, nor have the rights or privilege to be at the private event held in a private center that was held for a private crowd. Let me repeat this- Not the ministers, not the dignitaries, not VVIPs or anyone was allowed or invited other than close family members. A private affair is a private affair, no matter what you say-especially sensitive ones like a funeral ..of not 1, or 2, but 3 family members at the same time!
4. Next time before you run your mouth, kindly take pictures of your next of kin funeral/dead body and post the them online for the world to see before suggesting and shouting racial slurs. You wouldnt want it for yours, why would we want it for ours?
In closing, no media/no pics/no videos are allowed in the proceeding funeral affairs. We spoke in kinder and gracious terms before this but pushed to the brink. Let the family grieve in private.
Antara yg laen.
Deepa Kumari Kawan2 sekalian org yg tumbuk jurugambar tu sy kenal...dia dah cakap baik2 dah dgn org2 media supaya diberi privisi tp jurugambar itu berkeras jg nk ambik gambar....di sini kita perlu sedar bhw org tu menerima mayat...bukannya menerima menantu...tlg hormat tidak kira apa2 pun kaum...kehiangan, kesakitan itu tetap sama sahaja
P/s: dua2 pun ade slh nye. Hrp dpt setelkan dgn cara baek.
Apa pun kalau dah cross the line, takkan nak handle secara keganasan jugak kot. Minta rela bertugas kawal keadaan kalau dah nak private. Tak sokong orang crossing and also tak sokong keganasan. |
dah agak pun pihak wartawan & photographer tak endah all the warning signs, kurang ajar namanya, whatever it is, manusia pun ada jugak limitnya, if you dont respect me, why shoud i respect you? simple. |
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